blob: 5f4597fce696e299c99983b370381f3985268892 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Vyacheslav P. Shakin
#ifndef _IA32_PRINTER_H_
#define _IA32_PRINTER_H_
#include "open/types.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "MemoryManager.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include "CodeGenIntfc.h"
#include "Ia32IRManager.h"
#include "PrintDotFile.h"
#include "LogStream.h"
#include <fstream>
namespace Jitrino
namespace Ia32{
// class Printer
/** class Printer is the base class in the Ia32 CG debug printing framework
It allows to specify a print output destination, and imposes the base structure of
the printed document (header, body, end).
Each printXXX method receives the indent operand for recursive indentation of the output
class Printer
/** creates Printer instance for the specified IRManager
Allows to provide an optinal title
Printer(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:irManager(irm), title(_title), os(0)
{if (irManager==NULL) irManager = CompilationContext::getCurrentContext()->getLIRManager();}
/** destructs Printer instance */
virtual ~Printer() {}
/** Sets os as the current output destination */
Printer& setStream(::std::ostream& os);
Printer& open(char* fname);
void close();
/** print everything supposed to be printed to the current output */
virtual void print(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printHeader(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printEnd(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printBody(U_32 indent=0);
/** Prints indent tabs */
virtual void printIndent(U_32 indent)
{ while (indent--) getStream()<<'\t'; }
static void printIndent(::std::ostream& os, U_32 indent)
{ Printer p; p.setStream(os); p.printIndent(indent); }
/** returns the current output desitnation */
::std::ostream& getStream(){ assert(os); return *os; }
/** returns the title set in the constuctor */
const char * getTitle(){ return title; }
/** returns a pointer to the IRManager associated with this printer */
const IRManager * getIRManager(){ return irManager; }
const IRManager * irManager;
const char * title;
LogStream logs;
::std::ostream * os;
// class OpcodeDescriptionPrinter
/** class OpcodeDescriptionPrinter prints the current table
of opcode description groups and introduces methods for printing of basic
LIR parts: Constraints, RegNames, opnd roles.
class OpcodeDescriptionPrinter: public Printer
OpcodeDescriptionPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:Printer(irm, _title){}
virtual void printConstraint(Constraint constraint);
static void printConstraint(::std::ostream& os, Constraint constraint)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printConstraint(constraint); }
virtual void printRegName(const RegName regName);
static void printRegName(::std::ostream& os, const RegName regName)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printRegName(regName); }
virtual void printOpndRoles(U_32 roles);
static void printOpndRoles(::std::ostream& os, U_32 roles)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpndRoles(roles); }
virtual void printOpndRolesDescription(const Encoder::OpndRolesDescription * ord);
static void printOpndRolesDescription(::std::ostream& os, Encoder::OpndRolesDescription * ord)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpndRolesDescription(ord); }
virtual void printOpcodeDescription(const Encoder::OpcodeDescription * od, U_32 indent=0);
static void printOpcodeDescription(::std::ostream& os, Encoder::OpcodeDescription * od, U_32 indent=0)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpcodeDescription(od, indent); }
virtual void printOpcodeGroup(const Encoder::OpcodeGroup* og, U_32 indent=0);
static void printOpcodeGroup(::std::ostream& os, Encoder::OpcodeGroup* og, U_32 indent=0)
{ OpcodeDescriptionPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpcodeGroup(og, indent); }
virtual void print(U_32 indent=0);
// class IRPrinter
/** class IRPrinter performs debug printing of a CFG in the text format
It also introduces methods to print LIR elements in the text format.
class IRPrinter: public OpcodeDescriptionPrinter
enum OpndFlavor{
IRPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:OpcodeDescriptionPrinter(irm, _title), instFilter((U_32)Inst::Kind_Inst),
opndFlavor((U_32)OpndFlavor_All), opndRolesFilter((U_32)(Inst::OpndRole_InstLevel|Inst::OpndRole_Use|Inst::OpndRole_Def))
IRPrinter & setInstFilter(U_32 kinds){ instFilter=kinds; return *this; }
IRPrinter & setOpndFlavor(U_32 f){ opndFlavor=f; return *this; }
IRPrinter & setOpndRolesFilter(U_32 orf){ opndRolesFilter=orf; return *this; }
virtual void printNodeName(const Node * node);
static void printNodeName(::std::ostream& os, const Node * node)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printNodeName(node); }
virtual void printNodeHeader(const Node * node, U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printNodeInstList(const Node* bb, U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printNode(const Node * node, U_32 indent=0);
static void printNode(::std::ostream& os, const Node * node, U_32 indent=0)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printNode(node, indent); }
virtual void printEdge(const Edge * edge);
static void printEdge(::std::ostream& os, const Edge * edge)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printEdge(edge); }
virtual void printInst(const Inst * inst);
static void printInst(::std::ostream& os, const Inst * inst,
U_32 opndRolesFilter=Inst::OpndRole_Explicit|Inst::OpndRole_Auxilary|Inst::OpndRole_Use|Inst::OpndRole_Def,
U_32 opndFlavor=OpndFlavor_Default
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.setOpndRolesFilter(opndRolesFilter); p.setOpndFlavor(opndFlavor); p.printInst(inst); }
virtual U_32 printInstOpnds(const Inst * inst, U_32 opndRolesFilter);
virtual void printOpndRoles(U_32 roles);
static void printOpndRoles(::std::ostream& os, U_32 roles)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpndRoles(roles); }
void printOpndName(const Opnd * opnd);
static void printOpndName(::std::ostream& os, const Opnd * opnd)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printOpndName(opnd); }
virtual U_32 getOpndNameLength(Opnd * opnd);
virtual void printOpnd(const Inst * inst, U_32 idx, bool isLiveBefore=false, bool isLiveAfter=false);
virtual void printOpnd(const Opnd * opnd, U_32 roles=0, bool isLiveBefore=false, bool isLiveAfter=false);
static void printOpnd(::std::ostream& os, const Opnd * opnd, U_32 of=OpndFlavor_Default)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.setOpndFlavor(of); p.printOpnd(opnd); }
virtual void printRuntimeInfo(const Opnd::RuntimeInfo * ri);
static void printRuntimeInfo(::std::ostream& os, const Opnd::RuntimeInfo * ri)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printRuntimeInfo(ri); }
virtual void printType(const Type * type);
static void printType(::std::ostream& os, const Type * type)
{ IRPrinter p; p.setStream(os); p.printType(type); }
virtual void printCFG(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printBody(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void print(U_32 indent=0);
static const char * getPseudoInstPrintName(Inst::Kind k);
U_32 instFilter;
U_32 opndFlavor;
U_32 opndRolesFilter;
inline ::std::ostream& operator << (::std::ostream& os, Opnd * opnd){ IRPrinter::printOpnd(os, opnd); return os; }
// class IROpndPrinter
class IROpndPrinter: public IRPrinter
IROpndPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:IRPrinter(irm, _title){}
void printBody(U_32 indent=0);
void printHeader(U_32 indent=0);
// class IRLivenessPrinter
class IRLivenessPrinter: public IRPrinter
IRLivenessPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:IRPrinter(irm, _title){}
void printNode(const Node * node, U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printLiveSet(const BitSet * ls);
static void printLiveSet(::std::ostream& os, const IRManager& irm, const BitSet * ls)
{ IRLivenessPrinter p(&irm); p.setStream(os); p.printLiveSet(ls); }
// class IRInstConstraintPrinter
class IRInstConstraintPrinter: public IRPrinter
IRInstConstraintPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:IRPrinter(irm, _title){}
virtual void printOpnd(const Inst * inst, U_32 opndIdx, bool isLiveBefore=false, bool isLiveAfter=false);
// class IRDotPrinter
/** class IRPrinter performs debug printing of a CFG in the dot-file format
It overrides certain methods to print LIR elements in the dot-file format.
class IRDotPrinter: public IRPrinter
IRDotPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:IRPrinter(irm, _title){}
virtual void printNode(const Node * node);
virtual void printEdge(const Edge * edge);
virtual void printLayoutEdge(const BasicBlock * from, const BasicBlock * to);
virtual void printTraversalOrder(CGNode::OrderType orderType);
virtual void printLiveness();
virtual void printCFG(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printHeader(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printEnd(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void printBody(U_32 indent=0);
virtual void print(U_32 indent=0);
// class IRDotPrinter
/** class IRLivenessPrinter performs debug printing of a CFG in the dot-file format
focusing in liveness information for operands
class IRLivenessDotPrinter: public IRDotPrinter
IRLivenessDotPrinter(const IRManager * irm=0, const char * _title=0)
:IRDotPrinter(irm, _title){}
virtual void printNode(const Node * node);
virtual void printBody(U_32 indent=0);
void printLivenessForInst(const StlVector<Opnd*> opnds, const BitSet * ls0, const BitSet * ls1);
char * getRegString(char * str, Constraint c, StlVector<Opnd *> opnds);
// LIR logging helpers
void dumpIR(
const IRManager * irManager,
U_32 stageId,
const char * readablePrefix,
const char * readableStageName,
const char * stageTagName,
const char * subKind1,
const char * subKind2=0,
U_32 instFilter=Inst::Kind_Inst,
U_32 opndFlavor=IRPrinter::OpndFlavor_All,
U_32 opndRolesFilter=Inst::OpndRole_Explicit|Inst::OpndRole_Auxilary|Inst::OpndRole_Implicit|Inst::OpndRole_Use|Inst::OpndRole_Def
void printDot(
const IRManager * irManager,
U_32 stageId,
const char * readablePrefix,
const char * readableStageName,
const char * stageTagName,
const char * subKind1,
const char * subKind2=0,
U_32 instFilter=Inst::Kind_Inst,
U_32 opndFlavor=IRPrinter::OpndFlavor_All,
U_32 opndRolesFilter=Inst::OpndRole_Explicit|Inst::OpndRole_Auxilary|Inst::OpndRole_Implicit|Inst::OpndRole_Use|Inst::OpndRole_Def
void printRuntimeArgs(::std::ostream& os, U_32 opndCount, CallingConvention::OpndInfo * infos, JitFrameContext * context);
void printRuntimeOpnd(::std::ostream& os, TypeManager & tm, Type::Tag typeTag, const void * p);
void printRuntimeObjectOpnd(::std::ostream& os, TypeManager & tm, const void * p);
void printRuntimeObjectContent(::std::ostream& os, TypeManager & tm, Type * type, const void * p);
void __stdcall printRuntimeOpndInternalHelper(const void * p) stdcall__;
}}; // namespace Ia32