blob: ceae2c321ae721d9403f8a304f09299174b58cfc [file] [log] [blame]
; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
; contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
; this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
; The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
; (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
; the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
PUBLIC vectored_exception_handler
EXTRN vectored_exception_handler_internal:PROC
vectored_exception_handler PROC
; LONG NTAPI vectored_exception_handler(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS nt_exception)
; Args:
; rcx - nt_exception
; rdx - none
; r8 - none
; r9 - none
sub rsp, 32 ; allocate stack for 4 registers
call vectored_exception_handler_internal
add rsp, 32
vectored_exception_handler ENDP
PUBLIC port_win_dbg_break
port_win_dbg_break PROC
;void __declspec(naked) __cdecl port_win_dbg_break()
int 3
port_win_dbg_break ENDP
; struct Registers {
; uint64 rsp; ; 00h
; uint64 rbp; ; 08h
; uint64 rip; ; 10h
; // callee-saved
; uint64 rbx; ; 18h
; uint64 r12; ; 20h
; uint64 r13; ; 28h
; uint64 r14; ; 30h
; uint64 r15; ; 38h
; // scratched
; uint64 rax; ; 40h
; uint64 rcx; ; 48h
; uint64 rdx; ; 50h
; uint64 rsi; ; 58h
; uint64 rdi; ; 60h
; uint64 r8; ; 68h
; uint64 r9; ; 70h
; uint64 r10; ; 78h
; uint64 r11; ; 80h
; U_32 eflags;; 88h
; };
; void port_transfer_to_regs(Registers* regs)
PUBLIC port_transfer_to_regs
port_transfer_to_regs PROC
mov rdx, rcx ; regs pointer (1st param - RCX) -> RDX
mov rbp, qword ptr [rdx+08h] ; RBP field
mov rbx, qword ptr [rdx+18h] ; RBX field
mov r12, qword ptr [rdx+20h] ; R12 field
mov r13, qword ptr [rdx+28h] ; R13 field
mov r14, qword ptr [rdx+30h] ; R14 field
mov r15, qword ptr [rdx+38h] ; R15 field
mov rsi, qword ptr [rdx+58h] ; RSI field
mov rdi, qword ptr [rdx+60h] ; RDI field
mov r8, qword ptr [rdx+68h] ; R8 field
mov r9, qword ptr [rdx+70h] ; R9 field
mov r10, qword ptr [rdx+78h] ; R10 field
mov r11, qword ptr [rdx+80h] ; R11 field
mov rax, qword ptr [rdx+00h] ; (new RSP) -> RAX
mov qword ptr [rsp], rax ; (new RSP) -> [RSP] for future use
mov rcx, qword ptr [rdx+10h] ; (new RIP) -> RCX
mov qword ptr [rax-88h],rcx ; (new RIP) -> [(new RSP) - 128 - 8]
mov rax, qword ptr [rdx+40h] ; RAX field
movzx rcx, word ptr [rdx+88h] ; (word)EFLAGS -> RCX
test rcx, rcx
je __skipefl__
and dword ptr [rsp], 003F7202h ; Clear OF, DF, TF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF
and ecx, 00000CD5h ; Clear all except OF, DF, SF, ZF, AF, PF, CF
or dword ptr [rsp], ecx
popfq ; restore RFLAGS
mov rcx, qword ptr [rdx+48h] ; RCX field
mov rdx, qword ptr [rdx+50h] ; RDX field
mov rsp, qword ptr [rsp] ; load new RSP
jmp qword ptr [rsp-88h] ; JMP to new RIP
port_transfer_to_regs ENDP
; void port_longjump_stub(void)
; after returning from the called function, RSP points to the 2 argument
; slots in the stack. Saved Registers structure pointer is (RSP + 48)
; | interrupted |
; | program | <- RSP where the program was interrupted by exception
; |-------------|
; | 0x80 bytes | <- preserved stack area - we will not change it
; |-------------|
; | return addr |
; | from stub | <- for using in port_transfer_to_regs as [(new RSP) - 128 - 8]
; |-------------|
; | saved |
; | Registers | <- to restore register context
; |-------------|
; | [alignment] | <- align Regs pointer to 16-bytes boundary
; |-------------|
; | pointer to |
; | saved Regs | <- (RSP + 48)
; |-------------|
; | arg 5 | <- present even if not used
; |-------------|
; | arg 4 | <- present even if not used
; |-------------|
; | 32 bytes | <- 'red zone' for argument registers flushing
; |-------------|
; | return addr |
; | from 'fn' | <- address to return to the port_longjump_stub
; |-------------|
PUBLIC port_longjump_stub
port_longjump_stub PROC
mov rcx, qword ptr [rsp + 48] ; load RCX with the address of saved Registers
call port_transfer_to_regs ; restore context
ret ; dummy RET - unreachable
port_longjump_stub ENDP
; void* __cdecl port_setstack_stub(Registers* regs);
; The function calls some function on alternative stack.
; Function address is already in RIP register of 'regs' structure.
; We only need to store return address and stack address.
; | saved stack |
; | address | <- to store RSP of current stack
; |-------------|
; | arg 5 | <- present even if not used
; |-------------|
; | arg 4 | <- present even if not used
; |-------------|
; | 32 bytes | <- 'red zone' for argument registers flushing
; |-------------|
; | return addr | <- points to port_setstack_stub_end
; |-------------| <- regs->rsp points to this cell
PUBLIC port_setstack_stub
port_setstack_stub PROC
push rbp
mov r9, qword ptr [rcx] ; get new rsp
call port_setstack_stub_mid
pop rax ; get address of port_setstack_stub_mid
; calculate address of port_setstack_stub_end
add rax, (port_setstack_stub_end - port_setstack_stub_mid)
; store return address
mov qword ptr [r9], rax
; store current RSP
mov qword ptr [r9 + 56], rsp
; RCX is unchanged
call port_transfer_to_regs
; restore RSP
mov rsp, qword ptr [rsp + 48]
pop rbp
port_setstack_stub ENDP