blob: d82edeae24bdbee039fc66ec165a01a8cda8cf6d [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="jitrino" default="build" basedir="../..">
<property name="component" value="jitrino"/>
<import file="common-vm.xml"/>
<target name="clean" >
<clean-native />
<target name="build" depends="-init-win,-init-unix">
<path id="jit.includes">
<dirset dir="${vm.home}/jitrino/src">
<include name="dynopt" />
<include name="main" />
<include name="shared" />
<include name="optimizer" />
<include name="optimizer/ssa" />
<include name="optimizer/abcd" />
<include name="translator" />
<include name="translator/java" />
<include name="vm" />
<include name="codegenerator" />
<include name="codegenerator/ia32" unless="is.ia64"/>
<include name="jet" unless="is.ia64"/>
<include name="codegenerator/ipf" if="is.ia64"/>
<include name="codegenerator/ipf/include" if="is.ia64"/>
<dirset dir="${vm.home}">
<include name="port/src/encoder/ia32_em64t" unless="is.ia64"/>
<include name="vmcore/src/util/win/include" if=""/>
<include name="vmcore/src/util/linux/include" if="is.unix"/>
<pathelement location="${drlvm.include.dir}" />
<pathelement location="${vm.home}/include" />
<pathelement location="${vm.home}/vmcore/include" />
<pathelement location="${vm.home}/port/include" />
<depend-includes paths="jit.includes"/>
<depend-selector rebuild-flag="jit.includes.uptodate" id="jit.depends"/>
<compiler id="cpp.compiler" extends="plaf.cpp.compiler">
<includepath><path refid="jit.includes"/></includepath>
<fileset dir="${vm.home}/jitrino/src">
<selector refid="jit.depends"/>
<include name="dynopt/*.cpp" />
<include name="main/*.cpp" />
<include name="shared/*.cpp" />
<include name="optimizer/*.cpp" />
<include name="optimizer/ssa/*.cpp" />
<include name="optimizer/abcd/*.cpp" />
<include name="translator/*.cpp" />
<include name="translator/java/*.cpp" />
<include name="vm/*.cpp" />
<include name="codegenerator/*.cpp"/>
<include name="codegenerator/ipf/*.cpp" if="is.ia64"/>
<include name="codegenerator/ia32/*.cpp" unless="is.ia64"/>
<include name="jet/*.cpp" unless="is.ia64"/>
<defineset define="PROJECT_JITRINO" />
<defineset define="JIT_LOGS,JIT_STATS" if="is.cfg.debug" />
<link-lib name="jitrino" type="shared">
<linker id="jitrino.linker" extends="common.linker">
<libset libs="harmonyvm,encoder,hythr" dir="${drlvm.lib.dir}" if=""/>
<linkerarg value="/OPT:REF" if=""/>
<syslibset type="shared" libs="m" if="is.unix"/>
<syslibset type="shared" libs="dl" if="is.linux"/>
<linkerarg value="--version-script=${vm.home}/jitrino/build/jitrino.exp" if="is.unix"/>
<echo message="Copying configuration files for jitrino..."/>
<copy todir="${drlvm.bin.dir}" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="${vm.home}/jitrino/config">
<include name="ia32/*" if="is.x86"/>
<include name="em64t/*" if="is.x86_64"/>
<include name="ipf/*" if="is.ia64"/>
<!-- windows specific -->
<target name="-init-win" depends="-common-vm" if="">
<compiler id="plaf.cpp.compiler" extends="common.cpp.compiler">
<!-- _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE added to suppress a huge amount of complaints from msvc em64t compiler -->
<compilerarg value="/TP" />
<compilerarg value="/Zc:forScope" />
<compilerarg value="/WL" />
<compilerarg value="/W4" />
<!-- <compilerarg value="/WX" /> -->
<compilerarg value="/Gm" if="is.cfg.debug"/>
<compilerarg value="/RTC1" if="is.cfg.debug"/>
<compilerarg value="/Ot" if="is.cfg.release"/>
<compilerarg value="/Qvec_report0" if="is.icl" unless="is.cfg.debug"/>
<compilerarg value="/Qww1,82,111,172,181,279,280,373,424,593,654,858" if="is.icl"/>
<compilerarg value="/Qwd82,193,271,304,373,383,424,444,654,869,981,1125,1418,1419,1572,1683" if="is.icl"/>
# /Qwd[tag,...] Disable the soft diagnostics that corresponds to tag.
# /Qwr[tag,...] Override the severity of the soft diagnostics corresponding to tag and make it a remark.
# /Qww[tag,...] Override the severity of the soft diagnostics corresponding to tag and make it a warning.
# /Qwe[tag,...] Override the severity of the soft diagnostics corresponding to tag and make it an error.
# Following icl warning added to icl command line
# remark #1: last line of file ends without a newline
# remark #82: storage class is not first
# remark #111: statement is unreachable
# remark #181: argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
# remark #193: zero used for undefined preprocessing identifier
# remark #271: trailing comma is nonstandard
# remark #279: controlling expression is constant
# remark #280: selector expression is constant
# remark #304: access control not specified ("private" by default)
# remark #373: "xxx" is inaccessible
# remark #383: value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used
# remark #424: extra ";" ignored
# remark #444: destructor for base class "..." is not virtual
# remark #593: variable "xxx" was set but never used
# remark #654: overloaded virtual function "xxx" is only partially overridden in class "yyy"
# remark #858: type qualifier on return type is meaningless
# remark #869: parameter "o" was never referenced
# remark #981: operands are evaluated in unspecified order
# remark #1418: external definition with no prior declaration
# remark #1419: external declaration in primary source file
# warning #1125: function "xxx" is hidden by "yyy" - virtual function override intended?
# warning #1572: floating-point equality and inequality comparisons are unreliable
<compilerarg value="/wd4201" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4244" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4512" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4702" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4100" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4127" if="is.msvc"/>
<compilerarg value="/wd4718" if="is.msvc" unless="is.cfg.debug"/>
#4201 - W4, nonstandart extention - nameless struct or union
#4702 - W4, unreachable code (fired in STL's <list>)
#4512 - assigment operator can not be generated
#4100 - unreferenced formal parameter
#4127 - conditional expression is constant
#4718 - release: recursive call has no side effects, deleting
# specify where to put the per-compilation unit pdb
# this is needed to make the parallel compilation to work with cl:
# the default name is the same for all input files (vc70.pdb) and
# thus causes problems during parralel build.
<target name="-init-unix" depends="-common-vm" if="is.unix">
<compiler id="plaf.cpp.compiler" extends="common.cpp.compiler">
<compilerarg value="-fmessage-length=0" if="is.gcc"/>
<compilerarg value="-Wall" if="is.gcc"/>
<compilerarg value="-Werror" if="is.gcc"/>
<compilerarg value="-Wno-uninitialized" if="is.gcc"/>
<compilerarg value="-x" />
<compilerarg value="c++" />
<compilerarg value="-fPIC" />
<compilerarg value="-fno-exceptions" />
<compilerarg value="-wd68" if="is.icc"/>
<compilerarg value="-wd654" if="is.icc"/>
<compilerarg value="-wd854" if="is.icc"/>
<compilerarg value="-wd470" if="is.icc"/>
<compilerarg value="-wd1572" if="is.icc"/>
<compilerarg value="-wd1125" if="is.icc"/>
# 470 - 'qualified name is not allowed in member declaration'
# warning #1125: function "xxx" is hidden by "yyy"
- virtual function override intended
# warning #1572: floating-point equality and inequality comparisons are unreliable
<compilerarg value="-O" if="is.unix" unless="is.cfg.debug"/>