blob: ef582a67f60e776b597b0495919b04c346af6a14 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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<!-- Exclusion filter for running FindBugs against Apache Harmony -->
Format and code information is available here
<!-- Public semaphore in ReferenceQueue is okay -->
<Class name="java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue"></Class>
<Bug pattern="PS_PUBLIC_SEMAPHORES"></Bug>
<!-- Number classes should be able to call Number constructors -->
<Class name="java.lang.Byte" />
<Class name="java.lang.Character" />
<Class name="java.lang.Integer" />
<Class name="java.lang.Long" />
<Class name="java.lang.Short" />
<Bug pattern="DM_NUMBER_CTOR" />
OK to use signed right shift instead of unsigned because numbers used
are positive
<Class name="java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock" />
<Method name="of" />
<Bug code="IM" />
Javadoc specifies that ByteArrayInputStream's constructors are
designed to take a mutable byte array as an argument and not copy it
<Class name="" />
<Bug pattern="EI_EXPOSE_REP2" />
Javadoc specifies that CharArrayReader's constructors are designed to
take a mutable char array as an argument and not copy it
<Class name="" />
<Bug pattern="EI_EXPOSE_REP2" />
<!-- Fallthrough in switch statement is meant to be there -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="read" />
<Bug code="SF" />
<!-- Fallthrough in switch statement is meant to be there -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="read" />
OK to compare Strings using using == or != in the String class itself
<Class name="java.lang.String" />
<Class name="java.lang.String" />
<!-- Ignore this unused private method -->
<Class name="java.lang.String" />
<Method name="indexOf" />
Field h is required to be non-transient as part of the serialized form
specification for Proxy
<Class name="java.lang.reflect.Proxy" />
<Field name="h" />
<Bug code="Se" />
Exceptions have to be ignored because method doesn't throw an
Exception in the spec
<Class name="java.lang.SecurityManager" />
<Method name="checkTopLevelWindow" />
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
<!-- OK to use mutable Objects for DatagramPacket -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="setData" />
<Method name="getData" />
<Bug code="EI2, EI" />
<!-- Spec requires that InetAddress readResolve is private -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="readResolve" />
<!-- Method is not static in the spec, so can't change it -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="setDefaultUseCaches" />
<!-- Exceptions are supposed to be ignored -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="getContentHandler" />
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
<!-- Exceptions are supposed to be ignored -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="setupStreamHandler" />
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
<!-- URLClassLoader needs to use URL.equals() method -->
<Class name="" />
<!-- URLClassLoader deals with collections of URLs -->
<Class name="" />
<Bug pattern="DMI_COLLECTION_OF_URLS" />
<!-- OK for URLClassLoader to ignore the exception here -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="findResources"/>
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
<!-- Ignoring exceptions in this method is ok -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="setupStreamHandler" />
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
It does make sense for AbstractList to have a transient field because
it has serializable subclasses
<Class name="java.util.AbstractList" />
<Bug code="Se" />
<!-- False positive caused by compiler -->
<Class name="java.util.AbstractList" />
<Method name="addAll" />
<Bug code="DLS" />
<!-- Spec says this field is not set by deserialization -->
<Class name="java.util.EventObject" />
<Field name="source" />
GregorianCalendar.equals does not need to check for null because it
delegates to its superclass, which does
<Class name="java.util.GregorianCalendar" />
<Method name="equals" />
<Bug code="NP" />
The comparator field is part of the serialized form specification for
both TreeMap and PriorityQueue
<Class name="java.util.TreeMap" />
<Class name="java.util.PriorityQueue" />
<Field name="comparator" />
<Bug code="Se" />
<!-- Ignore this unread field -->
<Class name="java.util.Timer" />
<Field name="finalizer" />
<Bug pattern="URF_UNREAD_FIELD" />
<!-- Exception is ignored on purpose -->
<Class name="java.util.Timer$TimerImpl" />
<Method name="run" />
<Bug pattern="DE_MIGHT_IGNORE" />
Initialization of Locale.availableLocales doesn't need to be
synchronized as it won't matter if it is initialized twice
<Class name="java.util.Locale" />
<Method name="getAvailableLocales" />
<Bug code="LI" />
OK to use signed right shift instead of unsigned because all numbers
are positive
<Class name="java.util.Arrays" />
<Bug code="IM" />
OK to use unsynchronized access in Hashtable.HashIterator and
NOTE - it would be good to be able to make this exclusion a bit more
<Class name="java.util.Hashtable" />
<Bug code="IS" />
Comparators are generally Serializable so it's OK for this field not
to be transient
<Class name="java.util.Collections$ReverseComparatorWithComparator" />
<Bug code="Se" />
<!-- Fall through in switch statements are meant to be there -->
<Class name="org.apache.harmony.luni.util.FloatingPointParser" />
<Method name="parseDblName" />
<Method name="parseFltName" />
<!-- OK to throw a NullPointerException if one key is null -->
<Class name="org.apache.harmony.luni.util.TwoKeyHashMap" />
<Bug code="NP" />
<!-- Unread fields are used by native code -->
<Class name="" />
<Field name="interfaceAddr" />
<Field name="isIPV6Address" />
<Field name="interfaceIdx" />
<Bug pattern="URF_UNREAD_FIELD" />
<!-- Invocation of inherited method is intended -->
name="$HttpsEngine" />
<Bug code="IA" />
<!-- JarURLConnectionImpl needs to handle URLs -->
name="" />
<Bug pattern="DMI_COLLECTION_OF_URLS" />