blob: 07d94fea51b081dd983b990633c6f3bcf2f81b4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifdef SWIG
%module (directors="1") HamaPipes
%include "std_string.i"
%feature("director") BSP;
%feature("director") Partitioner;
%feature("director") RecordReader;
%feature("director") RecordWriter;
%feature("director") Factory;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace HamaPipes {
* This interface defines the interface between application code and the
* foreign code interface to Hadoop Map/Reduce.
* A BSPJob defines the properties for a job.
class BSPJob {
virtual bool hasKey(const string& key) const = 0;
virtual const string& get(const string& key) const = 0;
virtual int getInt(const string& key) const = 0;
virtual float getFloat(const string& key) const = 0;
virtual bool getBoolean(const string&key) const = 0;
virtual ~BSPJob() {}
* Task context provides the information about the task and job.
class TaskContext {
* Counter to keep track of a property and its value.
class Counter {
int id;
Counter(int counterId) : id(counterId) {}
Counter(const Counter& counter) : id( {}
int getId() const { return id; }
* Get the BSPJob for the current task.
virtual const BSPJob* getBSPJob() = 0;
* Get the current key.
* @return the current key
//virtual const string& getInputKey() = 0;
* Get the current value.
* @return the current value
//virtual const string& getInputValue() = 0;
* Generate an output record
//virtual void emit(const string& key, const string& value) = 0;
* Mark your task as having made progress without changing the status
* message.
//virtual void progress() = 0;
* Set the status message and call progress.
//virtual void setStatus(const string& status) = 0;
* Register a counter with the given group and name.
//virtual Counter* getCounter(const string& group, const string& name) = 0;
* Increment the value of the counter with the given amount.
//virtual void incrementCounter(const Counter* counter, uint64_t amount) = 0;
virtual void incrementCounter(const string& group, const string& name, uint64_t amount) = 0;
virtual ~TaskContext() {}
* SequenceFile Connector
class SequenceFileConnector {
* Open SequenceFile with option "r" or "w"
* key and value type of the values stored in the SequenceFile
* @return the corresponding fileID
virtual int sequenceFileOpen(const string& path, const string& option, const string& keyType, const string& valueType) = 0;
* Read next key/value pair from the SequenceFile with fileID
virtual bool sequenceFileReadNext(int fileID, string& key, string& value) = 0;
* Append the next key/value pair to the SequenceFile with fileID
virtual bool sequenceFileAppend(int fileID, const string& key, const string& value) = 0;
* Close SequenceFile
virtual bool sequenceFileClose(int fileID) = 0;
class BSPContext: public TaskContext, public SequenceFileConnector {
* Access the InputSplit of the mapper.
//virtual const string& getInputSplit() = 0;
* Get the name of the key class of the input to this task.
virtual const string& getInputKeyClass() = 0;
* Get the name of the value class of the input to this task.
virtual const string& getInputValueClass() = 0;
* Send a data with a tag to another BSPSlave corresponding to hostname.
* Messages sent by this method are not guaranteed to be received in a sent
* order.
virtual void sendMessage(const string& peerName, const string& msg) = 0;
* @return A message from the peer's received messages queue (a FIFO).
virtual const string& getCurrentMessage() = 0;
* @return The number of messages in the peer's received messages queue.
virtual int getNumCurrentMessages() = 0;
* Barrier Synchronization.
* Sends all the messages in the outgoing message queues to the corresponding
* remote peers.
virtual void sync() = 0;
* @return the count of current super-step
virtual long getSuperstepCount() = 0;
* @return the name of this peer in the format "hostname:port".
virtual const string& getPeerName() = 0;
* @return the name of n-th peer from sorted array by name.
virtual const string& getPeerName(int index) = 0;
* @return the index of this peer from sorted array by name.
virtual int getPeerIndex() = 0;
* @return the names of all the peers executing tasks from the same job
* (including this peer).
virtual vector<string> getAllPeerNames() = 0;
* @return the number of peers
virtual int getNumPeers() = 0;
* Clears all queues entries.
virtual void clear() = 0;
* Writes a key/value pair to the output collector
virtual void write(const string& key, const string& value) = 0;
* Deserializes the next input key value into the given objects;
virtual bool readNext(string& key, string& value) = 0;
* Reads the next key value pair and returns it as a pair. It may reuse a
* {@link KeyValuePair} instance to save garbage collection time.
* @return null if there are no records left.
* @throws IOException
//public KeyValuePair<K1, V1> readNext() throws IOException;
* Closes the input and opens it right away, so that the file pointer is at
* the beginning again.
virtual void reopenInput() = 0;
class Closable {
virtual void close() {}
virtual ~Closable() {}
* The application's BSP class to do bsp.
class BSP: public Closable {
* This method is called before the BSP method. It can be used for setup
* purposes.
virtual void setup(BSPContext& context) = 0;
* This method is your computation method, the main work of your BSP should be
* done here.
virtual void bsp(BSPContext& context) = 0;
* This method is called after the BSP method. It can be used for cleanup
* purposes. Cleanup is guranteed to be called after the BSP runs, even in
* case of exceptions.
virtual void cleanup(BSPContext& context) = 0;
* User code to decide where each key should be sent.
class Partitioner {
virtual int partition(const string& key,const string& value, int32_t numTasks) = 0;
virtual ~Partitioner() {}
* For applications that want to read the input directly for the map function
* they can define RecordReaders in C++.
class RecordReader: public Closable {
virtual bool next(string& key, string& value) = 0;
* The progress of the record reader through the split as a value between
* 0.0 and 1.0.
virtual float getProgress() = 0;
* An object to write key/value pairs as they are emited from the reduce.
class RecordWriter: public Closable {
virtual void emit(const string& key,
const string& value) = 0;
* A factory to create the necessary application objects.
class Factory {
virtual BSP* createBSP(BSPContext& context) const = 0;
* Create an application partitioner object.
* @return the new partitioner or NULL, if the default partitioner should be
* used.
virtual Partitioner* createPartitioner(BSPContext& context) const {
return NULL;
* Create an application record reader.
* @return the new RecordReader or NULL, if the Java RecordReader should be
* used.
virtual RecordReader* createRecordReader(BSPContext& context) const {
return NULL;
* Create an application record writer.
* @return the new RecordWriter or NULL, if the Java RecordWriter should be
* used.
virtual RecordWriter* createRecordWriter(BSPContext& context) const {
return NULL;
virtual ~Factory() {}
* Run the assigned task in the framework.
* The user's main function should set the various functions using the
* set* functions above and then call this.
* @return true, if the task succeeded.
bool runTask(const Factory& factory);