blob: f9ca7723e77a2f2261c7e074cf61b0dba82f82ca [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cheatsheet title="Set default Hadoop path tutorial">
This tutorial informs you how to set the default Hadoop
directory for the plugin.
<item title="Create MapReduce Cluster" skip="true">
Define a MapReduce cluster [if you have not done so already]
by opening the MapReduce Servers view and clicking on the
blue elephant in the upper right.
Use the following embedded command to create a new Hadoop Server:
<action pluginId=""
class="org.apache.hadoop.eclipse.actions.NewServerAction" />
<item title="Open and Explore DFS Tree">
Project Explorer view shows an elephant icon for each defined
server. Opening a server entry will open a connection to
the root of that server's DFS tree. You can then explore the
DFS tree.