blob: c2ba6772265bf70c5ca8c9f9e4df8a2b46645acf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "YarnServerCommonServiceProtos";
option java_generic_services = true;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package hadoop.yarn;
import "Security.proto";
import "yarn_protos.proto";
import "yarn_server_common_protos.proto";
import "yarn_service_protos.proto";
message RemoteNodeProto {
optional NodeIdProto node_id = 1;
optional string http_address = 2;
message RegisterDistributedSchedulingAMResponseProto {
optional RegisterApplicationMasterResponseProto register_response = 1;
optional ResourceProto max_container_resource = 2;
optional ResourceProto min_container_resource = 3;
optional ResourceProto incr_container_resource = 4;
optional int32 container_token_expiry_interval = 5;
optional int64 container_id_start = 6;
repeated RemoteNodeProto nodes_for_scheduling = 7;
message DistributedSchedulingAllocateResponseProto {
optional AllocateResponseProto allocate_response = 1;
repeated RemoteNodeProto nodes_for_scheduling = 2;
message DistributedSchedulingAllocateRequestProto {
optional AllocateRequestProto allocate_request = 1;
repeated ContainerProto allocated_containers = 2;
message NodeLabelsProto {
repeated NodeLabelProto nodeLabels = 1;
message RegisterNodeManagerRequestProto {
optional NodeIdProto node_id = 1;
optional int32 http_port = 3;
optional ResourceProto resource = 4;
optional string nm_version = 5;
repeated NMContainerStatusProto container_statuses = 6;
repeated ApplicationIdProto runningApplications = 7;
optional NodeLabelsProto nodeLabels = 8;
optional ResourceProto physicalResource = 9;
message RegisterNodeManagerResponseProto {
optional MasterKeyProto container_token_master_key = 1;
optional MasterKeyProto nm_token_master_key = 2;
optional NodeActionProto nodeAction = 3;
optional int64 rm_identifier = 4;
optional string diagnostics_message = 5;
optional string rm_version = 6;
optional bool areNodeLabelsAcceptedByRM = 7 [default = false];
optional ResourceProto resource = 8;
message UnRegisterNodeManagerRequestProto {
optional NodeIdProto node_id = 1;
message UnRegisterNodeManagerResponseProto {
message NodeHeartbeatRequestProto {
optional NodeStatusProto node_status = 1;
optional MasterKeyProto last_known_container_token_master_key = 2;
optional MasterKeyProto last_known_nm_token_master_key = 3;
optional NodeLabelsProto nodeLabels = 4;
repeated LogAggregationReportProto log_aggregation_reports_for_apps = 5;
repeated AppCollectorDataProto registering_collectors = 6;
message LogAggregationReportProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
optional LogAggregationStatusProto log_aggregation_status = 2;
optional string diagnostics = 3 [default = "N/A"];
message NodeHeartbeatResponseProto {
optional int32 response_id = 1;
optional MasterKeyProto container_token_master_key = 2;
optional MasterKeyProto nm_token_master_key = 3;
optional NodeActionProto nodeAction = 4;
repeated ContainerIdProto containers_to_cleanup = 5;
repeated ApplicationIdProto applications_to_cleanup = 6;
optional int64 nextHeartBeatInterval = 7;
optional string diagnostics_message = 8;
repeated ContainerIdProto containers_to_be_removed_from_nm = 9;
repeated SystemCredentialsForAppsProto system_credentials_for_apps = 10;
optional bool areNodeLabelsAcceptedByRM = 11 [default = false];
// to be deprecated in favour of containers_to_update
repeated ContainerProto containers_to_decrease = 12;
repeated SignalContainerRequestProto containers_to_signal = 13;
optional ResourceProto resource = 14;
optional ContainerQueuingLimitProto container_queuing_limit = 15;
repeated AppCollectorDataProto app_collectors = 16;
// to be used in place of containers_to_decrease
repeated ContainerProto containers_to_update = 17;
message ContainerQueuingLimitProto {
optional int32 max_queue_length = 1;
optional int32 max_queue_wait_time_in_ms = 2;
message SystemCredentialsForAppsProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto appId = 1;
optional bytes credentialsForApp = 2;
////// From collector_nodemanager_protocol ////////////////////////////
message AppCollectorDataProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto app_id = 1;
optional string app_collector_addr = 2;
optional int64 rm_identifier = 3 [default = -1];
optional int64 version = 4 [default = -1];
optional hadoop.common.TokenProto app_collector_token = 5;
/////// collector_nodemanager_protocol //////////////
message ReportNewCollectorInfoRequestProto {
repeated AppCollectorDataProto app_collectors = 1;
message ReportNewCollectorInfoResponseProto {
message GetTimelineCollectorContextRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto appId = 1;
message GetTimelineCollectorContextResponseProto {
optional string user_id = 1;
optional string flow_name = 2;
optional string flow_version = 3;
optional int64 flow_run_id = 4;
message NMContainerStatusProto {
optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
optional ContainerStateProto container_state = 2;
optional ResourceProto resource = 3;
optional PriorityProto priority = 4;
optional string diagnostics = 5 [default = "N/A"];
optional int32 container_exit_status = 6;
optional int64 creation_time = 7;
optional string nodeLabelExpression = 8;
optional int32 version = 9;
message SCMUploaderNotifyRequestProto {
optional string resource_key = 1;
optional string filename = 2;
message SCMUploaderNotifyResponseProto {
optional bool accepted = 1;
message SCMUploaderCanUploadRequestProto {
optional string resource_key = 1;
message SCMUploaderCanUploadResponseProto {
optional bool uploadable = 1;