blob: c77188754e03e39eb10360cc16fe656b21c8ecb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.ReservationSchedulerConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.resource.ResourceWeights;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
public class AllocationConfiguration extends ReservationSchedulerConfiguration {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FSQueue.class.getName());
private static final AccessControlList EVERYBODY_ACL = new AccessControlList("*");
private static final AccessControlList NOBODY_ACL = new AccessControlList(" ");
private static final ResourceCalculator RESOURCE_CALCULATOR =
new DefaultResourceCalculator();
// Minimum resource allocation for each queue
private final Map<String, Resource> minQueueResources;
// Maximum amount of resources per queue
final Map<String, Resource> maxQueueResources;
// Maximum amount of resources for each queue's ad hoc children
private final Map<String, Resource> maxChildQueueResources;
// Sharing weights for each queue
private final Map<String, ResourceWeights> queueWeights;
// Max concurrent running applications for each queue and for each user; in addition,
// for users that have no max specified, we use the userMaxJobsDefault.
final Map<String, Integer> queueMaxApps;
final Map<String, Integer> userMaxApps;
private final int userMaxAppsDefault;
private final int queueMaxAppsDefault;
private final Resource queueMaxResourcesDefault;
// Maximum resource share for each leaf queue that can be used to run AMs
final Map<String, Float> queueMaxAMShares;
private final float queueMaxAMShareDefault;
// ACL's for each queue. Only specifies non-default ACL's from configuration.
private final Map<String, Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList>> queueAcls;
// Reservation ACL's for each queue. Only specifies non-default ACL's from
// configuration.
private final Map<String, Map<ReservationACL, AccessControlList>> resAcls;
// Min share preemption timeout for each queue in seconds. If a job in the queue
// waits this long without receiving its guaranteed share, it is allowed to
// preempt other jobs' tasks.
private final Map<String, Long> minSharePreemptionTimeouts;
// Fair share preemption timeout for each queue in seconds. If a job in the
// queue waits this long without receiving its fair share threshold, it is
// allowed to preempt other jobs' tasks.
private final Map<String, Long> fairSharePreemptionTimeouts;
// The fair share preemption threshold for each queue. If a queue waits
// fairSharePreemptionTimeout without receiving
// fairshare * fairSharePreemptionThreshold resources, it is allowed to
// preempt other queues' tasks.
private final Map<String, Float> fairSharePreemptionThresholds;
private final Set<String> reservableQueues;
private final Map<String, SchedulingPolicy> schedulingPolicies;
private final SchedulingPolicy defaultSchedulingPolicy;
// Policy for mapping apps to queues
QueuePlacementPolicy placementPolicy;
//Configured queues in the alloc xml
Map<FSQueueType, Set<String>> configuredQueues;
// Reservation system configuration
private ReservationQueueConfiguration globalReservationQueueConfig;
private final Set<String> nonPreemptableQueues;
public AllocationConfiguration(Map<String, Resource> minQueueResources,
Map<String, Resource> maxQueueResources,
Map<String, Resource> maxChildQueueResources,
Map<String, Integer> queueMaxApps, Map<String, Integer> userMaxApps,
Map<String, ResourceWeights> queueWeights,
Map<String, Float> queueMaxAMShares, int userMaxAppsDefault,
int queueMaxAppsDefault, Resource queueMaxResourcesDefault,
float queueMaxAMShareDefault,
Map<String, SchedulingPolicy> schedulingPolicies,
SchedulingPolicy defaultSchedulingPolicy,
Map<String, Long> minSharePreemptionTimeouts,
Map<String, Long> fairSharePreemptionTimeouts,
Map<String, Float> fairSharePreemptionThresholds,
Map<String, Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList>> queueAcls,
Map<String, Map<ReservationACL, AccessControlList>> resAcls,
QueuePlacementPolicy placementPolicy,
Map<FSQueueType, Set<String>> configuredQueues,
ReservationQueueConfiguration globalReservationQueueConfig,
Set<String> reservableQueues,
Set<String> nonPreemptableQueues) {
this.minQueueResources = minQueueResources;
this.maxQueueResources = maxQueueResources;
this.maxChildQueueResources = maxChildQueueResources;
this.queueMaxApps = queueMaxApps;
this.userMaxApps = userMaxApps;
this.queueMaxAMShares = queueMaxAMShares;
this.queueWeights = queueWeights;
this.userMaxAppsDefault = userMaxAppsDefault;
this.queueMaxResourcesDefault = queueMaxResourcesDefault;
this.queueMaxAppsDefault = queueMaxAppsDefault;
this.queueMaxAMShareDefault = queueMaxAMShareDefault;
this.defaultSchedulingPolicy = defaultSchedulingPolicy;
this.schedulingPolicies = schedulingPolicies;
this.minSharePreemptionTimeouts = minSharePreemptionTimeouts;
this.fairSharePreemptionTimeouts = fairSharePreemptionTimeouts;
this.fairSharePreemptionThresholds = fairSharePreemptionThresholds;
this.queueAcls = queueAcls;
this.resAcls = resAcls;
this.reservableQueues = reservableQueues;
this.globalReservationQueueConfig = globalReservationQueueConfig;
this.placementPolicy = placementPolicy;
this.configuredQueues = configuredQueues;
this.nonPreemptableQueues = nonPreemptableQueues;
public AllocationConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
minQueueResources = new HashMap<>();
maxChildQueueResources = new HashMap<>();
maxQueueResources = new HashMap<>();
queueWeights = new HashMap<>();
queueMaxApps = new HashMap<>();
userMaxApps = new HashMap<>();
queueMaxAMShares = new HashMap<>();
userMaxAppsDefault = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
queueMaxAppsDefault = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
queueMaxResourcesDefault = Resources.unbounded();
queueMaxAMShareDefault = 0.5f;
queueAcls = new HashMap<>();
resAcls = new HashMap<>();
minSharePreemptionTimeouts = new HashMap<>();
fairSharePreemptionTimeouts = new HashMap<>();
fairSharePreemptionThresholds = new HashMap<>();
schedulingPolicies = new HashMap<>();
defaultSchedulingPolicy = SchedulingPolicy.DEFAULT_POLICY;
reservableQueues = new HashSet<>();
configuredQueues = new HashMap<>();
for (FSQueueType queueType : FSQueueType.values()) {
configuredQueues.put(queueType, new HashSet<>());
placementPolicy =
QueuePlacementPolicy.fromConfiguration(conf, configuredQueues);
nonPreemptableQueues = new HashSet<>();
* Get the ACLs associated with this queue. If a given ACL is not explicitly
* configured, include the default value for that ACL. The default for the
* root queue is everybody ("*") and the default for all other queues is
* nobody ("")
public AccessControlList getQueueAcl(String queue, QueueACL operation) {
Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList> queueAcls = this.queueAcls.get(queue);
if (queueAcls != null) {
AccessControlList operationAcl = queueAcls.get(operation);
if (operationAcl != null) {
return operationAcl;
return (queue.equals("root")) ? EVERYBODY_ACL : NOBODY_ACL;
* Get the map of reservation ACLs to {@link AccessControlList} for the
* specified queue.
public Map<ReservationACL, AccessControlList> getReservationAcls(String
queue) {
return this.resAcls.get(queue);
* Get a queue's min share preemption timeout configured in the allocation
* file, in milliseconds. Return -1 if not set.
public long getMinSharePreemptionTimeout(String queueName) {
Long minSharePreemptionTimeout = minSharePreemptionTimeouts.get(queueName);
return (minSharePreemptionTimeout == null) ? -1 : minSharePreemptionTimeout;
* Get a queue's fair share preemption timeout configured in the allocation
* file, in milliseconds. Return -1 if not set.
public long getFairSharePreemptionTimeout(String queueName) {
Long fairSharePreemptionTimeout = fairSharePreemptionTimeouts.get(queueName);
return (fairSharePreemptionTimeout == null) ?
-1 : fairSharePreemptionTimeout;
* Get a queue's fair share preemption threshold in the allocation file.
* Return -1f if not set.
public float getFairSharePreemptionThreshold(String queueName) {
Float fairSharePreemptionThreshold =
return (fairSharePreemptionThreshold == null) ?
-1f : fairSharePreemptionThreshold;
public boolean isPreemptable(String queueName) {
return !nonPreemptableQueues.contains(queueName);
private ResourceWeights getQueueWeight(String queue) {
ResourceWeights weight = queueWeights.get(queue);
return (weight == null) ? ResourceWeights.NEUTRAL : weight;
public int getUserMaxApps(String user) {
Integer maxApps = userMaxApps.get(user);
return (maxApps == null) ? userMaxAppsDefault : maxApps;
int getQueueMaxApps(String queue) {
Integer maxApps = queueMaxApps.get(queue);
return (maxApps == null) ? queueMaxAppsDefault : maxApps;
float getQueueMaxAMShare(String queue) {
Float maxAMShare = queueMaxAMShares.get(queue);
return (maxAMShare == null) ? queueMaxAMShareDefault : maxAMShare;
* Get the minimum resource allocation for the given queue.
* @param queue the target queue's name
* @return the min allocation on this queue or {@link Resources#none}
* if not set
Resource getMinResources(String queue) {
Resource minQueueResource = minQueueResources.get(queue);
return (minQueueResource == null) ? Resources.none() : minQueueResource;
* Get the maximum resource allocation for the given queue. If the max in not
* set, return the larger of the min and the default max.
* @param queue the target queue's name
* @return the max allocation on this queue
Resource getMaxResources(String queue) {
Resource maxQueueResource = maxQueueResources.get(queue);
if (maxQueueResource == null) {
Resource minQueueResource = minQueueResources.get(queue);
if (minQueueResource != null &&
Resources.greaterThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, Resources.unbounded(),
minQueueResource, queueMaxResourcesDefault)) {
return minQueueResource;
} else {
return queueMaxResourcesDefault;
} else {
return maxQueueResource;
* Get the maximum resource allocation for children of the given queue.
* @param queue the target queue's name
* @return the max allocation on this queue or null if not set
Resource getMaxChildResources(String queue) {
return maxChildQueueResources.get(queue);
public boolean hasAccess(String queueName, QueueACL acl,
UserGroupInformation user) {
int lastPeriodIndex = queueName.length();
while (lastPeriodIndex != -1) {
String queue = queueName.substring(0, lastPeriodIndex);
if (getQueueAcl(queue, acl).isUserAllowed(user)) {
return true;
lastPeriodIndex = queueName.lastIndexOf('.', lastPeriodIndex - 1);
return false;
SchedulingPolicy getSchedulingPolicy(String queueName) {
SchedulingPolicy policy = schedulingPolicies.get(queueName);
return (policy == null) ? defaultSchedulingPolicy : policy;
public SchedulingPolicy getDefaultSchedulingPolicy() {
return defaultSchedulingPolicy;
public Map<FSQueueType, Set<String>> getConfiguredQueues() {
return configuredQueues;
public QueuePlacementPolicy getPlacementPolicy() {
return placementPolicy;
public boolean isReservable(String queue) {
return reservableQueues.contains(queue);
public long getReservationWindow(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getReservationWindowMsec();
public float getAverageCapacity(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getAvgOverTimeMultiplier() * 100;
public float getInstantaneousMaxCapacity(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getMaxOverTimeMultiplier() * 100;
public String getReservationAdmissionPolicy(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getReservationAdmissionPolicy();
public String getReservationAgent(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getReservationAgent();
public boolean getShowReservationAsQueues(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.shouldShowReservationAsQueues();
public String getReplanner(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getPlanner();
public boolean getMoveOnExpiry(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.shouldMoveOnExpiry();
public long getEnforcementWindow(String queue) {
return globalReservationQueueConfig.getEnforcementWindowMsec();
public void setReservationWindow(long window) {
public void setAverageCapacity(int avgCapacity) {
* Initialize a {@link FSQueue} with queue-specific properties and its
* metrics.
* @param queue the FSQueue needed to be initialized
* @param scheduler the scheduler which the queue belonged to
public void initFSQueue(FSQueue queue, FairScheduler scheduler){
// Set queue-specific properties.
String name = queue.getName();
try {
SchedulingPolicy policy = getSchedulingPolicy(name);
} catch (AllocationConfigurationException ex) {
LOG.warn("Failed to set the scheduling policy "
+ getDefaultSchedulingPolicy(), ex);
// Set queue metrics.