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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationDefinition;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationRequestInterpreter;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationRequests;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.impl.pb.ReservationDefinitionPBImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.impl.pb.ReservationRequestsPBImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.exceptions.PlanningException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.planning.Planner;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.reservation.planning.ReservationAgent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.QueueMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Clock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.UTCClock;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourceCalculator;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Testing the class {@link InMemoryPlan}.
public class TestInMemoryPlan {
private String user = "yarn";
private String planName = "test-reservation";
private ResourceCalculator resCalc;
private Resource minAlloc;
private Resource maxAlloc;
private Resource totalCapacity;
private Clock clock;
private QueueMetrics queueMetrics;
private SharingPolicy policy;
private ReservationAgent agent;
private Planner replanner;
private RMContext context;
private long maxPeriodicity;
public void setUp() throws PlanningException {
resCalc = new DefaultResourceCalculator();
minAlloc = Resource.newInstance(1024, 1);
maxAlloc = Resource.newInstance(64 * 1024, 20);
totalCapacity = Resource.newInstance(100 * 1024, 100);
clock = mock(Clock.class);
queueMetrics = mock(QueueMetrics.class);
policy = new NoOverCommitPolicy();
replanner = mock(Planner.class);
context = ReservationSystemTestUtil.createMockRMContext();
public void tearDown() {
resCalc = null;
minAlloc = null;
maxAlloc = null;
totalCapacity = null;
clock = null;
queueMetrics = null;
policy = null;
replanner = null;
public void testAddReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc, start, 0);
@Test(expected = PlanningException.class)
public void testOutOfRange() throws PlanningException {
maxPeriodicity = 100;
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, maxPeriodicity,
context, new UTCClock());
// we expect the plan to complaint as the range 330-150 > 50
RLESparseResourceAllocation availableBefore =
plan.getAvailableResourceOverTime(user, null, 150, 330, 50);
public void testAddPeriodicReservation() throws PlanningException {
maxPeriodicity = 100;
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, maxPeriodicity,
context, new UTCClock());
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 50 };
int start = 10;
long period = 20;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation = createReservationAllocation(
reservationID, start, alloc, String.valueOf(period));
// use periodicity of 1hr
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc, start, period);
RLESparseResourceAllocation available =
plan.getAvailableResourceOverTime(user, null, 130, 170, 50);
// the reservation has period 20 starting at 10, and the interaction with
// the period 50 request means that every 10 we expect a "90GB" point
assertEquals(92160, available.getCapacityAtTime(130).getMemorySize());
assertEquals(92160, available.getCapacityAtTime(140).getMemorySize());
assertEquals(92160, available.getCapacityAtTime(150).getMemorySize());
private void checkAllocation(Plan plan, int[] alloc, int start,
long periodicity) {
long end = start + alloc.length;
if (periodicity > 0) {
end = end + maxPeriodicity;
RLESparseResourceAllocation userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, end * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
// only one instance for non-periodic reservation
if (periodicity <= 0) {
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
} else {
// periodic reservations should repeat
long y = 0;
Resource res = Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i]));
while (y <= end * 2) {
assertEquals("At time: " + start + i + y, res,
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i + y));
assertEquals(" At time: " + (start + i + y), res,
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i + y));
y = y + periodicity;
public void testAddEmptyReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = {};
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
public void testAddReservationAlreadyExists() {
// First add a reservation
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc, start, 0);
// Try to add it again
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);"Add should fail as it already exists");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().endsWith("already exists"));
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
public void testUpdateReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
// First add a reservation
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
RLESparseResourceAllocation userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, start + alloc.length);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
// Now update it
start = 110;
int[] updatedAlloc = { 0, 5, 10, 10, 5, 0 };
rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, updatedAlloc, true);
try {
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
userCons = plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start,
start + updatedAlloc.length);
for (int i = 0; i < updatedAlloc.length; i++) {
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (updatedAlloc[i] + i),
updatedAlloc[i] + i), plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (updatedAlloc[i] + i),
updatedAlloc[i] + i), userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
public void testUpdatePeriodicReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
// First add a reservation
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 20 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
// use periodicity of 1hr
long period = 3600000;
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc, start, period);
// Now update it
start = 110;
int[] updatedAlloc = { 30, 40, 50 };
rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, updatedAlloc);
try {
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, updatedAlloc, start, period);
public void testUpdateNonExistingReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
// Try to update a reservation without adding
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.updateReservation(rAllocation);"Update should fail as it does not exist in the plan");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().endsWith("does not exist in the plan"));
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
public void testDeleteReservation() {
// First add a reservation
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc, true);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
RLESparseResourceAllocation userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, start + alloc.length);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i] + i), (alloc[i] + i)),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i] + i), (alloc[i] + i)),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
// Now delete it
try {
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, start + alloc.length);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
public void testDeletePeriodicReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
// First add a reservation
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 20 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
// use periodicity of 1hr
long period = 3600000;
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc, start, period);
// Now delete it
try {
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
checkAllocation(plan, new int[] { 0, 0 }, start, period);
public void testDeleteNonExistingReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
// Try to delete a reservation without adding
try {
plan.deleteReservation(reservationID);"Delete should fail as it does not exist in the plan");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().endsWith("does not exist in the plan"));
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
public void testArchiveCompletedReservations() {
SharingPolicy sharingPolicy = mock(SharingPolicy.class);
Plan plan =
new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, sharingPolicy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID1 =
// First add a reservation
int[] alloc1 = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID1, start, alloc1);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
doAssertions(plan, rAllocation);
checkAllocation(plan, alloc1, start, 0);
// Now add another one
ReservationId reservationID2 =
int[] alloc2 = { 0, 5, 10, 5, 0 };
rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID2, start, alloc2, true);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
RLESparseResourceAllocation userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, start + alloc2.length);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc2.length; i++) {
Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc1[i] + alloc2[i] + i),
alloc1[i] + alloc2[i] + i),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc1[i] + alloc2[i] + i),
alloc1[i] + alloc2[i] + i),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
// Now archive completed reservations
try {
// will only remove 2nd reservation as only that has fallen out of the
// archival window
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
checkAllocation(plan, alloc1, start, 0);
try {
// will remove 1st reservation also as it has fallen out of the archival
// window
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
userCons =
plan.getConsumptionForUserOverTime(user, start, start + alloc1.length);
for (int i = 0; i < alloc1.length; i++) {
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0),
plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i));
assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(0, 0),
userCons.getCapacityAtTime(start + i));
public void testGetReservationsById() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
// Verify that get by reservation id works.
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
plan.getReservations(reservationID, null, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
// Verify that get by reservation id works even when time range
// and user is invalid.
ReservationInterval interval = new ReservationInterval(0, 0);
rAllocations = plan.getReservations(reservationID, interval, "invalid");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
public void testGetReservationsByInvalidId() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
// If reservationId is null, then nothing is returned.
ReservationId invalidReservationID =
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
plan.getReservations(invalidReservationID, null, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 0);
public void testGetReservationsByTimeInterval() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
// Verify that get by time interval works if the selection interval
// completely overlaps with the allocation.
ReservationInterval interval = new ReservationInterval(
rAllocation.getStartTime(), rAllocation.getEndTime());
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
// Verify that get by time interval works if the selection interval
// falls within the allocation
long duration = rAllocation.getEndTime() - rAllocation.getStartTime();
interval = new ReservationInterval(
rAllocation.getStartTime() + duration * (long) 0.3,
rAllocation.getEndTime() - duration * (long) 0.3);
rAllocations = plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
// Verify that get by time interval selects 1 allocation if the end
// time of the selection interval falls right at the start of the
// allocation.
interval = new ReservationInterval(0, rAllocation.getStartTime());
rAllocations = plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
// Verify that get by time interval selects no reservations if the start
// time of the selection interval falls right at the end of the allocation.
interval =
new ReservationInterval(rAllocation.getEndTime(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
rAllocations = plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 0);
// Verify that get by time interval selects no reservations if the
// selection interval and allocation interval do not overlap.
interval = new ReservationInterval(0, rAllocation.getStartTime() / 2);
rAllocations = plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 0);
public void testGetReservationsAtTime() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
public void testGetReservationSearchIntervalBeforeReservationStart() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:10:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:20:37").getTime();
// 10 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 10 * 60 * 1000;
// Negative test because even though the reservation would be encompassed
// if it was interpolated, it should not be picked up. Also test only one
// cycle because if we test more cycles, some of them will pass.
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 1, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationSearchIntervalGreaterThanPeriod() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// 1 Hour search interval will for sure encompass the recurring
// reservation with 20 minute recurrence.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:57:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:57:37").getTime();
// 20 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 20 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationReservationFitWithinSearchInterval() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval fits the entire reservation but is smaller than the
// period.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:36:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:48:37").getTime();
// 20 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 20 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationReservationStartTimeOverlap() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval fits the starting portion of the reservation.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:36:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:38:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationReservationEndTimeOverlap() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval fits the ending portion of the reservation.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:46:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:48:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationSearchIntervalFitsInReservation() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval fits the within the reservation.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:40:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:43:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testNegativeGetReservationSearchIntervalCloseToEndTime() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Reservation does not fit within search interval, but is close to the end
// time.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:48:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:50:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testNegativeGetReservationSearchIntervalCloseToStartTime() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval does not fit within the reservation but is close to
// the start time.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:30:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:35:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testReservationIntervalGreaterThanPeriodInOrderWhenShifted() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:37:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:47:37").getTime();
// Search interval is more than 2 hours, but after shifting, and turning
// it into periodic values, we expect 13 minutes and 18 minutes
// respectively for the search start and search end. After shifting and
// turning into periodic, the reservation interval will be 0 and 10
// minutes respectively for the search start and search end. At first
// sight, it would appear that the reservation does not fall within the
// search interval, when it does in reality.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 9:50:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 11:55:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testEnsureReservationEndNotNegativeWhenShifted() {
// Reservation duration is 10 minutes
long reservationStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 9:57:37").getTime();
long reservationEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:07:37").getTime();
// If the reservation end is made periodic, and then shifted, then it can
// end up negative. This test guards against this scenario.
long searchStart = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 9:58:37").getTime();
long searchEnd = Timestamp.valueOf("2050-12-03 10:08:37").getTime();
// 60 minute period in milliseconds.
long period = 60 * 60 * 1000;
reservationEnd, searchStart, searchEnd, 100, period, 10);
public void testGetReservationsWithNoInput() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
ReservationId reservationID =
int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
int start = 100;
ReservationAllocation rAllocation =
createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc);
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
// Verify that getReservations defaults to getting all reservations if no
// reservationID, time interval, and user is provided,
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
plan.getReservations(null, null, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 1);
.compareTo((ReservationAllocation) rAllocations.toArray()[0]) == 0);
public void testGetReservationsWithNoReservation() {
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, context);
// Verify that get reservation returns no entries if no queries are made.
ReservationInterval interval = new ReservationInterval(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Set<ReservationAllocation> rAllocations =
plan.getReservations(null, interval, "");
Assert.assertTrue(rAllocations.size() == 0);
private void testPositiveGetRecurringReservationsHelper(long reservationStart,
long reservationEnd, long searchStart, long searchEnd, long cycles,
long period, int periodMultiplier) {
maxPeriodicity = period * periodMultiplier;
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, maxPeriodicity,
context, new UTCClock());
ReservationId reservationID = submitReservation(plan, reservationStart,
reservationEnd, period);
for (int i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
long searchStepIncrease = i * period;
Set<ReservationAllocation> alloc = plan.getReservations(null,
new ReservationInterval(searchStart + searchStepIncrease,
searchEnd + searchStepIncrease));
assertEquals(1, alloc.size());
assertEquals(reservationID, alloc.iterator().next().getReservationId());
private void testNegativeGetRecurringReservationsHelper(long reservationStart,
long reservationEnd, long searchStart, long searchEnd, long cycles,
long period, int periodMultiplier) {
maxPeriodicity = period * periodMultiplier;
Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L,
resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true, maxPeriodicity,
context, new UTCClock());
submitReservation(plan, reservationStart, reservationEnd, period);
for (int i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
long searchStepIncrease = i * period;
Set<ReservationAllocation> alloc = plan.getReservations(null,
new ReservationInterval(searchStart + searchStepIncrease,
searchEnd + searchStepIncrease));
assertEquals(0, alloc.size());
private ReservationId submitReservation(Plan plan,
long reservationStartTime, long reservationEndTime, long period) {
ReservationId reservation = ReservationSystemTestUtil.getNewReservationId();
ReservationAllocation rAllocation = createReservationAllocation(
reservation, reservationStartTime, reservationEndTime,
try {
plan.addReservation(rAllocation, false);
} catch (PlanningException e) {;
return reservation;
private void doAssertions(Plan plan, ReservationAllocation rAllocation) {
ReservationId reservationID = rAllocation.getReservationId();
assertEquals(rAllocation, plan.getReservationById(reservationID));
Assert.assertTrue(((InMemoryPlan) plan).getAllReservations().size() == 1);
if (rAllocation.getPeriodicity() <= 0) {
assertEquals(rAllocation.getEndTime(), plan.getLastEndTime());
assertEquals(totalCapacity, plan.getTotalCapacity());
assertEquals(minAlloc, plan.getMinimumAllocation());
assertEquals(maxAlloc, plan.getMaximumAllocation());
assertEquals(resCalc, plan.getResourceCalculator());
assertEquals(planName, plan.getQueueName());
private ReservationDefinition createSimpleReservationDefinition(long arrival,
long deadline, long duration, Collection<ReservationRequest> resources,
String recurrenceExpression) {
// create a request with a single atomic ask
ReservationDefinition rDef = new ReservationDefinitionPBImpl();
ReservationRequests reqs = new ReservationRequestsPBImpl();
reqs.setReservationResources(new ArrayList<ReservationRequest>(resources));
return rDef;
private Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> generateAllocation(
int startTime, int[] alloc, boolean isStep) {
Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> req =
new HashMap<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest>();
int numContainers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) {
if (isStep) {
numContainers = alloc[i] + i;
} else {
numContainers = alloc[i];
ReservationRequest rr = ReservationRequest
.newInstance(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1), (numContainers));
req.put(new ReservationInterval(startTime + i, startTime + i + 1), rr);
return req;
private ReservationAllocation createReservationAllocation(
ReservationId reservationID, int start, int[] alloc) {
return createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc, false, "0");
private ReservationAllocation createReservationAllocation(
ReservationId reservationID, int start, int[] alloc, boolean isStep) {
return createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc, isStep,
private ReservationAllocation createReservationAllocation(
ReservationId reservationID, int start, int[] alloc,
String recurrenceExp) {
return createReservationAllocation(reservationID, start, alloc, false,
private ReservationAllocation createReservationAllocation(
ReservationId reservationID, long startTime, long endTime,
String period) {
ReservationInterval interval = new ReservationInterval(startTime, endTime);
List<ReservationRequest> request = new ArrayList<>();
request.add(ReservationRequest.newInstance(minAlloc, 1, 1,
endTime - startTime));
ReservationDefinition rDef = createSimpleReservationDefinition(startTime,
endTime, endTime - startTime, request, period);
Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> allocations = new HashMap<>();
allocations.put(interval, minAlloc);
return new InMemoryReservationAllocation(reservationID, rDef, user,
planName, startTime, endTime, allocations, resCalc, minAlloc);
private ReservationAllocation createReservationAllocation(
ReservationId reservationID, int start, int[] alloc, boolean isStep,
String recurrenceExp) {
Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocations =
generateAllocation(start, alloc, isStep);
ReservationDefinition rDef =
createSimpleReservationDefinition(start, start + alloc.length,
alloc.length, allocations.values(), recurrenceExp);
Map<ReservationInterval, Resource> allocs =
return new InMemoryReservationAllocation(reservationID, rDef, user,
planName, start, start + alloc.length, allocs, resCalc, minAlloc);