blob: bdcd411772c9fb5b94fd4cbb44dc1d289870abf5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<%@ page
<%!static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
"d-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
<%! private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private void printTaskSummary(JspWriter out,
String jobId,
String kind,
double completePercent,
TaskInProgress[] tasks
) throws IOException {
int totalTasks = tasks.length;
int runningTasks = 0;
int finishedTasks = 0;
int killedTasks = 0;
int failedTaskAttempts = 0;
int killedTaskAttempts = 0;
for(int i=0; i < totalTasks; ++i) {
TaskInProgress task = tasks[i];
if (task.isComplete()) {
finishedTasks += 1;
} else if (task.isRunning()) {
runningTasks += 1;
} else if (task.wasKilled()) {
killedTasks += 1;
failedTaskAttempts += task.numTaskFailures();
killedTaskAttempts += task.numKilledTasks();
int pendingTasks = totalTasks - runningTasks - killedTasks - finishedTasks;
out.print("<tr><th><a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"&type="+ kind + "&pagenum=1\">" + kind +
"</a></th><td align=\"right\">" +
StringUtils.formatPercent(completePercent, 2) +
ServletUtil.percentageGraph((int)(completePercent * 100), 80) +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
totalTasks +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
((pendingTasks > 0)
? "<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=pending\">" + pendingTasks + "</a>"
: "0") +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
((runningTasks > 0)
? "<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=running\">" + runningTasks + "</a>"
: "0") +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
((finishedTasks > 0)
?"<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=completed\">" + finishedTasks + "</a>"
: "0") +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
((killedTasks > 0)
?"<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=killed\">" + killedTasks + "</a>"
: "0") +
"</td><td align=\"right\">" +
((failedTaskAttempts > 0) ?
("<a href=\"jobfailures.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"&kind=" + kind + "&cause=failed\">" + failedTaskAttempts +
"</a>") :
) +
" / " +
((killedTaskAttempts > 0) ?
("<a href=\"jobfailures.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"&kind=" + kind + "&cause=killed\">" + killedTaskAttempts +
"</a>") :
) +
private void printJobLevelTaskSummary(JspWriter out,
String jobId,
String kind,
TaskInProgress[] tasks
) throws IOException {
int totalTasks = tasks.length;
int runningTasks = 0;
int finishedTasks = 0;
int killedTasks = 0;
for(int i=0; i < totalTasks; ++i) {
TaskInProgress task = tasks[i];
if (task.isComplete()) {
finishedTasks += 1;
} else if (task.isRunning()) {
runningTasks += 1;
} else if (task.isFailed()) {
killedTasks += 1;
int pendingTasks = totalTasks - runningTasks - killedTasks - finishedTasks;
out.print(((runningTasks > 0)
? "<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=running\">" + " Running" +
: ((pendingTasks > 0) ? " Pending" :
((finishedTasks > 0)
?"<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=completed\">" + " Successful"
+ "</a>"
: ((killedTasks > 0)
?"<a href=\"jobtasks.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "&type="+ kind +
"&pagenum=1" + "&state=killed\">" + " Failed"
+ "</a>" : "None")))));
private void printConfirm(JspWriter out, String jobId) throws IOException{
String url = "jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobId;
out.print("<html><head><META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"15;URL="
+ url+"\"></head>"
+ "<body><h3> Are you sure you want to kill " + jobId
+ " ?<h3><br><table border=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"100\">"
+ "<form action=\"" + url + "\" method=\"post\">"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"kill\" />"
+ "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"kill\" value=\"Kill\" />"
+ "</form>"
+ "</td><td width=\"100\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"" + url
+ "\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancel\" name=\"Cancel\""
+ "/></form></td></tr></table></body></html>");
public static class ErrorResponse {
private final long errorCode;
private final String errorDescription;
// Constructor
ErrorResponse(long ec, String ed) {
errorCode = ec;
errorDescription = ed;
// Getters
public long getErrorCode() { return errorCode; }
public String getErrorDescription() { return errorDescription; }
public static class JobDetailsResponse {
/* Used internally by JobMetaInfo and JobTaskSummary. */
public static class JobTaskStats {
private final int numTotalTasks;
private final int numPendingTasks;
private final int numRunningTasks;
private final int numFinishedTasks;
private final int numKilledTasks;
private final int numFailedTaskAttempts;
private final int numKilledTaskAttempts;
// Constructor
JobTaskStats(JobInProgress jip, TaskType tt) {
TaskInProgress[] tasks = jip.getTasks(tt);
int totalTasks = tasks.length;
int runningTasks = 0;
int finishedTasks = 0;
int killedTasks = 0;
int failedTaskAttempts = 0;
int killedTaskAttempts = 0;
for (int i=0; i < totalTasks; ++i) {
TaskInProgress task = tasks[i];
if (task.isComplete()) {
finishedTasks += 1;
} else if (task.isRunning()) {
runningTasks += 1;
} else if (task.wasKilled()) {
killedTasks += 1;
failedTaskAttempts += task.numTaskFailures();
killedTaskAttempts += task.numKilledTasks();
int pendingTasks = totalTasks - runningTasks - killedTasks - finishedTasks;
/* Done with calculations, now on to member assignments. */
numTotalTasks = totalTasks;
numPendingTasks = pendingTasks;
numRunningTasks = runningTasks;
numFinishedTasks = finishedTasks;
numKilledTasks = killedTasks;
numFailedTaskAttempts = failedTaskAttempts;
numKilledTaskAttempts = killedTaskAttempts;
// Getters
public int getNumTotalTasks() { return numTotalTasks; }
public int getNumPendingTasks() { return numPendingTasks; }
public int getNumRunningTasks() { return numRunningTasks; }
public int getNumFinishedTasks() { return numFinishedTasks; }
public int getNumKilledTasks() { return numKilledTasks; }
public int getNumFailedTaskAttempts() { return numFailedTaskAttempts; }
public int getNumKilledTaskAttempts() { return numKilledTaskAttempts; }
public static class JobMetaInfo {
public static class EventTimingInfo {
private final String timestamp;
private final long durationSecs;
// Constructor
EventTimingInfo(long eventOccurrenceTimeMSecs, long previousEventOccurrenceTimeMSecs) {
timestamp = dateFormat.format(new Date(eventOccurrenceTimeMSecs));
durationSecs = (0 != previousEventOccurrenceTimeMSecs) ?
/* Pass the difference through Math.abs() to take care of cases
* where previousEventOccurrenceTimeMSecs is in the future (likely
* used only as a hack, when an event is in-progress).
(Math.abs(eventOccurrenceTimeMSecs - previousEventOccurrenceTimeMSecs)/1000) :
// Getters
public String getTimestamp() { return timestamp; }
public long getDurationSecs() { return durationSecs; }
private final String jobTrackerName;
private final String jobName;
private final String userName;
private final String jobFileLocation;
private final String jobSubmissionHostName;
private final String jobSubmissionHostAddress;
private final String jobSetupStatus;
private final String jobCleanupStatus;
private final String jobStatus;
private final String jobStatusInfo;
private final EventTimingInfo jobStartTimingInfo;
private final EventTimingInfo jobFinishTimingInfo;
private final int numFlakyTaskTrackers;
private final String jobSchedulingInfo;
// Constructor
JobMetaInfo(JobInProgress jip, JobTracker jt) {
jobTrackerName = StringUtils.simpleHostname(jt.getJobTrackerMachine());
JobProfile jobProfile = jip.getProfile();
jobName = jobProfile.getJobName();
userName = jobProfile.getUser();
jobFileLocation = jobProfile.getJobFile();
jobSubmissionHostName = jip.getJobSubmitHostName();
jobSubmissionHostAddress = jip.getJobSubmitHostAddress();
JobStatus status = jip.getStatus();
/* TODO XXX Expose JobACLs in a structured format.
* Can create a JobAclsInfo object that is a map, but that doesn't
* handle the case where this just prints "All users are allowed".
* Map<JobACL, AccessControlList> jobAcls = status.getJobACLs();
* JSPUtil.printJobACLs(jt, jobAcls, out);
jobSetupStatus = deduceJobTaskStatus(jip, TaskType.JOB_SETUP);
jobCleanupStatus = deduceJobTaskStatus(jip, TaskType.JOB_CLEANUP);
switch (status.getRunState()) {
case JobStatus.RUNNING:
jobStatus = "Running";
jobStatusInfo = null;
jobStartTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getStartTime(), System.currentTimeMillis());
/* A running job could not possibly have finished. */
jobFinishTimingInfo = null;
case JobStatus.SUCCEEDED:
jobStatus = "Succeeded";
jobStatusInfo = null;
jobStartTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getStartTime(), 0);
jobFinishTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getFinishTime(), jip.getStartTime());
case JobStatus.FAILED:
jobStatus = "Failed";
jobStatusInfo = status.getFailureInfo();
jobStartTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getStartTime(), 0);
jobFinishTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getFinishTime(), jip.getStartTime());
case JobStatus.KILLED:
jobStatus = "Killed";
jobStatusInfo = status.getFailureInfo();
jobStartTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getStartTime(), 0);
jobFinishTimingInfo = new EventTimingInfo(jip.getFinishTime(), jip.getStartTime());
jobStatus = "Unknown";
jobStatusInfo = "Unknown";
jobStartTimingInfo = null;
jobFinishTimingInfo = null;
numFlakyTaskTrackers = jip.getNoOfBlackListedTrackers();
jobSchedulingInfo = (jip.getSchedulingInfo() != null) ? jip.getSchedulingInfo().toString() : null;
private String deduceJobTaskStatus(JobInProgress jip, TaskType tt) {
JobTaskStats taskStats = new JobTaskStats(jip, tt);
return ((taskStats.getNumRunningTasks() > 0)
? "Running"
: ((taskStats.getNumPendingTasks() > 0)
? "Pending"
: ((taskStats.getNumFinishedTasks() > 0)
? "Successful"
: ((taskStats.getNumKilledTasks() > 0)
? "Failed"
: "None"))));
// Getters
public String getJobTrackerName() { return jobTrackerName; }
public String getJobName() { return jobName; }
public String getUserName() { return userName; }
public String getJobFileLocation() { return jobFileLocation; }
public String getJobSubmissionHostName() { return jobSubmissionHostName; }
public String getJobSubmissionHostAddress() { return jobSubmissionHostAddress; }
public String getJobSetupStatus() { return jobSetupStatus; }
public String getJobCleanupStatus() { return jobCleanupStatus; }
public String getJobStatus() { return jobStatus; }
public String getJobStatusInfo() { return jobStatusInfo; }
public EventTimingInfo getJobStartTimingInfo() { return jobStartTimingInfo; }
public EventTimingInfo getJobFinishTimingInfo() { return jobFinishTimingInfo; }
public int getNumFlakyTaskTrackers() { return numFlakyTaskTrackers; }
public String getJobSchedulingInfo() { return jobSchedulingInfo; }
public static class JobTaskSummary {
private final float progressPercentage;
private final JobTaskStats taskStats;
// Constructor
JobTaskSummary(float pp, JobInProgress jip, TaskType tt) {
progressPercentage = pp;
taskStats = new JobTaskStats(jip, tt);
// Getters
public float getProgressPercentage() { return progressPercentage; }
public JobTaskStats getTaskStats() { return taskStats; }
public static class JobCounterGroupInfo {
public static class JobCounterInfo {
private final String name;
private final long mapValue;
private final long reduceValue;
private final long totalValue;
// Constructor
JobCounterInfo(String n, long mv, long rv, long tv) {
name = n;
mapValue = mv;
reduceValue = rv;
totalValue = tv;
// Getters
public String getName() { return name; }
public long getMapValue() { return mapValue; }
public long getReduceValue() { return reduceValue; }
public long getTotalValue() { return totalValue; }
private final String groupName;
private final Collection<JobCounterInfo> jobCountersInfo;
// Constructor
JobCounterGroupInfo(String gn) {
groupName = gn;
jobCountersInfo = new ArrayList<JobCounterInfo>();
// To add one JobCounterInfo object at a time.
void addJobCounterInfo(JobCounterInfo jci) { jobCountersInfo.add(jci); }
// Getters
public String getGroupName() { return groupName; }
public Collection<JobCounterInfo> getJobCountersInfo() { return jobCountersInfo; }
private final String jobId;
private final JobMetaInfo metaInfo;
private final JobTaskSummary mapTaskSummary;
private final JobTaskSummary reduceTaskSummary;
private final Collection<JobCounterGroupInfo> jobCounterGroupsInfo;
private void populateJobCounterGroups(JobInProgress jip) {
boolean isFine = true;
Counters mapCounters = new Counters();
isFine = jip.getMapCounters(mapCounters);
mapCounters = (isFine? mapCounters: new Counters());
Counters reduceCounters = new Counters();
isFine = jip.getReduceCounters(reduceCounters);
reduceCounters = (isFine? reduceCounters: new Counters());
Counters totalCounters = new Counters();
isFine = jip.getCounters(totalCounters);
totalCounters = (isFine? totalCounters: new Counters());
for (String groupName : totalCounters.getGroupNames()) {
Counters.Group totalGroup = totalCounters.getGroup(groupName);
Counters.Group mapGroup = mapCounters.getGroup(groupName);
Counters.Group reduceGroup = reduceCounters.getGroup(groupName);
JobCounterGroupInfo jobCounterGroupInfo =
new JobCounterGroupInfo(totalGroup.getDisplayName());
for (Counters.Counter counter : totalGroup) {
String name = counter.getDisplayName();
long mapValue = mapGroup.getCounter(name);
long reduceValue = reduceGroup.getCounter(name);
long totalValue = counter.getCounter();
(new JobDetailsResponse.JobCounterGroupInfo.JobCounterInfo(name, mapValue, reduceValue, totalValue));
// Constructor
JobDetailsResponse(String ji, JobInProgress jip, JobTracker jt) {
jobId = ji;
metaInfo = new JobMetaInfo(jip, jt);
JobStatus status = jip.getStatus();
mapTaskSummary = new JobTaskSummary(status.mapProgress() * 100.0f, jip, TaskType.MAP);
reduceTaskSummary = new JobTaskSummary(status.reduceProgress() * 100.0f, jip, TaskType.REDUCE);
jobCounterGroupsInfo = new ArrayList<JobCounterGroupInfo>();
// To add one JobCounterGroupInfo object at a time.
void addJobCounterGroupInfo(JobCounterGroupInfo jcgi) { jobCounterGroupsInfo.add(jcgi); }
// Getters
public String getJobId() { return jobId; }
public JobMetaInfo getMetaInfo() { return metaInfo; }
public JobTaskSummary getMapTaskSummary() { return mapTaskSummary; }
public JobTaskSummary getReduceTaskSummary() { return reduceTaskSummary; }
public Collection<JobCounterGroupInfo> getJobCounterGroupsInfo() { return jobCounterGroupsInfo; }
String response_format = request.getParameter("format");
if (response_format != null) {
/* Eventually, the HTML output should also be driven off of these *Response
* objects.
* Someday.
JobDetailsResponse theJobDetailsResponse = null;
ErrorResponse theErrorResponse = null;
JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute("job.tracker");
String jobId = request.getParameter("jobid");
if (jobId != null) {
final JobID jobIdObj = JobID.forName(jobId);
JobWithViewAccessCheck myJob = JSPUtil.checkAccessAndGetJob(tracker, jobIdObj,
request, response);
/* Proceed only if the user is authorized to view this job. */
if (myJob.isViewJobAllowed()) {
JobInProgress job = myJob.getJob();
if (job != null) {
theJobDetailsResponse = new JobDetailsResponse(jobId, job, tracker);
} else {
theErrorResponse = new ErrorResponse(4101, "JobID " + jobId + " Not Found");
} else {
/* TODO XXX Try and factor out JSPUtil.setErrorAndForward() for re-use
* (and to not make it blindly dispatch to job_authorization_error.jsp,
* which is all HTML.
/* TODO XXX Make this return JSON, not HTML. */
/* Nothing to do here, since JSPUtil.setErrorAndForward() has already been
* called from inside JSPUtil.checkAccessAndGetJob().
} else {
theErrorResponse = new ErrorResponse(4100, "Missing JobID");
/* ------------ Response generation begins here ------------ */
/* For now, "json" is the only supported format.
* As more formats are supported, this should become a cascading
* if-elsif-else block.
if ("json".equals(response_format)) {
ObjectMapper responseObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
/* A lack of an error response implies we have a meaningful
* application response? Why not!
((theErrorResponse == null) ? theJobDetailsResponse : theErrorResponse));
} else {
} else {
// Spit out HTML only in the absence of the "format" query parameter.
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
final JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute(
String trackerName =
String jobId = request.getParameter("jobid");
String refreshParam = request.getParameter("refresh");
if (jobId == null) {
out.println("<h2>Missing 'jobid'!</h2>");
int refresh = 60; // refresh every 60 seconds by default
if (refreshParam != null) {
try {
refresh = Integer.parseInt(refreshParam);
catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
final JobID jobIdObj = JobID.forName(jobId);
JobWithViewAccessCheck myJob = JSPUtil.checkAccessAndGetJob(tracker, jobIdObj,
request, response);
if (!myJob.isViewJobAllowed()) {
return; // user is not authorized to view this job
JobInProgress job = myJob.getJob();
final String newPriority = request.getParameter("prio");
String user = request.getRemoteUser();
UserGroupInformation ugi = null;
if (user != null) {
ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(user);
String action = request.getParameter("action");
if(JSPUtil.privateActionsAllowed(tracker.conf) &&
&& request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
if (ugi != null) {
try {
ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws IOException{
// checks job modify permission
return null;
} catch(AccessControlException e) {
String errMsg = "User " + user + " failed to modify priority of " +
jobIdObj + "!<br><br>" + e.getMessage() +
"<hr><a href=\"jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"\">Go back to Job</a><br>";
JSPUtil.setErrorAndForward(errMsg, request, response);
else {// no authorization needed
if(JSPUtil.privateActionsAllowed(tracker.conf)) {
action = request.getParameter("action");
if(action!=null && action.equalsIgnoreCase("confirm")) {
printConfirm(out, jobId);
else if(action != null && action.equalsIgnoreCase("kill") &&
request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
if (ugi != null) {
try {
ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws IOException{
// checks job modify permission
tracker.killJob(jobIdObj);// checks job modify permission
return null;
} catch(AccessControlException e) {
String errMsg = "User " + user + " failed to kill " + jobIdObj +
"!<br><br>" + e.getMessage() +
"<hr><a href=\"jobdetails.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"\">Go back to Job</a><br>";
JSPUtil.setErrorAndForward(errMsg, request, response);
else {// no authorization needed
<%@page import="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskGraphServlet"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (refresh != 0) {
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<%=refresh%>">
<title>Hadoop <%=jobId%> on <%=trackerName%></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/hadoop.css">
<h1>Hadoop <%=jobId%> on <a href="jobtracker.jsp"><%=trackerName%></a></h1>
if (job == null) {
String historyFile = JobHistory.getHistoryFilePath(jobIdObj);
if (historyFile == null) {
out.println("<h2>Job " + jobId + " not known!</h2>");
String historyUrl = JobHistoryServer.getHistoryUrlPrefix(tracker.conf) +
"/jobdetailshistory.jsp?logFile=" +
JobProfile profile = job.getProfile();
JobStatus status = job.getStatus();
int runState = status.getRunState();
int flakyTaskTrackers = job.getNoOfBlackListedTrackers();
out.print("<b>User:</b> " +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(profile.getUser()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Job Name:</b> " +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(profile.getJobName()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Job File:</b> <a href=\"jobconf.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "\">" +
profile.getJobFile() + "</a><br>\n");
out.print("<b>Submit Host:</b> " +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(job.getJobSubmitHostName()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Submit Host Address:</b> " +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(job.getJobSubmitHostAddress()) + "<br>\n");
Map<JobACL, AccessControlList> jobAcls = status.getJobACLs();
JSPUtil.printJobACLs(tracker, jobAcls, out);
out.print("<b>Job Setup:</b>");
printJobLevelTaskSummary(out, jobId, "setup",
if (runState == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
out.print("<b>Status:</b> Running<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Started at:</b> " + new Date(job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Running for:</b> " + StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(
System.currentTimeMillis(), job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
} else {
if (runState == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
out.print("<b>Status:</b> Succeeded<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Started at:</b> " + new Date(job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Finished at:</b> " + new Date(job.getFinishTime()) +
out.print("<b>Finished in:</b> " + StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(
job.getFinishTime(), job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
} else if (runState == JobStatus.FAILED) {
out.print("<b>Status:</b> Failed<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Failure Info:</b>" +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(status.getFailureInfo()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Started at:</b> " + new Date(job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Failed at:</b> " + new Date(job.getFinishTime()) +
out.print("<b>Failed in:</b> " + StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(
job.getFinishTime(), job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
} else if (runState == JobStatus.KILLED) {
out.print("<b>Status:</b> Killed<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Failure Info:</b>" +
HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(status.getFailureInfo()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Started at:</b> " + new Date(job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Killed at:</b> " + new Date(job.getFinishTime()) +
out.print("<b>Killed in:</b> " + StringUtils.formatTimeDiff(
job.getFinishTime(), job.getStartTime()) + "<br>\n");
out.print("<b>Job Cleanup:</b>");
printJobLevelTaskSummary(out, jobId, "cleanup",
if (flakyTaskTrackers > 0) {
out.print("<b>Black-listed TaskTrackers:</b> " +
"<a href=\"jobblacklistedtrackers.jsp?jobid=" + jobId + "\">" +
flakyTaskTrackers + "</a><br>\n");
if (job.getSchedulingInfo() != null) {
out.print("<b>Job Scheduling information: </b>" +
job.getSchedulingInfo().toString() +"\n");
out.print("<table border=2 cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\">");
out.print("<tr><th>Kind</th><th>% Complete</th><th>Num Tasks</th>" +
"<th>Pending</th><th>Running</th><th>Complete</th>" +
"<th>Killed</th>" +
"<th><a href=\"jobfailures.jsp?jobid=" + jobId +
"\">Failed/Killed<br>Task Attempts</a></th></tr>\n");
printTaskSummary(out, jobId, "map", status.mapProgress(),
printTaskSummary(out, jobId, "reduce", status.reduceProgress(),
<table border=2 cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2">
boolean isFine = true;
Counters mapCounters = new Counters();
isFine = job.getMapCounters(mapCounters);
mapCounters = (isFine? mapCounters: new Counters());
Counters reduceCounters = new Counters();
isFine = job.getReduceCounters(reduceCounters);
reduceCounters = (isFine? reduceCounters: new Counters());
Counters totalCounters = new Counters();
isFine = job.getCounters(totalCounters);
totalCounters = (isFine? totalCounters: new Counters());
for (String groupName : totalCounters.getGroupNames()) {
Counters.Group totalGroup = totalCounters.getGroup(groupName);
Counters.Group mapGroup = mapCounters.getGroup(groupName);
Counters.Group reduceGroup = reduceCounters.getGroup(groupName);
Format decimal = new DecimalFormat();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (Counters.Counter counter : totalGroup) {
String displayName = counter.getDisplayName();
String name = counter.getName();
String mapValue = decimal.format(mapGroup.getCounter(name));
String reduceValue = decimal.format(reduceGroup.getCounter(name));
String totalValue = decimal.format(counter.getCounter());
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
<td rowspan="<%=totalGroup.size()%>">
<td align="right"><%=mapValue%></td>
<td align="right"><%=reduceValue%></td>
<td align="right"><%=totalValue%></td>
<hr>Map Completion Graph -
if("off".equals(request.getParameter("map.graph"))) {
session.setAttribute("map.graph", "off");
} else if("on".equals(request.getParameter("map.graph"))){
session.setAttribute("map.graph", "on");
if("off".equals(request.getParameter("reduce.graph"))) {
session.setAttribute("reduce.graph", "off");
} else if("on".equals(request.getParameter("reduce.graph"))){
session.setAttribute("reduce.graph", "on");
if("off".equals(session.getAttribute("map.graph"))) { %>
<a href="/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=<%=jobId%>&refresh=<%=refresh%>&map.graph=on" > open </a>
<%} else { %>
<a href="/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=<%=jobId%>&refresh=<%=refresh%>&map.graph=off" > close </a>
<br><embed src="/taskgraph?type=map&jobid=<%=jobId%>"
width="<%=TaskGraphServlet.width + 2 * TaskGraphServlet.xmargin%>"
height="<%=TaskGraphServlet.height + 3 * TaskGraphServlet.ymargin%>"
style="width:100%" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="" />
<%if(job.getTasks(TaskType.REDUCE).length > 0) { %>
<hr>Reduce Completion Graph -
<%if("off".equals(session.getAttribute("reduce.graph"))) { %>
<a href="/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=<%=jobId%>&refresh=<%=refresh%>&reduce.graph=on" > open </a>
<%} else { %>
<a href="/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=<%=jobId%>&refresh=<%=refresh%>&reduce.graph=off" > close </a>
<br><embed src="/taskgraph?type=reduce&jobid=<%=jobId%>"
width="<%=TaskGraphServlet.width + 2 * TaskGraphServlet.xmargin%>"
height="<%=TaskGraphServlet.height + 3 * TaskGraphServlet.ymargin%>"
style="width:100%" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="" />
<%} }%>
<% if(JSPUtil.privateActionsAllowed(tracker.conf)) { %>
<table border="0"> <tr> <td>
Change priority from <%=job.getPriority()%> to:
<form action="jobdetails.jsp" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="changeprio"/>
<input type="hidden" name="jobid" value="<%=jobId%>"/>
</td><td> <select name="prio">
JobPriority jobPrio = job.getPriority();
for (JobPriority prio : JobPriority.values()) {
if(jobPrio != prio) {
%> <option value=<%=prio%>><%=prio%></option> <%
</select> </td><td><input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form></td></tr> </table>
<% } %>
<% if(JSPUtil.privateActionsAllowed(tracker.conf)
&& runState == JobStatus.RUNNING) { %>
<br/><a href="jobdetails.jsp?action=confirm&jobid=<%=jobId%>"> Kill this job </a>
<% } %>
<a href="jobtracker.jsp">Go back to JobTracker</a><br>
} // if (response_format != null)