blob: c19de9dd24c9a2e4070dbf76b604b8015a849b47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "hdfs.h"
void permission_disp(short permissions, char *rtr) {
rtr[9] = '\0';
int i;
short permissionsId = permissions >> (i * 3) & (short)7;
char* perm;
switch(permissionsId) {
case 7:
perm = "rwx"; break;
case 6:
perm = "rw-"; break;
case 5:
perm = "r-x"; break;
case 4:
perm = "r--"; break;
case 3:
perm = "-wx"; break;
case 2:
perm = "-w-"; break;
case 1:
perm = "--x"; break;
case 0:
perm = "---"; break;
perm = "???";
strncpy(rtr, perm, 3);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
hdfsFS fs = hdfsConnectNewInstance("default", 0);
if(!fs) {
fprintf(stderr, "Oops! Failed to connect to hdfs!\n");
hdfsFS lfs = hdfsConnectNewInstance(NULL, 0);
if(!lfs) {
fprintf(stderr, "Oops! Failed to connect to 'local' hdfs!\n");
const char* writePath = "/tmp/testfile.txt";
//Write tests
hdfsFile writeFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0, 0, 0);
if(!writeFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing!\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s for writing successfully...\n", writePath);
char* buffer = "Hello, World!";
tSize num_written_bytes = hdfsWrite(fs, writeFile, (void*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1);
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", num_written_bytes);
tOffset currentPos = -1;
if ((currentPos = hdfsTell(fs, writeFile)) == -1) {
"Failed to get current file position correctly! Got %ld!\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Current position: %ld\n", currentPos);
if (hdfsFlush(fs, writeFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to 'flush' %s\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Flushed %s successfully!\n", writePath);
hdfsCloseFile(fs, writeFile);
//Read tests
const char* readPath = "/tmp/testfile.txt";
int exists = hdfsExists(fs, readPath);
if (exists) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to validate existence of %s\n", readPath);
hdfsFile readFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, readPath, O_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0);
if (!readFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading!\n", readPath);
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsAvailable: %d\n", hdfsAvailable(fs, readFile));
tOffset seekPos = 1;
if(hdfsSeek(fs, readFile, seekPos)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to seek %s for reading!\n", readPath);
tOffset currentPos = -1;
if((currentPos = hdfsTell(fs, readFile)) != seekPos) {
"Failed to get current file position correctly! Got %ld!\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Current position: %ld\n", currentPos);
static char buffer[32];
tSize num_read_bytes = hdfsRead(fs, readFile, (void*)buffer,
fprintf(stderr, "Read following %d bytes:\n%s\n",
num_read_bytes, buffer);
num_read_bytes = hdfsPread(fs, readFile, 0, (void*)buffer,
fprintf(stderr, "Read following %d bytes:\n%s\n",
num_read_bytes, buffer);
hdfsCloseFile(fs, readFile);
int totalResult = 0;
int result = 0;
//Generic file-system operations
const char* srcPath = "/tmp/testfile.txt";
const char* dstPath = "/tmp/testfile2.txt";
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsCopy(remote-local): %s\n", ((result = hdfsCopy(fs, srcPath, lfs, srcPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsCopy(remote-remote): %s\n", ((result = hdfsCopy(fs, srcPath, fs, dstPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsMove(local-local): %s\n", ((result = hdfsMove(lfs, srcPath, lfs, dstPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsMove(remote-local): %s\n", ((result = hdfsMove(fs, srcPath, lfs, srcPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsRename: %s\n", ((result = hdfsRename(fs, dstPath, srcPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsCopy(remote-remote): %s\n", ((result = hdfsCopy(fs, srcPath, fs, dstPath)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
const char* slashTmp = "/tmp";
const char* newDirectory = "/tmp/newdir";
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsCreateDirectory: %s\n", ((result = hdfsCreateDirectory(fs, newDirectory)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsSetReplication: %s\n", ((result = hdfsSetReplication(fs, srcPath, 2)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
char buffer[256];
const char *resp;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetWorkingDirectory: %s\n", ((resp = hdfsGetWorkingDirectory(fs, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) ? buffer : "Failed!"));
totalResult += (resp ? 0 : 1);
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsSetWorkingDirectory: %s\n", ((result = hdfsSetWorkingDirectory(fs, slashTmp)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetWorkingDirectory: %s\n", ((resp = hdfsGetWorkingDirectory(fs, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) ? buffer : "Failed!"));
totalResult += (resp ? 0 : 1);
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetDefaultBlockSize: %ld\n", hdfsGetDefaultBlockSize(fs));
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetCapacity: %ld\n", hdfsGetCapacity(fs));
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetUsed: %ld\n", hdfsGetUsed(fs));
hdfsFileInfo *fileInfo = NULL;
if((fileInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs, slashTmp)) != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetPathInfo - SUCCESS!\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Name: %s, ", fileInfo->mName);
fprintf(stderr, "Type: %c, ", (char)(fileInfo->mKind));
fprintf(stderr, "Replication: %d, ", fileInfo->mReplication);
fprintf(stderr, "BlockSize: %ld, ", fileInfo->mBlockSize);
fprintf(stderr, "Size: %ld, ", fileInfo->mSize);
fprintf(stderr, "LastMod: %s", ctime(&fileInfo->mLastMod));
fprintf(stderr, "Owner: %s, ", fileInfo->mOwner);
fprintf(stderr, "Group: %s, ", fileInfo->mGroup);
char permissions[10];
permission_disp(fileInfo->mPermissions, permissions);
fprintf(stderr, "Permissions: %d (%s)\n", fileInfo->mPermissions, permissions);
hdfsFreeFileInfo(fileInfo, 1);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "waah! hdfsGetPathInfo for %s - FAILED!\n", slashTmp);
hdfsFileInfo *fileList = 0;
int numEntries = 0;
if((fileList = hdfsListDirectory(fs, slashTmp, &numEntries)) != NULL) {
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i < numEntries; ++i) {
fprintf(stderr, "Name: %s, ", fileList[i].mName);
fprintf(stderr, "Type: %c, ", (char)fileList[i].mKind);
fprintf(stderr, "Replication: %d, ", fileList[i].mReplication);
fprintf(stderr, "BlockSize: %ld, ", fileList[i].mBlockSize);
fprintf(stderr, "Size: %ld, ", fileList[i].mSize);
fprintf(stderr, "LastMod: %s", ctime(&fileList[i].mLastMod));
fprintf(stderr, "Owner: %s, ", fileList[i].mOwner);
fprintf(stderr, "Group: %s, ", fileList[i].mGroup);
char permissions[10];
permission_disp(fileList[i].mPermissions, permissions);
fprintf(stderr, "Permissions: %d (%s)\n", fileList[i].mPermissions, permissions);
hdfsFreeFileInfo(fileList, numEntries);
} else {
if (errno) {
fprintf(stderr, "waah! hdfsListDirectory - FAILED!\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Empty directory!\n");
char*** hosts = hdfsGetHosts(fs, srcPath, 0, 1);
if(hosts) {
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsGetHosts - SUCCESS! ... \n");
int i=0;
while(hosts[i]) {
int j = 0;
while(hosts[i][j]) {
"\thosts[%d][%d] - %s\n", i, j, hosts[i][j]);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "waah! hdfsGetHosts - FAILED!\n");
char *newOwner = "root";
// setting tmp dir to 777 so later when connectAsUser nobody, we can write to it
short newPerm = 0666;
// chown write
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChown: %s\n", ((result = hdfsChown(fs, writePath, NULL, "users")) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChown: %s\n", ((result = hdfsChown(fs, writePath, newOwner, NULL)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
// chmod write
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChmod: %s\n", ((result = hdfsChmod(fs, writePath, newPerm)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
tTime newMtime = time(NULL);
tTime newAtime = time(NULL);
// utime write
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsUtime: %s\n", ((result = hdfsUtime(fs, writePath, newMtime, newAtime)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
// chown/chmod/utime read
hdfsFileInfo *finfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs, writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChown read: %s\n", ((result = (strcmp(finfo->mOwner, newOwner) != 0)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChmod read: %s\n", ((result = (finfo->mPermissions != newPerm)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
// will later use /tmp/ as a different user so enable it
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsChmod: %s\n", ((result = hdfsChmod(fs, "/tmp/", 0777)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsUtime read (mtime): %s\n", ((result = (finfo->mLastMod != newMtime)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
// No easy way to turn on access times from hdfs_test right now
// fprintf(stderr, "hdfsUtime read (atime): %s\n", ((result = (finfo->mLastAccess != newAtime)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
// totalResult += result;
hdfsFreeFileInfo(finfo, 1);
// Clean up
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsDelete: %s\n", ((result = hdfsDelete(fs, newDirectory, 1)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsDelete: %s\n", ((result = hdfsDelete(fs, srcPath, 1)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsDelete: %s\n", ((result = hdfsDelete(lfs, srcPath, 1)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsDelete: %s\n", ((result = hdfsDelete(lfs, dstPath, 1)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
fprintf(stderr, "hdfsExists: %s\n", ((result = hdfsExists(fs, newDirectory)) ? "Success!" : "Failed!"));
totalResult += (result ? 0 : 1);
const char *writePath = "/tmp/appends";
hdfsFile writeFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_WRONLY, 0, 0, 0);
if(!writeFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing!\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s for writing successfully...\n", writePath);
char* buffer = "Hello,";
tSize num_written_bytes = hdfsWrite(fs, writeFile, (void*)buffer, strlen(buffer));
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", num_written_bytes);
if (hdfsFlush(fs, writeFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to 'flush' %s\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Flushed %s successfully!\n", writePath);
hdfsCloseFile(fs, writeFile);
writeFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, 0, 0, 0);
if(!writeFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing!\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s for writing successfully...\n", writePath);
buffer = " World";
num_written_bytes = hdfsWrite(fs, writeFile, (void*)buffer, strlen(buffer) + 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", num_written_bytes);
if (hdfsFlush(fs, writeFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to 'flush' %s\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Flushed %s successfully!\n", writePath);
hdfsCloseFile(fs, writeFile);
// CHECK size
hdfsFileInfo *finfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs, writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "fileinfo->mSize: == total %s\n", ((result = (finfo->mSize == strlen("Hello, World") + 1)) ? "Success!" : "Failed!"));
totalResult += (result ? 0 : 1);
// READ and check data
hdfsFile readFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0);
if (!readFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for reading!\n", writePath);
char rdbuffer[32];
tSize num_read_bytes = hdfsRead(fs, readFile, (void*)rdbuffer, sizeof(rdbuffer));
fprintf(stderr, "Read following %d bytes:\n%s\n",
num_read_bytes, rdbuffer);
fprintf(stderr, "read == Hello, World %s\n", (result = (strcmp(rdbuffer, "Hello, World") == 0)) ? "Success!" : "Failed!");
hdfsCloseFile(fs, readFile);
// DONE test appends
totalResult += (hdfsDisconnect(fs) != 0);
// Now test as connecting as a specific user
// This is only meant to test that we connected as that user, not to test
// the actual fs user capabilities. Thus just create a file and read
// the owner is correct.
const char *tuser = "nobody";
const char* writePath = "/tmp/usertestfile.txt";
const char **groups = (const char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)* 2);
groups[0] = "users";
groups[1] = "nobody";
fs = hdfsConnectAsUserNewInstance("default", 0, tuser, groups, 2);
if(!fs) {
fprintf(stderr, "Oops! Failed to connect to hdfs as user %s!\n",tuser);
hdfsFile writeFile = hdfsOpenFile(fs, writePath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0, 0, 0);
if(!writeFile) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing!\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s for writing successfully...\n", writePath);
char* buffer = "Hello, World!";
tSize num_written_bytes = hdfsWrite(fs, writeFile, (void*)buffer, strlen(buffer)+1);
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", num_written_bytes);
if (hdfsFlush(fs, writeFile)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to 'flush' %s\n", writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "Flushed %s successfully!\n", writePath);
hdfsCloseFile(fs, writeFile);
hdfsFileInfo *finfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs, writePath);
fprintf(stderr, "hdfs new file user is correct: %s\n", ((result = (strcmp(finfo->mOwner, tuser) != 0)) ? "Failed!" : "Success!"));
totalResult += result;
totalResult += (hdfsDisconnect(fs) != 0);
if (totalResult != 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
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