blob: e50883a11f22ba7d2b922218d6cef29f1fbb455a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* These .proto interfaces are private and stable.
* Please see
* for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
// This file contains protocol buffers that are used throughout HDFS -- i.e.
// by the client, server, and data transfer protocols.
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "HdfsServerProtos";
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package hadoop.hdfs;
import "hdfs.proto";
import "HAServiceProtocol.proto";
* Block access token information
message BlockKeyProto {
required uint32 keyId = 1; // Key identifier
required uint64 expiryDate = 2; // Expiry time in milliseconds
optional bytes keyBytes = 3; // Key secret
* Current key and set of block keys at the namenode.
message ExportedBlockKeysProto {
required bool isBlockTokenEnabled = 1;
required uint64 keyUpdateInterval = 2;
required uint64 tokenLifeTime = 3;
required BlockKeyProto currentKey = 4;
repeated BlockKeyProto allKeys = 5;
* Block and datanodes where is it located
message BlockWithLocationsProto {
required BlockProto block = 1; // Block
repeated string datanodeUuids = 2; // Datanodes with replicas of the block
repeated string storageUuids = 3; // Storages with replicas of the block
repeated StorageTypeProto storageTypes = 4;
optional bytes indices = 5;
optional uint32 dataBlockNum = 6;
optional uint32 cellSize = 7;
* List of block with locations
message BlocksWithLocationsProto {
repeated BlockWithLocationsProto blocks = 1;
* Editlog information with available transactions
message RemoteEditLogProto {
required uint64 startTxId = 1; // Starting available edit log transaction
required uint64 endTxId = 2; // Ending available edit log transaction
optional bool isInProgress = 3 [default = false];
* Enumeration of editlogs available on a remote namenode
message RemoteEditLogManifestProto {
repeated RemoteEditLogProto logs = 1;
optional uint64 committedTxnId = 2;
* Namespace information that describes namespace on a namenode
message NamespaceInfoProto {
required string buildVersion = 1; // Software revision version (e.g. an svn or git revision)
required uint32 unused = 2; // Retained for backward compatibility
required string blockPoolID = 3; // block pool used by the namespace
required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 4;// Node information
required string softwareVersion = 5; // Software version number (e.g. 2.0.0)
optional uint64 capabilities = 6 [default = 0]; // feature flags
optional NNHAStatusHeartbeatProto.State state = 7;
* State of a block replica at a datanode
enum ReplicaStateProto {
FINALIZED = 0; // State of a replica when it is not modified
RBW = 1; // State of replica that is being written to
RWR = 2; // State of replica that is waiting to be recovered
RUR = 3; // State of replica that is under recovery
TEMPORARY = 4; // State of replica that is created for replication
* Block that needs to be recovered with at a given location
message RecoveringBlockProto {
required uint64 newGenStamp = 1; // New genstamp post recovery
required LocatedBlockProto block = 2; // Block to be recovered
optional BlockProto truncateBlock = 3; // New block for recovery (truncate)
optional ErasureCodingPolicyProto ecPolicy = 4;
// block indices of striped internal blocks for each storage in LocatedBlock
optional bytes blockIndices = 5;
* Unique signature to identify checkpoint transactions.
message CheckpointSignatureProto {
required string blockPoolId = 1;
required uint64 mostRecentCheckpointTxId = 2;
required uint64 curSegmentTxId = 3;
required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 4;
* Command returned from primary to checkpointing namenode.
* This command has checkpoint signature that identifies
* checkpoint transaction and is needed for further
* communication related to checkpointing.
message CheckpointCommandProto {
// Unique signature to identify checkpoint transation
required CheckpointSignatureProto signature = 1;
// If true, return transfer image to primary upon the completion of checkpoint
required bool needToReturnImage = 2;
* Command sent from one namenode to another namenode.
message NamenodeCommandProto {
enum Type {
NamenodeCommand = 0; // Base command
CheckPointCommand = 1; // Check point command
required uint32 action = 1;
required Type type = 2;
optional CheckpointCommandProto checkpointCmd = 3;
* void request
message VersionRequestProto {
* Version response from namenode.
message VersionResponseProto {
required NamespaceInfoProto info = 1;
* Common node information shared by all the nodes in the cluster
message StorageInfoProto {
required uint32 layoutVersion = 1; // Layout version of the file system
required uint32 namespceID = 2; // File system namespace ID
required string clusterID = 3; // ID of the cluster
required uint64 cTime = 4; // File system creation time
* Information sent by a namenode to identify itself to the primary namenode.
message NamenodeRegistrationProto {
required string rpcAddress = 1; // host:port of the namenode RPC address
required string httpAddress = 2; // host:port of the namenode http server
enum NamenodeRoleProto {
required StorageInfoProto storageInfo = 3; // Node information
optional NamenodeRoleProto role = 4 [default = NAMENODE]; // Namenode role
* state - State the NN is in when returning response to the DN
* txid - Highest transaction ID this NN has seen
message NNHAStatusHeartbeatProto {
enum State {
required State state = 1;
required uint64 txid = 2;