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---------------------------- MODULE yarnregistry ----------------------------
EXTENDS FiniteSets, Sequences, Naturals, TLC
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This defines the YARN registry in terms of operations on sets of records.
Every registry entry is represented as a record containing both the path and the data.
It assumes that
1. operations on this set are immediate.
2. selection operations (such as \A and \E are atomic)
3. changes are immediately visible to all other users of the registry.
4. This clearly implies that changes are visible in the sequence in which they happen.
A multi-server Zookeeper-based registry may not meet all those assumptions
1. changes may take time to propagate across the ZK quorum, hence changes cannot
be considered immediate from the perspective of other registry clients.
(assumptions (1) and (3)).
2. Selection operations may not be atomic. (assumption (2)).
Operations will still happen in the order received by the elected ZK master
A stricter definition would try to state that all operations are eventually
true excluding other changes happening during a sequence of action.
This is left as an excercise for the reader.
The specification also omits all coverage of the permissions policy.
PathChars, \* the set of valid characters in a path
Paths, \* the set of all possible valid paths
Data, \* the set of all possible sequences of bytes
Address, \* the set of all possible address n-tuples
Addresses, \* the set of all possible address instances
Endpoints , \* the set of all possible endpoints
PersistPolicies,\* the set of persistence policies
ServiceRecords, \* all service records
Registries, \* the set of all possile registries
BindActions, \* all possible put actions
DeleteActions, \* all possible delete actions
PurgeActions, \* all possible purge actions
MknodeActions \* all possible mkdir actions
(* Data in records is JSON, hence a string *)
(* the registry*)
VARIABLE registry
(* Sequence of actions to apply to the registry *)
VARIABLE actions
(* Tuple of all variables. *)
vars == << registry, actions >>
(* Persistence policy *)
PersistPolicySet == {
"permanent", \* persists until explicitly removed
"application", \* persists until the application finishes
"application-attempt", \* persists until the application attempt finishes
"container" \* persists until the container finishes
(* Type invariants. *)
TypeInvariant ==
/\ \A p \in PersistPolicies: p \in PersistPolicySet
An Entry is defined as a path, and the actual
data which it contains.
By including the path in an entry, we avoid having to define some
function mapping Path -> entry. Instead a registry can be defined as a
set of RegistryEntries matching the validity critera.
RegistryEntry == [
\* The path to the entry
path: Paths,
\* the data in the entry
data: Data
(* Define the set of all string to string mappings *)
StringMap == [
An endpoint in a service record
Endpoint == [
\* API of the endpoint: some identifier
api: STRING,
\* A list of address n-tuples
addresses: Addresses
A service record
ServiceRecord == [
\* This MUST be present: if it is not then the data is not a service record
\* This permits shortcut scan & reject of byte arrays without parsing
type: "JSONServiceRecord",
\*A description
description: STRING,
\* A set of endpoints
external: Endpoints,
\* Endpoints intended for use internally
internal: Endpoints,
\* Attributes are a function
attributes: StringMap
There is an operation serialize whose internals are not defined,
Which converts the service records to JSON
CONSTANT serialize(_)
(* A function which returns true iff the byte stream is considered a valid service record. *)
CONSTANT containsServiceRecord(_)
(* A function to deserialize a string to JSON *)
CONSTANT deserialize(_)
ASSUME \A json \in STRING: containsServiceRecord(json) \in BOOLEAN
(* Records can be serialized *)
ASSUME \A r \in ServiceRecord : serialize(r) \in STRING /\ containsServiceRecord(serialize(r))
(* All strings for which containsServiceRecord() holds can be deserialized *)
ASSUME \A json \in STRING: containsServiceRecord(json) => deserialize(json) \in ServiceRecord
(* Action Records *)
putAction == [
type: "put",
record: ServiceRecord
deleteAction == [
type: "delete",
path: STRING,
recursive: BOOLEAN
purgeAction == [
type: "purge",
path: STRING,
persistence: PersistPolicySet
mkNodeAction == [
type: "mknode",
path: STRING,
parents: BOOLEAN
Path operations
Parent is defined for non empty sequences
parent(path) == SubSeq(path, 1, Len(path)-1)
isParent(path, c) == path = parent(c)
Registry Access Operations
Lookup all entries in a registry with a matching path
resolve(Registry, path) == \A entry \in Registry: entry.path = path
A path exists in the registry iff there is an entry with that path
exists(Registry, path) == resolve(Registry, path) /= {}
A parent entry, or an empty set if there is none
parentEntry(Registry, path) == resolve(Registry, parent(path))
A root path is the empty sequence
isRootPath(path) == path = <<>>
The root entry is the entry whose path is the root path
isRootEntry(entry) == entry.path = <<>>
A path p is an ancestor of another path d if they are different, and the path d
starts with path p
isAncestorOf(path, d) ==
/\ path /= d
/\ \E k : SubSeq(d, 0, k) = path
ancestorPathOf(path) ==
\A a \in Paths: isAncestorOf(a, path)
The set of all children of a path in the registry
children(R, path) == \A c \in R: isParent(path, c.path)
A path has children if the children() function does not return the empty set
hasChildren(R, path) == children(R, path) /= {}
Descendant: a child of a path or a descendant of a child of a path
descendants(R, path) == \A e \in R: isAncestorOf(path, e.path)
Ancestors: all entries in the registry whose path is an entry of the path argument
ancestors(R, path) == \A e \in R: isAncestorOf(e.path, path)
The set of entries that are a path and its descendants
pathAndDescendants(R, path) ==
\/ \A e \in R: isAncestorOf(path, e.path)
\/ resolve(R, path)
For validity, all entries must match the following criteria
validRegistry(R) ==
\* there can be at most one entry for a path.
/\ \A e \in R: Cardinality(resolve(R, e.path)) = 1
\* There's at least one root entry
/\ \E e \in R: isRootEntry(e)
\* an entry must be the root entry or have a parent entry
/\ \A e \in R: isRootEntry(e) \/ exists(R, parent(e.path))
\* If the entry has data, it must contain a service record
/\ \A e \in R: ( = << >> \/ containsServiceRecord(
Registry Manipulation
An entry can be put into the registry iff
its parent is present or it is the root entry
canBind(R, e) ==
isRootEntry(e) \/ exists(R, parent(e.path))
'bind() adds/replaces an entry if permitted
bind(R, e) ==
/\ canBind(R, e)
/\ R' = (R \ resolve(R, e.path)) \union {e}
mknode() adds a new empty entry where there was none before, iff
-the parent exists
-it meets the requirement for being "bindable"
mknodeSimple(R, path) ==
LET entry == [ path |-> path, data |-> <<>> ]
IN \/ exists(R, path)
\/ (exists(R, parent(path)) /\ canBind(R, entry) /\ (R' = R \union {entry} ))
For all parents, the mknodeSimple() criteria must apply.
This could be defined recursively, though as TLA+ does not support recursion,
an alternative is required
Because this specification is declaring the final state of a operation, not
the implemental, all that is needed is to describe those parents.
It declares that the mknodeSimple() state applies to the path and all
its parents in the set R'
mknodeWithParents(R, path) ==
/\ \A p2 \in ancestors(R, path) : mknodeSimple(R, p2)
/\ mknodeSimple(R, path)
mknode(R, path, recursive) ==
IF recursive THEN mknodeWithParents(R, path) ELSE mknodeSimple(R, path)
Deletion is set difference on any existing entries
simpleDelete(R, path) ==
/\ ~isRootPath(path)
/\ children(R, path) = {}
/\ R' = R \ resolve(R, path)
Recursive delete: neither the path or its descendants exists in the new registry
recursiveDelete(R, path) ==
\* Root path: the new registry is the initial registry again
/\ isRootPath(path) => R' = { [ path |-> <<>>, data |-> <<>> ] }
\* Any other entry: the new registry is a set with any existing
\* entry for that path is removed, and the new entry added
/\ ~isRootPath(path) => R' = R \ ( resolve(R, path) \union descendants(R, path))
Delete operation which chooses the recursiveness policy based on an argument
delete(R, path, recursive) ==
IF recursive THEN recursiveDelete(R, path) ELSE simpleDelete(R, path)
Purge ensures that all entries under a path with the matching ID and policy are not there
purge(R, path, id, persistence) ==
/\ (persistence \in PersistPolicySet)
/\ \A p2 \in pathAndDescendants(R, path) :
(p2.attributes["yarn:id"] = id /\ p2.attributes["yarn:persistence"] = persistence)
=> recursiveDelete(R, p2.path)
resolveEntry() resolves the record entry at a path or fails.
It relies on the fact that if the cardinality of a set is 1, then the CHOOSE operator
is guaranteed to return the single entry of that set, iff the choice predicate holds.
Using a predicate of TRUE, it always succeeds, so this function selects
the sole entry of the resolve operation.
resolveEntry(R, path) ==
LET l == resolve(R, path) IN
/\ Cardinality(l) = 1
/\ CHOOSE e \in l : TRUE
Resolve a record by resolving the entry and deserializing the result
resolveRecord(R, path) ==
deserialize(resolveEntry(R, path))
The specific action of putting an entry into a record includes validating the record
validRecordToBind(path, record) ==
\* The root entry must have permanent persistence
isRootPath(path) => (
record.attributes["yarn:persistence"] = "permanent"
\/ record.attributes["yarn:persistence"]
\/ record.attributes["yarn:persistence"] = {})
Binding a service record involves validating it then putting it in the registry
marshalled as the data in the entry
bindRecord(R, path, record) ==
/\ validRecordToBind(path, record)
/\ bind(R, [path |-> path, data |-> serialize(record)])
The action queue can only contain one of the sets of action types, and
by giving each a unique name, those sets are guaranteed to be disjoint
QueueInvariant ==
/\ \A a \in actions:
\/ (a \in BindActions /\ a.type="bind")
\/ (a \in DeleteActions /\ a.type="delete")
\/ (a \in PurgeActions /\ a.type="purge")
\/ (a \in MknodeActions /\ a.type="mknode")
Applying queued actions
applyAction(R, a) ==
\/ (a \in BindActions /\ bindRecord(R, a.path, a.record) )
\/ (a \in MknodeActions /\ mknode(R, a.path, a.recursive) )
\/ (a \in DeleteActions /\ delete(R, a.path, a.recursive) )
\/ (a \in PurgeActions /\ purge(R, a.path,, a.persistence))
Apply the first action in a list and then update the actions
applyFirstAction(R, a) ==
/\ actions /= <<>>
/\ applyAction(R, Head(a))
/\ actions' = Tail(a)
Next == applyFirstAction(registry, actions)
All submitted actions must eventually be applied.
Liveness == <>( actions = <<>> )
The initial state of a registry has the root entry.
InitialRegistry == registry = {
[ path |-> <<>>, data |-> <<>> ]
The valid state of the "registry" variable is defined as
Via the validRegistry predicate
ValidRegistryState == validRegistry(registry)
The initial state of the system
InitialState ==
/\ InitialRegistry
/\ ValidRegistryState
/\ actions = <<>>
The registry has an initial state, the series of state changes driven by the actions,
and the requirement that it does act on those actions.
RegistrySpec ==
/\ InitialState
/\ [][Next]_vars
/\ Liveness
Theorem: For all operations from that initial state, the registry state is still valid
THEOREM InitialState => [] ValidRegistryState
Theorem: for all operations from that initial state, the type invariants hold
THEOREM InitialState => [] TypeInvariant
Theorem: the queue invariants hold
THEOREM InitialState => [] QueueInvariant