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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class TestMRKeyFieldBasedPartitioner {
* Test is key-field-based partitioned works with empty key.
public void testEmptyKey() throws Exception {
int numReducers = 10;
KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text> kfbp =
new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setInt("num.key.fields.for.partition", 10);
assertEquals("Empty key should map to 0th partition",
0, kfbp.getPartition(new Text(), new Text(), numReducers));
// check if the hashcode is correct when no keyspec is specified
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
String input = "abc\tdef\txyz";
int hashCode = input.hashCode();
int expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// check if the hashcode is correct with specified keyspec
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k2,2");
String expectedOutput = "def";
byte[] eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, 0);
expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// test with invalid end index in keyspecs
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k2,5");
expectedOutput = "def\txyz";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, 0);
expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// test with 0 end index in keyspecs
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k2");
expectedOutput = "def\txyz";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, 0);
expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// test with invalid keyspecs
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k10");
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", 0,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// test with multiple keyspecs
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k2,2 -k4,4");
input = "abc\tdef\tpqr\txyz";
expectedOutput = "def";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, 0);
expectedOutput = "xyz";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, hashCode);
expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));
// test with invalid start index in keyspecs
kfbp = new KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<Text, Text>();
conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(KeyFieldBasedPartitioner.PARTITIONER_OPTIONS, "-k2,2 -k30,21 -k4,4 -k5");
expectedOutput = "def";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, 0);
expectedOutput = "xyz";
eBytes = expectedOutput.getBytes();
hashCode = kfbp.hashCode(eBytes, 0, eBytes.length - 1, hashCode);
expectedPartition = kfbp.getPartition(hashCode, numReducers);
assertEquals("Partitioner doesnt work as expected", expectedPartition,
kfbp.getPartition(new Text(input), new Text(), numReducers));