blob: 07331ef8d846a51d9f61140ff0f7ad3dbc80f7ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSTestUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ExtendedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.CachedFullPathNames;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.CachedLocatedBlocks;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.FileType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestBlockPlacementPolicyRaid {
public void testFoo() {
// private Configuration conf = null;
// private MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
// private FSNamesystem namesystem = null;
// private BlockPlacementPolicyRaid policy = null;
// private FileSystem fs = null;
// String[] rack1 = {"/rack1"};
// String[] rack2 = {"/rack2"};
// String[] host1 = {""};
// String[] host2 = {""};
// String xorPrefix = null;
// String raidTempPrefix = null;
// String raidrsTempPrefix = null;
// String raidrsHarTempPrefix = null;
// final static Log LOG =
// LogFactory.getLog(TestBlockPlacementPolicyRaid.class);
// protected void setupCluster() throws IOException {
// conf = new Configuration();
// conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCKREPORT_INTERVAL_MSEC_KEY, 1000L);
// conf.set("dfs.replication.pending.timeout.sec", "2");
// conf.setLong(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BLOCK_SIZE_KEY, 1L);
// conf.set("dfs.block.replicator.classname",
// "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.BlockPlacementPolicyRaid");
// conf.set(RaidNode.STRIPE_LENGTH_KEY, "2");
// conf.set(RaidNode.RS_PARITY_LENGTH_KEY, "3");
// conf.setInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_BYTES_PER_CHECKSUM_KEY, 1);
// // start the cluster with one datanode first
// cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1).
// format(true).racks(rack1).hosts(host1).build();
// cluster.waitActive();
// namesystem = cluster.getNameNode().getNamesystem();
// Assert.assertTrue("BlockPlacementPolicy type is not correct.",
// namesystem.blockManager.replicator instanceof BlockPlacementPolicyRaid);
// policy = (BlockPlacementPolicyRaid) namesystem.blockManager.replicator;
// fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
// xorPrefix = RaidNode.xorDestinationPath(conf).toUri().getPath();
// raidTempPrefix = RaidNode.xorTempPrefix(conf);
// raidrsTempPrefix = RaidNode.rsTempPrefix(conf);
// raidrsHarTempPrefix = RaidNode.rsHarTempPrefix(conf);
// }
// /**
// * Test that the parity files will be placed at the good locations when we
// * create them.
// */
// @Test
// public void testChooseTargetForRaidFile() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// String src = "/dir/file";
// String parity = raidrsTempPrefix + src;
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(src), 4, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, new Path(src), (short)1);
// refreshPolicy();
// setBlockPlacementPolicy(namesystem, policy);
// // start 3 more datanodes
// String[] racks = {"/rack2", "/rack2", "/rack2",
// "/rack2", "/rack2", "/rack2"};
// String[] hosts =
// {"", "", "",
// "", "", ""};
// cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 6, true, null, racks, hosts, null);
// int numBlocks = 6;
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(parity), numBlocks, (short)2, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, new Path(parity), (short)2);
// FileStatus srcStat = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(src));
// BlockLocation[] srcLoc =
// fs.getFileBlockLocations(srcStat, 0, srcStat.getLen());
// FileStatus parityStat = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(parity));
// BlockLocation[] parityLoc =
// fs.getFileBlockLocations(parityStat, 0, parityStat.getLen());
// int parityLen = RaidNode.rsParityLength(conf);
// for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks / parityLen; i++) {
// Set<String> locations = new HashSet<String>();
// for (int j = 0; j < srcLoc.length; j++) {
// String [] names = srcLoc[j].getNames();
// for (int k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
//"Source block location: " + names[k]);
// locations.add(names[k]);
// }
// }
// for (int j = 0 ; j < parityLen; j++) {
// String[] names = parityLoc[j + i * parityLen].getNames();
// for (int k = 0; k < names.length; k++) {
//"Parity block location: " + names[k]);
// Assert.assertTrue(locations.add(names[k]));
// }
// }
// }
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test that the har parity files will be placed at the good locations when we
// * create them.
// */
// @Test
// public void testChooseTargetForHarRaidFile() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// String[] racks = {"/rack2", "/rack2", "/rack2",
// "/rack2", "/rack2", "/rack2"};
// String[] hosts =
// {"", "", "",
// "", "", ""};
// cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 6, true, null, racks, hosts, null);
// String harParity = raidrsHarTempPrefix + "/dir/file";
// int numBlocks = 11;
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(harParity), numBlocks, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, new Path(harParity), (short)1);
// FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(harParity));
// BlockLocation[] loc = fs.getFileBlockLocations(stat, 0, stat.getLen());
// int rsParityLength = RaidNode.rsParityLength(conf);
// for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks - rsParityLength; i++) {
// Set<String> locations = new HashSet<String>();
// for (int j = 0; j < rsParityLength; j++) {
// for (int k = 0; k < loc[i + j].getNames().length; k++) {
// // verify that every adjacent 4 blocks are on differnt nodes
// String name = loc[i + j].getNames()[k];
//"Har Raid block location: " + name);
// Assert.assertTrue(locations.add(name));
// }
// }
// }
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.CachedLocatedBlocks
// * Verify that the results obtained from cache is the same as
// * the results obtained directly
// */
// @Test
// public void testCachedBlocks() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// String file1 = "/dir/file1";
// String file2 = "/dir/file2";
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file1), 3, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file2), 4, (short)1, 0L);
// // test blocks cache
// CachedLocatedBlocks cachedBlocks = new CachedLocatedBlocks(namesystem);
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file1);
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file1);
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file2);
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file2);
// try {
// Thread.sleep(1200L);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// }
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file2);
// verifyCachedBlocksResult(cachedBlocks, namesystem, file1);
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.CachedFullPathNames
// * Verify that the results obtained from cache is the same as
// * the results obtained directly
// */
// @Test
// public void testCachedPathNames() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// String file1 = "/dir/file1";
// String file2 = "/dir/file2";
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file1), 3, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file2), 4, (short)1, 0L);
// // test full path cache
// CachedFullPathNames cachedFullPathNames =
// new CachedFullPathNames(namesystem);
// FSInodeInfo inode1 = null;
// FSInodeInfo inode2 = null;
// NameNodeRaidTestUtil.readLock(namesystem.dir);
// try {
// inode1 = NameNodeRaidTestUtil.getNode(namesystem.dir, file1, true);
// inode2 = NameNodeRaidTestUtil.getNode(namesystem.dir, file2, true);
// } finally {
// NameNodeRaidTestUtil.readUnLock(namesystem.dir);
// }
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode1);
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode1);
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode2);
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode2);
// try {
// Thread.sleep(1200L);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// }
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode2);
// verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(cachedFullPathNames, inode1);
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test the result of getCompanionBlocks() on the unraided files
// */
// @Test
// public void testGetCompanionBLocks() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// String file1 = "/dir/file1";
// String file2 = "/raid/dir/file2";
// String file3 = "/raidrs/dir/file3";
// // Set the policy to default policy to place the block in the default way
// setBlockPlacementPolicy(namesystem, new BlockPlacementPolicyDefault(
// conf, namesystem, namesystem.clusterMap));
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file1), 3, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file2), 4, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, new Path(file3), 8, (short)1, 0L);
// Collection<LocatedBlock> companionBlocks;
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file1).get(0).getBlock());
// Assert.assertTrue(companionBlocks == null || companionBlocks.size() == 0);
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file1).get(2).getBlock());
// Assert.assertTrue(companionBlocks == null || companionBlocks.size() == 0);
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file2).get(0).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(1, companionBlocks.size());
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file2).get(3).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(1, companionBlocks.size());
// int rsParityLength = RaidNode.rsParityLength(conf);
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file3).get(0).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(rsParityLength, companionBlocks.size());
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file3).get(4).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(rsParityLength, companionBlocks.size());
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, getBlocks(namesystem, file3).get(6).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(2, companionBlocks.size());
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// static void setBlockPlacementPolicy(
// FSNamesystem namesystem, BlockPlacementPolicy policy) {
// namesystem.writeLock();
// try {
// namesystem.blockManager.replicator = policy;
// } finally {
// namesystem.writeUnlock();
// }
// }
// /**
// * Test BlockPlacementPolicyRaid actually deletes the correct replica.
// * Start 2 datanodes and create 1 source file and its parity file.
// * 1) Start host1, create the parity file with replication 1
// * 2) Start host2, create the source file with replication 2
// * 3) Set repliation of source file to 1
// * Verify that the policy should delete the block with more companion blocks.
// */
// @Test
// public void testDeleteReplica() throws IOException {
// setupCluster();
// try {
// // Set the policy to default policy to place the block in the default way
// setBlockPlacementPolicy(namesystem, new BlockPlacementPolicyDefault(
// conf, namesystem, namesystem.clusterMap));
// DatanodeDescriptor datanode1 =
// NameNodeRaidTestUtil.getDatanodeMap(namesystem).values().iterator().next();
// String source = "/dir/file";
// String parity = xorPrefix + source;
// final Path parityPath = new Path(parity);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, parityPath, 3, (short)1, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, parityPath, (short)1);
// // start one more datanode
// cluster.startDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, rack2, host2, null);
// DatanodeDescriptor datanode2 = null;
// for (DatanodeDescriptor d : NameNodeRaidTestUtil.getDatanodeMap(namesystem).values()) {
// if (!d.getName().equals(datanode1.getName())) {
// datanode2 = d;
// }
// }
// Assert.assertTrue(datanode2 != null);
// cluster.waitActive();
// final Path sourcePath = new Path(source);
// DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, sourcePath, 5, (short)2, 0L);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, sourcePath, (short)2);
// refreshPolicy();
// Assert.assertEquals(parity,
// policy.getParityFile(source));
// Assert.assertEquals(source,
// policy.getSourceFile(parity, xorPrefix));
// List<LocatedBlock> sourceBlocks = getBlocks(namesystem, source);
// List<LocatedBlock> parityBlocks = getBlocks(namesystem, parity);
// Assert.assertEquals(5, sourceBlocks.size());
// Assert.assertEquals(3, parityBlocks.size());
// // verify the result of getCompanionBlocks()
// Collection<LocatedBlock> companionBlocks;
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, sourceBlocks.get(0).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{0});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, sourceBlocks.get(1).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{0});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, sourceBlocks.get(2).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{2, 3}, new int[]{1});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, sourceBlocks.get(3).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{2, 3}, new int[]{1});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, sourceBlocks.get(4).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{4}, new int[]{2});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, parityBlocks.get(0).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{0, 1}, new int[]{0});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, parityBlocks.get(1).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{2, 3}, new int[]{1});
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, parityBlocks.get(2).getBlock());
// verifyCompanionBlocks(companionBlocks, sourceBlocks, parityBlocks,
// new int[]{4}, new int[]{2});
// // Set the policy back to raid policy. We have to create a new object
// // here to clear the block location cache
// refreshPolicy();
// setBlockPlacementPolicy(namesystem, policy);
// // verify policy deletes the correct blocks. companion blocks should be
// // evenly distributed.
// fs.setReplication(sourcePath, (short)1);
// DFSTestUtil.waitReplication(fs, sourcePath, (short)1);
// Map<String, Integer> counters = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
// refreshPolicy();
// for (int i = 0; i < parityBlocks.size(); i++) {
// companionBlocks = getCompanionBlocks(
// namesystem, policy, parityBlocks.get(i).getBlock());
// counters = BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.countCompanionBlocks(
// companionBlocks, false);
// Assert.assertTrue(counters.get(datanode1.getName()) >= 1 &&
// counters.get(datanode1.getName()) <= 2);
// Assert.assertTrue(counters.get(datanode1.getName()) +
// counters.get(datanode2.getName()) ==
// companionBlocks.size());
// counters = BlockPlacementPolicyRaid.countCompanionBlocks(
// companionBlocks, true);
// Assert.assertTrue(counters.get(datanode1.getParent().getName()) >= 1 &&
// counters.get(datanode1.getParent().getName()) <= 2);
// Assert.assertTrue(counters.get(datanode1.getParent().getName()) +
// counters.get(datanode2.getParent().getName()) ==
// companionBlocks.size());
// }
// } finally {
// if (cluster != null) {
// cluster.shutdown();
// }
// }
// }
// // create a new BlockPlacementPolicyRaid to clear the cache
// private void refreshPolicy() {
// policy = new BlockPlacementPolicyRaid();
// policy.initialize(conf, namesystem, namesystem.clusterMap);
// }
// private void verifyCompanionBlocks(Collection<LocatedBlock> companionBlocks,
// List<LocatedBlock> sourceBlocks, List<LocatedBlock> parityBlocks,
// int[] sourceBlockIndexes, int[] parityBlockIndexes) {
// Set<ExtendedBlock> blockSet = new HashSet<ExtendedBlock>();
// for (LocatedBlock b : companionBlocks) {
// blockSet.add(b.getBlock());
// }
// Assert.assertEquals(sourceBlockIndexes.length + parityBlockIndexes.length,
// blockSet.size());
// for (int index : sourceBlockIndexes) {
// Assert.assertTrue(blockSet.contains(sourceBlocks.get(index).getBlock()));
// }
// for (int index : parityBlockIndexes) {
// Assert.assertTrue(blockSet.contains(parityBlocks.get(index).getBlock()));
// }
// }
// private void verifyCachedFullPathNameResult(
// CachedFullPathNames cachedFullPathNames, FSInodeInfo inode)
// throws IOException {
// String res1 = inode.getFullPathName();
// String res2 = cachedFullPathNames.get(inode);
//"Actual path name: " + res1);
//"Cached path name: " + res2);
// Assert.assertEquals(cachedFullPathNames.get(inode),
// inode.getFullPathName());
// }
// private void verifyCachedBlocksResult(CachedLocatedBlocks cachedBlocks,
// FSNamesystem namesystem, String file) throws IOException{
// long len = NameNodeRaidUtil.getFileInfo(namesystem, file, true).getLen();
// List<LocatedBlock> res1 = NameNodeRaidUtil.getBlockLocations(namesystem,
// file, 0L, len, false, false).getLocatedBlocks();
// List<LocatedBlock> res2 = cachedBlocks.get(file);
// for (int i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) {
//"Actual block: " + res1.get(i).getBlock());
//"Cached block: " + res2.get(i).getBlock());
// Assert.assertEquals(res1.get(i).getBlock(), res2.get(i).getBlock());
// }
// }
// private Collection<LocatedBlock> getCompanionBlocks(
// FSNamesystem namesystem, BlockPlacementPolicyRaid policy,
// ExtendedBlock block) throws IOException {
// INodeFile inode = namesystem.blockManager.blocksMap.getINode(block
// .getLocalBlock());
// FileType type = policy.getFileType(inode.getFullPathName());
// return policy.getCompanionBlocks(inode.getFullPathName(), type,
// block.getLocalBlock());
// }
// private List<LocatedBlock> getBlocks(FSNamesystem namesystem, String file)
// throws IOException {
// long len = NameNodeRaidUtil.getFileInfo(namesystem, file, true).getLen();
// return NameNodeRaidUtil.getBlockLocations(namesystem,
// file, 0, len, false, false).getLocatedBlocks();
// }