blob: c33a180ed1804a059ce42834e440b4fc6c2c89dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.TestFileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Trash;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract.ContractTestUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystemTestHelper;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystemTestHelper.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.Constants.PERMISSION_555;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_ENABLE_INNER_CACHE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_POINT_LOCAL_TRASH;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.TRASH_PREFIX;
import static org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.UnsupportedFileSystemException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ConfigUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem.MountPoint;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
* <p>
* A collection of tests for the {@link ViewFileSystem}.
* This test should be used for testing ViewFileSystem that has mount links to
* a target file system such localFs or Hdfs etc.
* </p>
* <p>
* To test a given target file system create a subclass of this
* test and override {@link #setUp()} to initialize the <code>fsTarget</code>
* to point to the file system to which you want the mount targets
* Since this a junit 4 you can also do a single setup before
* the start of any tests.
* E.g.
* @BeforeClass public static void clusterSetupAtBegining()
* @AfterClass public static void ClusterShutdownAtEnd()
* </p>
abstract public class ViewFileSystemBaseTest {
FileSystem fsView; // the view file system - the mounts are here
FileSystem fsTarget; // the target file system - the mount will point here
Path targetTestRoot;
Configuration conf;
final FileSystemTestHelper fileSystemTestHelper;
public ViewFileSystemBaseTest() {
this.fileSystemTestHelper = createFileSystemHelper();
protected FileSystemTestHelper createFileSystemHelper() {
return new FileSystemTestHelper();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Make user and data dirs - we creates links to them in the mount table
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user"));
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot,"data"));
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2"));
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir3"));
FileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsTarget, new Path(targetTestRoot,"aFile"));
// Now we use the mount fs to set links to user and dir
// in the test root
// Set up the defaultMT in the config with our mount point links
conf = ViewFileSystemTestSetup.createConfig();
fsView = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
fsTarget.delete(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsTarget), true);
void initializeTargetTestRoot() throws IOException {
targetTestRoot = fileSystemTestHelper.getAbsoluteTestRootPath(fsTarget);
// In case previous test was killed before cleanup
fsTarget.delete(targetTestRoot, true);
void setupMountPoints() {
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/targetRoot", targetTestRoot.toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user", new Path(targetTestRoot, "user").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/user2", new Path(targetTestRoot,"user").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/data", new Path(targetTestRoot,"data").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/internalDir/linkToDir2",
new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3",
new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir3").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/danglingLink",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "missingTarget").toUri());
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf, "/linkToAFile",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "aFile").toUri());
public void testGetMountPoints() {
ViewFileSystem viewfs = (ViewFileSystem) fsView;
MountPoint[] mountPoints = viewfs.getMountPoints();
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedMountPoints(), mountPoints.length);
int getExpectedMountPoints() {
return 8;
* This default implementation is when viewfs has mount points
* into file systems, such as LocalFs that do no have delegation tokens.
* It should be overridden for when mount points into hdfs.
public void testGetDelegationTokens() throws IOException {
Token<?>[] delTokens =
fsView.addDelegationTokens("sanjay", new Credentials());
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedDelegationTokenCount(), delTokens.length);
int getExpectedDelegationTokenCount() {
return 0;
public void testGetDelegationTokensWithCredentials() throws IOException {
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
List<Token<?>> delTokens =
Arrays.asList(fsView.addDelegationTokens("sanjay", credentials));
int expectedTokenCount = getExpectedDelegationTokenCountWithCredentials();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedTokenCount, delTokens.size());
Credentials newCredentials = new Credentials();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedTokenCount / 2; i++) {
Token<?> token = delTokens.get(i);
newCredentials.addToken(token.getService(), token);
List<Token<?>> delTokens2 =
Arrays.asList(fsView.addDelegationTokens("sanjay", newCredentials));
Assert.assertEquals((expectedTokenCount + 1) / 2, delTokens2.size());
int getExpectedDelegationTokenCountWithCredentials() {
return 0;
public void testBasicPaths() {
new Path("/user/" + System.getProperty(""))),
new Path("/user/" + System.getProperty(""))),
new Path("/foo/bar").makeQualified(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, null),
fsView.makeQualified(new Path("/foo/bar")));
public void testLocatedOperationsThroughMountLinks() throws IOException {
public void testOperationsThroughMountLinks() throws IOException {
* Test modify operations (create, mkdir, delete, etc)
* on the mount file system where the pathname references through
* the mount points. Hence these operation will modify the target
* file system.
* Verify the operation via mountfs (ie fSys) and *also* via the
* target file system (ie fSysLocal) that the mount link points-to.
private void testOperationsThroughMountLinksInternal(boolean located)
throws IOException {
// Create file
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
Assert.assertTrue("Created file should be type file",
fsView.isFile(new Path("/user/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of created file should be type file",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/foo")));
// Delete the created file
Assert.assertTrue("Delete should suceed",
fsView.delete(new Path("/user/foo"), false));
Assert.assertFalse("File should not exist after delete",
fsView.exists(new Path("/user/foo")));
Assert.assertFalse("Target File should not exist after delete",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/foo")));
// Create file with a 2 component dirs
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo");
Assert.assertTrue("Created file should be type file",
fsView.isFile(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of created file should be type file",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2/foo")));
// Delete the created file
Assert.assertTrue("Delete should suceed",
fsView.delete(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo"), false));
Assert.assertFalse("File should not exist after delete",
fsView.exists(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo")));
Assert.assertFalse("Target File should not exist after delete",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2/foo")));
// Create file with a 3 component dirs
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo");
Assert.assertTrue("Created file should be type file",
fsView.isFile(new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of created file should be type file",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir3/foo")));
// Recursive Create file with missing dirs
Assert.assertTrue("Created file should be type file",
fsView.isFile(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/missingDir/miss2/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of created file should be type file",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2/missingDir/miss2/foo")));
// Delete the created file
Assert.assertTrue("Delete should succeed",
new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo"), false));
Assert.assertFalse("File should not exist after delete",
fsView.exists(new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3/foo")));
Assert.assertFalse("Target File should not exist after delete",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir3/foo")));
// mkdir
fsView.mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX"));
Assert.assertTrue("New dir should be type dir",
fsView.isDirectory(new Path("/user/dirX")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of new dir should be of type dir",
fsTarget.isDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX")));
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX/dirY"));
Assert.assertTrue("New dir should be type dir",
fsView.isDirectory(new Path("/user/dirX/dirY")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of new dir should be of type dir",
fsTarget.isDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX/dirY")));
// Delete the created dir
Assert.assertTrue("Delete should succeed",
fsView.delete(new Path("/user/dirX/dirY"), false));
Assert.assertFalse("File should not exist after delete",
fsView.exists(new Path("/user/dirX/dirY")));
Assert.assertFalse("Target File should not exist after delete",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX/dirY")));
Assert.assertTrue("Delete should succeed",
fsView.delete(new Path("/user/dirX"), false));
Assert.assertFalse("File should not exist after delete",
fsView.exists(new Path("/user/dirX")));
Assert.assertFalse(fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX")));
// Rename a file
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
fsView.rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/user/fooBar"));
Assert.assertFalse("Renamed src should not exist",
fsView.exists(new Path("/user/foo")));
Assert.assertFalse("Renamed src should not exist in target",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Renamed dest should exist as file",
Assert.assertTrue("Renamed dest should exist as file in target",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/fooBar")));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user/dirFoo"));
fsView.rename(new Path("/user/dirFoo"), new Path("/user/dirFooBar"));
Assert.assertFalse("Renamed src should not exist",
fsView.exists(new Path("/user/dirFoo")));
Assert.assertFalse("Renamed src should not exist in target",
fsTarget.exists(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirFoo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Renamed dest should exist as dir",
Assert.assertTrue("Renamed dest should exist as dir in target",
fsTarget.isDirectory(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirFooBar")));
// Make a directory under a directory that's mounted from the root of another FS
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/targetRoot/dirFoo"));
Assert.assertTrue(fsView.exists(new Path("/targetRoot/dirFoo")));
boolean dirFooPresent = false;
for (FileStatus fileStatus :
listStatusInternal(located, new Path("/targetRoot/"))) {
if (fileStatus.getPath().getName().equals("dirFoo")) {
dirFooPresent = true;
// rename across mount points that point to same target also fail
public void testRenameAcrossMounts1() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
try {
fsView.rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/user2/fooBarBar"));"IOException is not thrown on rename operation");
} catch (IOException e) {
.assertExceptionContains("Renames across Mount points not supported",
// rename across mount points fail if the mount link targets are different
// even if the targets are part of the same target FS
public void testRenameAcrossMounts2() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
try {
fsView.rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/data/fooBar"));"IOException is not thrown on rename operation");
} catch (IOException e) {
.assertExceptionContains("Renames across Mount points not supported",
// to rename across mount points that point to same target URI
public void testRenameAcrossMounts3() throws IOException {
Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.newInstance(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView2, "/user/foo");
fsView2.rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/user2/fooBarBar"));
.assertPathDoesNotExist(fsView2, "src should not exist after rename",
new Path("/user/foo"));
.assertPathDoesNotExist(fsTarget, "src should not exist after rename",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo"));
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView2, "/user2/fooBarBar"));
.assertIsFile(fsTarget, new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/fooBarBar"));
// to rename across mount points where the mount link targets are different
// but are part of the same target FS
public void testRenameAcrossMounts4() throws IOException {
Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.newInstance(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView2, "/user/foo");
fsView2.rename(new Path("/user/foo"), new Path("/data/fooBar"));
.assertPathDoesNotExist(fsView2, "src should not exist after rename",
new Path("/user/foo"));
.assertPathDoesNotExist(fsTarget, "src should not exist after rename",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo"));
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView2, "/data/fooBar"));
.assertIsFile(fsTarget, new Path(targetTestRoot, "data/fooBar"));
static protected boolean SupportsBlocks = false; // local fs use 1 block
// override for HDFS
public void testGetBlockLocations() throws IOException {
Path targetFilePath = new Path(targetTestRoot,"data/largeFile");
targetFilePath, 10, 1024);
Path viewFilePath = new Path("/data/largeFile");
Assert.assertTrue("Created File should be type File",
BlockLocation[] viewBL = fsView.getFileBlockLocations(fsView.getFileStatus(viewFilePath), 0, 10240+100);
Assert.assertEquals(SupportsBlocks ? 10 : 1, viewBL.length);
BlockLocation[] targetBL = fsTarget.getFileBlockLocations(fsTarget.getFileStatus(targetFilePath), 0, 10240+100);
compareBLs(viewBL, targetBL);
// Same test but now get it via the FileStatus Parameter
fsView.getFileStatus(viewFilePath), 0, 10240+100);
targetBL = fsTarget.getFileBlockLocations(
fsTarget.getFileStatus(targetFilePath), 0, 10240+100);
compareBLs(viewBL, targetBL);
void compareBLs(BlockLocation[] viewBL, BlockLocation[] targetBL) {
Assert.assertEquals(targetBL.length, viewBL.length);
int i = 0;
for (BlockLocation vbl : viewBL) {
Assert.assertEquals(vbl.toString(), targetBL[i].toString());
Assert.assertEquals(targetBL[i].getOffset(), vbl.getOffset());
Assert.assertEquals(targetBL[i].getLength(), vbl.getLength());
public void testLocatedListOnInternalDirsOfMountTable() throws IOException {
* Test "readOps" (e.g. list, listStatus)
* on internal dirs of mount table
* These operations should succeed.
// test list on internal dirs of mount table
public void testListOnInternalDirsOfMountTable() throws IOException {
private void testListOnInternalDirsOfMountTableInternal(boolean located)
throws IOException {
// list on Slash
FileStatus[] dirPaths = listStatusInternal(located, new Path("/"));
FileStatus fs;
// list on internal dir
dirPaths = listStatusInternal(located, new Path("/internalDir"));
Assert.assertEquals(2, dirPaths.length);
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/internalDir/internalDir2", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isDirectory());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/internalDir/linkToDir2",
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isSymlink());
private void verifyRootChildren(FileStatus[] dirPaths) throws IOException {
FileStatus fs;
Assert.assertEquals(getExpectedDirPaths(), dirPaths.length);
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/user", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isSymlink());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/data", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isSymlink());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/internalDir", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isDirectory());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/danglingLink", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isSymlink());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/linkToAFile", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("A mount should appear as symlink", fs.isSymlink());
int getExpectedDirPaths() {
return 7;
public void testListOnMountTargetDirs() throws IOException {
public void testLocatedListOnMountTargetDirs() throws IOException {
private void testListOnMountTargetDirsInternal(boolean located)
throws IOException {
final Path dataPath = new Path("/data");
FileStatus[] dirPaths = listStatusInternal(located, dataPath);
FileStatus fs;
Assert.assertEquals(0, dirPaths.length);
// add a file
long len = fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/data/foo");
dirPaths = listStatusInternal(located, dataPath);
Assert.assertEquals(1, dirPaths.length);
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/data/foo", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("Created file shoudl appear as a file", fs.isFile());
Assert.assertEquals(len, fs.getLen());
// add a dir
fsView.mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/data/dirX"));
dirPaths = listStatusInternal(located, dataPath);
Assert.assertEquals(2, dirPaths.length);
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/data/foo", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("Created file shoudl appear as a file", fs.isFile());
fs = fileSystemTestHelper.containsPath(fsView, "/data/dirX", dirPaths);
Assert.assertTrue("Created dir should appear as a dir", fs.isDirectory());
private FileStatus[] listStatusInternal(boolean located, Path dataPath) throws IOException {
FileStatus[] dirPaths = new FileStatus[0];
if (located) {
RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> statIter =
ArrayList<LocatedFileStatus> tmp = new ArrayList<LocatedFileStatus>(10);
while (statIter.hasNext()) {
dirPaths = tmp.toArray(dirPaths);
} else {
dirPaths = fsView.listStatus(dataPath);
return dirPaths;
public void testFileStatusOnMountLink() throws IOException {
Assert.assertTrue(fsView.getFileStatus(new Path("/")).isDirectory());
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/", fileType.isDir);
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/user", fileType.isDir); // link followed => dir
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/data", fileType.isDir);
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/internalDir", fileType.isDir);
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/internalDir/linkToDir2", fileType.isDir);
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3",
checkFileStatus(fsView, "/linkToAFile", fileType.isFile);
public void testgetFSonDanglingLink() throws IOException {
fsView.getFileStatus(new Path("/danglingLink"));
public void testgetFSonNonExistingInternalDir() throws IOException {
fsView.getFileStatus(new Path("/internalDir/nonExisting"));
* Test resolvePath(p)
public void testResolvePathInternalPaths() throws IOException {
Assert.assertEquals(new Path("/"), fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/")));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path("/internalDir"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/internalDir")));
public void testResolvePathMountPoints() throws IOException {
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user")));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"data"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/data")));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir2"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2")));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"dir3"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/internalDir/internalDir2/linkToDir3")));
public void testResolvePathThroughMountPoints() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/user/foo");
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/foo"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user/foo")));
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user/dirX")));
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX/dirY"));
Assert.assertEquals(new Path(targetTestRoot,"user/dirX/dirY"),
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user/dirX/dirY")));
public void testResolvePathDanglingLink() throws IOException {
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/danglingLink"));
public void testResolvePathMissingThroughMountPoints() throws IOException {
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user/nonExisting"));
public void testResolvePathMissingThroughMountPoints2() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/dirX"));
fsView.resolvePath(new Path("/user/dirX/nonExisting"));
* Test modify operations (create, mkdir, rename, etc)
* on internal dirs of mount table
* These operations should fail since the mount table is read-only or
* because the internal dir that it is trying to create already
* exits.
// Mkdir on existing internal mount table succeed except for /
public void testInternalMkdirSlash() throws IOException {
fsView.mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/"));
public void testInternalMkdirExisting1() throws IOException {
Assert.assertTrue("mkdir of existing dir should succeed",
public void testInternalMkdirExisting2() throws IOException {
Assert.assertTrue("mkdir of existing dir should succeed",
// Mkdir for new internal mount table should fail
public void testInternalMkdirNew() throws IOException {
fsView.mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/dirNew"));
public void testInternalMkdirNew2() throws IOException {
fsView.mkdirs(fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/internalDir/dirNew"));
// Create File on internal mount table should fail
public void testInternalCreate1() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/foo"); // 1 component
public void testInternalCreate2() throws IOException { // 2 component
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/internalDir/foo");
public void testInternalCreateMissingDir() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/missingDir/foo");
public void testInternalCreateMissingDir2() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/missingDir/miss2/foo");
public void testInternalCreateMissingDir3() throws IOException {
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsView, "/internalDir/miss2/foo");
// Delete on internal mount table should fail
public void testInternalDeleteNonExisting() throws IOException {
fsView.delete(new Path("/NonExisting"), false);
public void testInternalDeleteNonExisting2() throws IOException {
fsView.delete(new Path("/internalDir/NonExisting"), false);
public void testInternalDeleteExisting() throws IOException {
fsView.delete(new Path("/internalDir"), false);
public void testInternalDeleteExisting2() throws IOException {
new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2")).isDirectory();
fsView.delete(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2"), false);
public void testMkdirOfMountLink() throws IOException {
// data exists - mkdirs returns true even though no permission in internal
// mount table
Assert.assertTrue("mkdir of existing mount link should succeed",
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/data")));
// Rename on internal mount table should fail
public void testInternalRename1() throws IOException {
fsView.rename(new Path("/internalDir"), new Path("/newDir"));
public void testInternalRename2() throws IOException {
fsView.getFileStatus(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2")).isDirectory();
fsView.rename(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2"),
new Path("/internalDir/dir1"));
public void testInternalRename3() throws IOException {
fsView.rename(new Path("/user"), new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2"));
public void testInternalRenameToSlash() throws IOException {
fsView.rename(new Path("/internalDir/linkToDir2/foo"), new Path("/"));
public void testInternalRenameFromSlash() throws IOException {
fsView.rename(new Path("/"), new Path("/bar"));
public void testInternalSetOwner() throws IOException {
fsView.setOwner(new Path("/internalDir"), "foo", "bar");
public void testCreateNonRecursive() throws IOException {
Path path = fileSystemTestHelper.getTestRootPath(fsView, "/user/foo");
fsView.createNonRecursive(path, false, 1024, (short)1, 1024L, null);
FileStatus status = fsView.getFileStatus(new Path("/user/foo"));
Assert.assertTrue("Created file should be type file",
fsView.isFile(new Path("/user/foo")));
Assert.assertTrue("Target of created file should be type file",
fsTarget.isFile(new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/foo")));
public void testRootReadableExecutable() throws IOException {
public void testLocatedRootReadableExecutable() throws IOException {
private void testRootReadableExecutableInternal(boolean located)
throws IOException {
// verify executable permission on root: cd /
Assert.assertFalse("In root before cd",
fsView.setWorkingDirectory(new Path("/"));
Assert.assertTrue("Not in root dir after cd",
// verify readable
// verify permissions
final FileStatus rootStatus =
final FsPermission perms = rootStatus.getPermission();
Assert.assertTrue("User-executable permission not set!",
Assert.assertTrue("User-readable permission not set!",
Assert.assertTrue("Group-executable permission not set!",
Assert.assertTrue("Group-readable permission not set!",
Assert.assertTrue("Other-executable permission not set!",
Assert.assertTrue("Other-readable permission not set!",
* Verify the behavior of ACL operations on paths above the root of
* any mount table entry.
public void testInternalModifyAclEntries() throws IOException {
fsView.modifyAclEntries(new Path("/internalDir"),
new ArrayList<AclEntry>());
public void testInternalRemoveAclEntries() throws IOException {
fsView.removeAclEntries(new Path("/internalDir"),
new ArrayList<AclEntry>());
public void testInternalRemoveDefaultAcl() throws IOException {
fsView.removeDefaultAcl(new Path("/internalDir"));
public void testInternalRemoveAcl() throws IOException {
fsView.removeAcl(new Path("/internalDir"));
public void testInternalSetAcl() throws IOException {
fsView.setAcl(new Path("/internalDir"), new ArrayList<AclEntry>());
public void testInternalGetAclStatus() throws IOException {
final UserGroupInformation currentUser =
AclStatus aclStatus = fsView.getAclStatus(new Path("/internalDir"));
assertEquals(aclStatus.getOwner(), currentUser.getUserName());
assertEquals(aclStatus.getGroup(), currentUser.getGroupNames()[0]);
public void testInternalSetXAttr() throws IOException {
fsView.setXAttr(new Path("/internalDir"), "xattrName", null);
public void testInternalGetXAttr() throws IOException {
fsView.getXAttr(new Path("/internalDir"), "xattrName");
public void testInternalGetXAttrs() throws IOException {
fsView.getXAttrs(new Path("/internalDir"));
public void testInternalGetXAttrsWithNames() throws IOException {
fsView.getXAttrs(new Path("/internalDir"), new ArrayList<String>());
public void testInternalListXAttr() throws IOException {
fsView.listXAttrs(new Path("/internalDir"));
public void testInternalRemoveXAttr() throws IOException {
fsView.removeXAttr(new Path("/internalDir"), "xattrName");
@Test(expected = AccessControlException.class)
public void testInternalCreateSnapshot1() throws IOException {
fsView.createSnapshot(new Path("/internalDir"));
@Test(expected = AccessControlException.class)
public void testInternalCreateSnapshot2() throws IOException {
fsView.createSnapshot(new Path("/internalDir"), "snap1");
@Test(expected = AccessControlException.class)
public void testInternalRenameSnapshot() throws IOException {
fsView.renameSnapshot(new Path("/internalDir"), "snapOldName",
@Test(expected = AccessControlException.class)
public void testInternalDeleteSnapshot() throws IOException {
fsView.deleteSnapshot(new Path("/internalDir"), "snap1");
public void testTrashRoot() throws IOException {
Path mountDataRootPath = new Path("/data");
Path fsTargetFilePath = new Path("debug.log");
Path mountDataFilePath = new Path(mountDataRootPath, fsTargetFilePath);
Path mountDataNonExistingFilePath = new Path(mountDataRootPath, "no.log");
fileSystemTestHelper.createFile(fsTarget, fsTargetFilePath);
// Get Trash roots for paths via ViewFileSystem handle
Path mountDataRootTrashPath = fsView.getTrashRoot(mountDataRootPath);
Path mountDataFileTrashPath = fsView.getTrashRoot(mountDataFilePath);
// Get Trash roots for the same set of paths via the mounted filesystem
Path fsTargetRootTrashRoot = fsTarget.getTrashRoot(mountDataRootPath);
Path fsTargetFileTrashPath = fsTarget.getTrashRoot(mountDataFilePath);
// Verify if Trash roots from ViewFileSystem matches that of the ones
// from the target mounted FileSystem.
// Verify trash root for an non-existing file but on a valid mountpoint.
Path trashRoot = fsView.getTrashRoot(mountDataNonExistingFilePath);
// Verify trash root for invalid mounts.
Path invalidMountRootPath = new Path("/invalid_mount");
Path invalidMountFilePath = new Path(invalidMountRootPath, "debug.log");
try {
fail("ViewFileSystem getTashRoot should fail for non-mountpoint paths.");
} catch (NotInMountpointException e) {
//expected exception
try {
fail("ViewFileSystem getTashRoot should fail for non-mountpoint paths.");
} catch (NotInMountpointException e) {
//expected exception
try {
fail("ViewFileSystem getTashRoot should fail for empty paths.");
} catch (NotInMountpointException e) {
//expected exception
// Move the file to trash
FileStatus fileStatus = fsTarget.getFileStatus(fsTargetFilePath);
Configuration newConf = new Configuration(conf);
newConf.setLong("fs.trash.interval", 1000);
Trash lTrash = new Trash(fsTarget, newConf);
boolean trashed = lTrash.moveToTrash(fsTargetFilePath);
Assert.assertTrue("File " + fileStatus + " move to " +
"trash failed.", trashed);
// Verify ViewFileSystem trash roots shows the ones from
// target mounted FileSystem.
Assert.assertTrue("", fsView.getTrashRoots(true).size() > 0);
* Test the localized trash root for getTrashRoot.
public void testTrashRootLocalizedTrash() throws IOException {
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
// Case 1: path p not in the default FS.
// Return a trash root within the mount point.
Path dataTestPath = new Path("/data/dir/file");
Path dataTrashRoot = new Path(targetTestRoot,
"data/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/" + ugi.getShortUserName());
Assert.assertEquals(dataTrashRoot, fsView2.getTrashRoot(dataTestPath));
// Case 2: turn off the CONFIG_VIEWFS_MOUNT_POINT_LOCAL_TRASH flag.
// Return a trash root in user home dir.
Path nonExistentPath = new Path("/nonExistentDir/nonExistentFile");
Path userTrashRoot = new Path(fsTarget.getHomeDirectory(), TRASH_PREFIX);
fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
Assert.assertEquals(userTrashRoot, fsView2.getTrashRoot(dataTestPath));
// Case 3: viewFS without fallback. Expect exception for a nonExistent path
conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
try {
} catch (NotInMountpointException ignored) {
// Case 4: path p is in the same mount point as targetFS.getTrashRoot().
// Return targetFS.getTrashRoot()
// Use a new Configuration object, so that we can start with an empty
// mount table. This would avoid a conflict between the /user link in
// setupMountPoints() and homeDir we will need to setup for this test.
// default homeDir for hdfs is /user/.
Configuration conf3 = ViewFileSystemTestSetup.createConfig();
Path homeDir = fsTarget.getHomeDirectory();
String homeParentDir = homeDir.getParent().toUri().getPath();
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf3, homeParentDir,
new Path(targetTestRoot, homeParentDir).toUri());
Path homeTestPath = new Path(homeDir.toUri().getPath(), "testuser/file");
FileSystem fsView3 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf3);
Assert.assertEquals(userTrashRoot, fsView3.getTrashRoot(homeTestPath));
* A mocked FileSystem which returns a deep trash dir.
static class MockTrashRootFS extends MockFileSystem {
public static final Path TRASH =
new Path("/mnt/very/deep/deep/trash/dir/.Trash");
public Path getTrashRoot(Path path) {
return TRASH;
* Test a trash root that is inside a mount point for getTrashRoot.
public void testTrashRootDeepTrashDir() throws IOException {
Configuration conf2 = ViewFileSystemTestSetup.createConfig();
conf2.setClass("fs.mocktrashfs.impl", MockTrashRootFS.class,
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf2, "/mnt", URI.create("mocktrashfs://mnt/path"));
Path testPath = new Path(MockTrashRootFS.TRASH, "projs/proj");
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
Assert.assertEquals(MockTrashRootFS.TRASH, fsView2.getTrashRoot(testPath));
* Test localized trash roots in getTrashRoots() for all users.
public void testTrashRootsAllUsers() throws IOException {
Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
// Case 1: verify correct trash roots from fsView and fsView2
int beforeTrashRootNum = fsView.getTrashRoots(true).size();
int beforeTrashRootNum2 = fsView2.getTrashRoots(true).size();
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum, beforeTrashRootNum2);
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/data/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user1"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/data/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user2"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user3"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user4"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user2/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user5"));
int afterTrashRootsNum = fsView.getTrashRoots(true).size();
int afterTrashRootsNum2 = fsView2.getTrashRoots(true).size();
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum, afterTrashRootsNum);
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum2 + 5, afterTrashRootsNum2);
// Case 2: per-user mount point
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "Users/userA/.Trash/userA"));
Configuration conf3 = new Configuration(conf2);
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf3, "/Users/userA",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "Users/userA").toUri());
FileSystem fsView3 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf3);
int trashRootsNum3 = fsView3.getTrashRoots(true).size();
Assert.assertEquals(afterTrashRootsNum2 + 1, trashRootsNum3);
// Case 3: single /Users mount point for all users
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "Users/.Trash/user1"));
fsTarget.mkdirs(new Path(targetTestRoot, "Users/.Trash/user2"));
Configuration conf4 = new Configuration(conf2);
ConfigUtil.addLink(conf4, "/Users",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "Users").toUri());
FileSystem fsView4 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf4);
int trashRootsNum4 = fsView4.getTrashRoots(true).size();
Assert.assertEquals(afterTrashRootsNum2 + 2, trashRootsNum4);
* Test localized trash roots in getTrashRoots() for current user.
public void testTrashRootsCurrentUser() throws IOException {
String currentUser =
Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
FileSystem fsView2 = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf2);
int beforeTrashRootNum = fsView.getTrashRoots(false).size();
int beforeTrashRootNum2 = fsView2.getTrashRoots(false).size();
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum, beforeTrashRootNum2);
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/data/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/" + currentUser));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/data/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user2"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/" + currentUser));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user4"));
fsView.mkdirs(new Path("/user2/" + TRASH_PREFIX + "/user5"));
int afterTrashRootsNum = fsView.getTrashRoots(false).size();
int afterTrashRootsNum2 = fsView2.getTrashRoots(false).size();
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum, afterTrashRootsNum);
Assert.assertEquals(beforeTrashRootNum2 + 2, afterTrashRootsNum2);
public void testCheckOwnerWithFileStatus()
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final UserGroupInformation userUgi = UserGroupInformation
.createUserForTesting("user@HADOOP.COM", new String[]{"hadoop"});
userUgi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
public Object run() throws IOException {
UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
String doAsUserName = ugi.getUserName();
assertEquals(doAsUserName, "user@HADOOP.COM");
FileSystem vfs = FileSystem.get(FsConstants.VIEWFS_URI, conf);
FileStatus stat = vfs.getFileStatus(new Path("/internalDir"));
assertEquals(userUgi.getShortUserName(), stat.getOwner());
return null;
public void testViewFileSystemInnerCache() throws Exception {
ViewFileSystem.InnerCache cache = new ViewFileSystem.InnerCache();
FileSystem fs = cache.get(fsTarget.getUri(), conf);
// InnerCache caches filesystem.
assertSame(fs, cache.get(fsTarget.getUri(), conf));
// InnerCache and FileSystem.CACHE are independent.
assertNotSame(fs, FileSystem.get(fsTarget.getUri(), conf));
// close InnerCache.
try {
fs.exists(new Path("/"));
if (!(fs instanceof LocalFileSystem)) {
// Ignore LocalFileSystem because it can still be used after close.
fail("Expect Filesystem closed exception");
} catch (IOException e) {
assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", e);
public void testCloseChildrenFileSystem() throws Exception {
final String clusterName = "cluster" + new Random().nextInt();
Configuration config = new Configuration(conf);
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName, "/user",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "user").toUri());
config.setBoolean("fs.viewfs.impl.disable.cache", false);
URI uri = new URI("viewfs://" + clusterName + "/");
ViewFileSystem viewFs = (ViewFileSystem) FileSystem.get(uri, config);
assertTrue("viewfs should have at least one child fs.",
viewFs.getChildFileSystems().length > 0);
// viewFs is cached in FileSystem.CACHE
assertSame(viewFs, FileSystem.get(uri, config));
// child fs is not cached in FileSystem.CACHE
FileSystem child = viewFs.getChildFileSystems()[0];
assertNotSame(child, FileSystem.get(child.getUri(), config));
for (FileSystem childfs : viewFs.getChildFileSystems()) {
try {
childfs.exists(new Path("/"));
if (!(childfs instanceof LocalFileSystem)) {
// Ignore LocalFileSystem because it can still be used after close.
fail("Expect Filesystem closed exception");
} catch (IOException e) {
assertExceptionContains("Filesystem closed", e);
public void testChildrenFileSystemLeak() throws Exception {
final String clusterName = "cluster" + new Random().nextInt();
Configuration config = new Configuration(conf);
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName, "/user",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "user").toUri());
final int cacheSize = TestFileUtil.getCacheSize();
ViewFileSystem viewFs = (ViewFileSystem) FileSystem
.get(new URI("viewfs://" + clusterName + "/"), config);
new Path(String.format("viewfs://%s/%s", clusterName, "/user")));
assertEquals(cacheSize + 1, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
assertEquals(cacheSize, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
public void testDeleteOnExit() throws Exception {
final String clusterName = "cluster" + new Random().nextInt();
Configuration config = new Configuration(conf);
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName, "/user",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "user").toUri());
Path testDir = new Path("/user/testDeleteOnExit");
Path realTestPath = new Path(targetTestRoot, "user/testDeleteOnExit");
ViewFileSystem viewFs = (ViewFileSystem) FileSystem
.get(new URI("viewfs://" + clusterName + "/"), config);
public void testConfLinkSlash() throws Exception {
String clusterName = "ClusterX";
URI viewFsUri = new URI(FsConstants.VIEWFS_SCHEME, clusterName,
"/", null, null);
Configuration newConf = new Configuration();
ConfigUtil.addLink(newConf, clusterName, "/",
new Path(targetTestRoot, "/").toUri());
String mtPrefix = Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_PREFIX + "." + clusterName + ".";
try {
FileSystem.get(viewFsUri, newConf);
fail("ViewFileSystem should error out on mount table entry: "
+ mtPrefix + Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK + "." + "/");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof UnsupportedFileSystemException) {
String msg = " Use " + Constants.CONFIG_VIEWFS_LINK_MERGE_SLASH +
" instead";
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(msg));
} else {
fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage());
public void testTargetFileSystemLazyInitialization() throws Exception {
final String clusterName = "cluster" + new Random().nextInt();
Configuration config = new Configuration(conf);
config.setBoolean(CONFIG_VIEWFS_ENABLE_INNER_CACHE, false);
TestChRootedFileSystem.MockFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName, "/user",
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName,
"/mock", URI.create("mockfs://mockauth/mockpath"));
final int cacheSize = TestFileUtil.getCacheSize();
ViewFileSystem viewFs = (ViewFileSystem) FileSystem
.get(new URI("viewfs://" + clusterName + "/"), config);
// As no inner file system instance has been initialized,
// cache size will remain the same
// cache is disabled for viewfs scheme, so the viewfs:// instance won't
// go in the cache even after the initialization
assertEquals(cacheSize, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// This resolve path will initialize the file system corresponding
// to the mount table entry of the path "/user"
new Path(String.format("viewfs://%s/%s", clusterName, "/user")));
// Cache size will increase by 1.
assertEquals(cacheSize + 1, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// This resolve path will initialize the file system corresponding
// to the mount table entry of the path "/mock"
viewFs.resolvePath(new Path(String.format("viewfs://%s/%s", clusterName,
// One more file system instance will get initialized.
assertEquals(cacheSize + 2, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// Initialized FileSystem instances will not be removed from cache as
// viewfs inner cache is disabled
assertEquals(cacheSize + 2, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
public void testTargetFileSystemLazyInitializationForChecksumMethods()
throws Exception {
final String clusterName = "cluster" + new Random().nextInt();
Configuration config = new Configuration(conf);
config.setBoolean(CONFIG_VIEWFS_ENABLE_INNER_CACHE, false);
TestChRootedFileSystem.MockFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName, "/user",
ConfigUtil.addLink(config, clusterName,
"/mock", URI.create("othermockfs://mockauth/mockpath"));
final int cacheSize = TestFileUtil.getCacheSize();
ViewFileSystem viewFs = (ViewFileSystem) FileSystem.get(
new URI("viewfs://" + clusterName + "/"), config);
// As no inner file system instance has been initialized,
// cache size will remain the same
// cache is disabled for viewfs scheme, so the viewfs:// instance won't
// go in the cache even after the initialization
assertEquals(cacheSize, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// This is not going to initialize any filesystem instance
// Cache size will remain the same
assertEquals(cacheSize, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// This resolve path will initialize the file system corresponding
// to the mount table entry of the path "/user"
new Path(String.format("viewfs://%s/%s", clusterName, "/user")));
// Cache size will increase by 1.
assertEquals(cacheSize + 1, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());
// Initialized FileSystem instances will not be removed from cache as
// viewfs inner cache is disabled
assertEquals(cacheSize + 1, TestFileUtil.getCacheSize());