blob: dd9dc2807e012573d198a2b3d00c9527da5ef561 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Implementation of the static model for Simple exponential smoothing.
public class SimpleExponentialSmoothing {
private static final double DEFAULT_FORECAST = -1.0;
private final int kMinimumReads;
private final long kStagnatedWindow;
private final long startTime;
private long timeConstant;
* Holds reference to the current forecast record.
private AtomicReference<ForecastRecord> forecastRefEntry;
public static SimpleExponentialSmoothing createForecast(
final long timeConstant,
final int skipCnt, final long stagnatedWindow, final long timeStamp) {
return new SimpleExponentialSmoothing(timeConstant, skipCnt,
stagnatedWindow, timeStamp);
SimpleExponentialSmoothing(final long ktConstant, final int skipCnt,
final long stagnatedWindow, final long timeStamp) {
this.kMinimumReads = skipCnt;
this.kStagnatedWindow = stagnatedWindow;
this.timeConstant = ktConstant;
this.startTime = timeStamp;
this.forecastRefEntry = new AtomicReference<ForecastRecord>(null);
private class ForecastRecord {
private final double alpha;
private final long timeStamp;
private final double sample;
private final double rawData;
private double forecast;
private final double sseError;
private final long myIndex;
private ForecastRecord prevRec;
ForecastRecord(final double currForecast, final double currRawData,
final long currTimeStamp) {
this(0.0, currForecast, currRawData, currForecast, currTimeStamp, 0.0, 0);
ForecastRecord(final double alphaVal, final double currSample,
final double currRawData,
final double currForecast, final long currTimeStamp,
final double accError,
final long index) {
this.timeStamp = currTimeStamp;
this.alpha = alphaVal;
this.sample = currSample;
this.forecast = currForecast;
this.rawData = currRawData;
this.sseError = accError;
this.myIndex = index;
private ForecastRecord createForecastRecord(final double alphaVal,
final double currSample,
final double currRawData,
final double currForecast, final long currTimeStamp,
final double accError,
final long index,
final ForecastRecord prev) {
ForecastRecord forecastRec =
new ForecastRecord(alphaVal, currSample, currRawData, currForecast,
currTimeStamp, accError, index);
forecastRec.prevRec = prev;
return forecastRec;
private double preProcessRawData(final double rData, final long newTime) {
return processRawData(this.rawData, this.timeStamp, rData, newTime);
public ForecastRecord append(final long newTimeStamp, final double rData) {
if (this.timeStamp >= newTimeStamp
&&, rData) >= 0) {
// progress reported twice. Do nothing.
return this;
ForecastRecord refRecord = this;
if (newTimeStamp == this.timeStamp) {
// we need to restore old value if possible
if (this.prevRec != null) {
refRecord = this.prevRec;
double newSample = refRecord.preProcessRawData(rData, newTimeStamp);
long deltaTime = this.timeStamp - newTimeStamp;
if (refRecord.myIndex == kMinimumReads) {
timeConstant = Math.max(timeConstant, newTimeStamp - startTime);
double smoothFactor =
1 - Math.exp(((double) deltaTime) / timeConstant);
double forecastVal =
smoothFactor * newSample + (1.0 - smoothFactor) * refRecord.forecast;
double newSSEError =
refRecord.sseError + Math.pow(newSample - refRecord.forecast, 2);
return refRecord
.createForecastRecord(smoothFactor, newSample, rData, forecastVal,
newTimeStamp, newSSEError, refRecord.myIndex + 1, refRecord);
* checks if the task is hanging up.
* @param timeStamp current time of the scan.
* @return true if we have number of samples {@literal >} kMinimumReads and the
* record timestamp has expired.
public boolean isDataStagnated(final long timeStamp) {
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null && rec.myIndex > kMinimumReads) {
return (rec.timeStamp + kStagnatedWindow) > timeStamp;
return false;
static double processRawData(final double oldRawData, final long oldTime,
final double newRawData, final long newTime) {
double rate = (newRawData - oldRawData) / (newTime - oldTime);
return rate;
public void incorporateReading(final long timeStamp,
final double currRawData) {
ForecastRecord oldRec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (oldRec == null) {
double oldForecast =
processRawData(0, startTime, currRawData, timeStamp);
new ForecastRecord(oldForecast, 0.0, startTime));
incorporateReading(timeStamp, currRawData);
while (!forecastRefEntry.compareAndSet(oldRec, oldRec.append(timeStamp,
currRawData))) {
oldRec = forecastRefEntry.get();
public double getForecast() {
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null && rec.myIndex > kMinimumReads) {
return rec.forecast;
public boolean isDefaultForecast(final double value) {
return value == DEFAULT_FORECAST;
public double getSSE() {
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null) {
return rec.sseError;
public boolean isErrorWithinBound(final double bound) {
double squaredErr = getSSE();
if (squaredErr < 0) {
return false;
return bound > squaredErr;
public double getRawData() {
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null) {
return rec.rawData;
public long getTimeStamp() {
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null) {
return rec.timeStamp;
return 0L;
public long getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public AtomicReference<ForecastRecord> getForecastRefEntry() {
return forecastRefEntry;
public String toString() {
String res = "NULL";
ForecastRecord rec = forecastRefEntry.get();
if (rec != null) {
res = "rec.index = " + rec.myIndex + ", forecast t: " + rec.timeStamp
+ ", forecast: " + rec.forecast
+ ", sample: " + rec.sample + ", raw: " + rec.rawData + ", error: "
+ rec.sseError + ", alpha: " + rec.alpha;
return res;