blob: 0fae532fe09f1a459bd1378d46ff66ec96896d7f [file] [log] [blame]
branch-trunk-win changes - unreleased
MAPREDUCE-4739. Some MapReduce tests fail to find winutils.
(Chris Nauroth via suresh)
MAPREDUCE-4780. MapReduce distribution build fails on Windows.
(Chris Nauroth via suresh)
MAPREDUCE-4790. MapReduce build script would be more readable using abspath.
(Chris Nauroth via suresh)
MAPREDUCE-4869. Fix TestMapReduceChildJVM. (Chris Nauroth via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-4870. Fix TestMRJobsWithHistoryService. (Chris Nauroth via acmurthy)
MAPREDUCE-4983. Fixed various platform specific assumptions in various tests,
so that they can pass on Windows too. (Chris Nauroth via vinodkv)