blob: 0ba1fb85f8491c89c14add53cb12341632dd6b91 [file] [log] [blame]
protocol ContainerManager {
import idl "yarn/yarn-api/src/main/avro/yarn-types.genavro";
record ContainerLaunchContext {
ContainerID id;
string user; // TODO: Shouldn't pass it like this.
Resource resource; // TODO: Needs RM validation
union {null, map<LocalResource>} resources;
union {null, bytes} containerTokens; // FileSystem related and other application specific tokens.
union {null, map<bytes>} serviceData;
//env to be set before launching the command
//KEY-> env variable name
//VALUE -> env variable value.
map<string> env;
//commandline to launch the container. All resources are downloaded in the
//working directory of the command.
array<string> command;
record ContainerStatus {
ContainerID containerID;
ContainerState state;
int exitStatus;
void startContainer(ContainerLaunchContext container) throws YarnRemoteException;
void stopContainer(ContainerID containerID) throws YarnRemoteException;
void cleanupContainer(ContainerID containerID) throws YarnRemoteException;
ContainerStatus getContainerStatus(ContainerID containerID) throws YarnRemoteException;