blob: a37fc03085282912b92c76d6f68bef9f4c9d929c [file] [log] [blame]
protocol ClientRMProtocol {
import idl "yarn/yarn-api/src/main/avro/yarn-types.genavro";
record Priority {
int priority;
record ApplicationSubmissionContext {
ApplicationID applicationId;
union {null, string} applicationName;
Resource masterCapability; // TODO: Needs RM validation
//all the files required by the container to run the ApplicationMaster
//KEY-> destination dir name
//VALUE-> source path
map<URL> resources;
union {null, map<LocalResource>} resources_todo;
// TODO - Remove fsTokens (url encoded)
union {null, array<string>} fsTokens;
union {null, bytes} fsTokens_todo;
//env to be set before launching the command for ApplicationMaster
//KEY-> env variable name
//VALUE -> env variable value.
map<string> environment;
//command-line of the container that is going to launch the ApplicationMaster.
array<string> command;
union {null, string} queue;
union {null, Priority} priority;
string user; // TODO: Shouldn't pass it like this.
record YarnClusterMetrics {
int numNodeManagers;
ApplicationID getNewApplicationId() throws YarnRemoteException;
ApplicationMaster getApplicationMaster(ApplicationID applicationId) throws YarnRemoteException;
void submitApplication(ApplicationSubmissionContext context) throws YarnRemoteException;
void finishApplication(ApplicationID applicationId) throws YarnRemoteException;
YarnClusterMetrics getClusterMetrics() throws YarnRemoteException;