blob: 3767111c058702a4e147202bfb011090d4e09ea0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage.StorageDirectory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager.StoragePurger;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogLoader.EditLogValidation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorage.NameNodeFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.RemoteEditLog;
* Journal manager for the common case of edits files being written
* to a storage directory.
* Note: this class is not thread-safe and should be externally
* synchronized.
class FileJournalManager implements JournalManager {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileJournalManager.class);
private final StorageDirectory sd;
private final NNStorage storage;
private int outputBufferCapacity = 512*1024;
private static final Pattern EDITS_REGEX = Pattern.compile(
NameNodeFile.EDITS.getName() + "_(\\d+)-(\\d+)");
private static final Pattern EDITS_INPROGRESS_REGEX = Pattern.compile(
NameNodeFile.EDITS_INPROGRESS.getName() + "_(\\d+)");
private File currentInProgress = null;
StoragePurger purger
= new NNStorageRetentionManager.DeletionStoragePurger();
public FileJournalManager(StorageDirectory sd, NNStorage storage) { = sd; = storage;
public void close() throws IOException {}
synchronized public EditLogOutputStream startLogSegment(long txid)
throws IOException {
try {
currentInProgress = NNStorage.getInProgressEditsFile(sd, txid);
EditLogOutputStream stm = new EditLogFileOutputStream(currentInProgress,
return stm;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
synchronized public void finalizeLogSegment(long firstTxId, long lastTxId)
throws IOException {
File inprogressFile = NNStorage.getInProgressEditsFile(sd, firstTxId);
File dstFile = NNStorage.getFinalizedEditsFile(
sd, firstTxId, lastTxId);"Finalizing edits file " + inprogressFile + " -> " + dstFile);
"Can't finalize edits file " + inprogressFile + " since finalized file " +
"already exists");
if (!inprogressFile.renameTo(dstFile)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to finalize edits file " + inprogressFile);
if (inprogressFile.equals(currentInProgress)) {
currentInProgress = null;
public StorageDirectory getStorageDirectory() {
return sd;
synchronized public void setOutputBufferCapacity(int size) {
this.outputBufferCapacity = size;
public void purgeLogsOlderThan(long minTxIdToKeep)
throws IOException {"Purging logs older than " + minTxIdToKeep);
File[] files = FileUtil.listFiles(sd.getCurrentDir());
List<EditLogFile> editLogs =
for (EditLogFile log : editLogs) {
if (log.getFirstTxId() < minTxIdToKeep &&
log.getLastTxId() < minTxIdToKeep) {
* Find all editlog segments starting at or above the given txid.
* @param fromTxId the txnid which to start looking
* @return a list of remote edit logs
* @throws IOException if edit logs cannot be listed.
List<RemoteEditLog> getRemoteEditLogs(long firstTxId) throws IOException {
File currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir();
List<EditLogFile> allLogFiles = matchEditLogs(currentDir);
List<RemoteEditLog> ret = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) {
if (elf.hasCorruptHeader() || elf.isInProgress()) continue;
if (elf.getFirstTxId() >= firstTxId) {
ret.add(new RemoteEditLog(elf.firstTxId, elf.lastTxId));
} else if ((firstTxId > elf.getFirstTxId()) &&
(firstTxId <= elf.getLastTxId())) {
// Note that this behavior is different from getLogFiles below.
throw new IllegalStateException("Asked for firstTxId " + firstTxId
+ " which is in the middle of file " + elf.file);
return ret;
* returns matching edit logs via the log directory. Simple helper function
* that lists the files in the logDir and calls matchEditLogs(File[])
* @param logDir
* directory to match edit logs in
* @return matched edit logs
* @throws IOException
* IOException thrown for invalid logDir
static List<EditLogFile> matchEditLogs(File logDir) throws IOException {
return matchEditLogs(FileUtil.listFiles(logDir));
static List<EditLogFile> matchEditLogs(File[] filesInStorage) {
List<EditLogFile> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
for (File f : filesInStorage) {
String name = f.getName();
// Check for edits
Matcher editsMatch = EDITS_REGEX.matcher(name);
if (editsMatch.matches()) {
try {
long startTxId = Long.valueOf(;
long endTxId = Long.valueOf(;
ret.add(new EditLogFile(f, startTxId, endTxId));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
LOG.error("Edits file " + f + " has improperly formatted " +
"transaction ID");
// skip
// Check for in-progress edits
Matcher inProgressEditsMatch = EDITS_INPROGRESS_REGEX.matcher(name);
if (inProgressEditsMatch.matches()) {
try {
long startTxId = Long.valueOf(;
new EditLogFile(f, startTxId, startTxId, true));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
LOG.error("In-progress edits file " + f + " has improperly " +
"formatted transaction ID");
// skip
return ret;
synchronized public EditLogInputStream getInputStream(long fromTxId,
boolean inProgressOk) throws IOException {
for (EditLogFile elf : getLogFiles(fromTxId)) {
if (elf.containsTxId(fromTxId)) {
if (!inProgressOk && elf.isInProgress()) {
if (elf.isInProgress()) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Returning edit stream reading from " + elf);
EditLogFileInputStream elfis = new EditLogFileInputStream(elf.getFile(),
elf.getFirstTxId(), elf.getLastTxId(), elf.isInProgress());
long transactionsToSkip = fromTxId - elf.getFirstTxId();
if (transactionsToSkip > 0) {"Log begins at txid %d, but requested start "
+ "txid is %d. Skipping %d edits.", elf.getFirstTxId(), fromTxId,
if (elfis.skipUntil(fromTxId) == false) {
throw new IOException("failed to advance input stream to txid " +
return elfis;
throw new IOException("Cannot find editlog file containing " + fromTxId);
public long getNumberOfTransactions(long fromTxId, boolean inProgressOk)
throws IOException, CorruptionException {
long numTxns = 0L;
for (EditLogFile elf : getLogFiles(fromTxId)) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Counting " + elf);
if (elf.getFirstTxId() > fromTxId) { // there must be a gap
LOG.warn("Gap in transactions in " + sd.getRoot() + ". Gap is "
+ fromTxId + " - " + (elf.getFirstTxId() - 1));
} else if (elf.containsTxId(fromTxId)) {
if (!inProgressOk && elf.isInProgress()) {
if (elf.isInProgress()) {
if (elf.hasCorruptHeader()) {
numTxns += elf.getLastTxId() + 1 - fromTxId;
fromTxId = elf.getLastTxId() + 1;
if (elf.isInProgress()) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Journal " + this + " has " + numTxns
+ " txns from " + fromTxId);
long max = findMaxTransaction(inProgressOk);
// fromTxId should be greater than max, as it points to the next
// transaction we should expect to find. If it is less than or equal
// to max, it means that a transaction with txid == max has not been found
if (numTxns == 0 && fromTxId <= max) {
String error = String.format("Gap in transactions, max txnid is %d"
+ ", 0 txns from %d", max, fromTxId);
throw new CorruptionException(error);
return numTxns;
synchronized public void recoverUnfinalizedSegments() throws IOException {
File currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir();"Recovering unfinalized segments in " + currentDir);
List<EditLogFile> allLogFiles = matchEditLogs(currentDir);
for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) {
if (elf.getFile().equals(currentInProgress)) {
if (elf.isInProgress()) {
// If the file is zero-length, we likely just crashed after opening the
// file, but before writing anything to it. Safe to delete it.
if (elf.getFile().length() == 0) {"Deleting zero-length edit log file " + elf);
if (!elf.getFile().delete()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to delete file " + elf.getFile());
if (elf.hasCorruptHeader()) {
throw new CorruptionException("In-progress edit log file is corrupt: "
+ elf);
// If the file has a valid header (isn't corrupt) but contains no
// transactions, we likely just crashed after opening the file and
// writing the header, but before syncing any transactions. Safe to
// delete the file.
if (elf.getNumTransactions() == 0) {"Deleting edit log file with zero transactions " + elf);
if (!elf.getFile().delete()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to delete " + elf.getFile());
finalizeLogSegment(elf.getFirstTxId(), elf.getLastTxId());
List<EditLogFile> getLogFiles(long fromTxId) throws IOException {
File currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir();
List<EditLogFile> allLogFiles = matchEditLogs(currentDir);
List<EditLogFile> logFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) {
if (fromTxId <= elf.getFirstTxId() ||
elf.containsTxId(fromTxId)) {
Collections.sort(logFiles, EditLogFile.COMPARE_BY_START_TXID);
return logFiles;
* Find the maximum transaction in the journal.
private long findMaxTransaction(boolean inProgressOk)
throws IOException {
boolean considerSeenTxId = true;
long seenTxId = NNStorage.readTransactionIdFile(sd);
long maxSeenTransaction = 0;
for (EditLogFile elf : getLogFiles(0)) {
if (elf.isInProgress() && !inProgressOk) {
if (elf.getFirstTxId() != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID &&
elf.getFirstTxId() <= seenTxId) {
// don't look at the seen_txid file if in-progress logs are not to be
// examined, and the value in seen_txid falls within the in-progress
// segment.
considerSeenTxId = false;
if (elf.isInProgress()) {
maxSeenTransaction = Math.max(elf.getFirstTxId(), maxSeenTransaction);
maxSeenTransaction = Math.max(elf.getLastTxId(), maxSeenTransaction);
if (considerSeenTxId) {
return Math.max(maxSeenTransaction, seenTxId);
} else {
return maxSeenTransaction;
public String toString() {
return String.format("FileJournalManager(root=%s)", sd.getRoot());
* Record of an edit log that has been located and had its filename parsed.
static class EditLogFile {
private File file;
private final long firstTxId;
private long lastTxId;
private long numTx = -1;
private boolean hasCorruptHeader = false;
private final boolean isInProgress;
final static Comparator<EditLogFile> COMPARE_BY_START_TXID
= new Comparator<EditLogFile>() {
public int compare(EditLogFile a, EditLogFile b) {
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(a.getFirstTxId(), b.getFirstTxId())
.compare(a.getLastTxId(), b.getLastTxId())
EditLogFile(File file,
long firstTxId, long lastTxId) {
this(file, firstTxId, lastTxId, false);
assert (lastTxId != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID)
&& (lastTxId >= firstTxId);
EditLogFile(File file, long firstTxId,
long lastTxId, boolean isInProgress) {
assert (lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID && isInProgress)
|| (lastTxId != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID && lastTxId >= firstTxId);
assert (firstTxId > 0) || (firstTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID);
assert file != null;
this.firstTxId = firstTxId;
this.lastTxId = lastTxId;
this.file = file;
this.isInProgress = isInProgress;
long getFirstTxId() {
return firstTxId;
long getLastTxId() {
return lastTxId;
boolean containsTxId(long txId) {
return firstTxId <= txId && txId <= lastTxId;
* Count the number of valid transactions in a log.
* This will update the lastTxId of the EditLogFile or
* mark it as corrupt if it is.
void validateLog() throws IOException {
EditLogValidation val = EditLogFileInputStream.validateEditLog(file);
this.numTx = val.getNumTransactions();
this.lastTxId = val.getEndTxId();
this.hasCorruptHeader = val.hasCorruptHeader();
long getNumTransactions() {
return numTx;
boolean isInProgress() {
return isInProgress;
File getFile() {
return file;
boolean hasCorruptHeader() {
return hasCorruptHeader;
void moveAsideCorruptFile() throws IOException {
assert hasCorruptHeader;
File src = file;
File dst = new File(src.getParent(), src.getName() + ".corrupt");
boolean success = src.renameTo(dst);
if (!success) {
throw new IOException(
"Couldn't rename corrupt log " + src + " to " + dst);
file = dst;
public String toString() {
return String.format("EditLogFile(file=%s,first=%019d,last=%019d,"
file.toString(), firstTxId, lastTxId,
isInProgress(), hasCorruptHeader, numTx);