blob: edb43dbf1f1d8f1de7ab6590f68be49a2513f91f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.placement.PlacementManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.policies.DominantResourceFairnessPolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.policies.FairSharePolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.policies.FifoPolicy;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class TestSchedulingPolicy {
private static final Logger LOG =
private final static String ALLOC_FILE =
new File(FairSchedulerTestBase.TEST_DIR, "test-queues").getAbsolutePath();
private FairSchedulerConfiguration conf;
private FairScheduler scheduler;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
scheduler = new FairScheduler();
conf = new FairSchedulerConfiguration();
// since this runs outside of the normal context we need to set one
RMContext rmContext = mock(RMContext.class);
PlacementManager placementManager = new PlacementManager();
public void testParseSchedulingPolicy()
throws AllocationConfigurationException {
// Class name
SchedulingPolicy sm = SchedulingPolicy
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
// Canonical name
sm = SchedulingPolicy.parse(FairSharePolicy.class
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
// Class
sm = SchedulingPolicy.getInstance(FairSharePolicy.class);
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
// Shortname - drf
sm = SchedulingPolicy.parse("drf");
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
// Shortname - fair
sm = SchedulingPolicy.parse("fair");
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
// Shortname - fifo
sm = SchedulingPolicy.parse("fifo");
assertTrue("Invalid scheduler name",
* Test whether {@link FairSharePolicy.FairShareComparator} is transitive.
public void testFairShareComparatorTransitivity() {
FairSharePolicy policy = new FairSharePolicy();
Comparator<Schedulable> fairShareComparator = policy.getComparator();
FairShareComparatorTester tester =
new FairShareComparatorTester(fairShareComparator);
* This class is responsible for testing the transitivity of
* {@link FairSharePolicy.FairShareComparator}. We will generate
* a lot of triples(each triple contains three {@link Schedulable}),
* and then we verify transitivity by using each triple.
* <p>How to generate:</p>
* For each field in {@link Schedulable} we all have a data collection. We
* combine these data to construct a {@link Schedulable}, and generate all
* cases of triple by DFS(depth first search algorithm). We can get 100% code
* coverage by DFS.
private class FairShareComparatorTester {
private Comparator<Schedulable> fairShareComparator;
// Use the following data collections to generate three Schedulable.
private Resource minShare = Resource.newInstance(0, 1);
private Resource demand = Resource.newInstance(4, 1);
private Resource[] demandCollection = {
Resource.newInstance(0, 0), Resource.newInstance(4, 1) };
private String[] nameCollection = {"A", "B", "C"};
private long[] startTimeColloection = {1L, 2L, 3L};
private Resource[] usageCollection = {
Resource.newInstance(0, 1), Resource.newInstance(2, 1),
Resource.newInstance(4, 1) };
private float[] weightsCollection = {0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f};
public FairShareComparatorTester(
Comparator<Schedulable> fairShareComparator) {
this.fairShareComparator = fairShareComparator;
public void testTransitivity() {
generateAndTest(new Stack<Schedulable>());
private void generateAndTest(Stack<Schedulable> genSchedulable) {
if (genSchedulable.size() == 3) {
// We get three Schedulable objects, let's use them to check the
// comparator.
Assert.assertTrue("The comparator must ensure transitivity",
for (int i = 0; i < nameCollection.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < startTimeColloection.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < usageCollection.length; k++) {
for (int t = 0; t < weightsCollection.length; t++) {
for (int m = 0; m < demandCollection.length; m++) {
genSchedulable.push(createSchedulable(m, i, j, k, t));
private Schedulable createSchedulable(
int demandId, int nameIdx, int startTimeIdx,
int usageIdx, int weightsIdx) {
return new MockSchedulable(minShare, demandCollection[demandId],
nameCollection[nameIdx], startTimeColloection[startTimeIdx],
usageCollection[usageIdx], weightsCollection[weightsIdx]);
private boolean checkTransitivity(
Collection<Schedulable> schedulableObjs) {
Assert.assertEquals(3, schedulableObjs.size());
Schedulable[] copy = schedulableObjs.toArray(new Schedulable[3]);
if ([0], copy[1]) > 0) {
swap(copy, 0, 1);
if ([1], copy[2]) > 0) {
swap(copy, 1, 2);
if ([0], copy[1]) > 0) {
swap(copy, 0, 1);
// Here, we have got the following condition:
// copy[0] <= copy[1] && copy[1] <= copy[2]
// So, just check copy[0] <= copy[2]
if ([0], copy[2]) <= 0) {
return true;
} else {
LOG.error("Failure data: " + copy[0] + " " + copy[1] + " " + copy[2]);
return false;
private void swap(Schedulable[] array, int x, int y) {
Schedulable tmp = array[x];
array[x] = array[y];
array[y] = tmp;
private class MockSchedulable implements Schedulable {
private Resource minShare;
private Resource demand;
private String name;
private long startTime;
private Resource usage;
private float weights;
public MockSchedulable(Resource minShare, Resource demand, String name,
long startTime, Resource usage, float weights) {
this.minShare = minShare;
this.demand = demand; = name;
this.startTime = startTime;
this.usage = usage;
this.weights = weights;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Resource getDemand() {
return demand;
public Resource getResourceUsage() {
return usage;
public Resource getMinShare() {
return minShare;
public float getWeight() {
return weights;
public long getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public Resource getMaxShare() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Priority getPriority() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void updateDemand() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Resource assignContainer(FSSchedulerNode node) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Resource getFairShare() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void setFairShare(Resource fairShare) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String toString() {
return "{name:" + name + ", start:" + startTime + ", usage:" + usage +
", weights:" + weights + ", demand:" + demand +
", minShare:" + minShare + "}";
public boolean isPreemptable() {
return true;
public void testSchedulingPolicyViolation() throws IOException {
conf.set(FairSchedulerConfiguration.ALLOCATION_FILE, ALLOC_FILE);
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child1")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child2")
FSQueue child1 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child1");
assertNull("Queue 'child1' should be null since its policy isn't allowed to"
+ " be 'drf' if its parent policy is 'fair'.", child1);
// dynamic queue
FSQueue dynamicQueue = scheduler.getQueueManager().
getLeafQueue("dynamicQueue", true);
assertNull("Dynamic queue should be null since it isn't allowed to be 'drf'"
+ " policy if its parent policy is 'fair'.", dynamicQueue);
// Set child1 to 'fair' and child2 to 'drf', the reload the allocation file.
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child1")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child2")
scheduler.reinitialize(conf, null);
child1 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child1");
assertNotNull("Queue 'child1' should be not null since its policy is "
+ "allowed to be 'fair' if its parent policy is 'fair'.", child1);
// Detect the policy violation of Child2, keep the original policy instead
// of setting the new policy.
FSQueue child2 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child2");
assertTrue("Queue 'child2' should be 'fair' since its new policy 'drf' "
+ "is not allowed.", child2.getPolicy() instanceof FairSharePolicy);
public void testSchedulingPolicyViolationInTheMiddleLevel() {
conf.set(FairSchedulerConfiguration.ALLOCATION_FILE, ALLOC_FILE);
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("level2")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("level3")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("leaf")
FSQueue level2 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("level2");
assertNotNull("Queue 'level2' shouldn't be null since its policy is allowed"
+ " to be 'fair' if its parent policy is 'fair'.", level2);
FSQueue level3 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("level2.level3");
assertNull("Queue 'level3' should be null since its policy isn't allowed"
+ " to be 'drf' if its parent policy is 'fair'.", level3);
FSQueue leaf = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("level2.level3.leaf");
assertNull("Queue 'leaf' should be null since its parent failed to create.",
public void testFIFOPolicyOnlyForLeafQueues()
throws IOException {
conf.set(FairSchedulerConfiguration.ALLOCATION_FILE, ALLOC_FILE);
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("intermediate")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("leaf")
FSQueue intermediate = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("intermediate");
assertNull("Queue 'intermediate' should be null since 'fifo' is only for "
+ "leaf queue.", intermediate);
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("intermediate")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("leaf")
scheduler.reinitialize(conf, null);
FSQueue leaf = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("intermediate.leaf");
assertNotNull("Queue 'leaf' should be null since 'fifo' is only for "
+ "leaf queue.", leaf);
public void testPolicyReinitialization() throws IOException {
conf.set(FairSchedulerConfiguration.ALLOCATION_FILE, ALLOC_FILE);
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child1")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child2")
// Set child1 to 'drf' which is not allowed, then reload the allocation file
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child1")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child2")
scheduler.reinitialize(conf, null);
FSQueue child1 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child1");
assertTrue("Queue 'child1' should still be 'fair' since 'drf' isn't allowed"
+ " if its parent policy is 'fair'.",
child1.getPolicy() instanceof FairSharePolicy);
FSQueue child2 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child2");
assertTrue("Queue 'child2' should still be 'fair' there is a policy"
+ " violation while reinitialization.",
child2.getPolicy() instanceof FairSharePolicy);
// Set both child1 and root to 'drf', then reload the allocation file
.addQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("root")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child1")
.subQueue(new AllocationFileQueue.Builder("child2")
scheduler.reinitialize(conf, null);
child1 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child1");
assertTrue("Queue 'child1' should be 'drf' since both 'root' and 'child1'"
+ " are 'drf'.",
child1.getPolicy() instanceof DominantResourceFairnessPolicy);
child2 = scheduler.getQueueManager().getQueue("child2");
assertTrue("Queue 'child2' should still be 'fifo' there is no policy"
+ " violation while reinitialization.",
child2.getPolicy() instanceof FifoPolicy);