blob: 111998bae6f15d686dd90281a3fc32022eff8564 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Evolving;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Stable;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationResourceUsageReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueUserACLInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.EventHandler;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.common.QueueEntitlement;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.event.SchedulerEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnServiceProtos.SchedulerResourceTypes;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator;
* This interface is used by the components to talk to the
* scheduler for allocating of resources, cleaning up resources.
public interface YarnScheduler extends EventHandler<SchedulerEvent> {
* Get queue information
* @param queueName queue name
* @param includeChildQueues include child queues?
* @param recursive get children queues?
* @return queue information
* @throws IOException
public QueueInfo getQueueInfo(String queueName, boolean includeChildQueues,
boolean recursive) throws IOException;
* Get acls for queues for current user.
* @return acls for queues for current user
public List<QueueUserACLInfo> getQueueUserAclInfo();
* Get the whole resource capacity of the cluster.
* @return the whole resource capacity of the cluster.
public Resource getClusterResource();
* Get minimum allocatable {@link Resource}.
* @return minimum allocatable resource
public Resource getMinimumResourceCapability();
* Get maximum allocatable {@link Resource} at the cluster level.
* @return maximum allocatable resource
public Resource getMaximumResourceCapability();
* Get maximum allocatable {@link Resource} for the queue specified.
* @param queueName queue name
* @return maximum allocatable resource
public Resource getMaximumResourceCapability(String queueName);
ResourceCalculator getResourceCalculator();
* Get the number of nodes available in the cluster.
* @return the number of available nodes.
public int getNumClusterNodes();
* The main api between the ApplicationMaster and the Scheduler.
* The ApplicationMaster is updating his future resource requirements
* and may release containers he doens't need.
* @param appAttemptId
* @param ask
* @param release
* @param blacklistAdditions
* @param blacklistRemovals
* @param updateRequests
* @return the {@link Allocation} for the application
Allocation allocate(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId,
List<ResourceRequest> ask, List<ContainerId> release,
List<String> blacklistAdditions, List<String> blacklistRemovals,
ContainerUpdates updateRequests);
* Get node resource usage report.
* @param nodeId
* @return the {@link SchedulerNodeReport} for the node or null
* if nodeId does not point to a defined node.
public SchedulerNodeReport getNodeReport(NodeId nodeId);
* Get the Scheduler app for a given app attempt Id.
* @param appAttemptId the id of the application attempt
* @return SchedulerApp for this given attempt.
SchedulerAppReport getSchedulerAppInfo(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId);
* Get a resource usage report from a given app attempt ID.
* @param appAttemptId the id of the application attempt
* @return resource usage report for this given attempt
ApplicationResourceUsageReport getAppResourceUsageReport(
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId);
* Get the root queue for the scheduler.
* @return the root queue for the scheduler.
QueueMetrics getRootQueueMetrics();
* Check if the user has permission to perform the operation.
* If the user has {@link QueueACL#ADMINISTER_QUEUE} permission,
* this user can view/modify the applications in this queue
* @param callerUGI
* @param acl
* @param queueName
* @return <code>true</code> if the user has the permission,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean checkAccess(UserGroupInformation callerUGI,
QueueACL acl, String queueName);
* Gets the apps under a given queue
* @param queueName the name of the queue.
* @return a collection of app attempt ids in the given queue.
public List<ApplicationAttemptId> getAppsInQueue(String queueName);
* Get the container for the given containerId.
* @param containerId
* @return the container for the given containerId.
public RMContainer getRMContainer(ContainerId containerId);
* Moves the given application to the given queue
* @param appId
* @param newQueue
* @return the name of the queue the application was placed into
* @throws YarnException if the move cannot be carried out
public String moveApplication(ApplicationId appId, String newQueue)
throws YarnException;
* @param appId Application ID
* @param newQueue Target QueueName
* @throws YarnException if the pre-validation for move cannot be carried out
public void preValidateMoveApplication(ApplicationId appId,
String newQueue) throws YarnException;
* Completely drain sourceQueue of applications, by moving all of them to
* destQueue.
* @param sourceQueue
* @param destQueue
* @throws YarnException
void moveAllApps(String sourceQueue, String destQueue) throws YarnException;
* Terminate all applications in the specified queue.
* @param queueName the name of queue to be drained
* @throws YarnException
void killAllAppsInQueue(String queueName) throws YarnException;
* Remove an existing queue. Implementations might limit when a queue could be
* removed (e.g., must have zero entitlement, and no applications running, or
* must be a leaf, etc..).
* @param queueName name of the queue to remove
* @throws YarnException
void removeQueue(String queueName) throws YarnException;
* Add to the scheduler a new Queue. Implementations might limit what type of
* queues can be dynamically added (e.g., Queue must be a leaf, must be
* attached to existing parent, must have zero entitlement).
* @param newQueue the queue being added.
* @throws YarnException
void addQueue(Queue newQueue) throws YarnException;
* This method increase the entitlement for current queue (must respect
* invariants, e.g., no overcommit of parents, non negative, etc.).
* Entitlement is a general term for weights in FairScheduler, capacity for
* the CapacityScheduler, etc.
* @param queue the queue for which we change entitlement
* @param entitlement the new entitlement for the queue (capacity,
* maxCapacity, etc..)
* @throws YarnException
void setEntitlement(String queue, QueueEntitlement entitlement)
throws YarnException;
* Gets the list of names for queues managed by the Reservation System
* @return the list of queues which support reservations
public Set<String> getPlanQueues() throws YarnException;
* Return a collection of the resource types that are considered when
* scheduling
* @return an EnumSet containing the resource types
public EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes> getSchedulingResourceTypes();
* Verify whether a submitted application priority is valid as per configured
* Queue
* @param priorityRequestedByApp
* Submitted Application priority.
* @param user
* User who submitted the Application
* @param queueName
* Name of the Queue
* @param applicationId
* Application ID
* @return Updated Priority from scheduler
public Priority checkAndGetApplicationPriority(Priority priorityRequestedByApp,
UserGroupInformation user, String queueName, ApplicationId applicationId)
throws YarnException;
* Change application priority of a submitted application at runtime
* @param newPriority Submitted Application priority.
* @param applicationId Application ID
* @param future Sets any type of exception happened from StateStore
* @param user who submitted the application
* @return updated priority
public Priority updateApplicationPriority(Priority newPriority,
ApplicationId applicationId, SettableFuture<Object> future,
UserGroupInformation user) throws YarnException;
* Get previous attempts' live containers for work-preserving AM restart.
* @param appAttemptId the id of the application attempt
* @return list of live containers for the given attempt
List<Container> getTransferredContainers(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId);
* Set the cluster max priority
* @param conf
* @throws YarnException
void setClusterMaxPriority(Configuration conf) throws YarnException;
* @param attemptId
List<ResourceRequest> getPendingResourceRequestsForAttempt(
ApplicationAttemptId attemptId);
* Get cluster max priority.
* @return maximum priority of cluster
Priority getMaxClusterLevelAppPriority();
* Get SchedulerNode corresponds to nodeId.
* @param nodeId the node id of RMNode
* @return SchedulerNode corresponds to nodeId
SchedulerNode getSchedulerNode(NodeId nodeId);
* Normalize a resource request.
* @param requestedResource the resource to be normalized
* @return the normalized resource
Resource getNormalizedResource(Resource requestedResource);
* Verify whether a submitted application lifetime is valid as per configured
* Queue lifetime.
* @param queueName Name of the Queue
* @param lifetime configured application lifetime
* @return valid lifetime as per queue
long checkAndGetApplicationLifetime(String queueName, long lifetime);
* Get maximum lifetime for a queue.
* @param queueName to get lifetime
* @return maximum lifetime in seconds
long getMaximumApplicationLifetime(String queueName);