blob: 1c391a65f180c16ee8b66b3b47904042d9b4341d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "lib/commons.h"
#include "lib/Streams.h"
#include "lib/Buffers.h"
#include "util/DualPivotQuickSort.h"
#include "test_commons.h"
string gBuffer;
inline const char * get_position(uint32_t offset) {
return + offset;
* fast memcmp
inline int fmemcmporig(const char * src, const char * dest, uint32_t len) {
const uint64_t * src8 = (const uint64_t*)src;
const uint64_t * dest8 = (const uint64_t*)dest;
while (len >= 8) {
uint64_t l = *src8;
uint64_t r = *dest8;
if (l != r) {
l = bswap64(l);
r = bswap64(r);
return l > r ? 1 : -1;
len -= 8;
if (len == 0)
return 0;
if (len == 1) {
int l = (int)(*(uint8_t*)src8);
int r = (int)(*(uint8_t*)dest8);
return l - r;
uint64_t mask = (1ULL << (len * 8)) - 1;
uint64_t l = (*src8) & mask;
uint64_t r = (*dest8) & mask;
if (l == r) {
return 0;
l = bswap64(l);
r = bswap64(r);
return l > r ? 1 : -1;
* c qsort compare function
static int compare_offset(const void * plh, const void * prh) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(*(uint32_t*)plh);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(*(uint32_t*)prh);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int ret = memcmp(lhb->getKey(), rhb->getKey(), minlen);
if (ret) {
return ret;
return lhb->keyLength - rhb->keyLength;
* dualpivot sort compare function
class CompareOffset {
int64_t operator()(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(lhs);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(rhs);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int64_t ret = memcmp(lhb->getKey(), rhb->getKey(), minlen);
if (ret) {
return ret;
return lhb->keyLength - rhb->keyLength;
* quicksort compare function
class OffsetLessThan {
bool operator()(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(lhs);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(rhs);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int64_t ret = memcmp(lhb->content, rhb->content, minlen);
return ret < 0 || (ret == 0 && (lhb->keyLength < rhb->keyLength));
* c qsort compare function
static int compare_offset2(const void * plh, const void * prh) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(*(uint32_t*)plh);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(*(uint32_t*)prh);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int64_t ret = fmemcmp(lhb->content, rhb->content, minlen);
if (ret) {
return ret;
return lhb->keyLength - rhb->keyLength;
* dualpivot sort compare function
class CompareOffset2 {
int64_t operator()(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(lhs);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(rhs);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int64_t ret = fmemcmp(lhb->content, rhb->content, minlen);
if (ret) {
return ret;
return lhb->keyLength - rhb->keyLength;
* quicksort compare function
class OffsetLessThan2 {
bool operator()(uint32_t lhs, uint32_t rhs) {
KVBuffer * lhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(lhs);
KVBuffer * rhb = (KVBuffer*)get_position(rhs);
uint32_t minlen = std::min(lhb->keyLength, rhb->keyLength);
int64_t ret = fmemcmp(lhb->content, rhb->content, minlen);
return ret < 0 || (ret == 0 && (lhb->keyLength < rhb->keyLength));
void makeInputWord(string & dest, vector<uint32_t> & offsets, uint64_t length) {
Random r;
dest.reserve(length + 1024);
string k, v;
while (true) {
k = r.nextWord();
v = r.nextWord();
uint32_t tempLen = k.length();
dest.append((const char *)&tempLen, 4);
dest.append(, k.length());
tempLen = v.length();
dest.append((const char *)&tempLen, 4);
dest.append(, v.length());
if (dest.length() > length) {
TEST(Perf, sort) {
vector<uint32_t> offsets;
makeInputWord(gBuffer, offsets, 80000000);
Timer timer;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
qsort(&offsetstemp1_0[0], offsetstemp1_0.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_1[0], offsetstemp1_1.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_2[0], offsetstemp1_2.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_3[0], offsetstemp1_3.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset);
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("qsort").c_str());
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
qsort(&offsetstemp1_0[0], offsetstemp1_0.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset2);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_1[0], offsetstemp1_1.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset2);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_2[0], offsetstemp1_2.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset2);
qsort(&offsetstemp1_3[0], offsetstemp1_3.size(), sizeof(uint32_t), compare_offset2);
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("qsort 2").c_str());
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
std::sort(offsetstemp1_0.begin(), offsetstemp1_0.end(), OffsetLessThan());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_1.begin(), offsetstemp1_1.end(), OffsetLessThan());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_2.begin(), offsetstemp1_2.end(), OffsetLessThan());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_3.begin(), offsetstemp1_3.end(), OffsetLessThan());
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("std::sort").c_str());
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
std::sort(offsetstemp1_0.begin(), offsetstemp1_0.end(), OffsetLessThan2());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_1.begin(), offsetstemp1_1.end(), OffsetLessThan2());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_2.begin(), offsetstemp1_2.end(), OffsetLessThan2());
std::sort(offsetstemp1_3.begin(), offsetstemp1_3.end(), OffsetLessThan2());
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("std::sort 2").c_str());
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_0, CompareOffset());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_1, CompareOffset());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_2, CompareOffset());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_3, CompareOffset());
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("DualPivotQuicksort").c_str());
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_0, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_1, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_2, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_3, CompareOffset2());
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("DualPivotQuicksort 2").c_str());
TEST(Perf, sortCacheMiss) {
LOG("Testing partition based sort, sort 4MB every time");
vector<uint32_t> offsets;
makeInputWord(gBuffer, offsets, 80000000);
Timer timer;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
vector<uint32_t> offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_0, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_1, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_2, CompareOffset2());
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_3, CompareOffset2());
LOG("%s", timer.getInterval("DualPivotQuicksort 2 full sort").c_str());
uint32_t MOD = 128000;
uint32_t END = offsets.size();
for (MOD = 1024; MOD < END; MOD <<= 1) {
offsetstemp1_0 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_1 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_2 = offsets;
offsetstemp1_3 = offsets;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= END / MOD; i++) {
int base = i * MOD;
int max = (base + MOD) > END ? END : (base + MOD);
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_0, base, max - 1, 3, CompareOffset2());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= END / MOD; i++) {
int base = i * MOD;
int max = (base + MOD) > END ? END : (base + MOD);
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_1, base, max - 1, 3, CompareOffset2());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= END / MOD; i++) {
int base = i * MOD;
int max = (base + MOD) > END ? END : (base + MOD);
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_2, base, max - 1, 3, CompareOffset2());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= END / MOD; i++) {
int base = i * MOD;
int max = (base + MOD) > END ? END : (base + MOD);
DualPivotQuicksort(offsetstemp1_3, base, max - 1, 3, CompareOffset2());
LOG("%s, MOD: %d", timer.getInterval("DualPivotQuicksort 2 partition sort").c_str(), MOD);