blob: 36676b0530342afd27b06e9ec29928eb78cae15b [file] [log] [blame] value of
banned.users=#comma separated list of users who can not run applications other super-users
allowed.system.users=##comma separated list of system users who CAN run applications
# The configs below deal with settings for Docker
# module.enabled=## enable/disable the module. set to "true" to enable, disabled by default
# docker.binary=/usr/bin/docker
# docker.allowed.capabilities=## comma seperated capabilities that can be granted, e.g CHOWN,DAC_OVERRIDE,FSETID,FOWNER,MKNOD,NET_RAW,SETGID,SETUID,SETFCAP,SETPCAP,NET_BIND_SERVICE,SYS_CHROOT,KILL,AUDIT_WRITE
# docker.allowed.devices=## comma seperated list of devices that can be mounted into a container
# docker.allowed.networks=## comma seperated networks that can be used. e.g bridge,host,none
# comma seperated volumes that can be mounted as read-only
# comma seperate volumes that can be mounted as read-write, add the yarn local and log dirs to this list to run Hadoop jobs
# docker.privileged-containers.enabled=false
# docker.allowed.volume-drivers=## comma seperated list of allowed volume-drivers
# The configs below deal with settings for FPGA resource
# module.enabled=## Enable/Disable the FPGA resource handler module. set to "true" to enable, disabled by default
# fpga.major-device-number=## Major device number of FPGA, by default is 246. Strongly recommend setting this
# fpga.allowed-device-minor-numbers=## Comma separated allowed minor device numbers, empty means all FPGA devices managed by YARN.