blob: e89682d789f92654af5b9e60290f7341a50d7d36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.allocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ReservationACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Responsible for loading queue configuration properties
* from a list of {@link Element}s containing queues.
public class AllocationFileQueueParser {
private static final Logger LOG =
public static final String ROOT = "root";
public static final AccessControlList EVERYBODY_ACL =
new AccessControlList("*");
static final AccessControlList NOBODY_ACL = new AccessControlList(" ");
private static final String MIN_RESOURCES = "minResources";
private static final String MAX_RESOURCES = "maxResources";
private static final String MAX_CHILD_RESOURCES = "maxChildResources";
private static final String MAX_RUNNING_APPS = "maxRunningApps";
private static final String MAX_AMSHARE = "maxAMShare";
public static final String MAX_CONTAINER_ALLOCATION =
private static final String WEIGHT = "weight";
private static final String MIN_SHARE_PREEMPTION_TIMEOUT =
private static final String FAIR_SHARE_PREEMPTION_TIMEOUT =
private static final String FAIR_SHARE_PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD =
private static final String SCHEDULING_POLICY = "schedulingPolicy";
private static final String SCHEDULING_MODE = "schedulingMode";
private static final String ACL_SUBMIT_APPS = "aclSubmitApps";
private static final String ACL_ADMINISTER_APPS = "aclAdministerApps";
private static final String ACL_ADMINISTER_RESERVATIONS =
private static final String ACL_LIST_RESERVATIONS = "aclListReservations";
private static final String ACL_SUBMIT_RESERVATIONS = "aclSubmitReservations";
private static final String RESERVATION = "reservation";
private static final String ALLOW_PREEMPTION_FROM = "allowPreemptionFrom";
private static final String QUEUE = "queue";
private static final String POOL = "pool";
private final List<Element> elements;
public AllocationFileQueueParser(List<Element> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
// Load queue elements. A root queue can either be included or omitted. If
// it's included, all other queues must be inside it.
public QueueProperties parse() throws AllocationConfigurationException {
QueueProperties.Builder queuePropertiesBuilder =
new QueueProperties.Builder();
for (Element element : elements) {
String parent = ROOT;
if (element.getAttribute("name").equalsIgnoreCase(ROOT)) {
if (elements.size() > 1) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException(
"If configuring root queue,"
+ " no other queues can be placed alongside it.");
parent = null;
loadQueue(parent, element, queuePropertiesBuilder);
* Loads a queue from a queue element in the configuration file.
private void loadQueue(String parentName, Element element,
QueueProperties.Builder builder) throws AllocationConfigurationException {
String queueName =
if (queueName.contains(".")) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Bad fair scheduler config "
+ "file: queue name (" + queueName + ") shouldn't contain period.");
if (queueName.isEmpty()) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException("Bad fair scheduler config "
+ "file: queue name shouldn't be empty or "
+ "consist only of whitespace.");
if (parentName != null) {
queueName = parentName + "." + queueName;
NodeList fields = element.getChildNodes();
boolean isLeaf = true;
boolean isReservable = false;
boolean isMaxAMShareSet = false;
for (int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) {
Node fieldNode = fields.item(j);
if (!(fieldNode instanceof Element)) {
Element field = (Element) fieldNode;
if (MIN_RESOURCES.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
ConfigurableResource val =
FairSchedulerConfiguration.parseResourceConfigValue(text, 0L);
builder.minQueueResources(queueName, val.getResource());
} else if (MAX_RESOURCES.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
ConfigurableResource val =
builder.maxQueueResources(queueName, val);
} else if (MAX_CHILD_RESOURCES.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
ConfigurableResource val =
builder.maxChildQueueResources(queueName, val);
} else if (MAX_RUNNING_APPS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
int val = Integer.parseInt(text);
builder.queueMaxApps(queueName, val);
} else if (MAX_AMSHARE.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
float val = Float.parseFloat(text);
val = Math.min(val, 1.0f);
builder.queueMaxAMShares(queueName, val);
isMaxAMShareSet = true;
} else if (MAX_CONTAINER_ALLOCATION.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
ConfigurableResource val =
builder.queueMaxContainerAllocation(queueName, val.getResource());
} else if (WEIGHT.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
double val = Double.parseDouble(text);
builder.queueWeights(queueName, (float) val);
} else if (MIN_SHARE_PREEMPTION_TIMEOUT.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
long val = Long.parseLong(text) * 1000L;
builder.minSharePreemptionTimeouts(queueName, val);
} else if (FAIR_SHARE_PREEMPTION_TIMEOUT.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
long val = Long.parseLong(text) * 1000L;
builder.fairSharePreemptionTimeouts(queueName, val);
} else if (FAIR_SHARE_PREEMPTION_THRESHOLD.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
float val = Float.parseFloat(text);
val = Math.max(Math.min(val, 1.0f), 0.0f);
builder.fairSharePreemptionThresholds(queueName, val);
} else if (SCHEDULING_POLICY.equals(field.getTagName())
|| SCHEDULING_MODE.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
SchedulingPolicy policy = SchedulingPolicy.parse(text);
builder.queuePolicies(queueName, policy);
} else if (ACL_SUBMIT_APPS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
builder.queueAcls(queueName, AccessType.SUBMIT_APP,
new AccessControlList(text));
} else if (ACL_ADMINISTER_APPS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
builder.queueAcls(queueName, AccessType.ADMINISTER_QUEUE,
new AccessControlList(text));
} else if (ACL_ADMINISTER_RESERVATIONS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
new AccessControlList(text));
} else if (ACL_LIST_RESERVATIONS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
builder.reservationAcls(queueName, ReservationACL.LIST_RESERVATIONS,
new AccessControlList(text));
} else if (ACL_SUBMIT_RESERVATIONS.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
builder.reservationAcls(queueName, ReservationACL.SUBMIT_RESERVATIONS,
new AccessControlList(text));
} else if (RESERVATION.equals(field.getTagName())) {
isReservable = true;
builder.configuredQueues(FSQueueType.PARENT, queueName);
} else if (ALLOW_PREEMPTION_FROM.equals(field.getTagName())) {
String text = getTrimmedTextData(field);
if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(text)) {
} else if (QUEUE.endsWith(field.getTagName())
|| POOL.equals(field.getTagName())) {
loadQueue(queueName, field, builder);
isLeaf = false;
// if a leaf in the alloc file is marked as type='parent'
// then store it as a parent queue
if (isLeaf && !"parent".equals(element.getAttribute("type"))) {
// reservable queue has been already configured as parent
if (!isReservable) {
builder.configuredQueues(FSQueueType.LEAF, queueName);
} else {
if (isReservable) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException(
getErrorString(queueName, RESERVATION));
} else if (isMaxAMShareSet) {
throw new AllocationConfigurationException(
getErrorString(queueName, MAX_AMSHARE));
builder.configuredQueues(FSQueueType.PARENT, queueName);
// Set default acls if not defined
// The root queue defaults to all access
for (QueueACL acl : QueueACL.values()) {
AccessType accessType = SchedulerUtils.toAccessType(acl);
if (!builder.isAclDefinedForAccessType(queueName, accessType)) {
AccessControlList defaultAcl =
queueName.equals(ROOT) ? EVERYBODY_ACL : NOBODY_ACL;
builder.queueAcls(queueName, accessType, defaultAcl);
builder.getMaxQueueResources(), queueName);
* Set up the error string based on the supplied parent queueName and element.
* @param parentQueueName the parent queue name.
* @param element the element that should not be present for the parent queue.
* @return the error string.
private String getErrorString(String parentQueueName, String element) {
return "The configuration settings"
+ " for " + parentQueueName + " are invalid. A queue element that "
+ "contains child queue elements or that has the type='parent' "
+ "attribute cannot also include a " + element + " element.";
private String getTrimmedTextData(Element element) {
return ((Text) element.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
private void checkMinAndMaxResource(Map<String, Resource> minResources,
Map<String, ConfigurableResource> maxResources, String queueName) {
ConfigurableResource maxConfigurableResource = maxResources.get(queueName);
Resource minResource = minResources.get(queueName);
if (maxConfigurableResource != null && minResource != null) {
Resource maxResource = maxConfigurableResource.getResource();
// check whether max resource is greater or equals to min resource when
// max resource are absolute values
if (maxResource != null && !Resources.fitsIn(minResource, maxResource)) {
"Queue %s has max resources %s less than " + "min resources %s",
queueName, maxResource, minResource));