blob: 23a3c5669591f563f6a13abd14d0c805cfd521fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.constraint;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.activities.DiagnosticsCollector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.AbstractConstraint;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.And;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.Or;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.SingleConstraint;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.TargetExpression;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraint.TargetExpression.TargetType;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraintTransformations.SingleConstraintTransformer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraints;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.nodelabels.RMNodeLabelsManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.constraint.algorithm.DefaultPlacementAlgorithm;
import static org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.resource.PlacementConstraints.NODE_PARTITION;
* This class contains various static methods used by the Placement Algorithms
* to simplify constrained placement.
* (see also {@link DefaultPlacementAlgorithm}).
public final class PlacementConstraintsUtil {
private static final Logger LOG =
// Suppresses default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
private PlacementConstraintsUtil() {
* Returns true if <b>single</b> placement constraint with associated
* allocationTags and scope is satisfied by a specific scheduler Node.
* @param targetApplicationId the application id, which could be override by
* target application id specified inside allocation
* tags.
* @param sc the placement constraint
* @param te the target expression
* @param node the scheduler node
* @param tm the allocation tags store
* @return true if single application constraint is satisfied by node
* @throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException
private static boolean canSatisfySingleConstraintExpression(
ApplicationId targetApplicationId, SingleConstraint sc,
TargetExpression te, SchedulerNode node, AllocationTagsManager tm)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
// Creates AllocationTags that will be further consumed by allocation
// tags manager for cardinality check.
AllocationTags allocationTags = AllocationTags.createAllocationTags(
targetApplicationId, te.getTargetKey(), te.getTargetValues());
long minScopeCardinality = 0;
long maxScopeCardinality = 0;
// Optimizations to only check cardinality if necessary.
int desiredMinCardinality = sc.getMinCardinality();
int desiredMaxCardinality = sc.getMaxCardinality();
boolean checkMinCardinality = desiredMinCardinality > 0;
boolean checkMaxCardinality = desiredMaxCardinality < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (sc.getScope().equals(PlacementConstraints.NODE)) {
if (checkMinCardinality) {
minScopeCardinality = tm.getNodeCardinalityByOp(node.getNodeID(),
allocationTags, Long::min);
if (checkMaxCardinality) {
maxScopeCardinality = tm.getNodeCardinalityByOp(node.getNodeID(),
allocationTags, Long::max);
} else if (sc.getScope().equals(PlacementConstraints.RACK)) {
if (checkMinCardinality) {
minScopeCardinality = tm.getRackCardinalityByOp(node.getRackName(),
allocationTags, Long::min);
if (checkMaxCardinality) {
maxScopeCardinality = tm.getRackCardinalityByOp(node.getRackName(),
allocationTags, Long::max);
return (desiredMinCardinality <= 0
|| minScopeCardinality >= desiredMinCardinality) && (
desiredMaxCardinality == Integer.MAX_VALUE
|| maxScopeCardinality <= desiredMaxCardinality);
private static boolean canSatisfyNodeConstraintExpression(
SingleConstraint sc, TargetExpression targetExpression,
SchedulerNode schedulerNode) {
Set<String> values = targetExpression.getTargetValues();
if (targetExpression.getTargetKey().equals(NODE_PARTITION)) {
if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
return schedulerNode.getPartition()
} else {
String nodePartition = values.iterator().next();
if (!nodePartition.equals(schedulerNode.getPartition())) {
return false;
} else {
NodeAttributeOpCode opCode = sc.getNodeAttributeOpCode();
// compare attributes.
String inputAttribute = values.iterator().next();
NodeAttribute requestAttribute = getNodeConstraintFromRequest(
targetExpression.getTargetKey(), inputAttribute);
if (requestAttribute == null) {
return true;
return getNodeConstraintEvaluatedResult(schedulerNode, opCode,
return true;
private static boolean getNodeConstraintEvaluatedResult(
SchedulerNode schedulerNode,
NodeAttributeOpCode opCode, NodeAttribute requestAttribute) {
// In case, attributes in a node is empty or incoming attributes doesn't
// exist on given node, accept such nodes for scheduling if opCode is
// equals to NE. (for eg. java != 1.8 could be scheduled on a node
// where java is not configured.)
if (schedulerNode.getNodeAttributes() == null ||
!schedulerNode.getNodeAttributes().contains(requestAttribute)) {
if (opCode == NodeAttributeOpCode.NE) {
LOG.debug("Incoming requestAttribute:{} is not present in {},"
+ " however opcode is NE. Hence accept this node.",
requestAttribute, schedulerNode.getNodeID());
return true;
LOG.debug("Incoming requestAttribute:{} is not present in {},"
+ " skip such node.", requestAttribute, schedulerNode.getNodeID());
return false;
boolean found = false;
for (Iterator<NodeAttribute> it = schedulerNode.getNodeAttributes()
.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
NodeAttribute nodeAttribute =;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Starting to compare Incoming requestAttribute :"
+ requestAttribute
+ " with requestAttribute value= " + requestAttribute
+ ", stored nodeAttribute value=" + nodeAttribute
if (requestAttribute.equals(nodeAttribute)) {
if (isOpCodeMatches(requestAttribute, nodeAttribute, opCode)) {
LOG.debug("Incoming requestAttribute:{} matches with node:{}",
requestAttribute, schedulerNode.getNodeID());
found = true;
return found;
if (!found) {
LOG.debug("skip this node:{} for requestAttribute:{}",
schedulerNode.getNodeID(), requestAttribute);
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isOpCodeMatches(NodeAttribute requestAttribute,
NodeAttribute nodeAttribute, NodeAttributeOpCode opCode) {
boolean retCode = false;
switch (opCode) {
case EQ:
retCode = requestAttribute.getAttributeValue()
case NE:
retCode = !(requestAttribute.getAttributeValue()
return retCode;
private static boolean canSatisfySingleConstraint(ApplicationId applicationId,
SingleConstraint singleConstraint, SchedulerNode schedulerNode,
AllocationTagsManager tagsManager,
Optional<DiagnosticsCollector> dcOpt)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
// Iterate through TargetExpressions
Iterator<TargetExpression> expIt =
while (expIt.hasNext()) {
TargetExpression currentExp =;
// Supporting AllocationTag Expressions for now
if (currentExp.getTargetType().equals(TargetType.ALLOCATION_TAG)) {
// Check if conditions are met
if (!canSatisfySingleConstraintExpression(applicationId,
singleConstraint, currentExp, schedulerNode, tagsManager)) {
if (dcOpt.isPresent()) {
dcOpt.get().collectPlacementConstraintDiagnostics(, TargetType.ALLOCATION_TAG);
return false;
} else if (currentExp.getTargetType().equals(TargetType.NODE_ATTRIBUTE)) {
// This is a node attribute expression, check it.
if (!canSatisfyNodeConstraintExpression(singleConstraint, currentExp,
schedulerNode)) {
if (dcOpt.isPresent()) {
dcOpt.get().collectPlacementConstraintDiagnostics(, TargetType.NODE_ATTRIBUTE);
return false;
// return true if all targetExpressions are satisfied
return true;
* Returns true if all child constraints are satisfied.
* @param appId application id
* @param constraint Or constraint
* @param node node
* @param atm allocation tags manager
* @return true if all child constraints are satisfied, false otherwise
* @throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException
private static boolean canSatisfyAndConstraint(ApplicationId appId,
And constraint, SchedulerNode node, AllocationTagsManager atm,
Optional<DiagnosticsCollector> dcOpt)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
// Iterate over the constraints tree, if found any child constraint
// isn't satisfied, return false.
for (AbstractConstraint child : constraint.getChildren()) {
if(!canSatisfyConstraints(appId,, node, atm, dcOpt)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns true as long as any of child constraint is satisfied.
* @param appId application id
* @param constraint Or constraint
* @param node node
* @param atm allocation tags manager
* @return true if any child constraint is satisfied, false otherwise
* @throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException
private static boolean canSatisfyOrConstraint(ApplicationId appId,
Or constraint, SchedulerNode node, AllocationTagsManager atm,
Optional<DiagnosticsCollector> dcOpt)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
for (AbstractConstraint child : constraint.getChildren()) {
if (canSatisfyConstraints(appId,, node, atm, dcOpt)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean canSatisfyConstraints(ApplicationId appId,
PlacementConstraint constraint, SchedulerNode node,
AllocationTagsManager atm,
Optional<DiagnosticsCollector> dcOpt)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
if (constraint == null) {
LOG.debug("Constraint is found empty during constraint validation for"
+ " app:{}", appId);
return true;
// If this is a single constraint, transform to SingleConstraint
SingleConstraintTransformer singleTransformer =
new SingleConstraintTransformer(constraint);
constraint = singleTransformer.transform();
AbstractConstraint sConstraintExpr = constraint.getConstraintExpr();
// TODO handle other type of constraints, e.g CompositeConstraint
if (sConstraintExpr instanceof SingleConstraint) {
SingleConstraint single = (SingleConstraint) sConstraintExpr;
return canSatisfySingleConstraint(appId, single, node, atm, dcOpt);
} else if (sConstraintExpr instanceof And) {
And and = (And) sConstraintExpr;
return canSatisfyAndConstraint(appId, and, node, atm, dcOpt);
} else if (sConstraintExpr instanceof Or) {
Or or = (Or) sConstraintExpr;
return canSatisfyOrConstraint(appId, or, node, atm, dcOpt);
} else {
throw new InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException(
"Unsupported type of constraint: "
+ sConstraintExpr.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Returns true if the placement constraint for a given scheduling request
* is <b>currently</b> satisfied by the specific scheduler node. This method
* first validates the constraint specified in the request; if not specified,
* then it validates application level constraint if exists; otherwise, it
* validates the global constraint if exists.
* This method only checks whether a scheduling request can be placed
* on a node with respect to the certain placement constraint. It gives no
* guarantee that asked allocations can be eventually allocated because
* it doesn't check resource, that needs to be further decided by a scheduler.
* @param applicationId application id
* @param request scheduling request
* @param schedulerNode node
* @param pcm placement constraint manager
* @param atm allocation tags manager
* @param dcOpt optional diagnostics collector
* @return true if the given node satisfies the constraint of the request
* @throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException
public static boolean canSatisfyConstraints(ApplicationId applicationId,
SchedulingRequest request, SchedulerNode schedulerNode,
PlacementConstraintManager pcm, AllocationTagsManager atm,
Optional<DiagnosticsCollector> dcOpt)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
Set<String> sourceTags = null;
PlacementConstraint pc = null;
if (request != null) {
sourceTags = request.getAllocationTags();
pc = request.getPlacementConstraint();
return canSatisfyConstraints(applicationId,
pcm.getMultilevelConstraint(applicationId, sourceTags, pc),
schedulerNode, atm, dcOpt);
public static boolean canSatisfyConstraints(ApplicationId applicationId,
SchedulingRequest request, SchedulerNode schedulerNode,
PlacementConstraintManager pcm, AllocationTagsManager atm)
throws InvalidAllocationTagsQueryException {
return canSatisfyConstraints(applicationId, request, schedulerNode, pcm,
atm, Optional.empty());
private static NodeAttribute getNodeConstraintFromRequest(String attrKey,
String attrString) {
NodeAttribute nodeAttribute = null;
LOG.debug("Incoming node attribute: {}={}", attrKey, attrString);
// Input node attribute could be like 1.8
String[] name = attrKey.split("/");
if (name == null || name.length == 1) {
nodeAttribute = NodeAttribute
.newInstance(attrKey, NodeAttributeType.STRING, attrString);
} else {
nodeAttribute = NodeAttribute
.newInstance(name[0], name[1], NodeAttributeType.STRING, attrString);
return nodeAttribute;