blob: 3382ead74123a8854cceb18fbd1e24f9ab33bee9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class CapacitySchedulerPreemptionUtils {
public static Map<String, Resource> getResToObtainByPartitionForLeafQueue(
CapacitySchedulerPreemptionContext context, String queueName,
Resource clusterResource) {
Map<String, Resource> resToObtainByPartition = new HashMap<>();
// compute resToObtainByPartition considered inter-queue preemption
for (TempQueuePerPartition qT : context.getQueuePartitions(queueName)) {
if (qT.preemptionDisabled) {
// Only add resToObtainByPartition when actuallyToBePreempted resource >=
// 0
if (Resources.greaterThan(context.getResourceCalculator(),
clusterResource, qT.getActuallyToBePreempted(), Resources.none())) {
return resToObtainByPartition;
public static boolean isContainerAlreadySelected(RMContainer container,
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> selectedCandidates) {
if (null == selectedCandidates) {
return false;
Set<RMContainer> containers = selectedCandidates
if (containers == null) {
return false;
return containers.contains(container);
public static void deductPreemptableResourcesBasedSelectedCandidates(
CapacitySchedulerPreemptionContext context,
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> selectedCandidates) {
for (Set<RMContainer> containers : selectedCandidates.values()) {
for (RMContainer c : containers) {
SchedulerNode schedulerNode = context.getScheduler()
if (null == schedulerNode) {
String partition = schedulerNode.getPartition();
String queue = c.getQueueName();
TempQueuePerPartition tq = context.getQueueByPartition(
Resource res = c.getReservedResource();
if (null == res) {
res = c.getAllocatedResource();
if (null != res) {
tq.totalPartitionResource, res);
Collection<TempAppPerPartition> tas = tq.getApps();
if (null == tas || tas.isEmpty()) {
deductPreemptableResourcePerApp(context, tq.totalPartitionResource,
tas, res);
private static void deductPreemptableResourcePerApp(
CapacitySchedulerPreemptionContext context,
Resource totalPartitionResource, Collection<TempAppPerPartition> tas,
Resource res) {
for (TempAppPerPartition ta : tas) {
totalPartitionResource, res);
* Invoke this method to preempt container based on resToObtain.
* @param rc
* resource calculator
* @param context
* preemption context
* @param resourceToObtainByPartitions
* map to hold resource to obtain per partition
* @param rmContainer
* container
* @param clusterResource
* total resource
* @param preemptMap
* map to hold preempted containers
* @param totalPreemptionAllowed
* total preemption allowed per round
* @param conservativeDRF
* should we do conservativeDRF preemption or not.
* When true:
* stop preempt container when any major resource type
* {@literal <=} 0 for to-preempt.
* This is default preemption behavior of intra-queue preemption
* When false:
* stop preempt container when: all major resource type
* {@literal <=} 0 for to-preempt.
* This is default preemption behavior of inter-queue preemption
* @return should we preempt rmContainer. If we should, deduct from
* <code>resourceToObtainByPartition</code>
public static boolean tryPreemptContainerAndDeductResToObtain(
ResourceCalculator rc, CapacitySchedulerPreemptionContext context,
Map<String, Resource> resourceToObtainByPartitions,
RMContainer rmContainer, Resource clusterResource,
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> preemptMap,
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> curCandidates,
Resource totalPreemptionAllowed, boolean conservativeDRF) {
ApplicationAttemptId attemptId = rmContainer.getApplicationAttemptId();
// We will not account resource of a container twice or more
if (preemptMapContains(preemptMap, attemptId, rmContainer)) {
return false;
String nodePartition = getPartitionByNodeId(context,
Resource toObtainByPartition = resourceToObtainByPartitions
if (null == toObtainByPartition) {
return false;
// If a toObtain resource type == 0, set it to -1 to avoid 0 resource
// type affect following doPreemption check: isAnyMajorResourceZero
for (ResourceInformation ri : toObtainByPartition.getResources()) {
if (ri.getValue() == 0) {
if (rc.isAnyMajorResourceAboveZero(toObtainByPartition) && Resources.fitsIn(
rc, rmContainer.getAllocatedResource(), totalPreemptionAllowed)) {
boolean doPreempt;
// How much resource left after preemption happen.
Resource toObtainAfterPreemption = Resources.subtract(toObtainByPartition,
if (conservativeDRF) {
doPreempt = !rc.isAnyMajorResourceZeroOrNegative(toObtainByPartition);
} else {
// When we want to do more aggressive preemption, we will do preemption
// only if:
// - The preempt of the container makes positive contribution to the
// to-obtain resource. Positive contribution means any positive
// resource type decreases.
// This is example of positive contribution:
// * before: <30, 10, 5>, after <20, 10, -10>
// But this not positive contribution:
// * before: <30, 10, 0>, after <30, 10, -15>
doPreempt = Resources.lessThan(rc, clusterResource,
.componentwiseMax(toObtainAfterPreemption, Resources.none()),
Resources.componentwiseMax(toObtainByPartition, Resources.none()));
if (!doPreempt) {
return false;
// When we have no more resource need to obtain, remove from map.
if (Resources.lessThanOrEqual(rc, clusterResource, toObtainByPartition,
Resources.none())) {
// Add to preemptMap
addToPreemptMap(preemptMap, curCandidates, attemptId, rmContainer);
return true;
return false;
private static String getPartitionByNodeId(
CapacitySchedulerPreemptionContext context, NodeId nodeId) {
return context.getScheduler().getSchedulerNode(nodeId).getPartition();
protected static void addToPreemptMap(
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> preemptMap,
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> curCandidates,
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId, RMContainer containerToPreempt) {
Set<RMContainer> setForToPreempt = preemptMap.get(appAttemptId);
Set<RMContainer> setForCurCandidates = curCandidates.get(appAttemptId);
if (null == setForToPreempt) {
setForToPreempt = new HashSet<>();
preemptMap.put(appAttemptId, setForToPreempt);
if (null == setForCurCandidates) {
setForCurCandidates = new HashSet<>();
curCandidates.put(appAttemptId, setForCurCandidates);
private static boolean preemptMapContains(
Map<ApplicationAttemptId, Set<RMContainer>> preemptMap,
ApplicationAttemptId attemptId, RMContainer rmContainer) {
Set<RMContainer> rmContainers = preemptMap.get(attemptId);
if (null == rmContainers) {
return false;
return rmContainers.contains(rmContainer);