blob: 432797bfb8edaf82dae6954e66de17dab530e1bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <unistd.h> /* for size_t */
#include <inttypes.h> /* for int16_t */
* Create the URL for a MKDIR request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the dir to create
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for MKDIR request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForMKDIR(const char *host, int nnPort,
const char *path, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a MKDIR (with mode) request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the dir to create
* @param mode Mode of MKDIR
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for MKDIR request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForMKDIRwithMode(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
int mode, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a RENAME request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param srcpath Source path
* @param dstpath Destination path
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for RENAME request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForRENAME(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *srcpath,
const char *dstpath, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a CHMOD request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Target path
* @param mode New mode for the file
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for CHMOD request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForCHMOD(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
int mode, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a GETFILESTATUS request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the target file
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for GETFILESTATUS request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForGetFileStatus(const char *host, int nnPort,
const char *path, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a LISTSTATUS request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the directory for listing
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for LISTSTATUS request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForLS(const char *host, int nnPort,
const char *path, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a DELETE request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the file to be deletected
* @param recursive Whether or not to delete in a recursive way
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for DELETE request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForDELETE(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
int recursive, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a CHOWN request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the target
* @param owner New owner
* @param group New group
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for CHOWN request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForCHOWN(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
const char *owner, const char *group, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a OPEN/READ request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the file to read
* @param user User name
* @param offset Offset for reading (the start position for this read)
* @param length Length of the file to read
* @param url Holding the generated URL for OPEN/READ request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForOPEN(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
const char *user, size_t offset, size_t length,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a UTIMES (update time) request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the file for updating time
* @param mTime Modified time to set
* @param aTime Access time to set
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for UTIMES request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForUTIMES(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
long unsigned mTime, long unsigned aTime,
const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a WRITE/CREATE request (sent to NameNode)
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the dir to create
* @param user User name
* @param replication Number of replication of the file
* @param blockSize Size of the block for the file
* @param url Holding the generated URL for WRITE request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForNnWRITE(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
const char *user, int16_t replication, size_t blockSize,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for an APPEND request (sent to NameNode)
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the file for appending
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for APPEND request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForNnAPPEND(const char *host, int nnPort,
const char *path, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a SETREPLICATION request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the target file
* @param replication New replication number
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for SETREPLICATION request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForSETREPLICATION(const char *host, int nnPort, const char *path,
int16_t replication, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
* Create the URL for a GET_BLOCK_LOCATIONS request
* @param host The hostname of the NameNode
* @param nnPort Port of the NameNode
* @param path Path of the target file
* @param offset The offset in the file
* @param length Length of the file content
* @param user User name
* @param url Holding the generated URL for GET_BLOCK_LOCATIONS request
* @return 0 on success and non-zero value on errors
int createUrlForGetBlockLocations(const char *host, int nnPort,
const char *path, size_t offset,
size_t length, const char *user,
char **url) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
#endif //_HDFS_HTTP_QUERY_H_