blob: ac9c05e89c8e59706ff22f02bae7377251b10ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestFileSystemCanonicalization {
static String[] authorities = {
static String[] ips = {
public static void initialize() throws Exception {
// no ports
public void testShortAuthority() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testPartialAuthority() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testFullAuthority() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a.b", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
// with default ports
public void testShortAuthorityWithDefaultPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host:123", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testPartialAuthorityWithDefaultPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a:123", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testFullAuthorityWithDefaultPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a.b:123", "myfs://host.a.b:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
// with non-standard ports
public void testShortAuthorityWithOtherPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host:456", "myfs://host.a.b:456");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testPartialAuthorityWithOtherPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a:456", "myfs://host.a.b:456");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testFullAuthorityWithOtherPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host.a.b:456", "myfs://host.a.b:456");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
// ips
public void testIpAuthority() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://", "myfs://");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testIpAuthorityWithDefaultPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://", "myfs://");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, true);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testIpAuthorityWithOtherPort() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://", "myfs://");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, true);
// bad stuff
public void testMismatchedSchemes() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs2://simple", "myfs2://simple:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testMismatchedHosts() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://simple", "myfs://simple:123");
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testNullAuthority() throws Exception {
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs:///", "myfs:///");
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, true);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, authorities, 456, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, -1, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 123, false);
verifyPaths(fs, ips, 456, false);
public void testAuthorityFromDefaultFS() throws Exception {
Configuration config = new Configuration();
String defaultFsKey = CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY;
FileSystem fs = getVerifiedFS("myfs://host", "myfs://host.a.b:123", config);
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, false);
config.set(defaultFsKey, "myfs://host");
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, true);
config.set(defaultFsKey, "myfs2://host");
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, false);
config.set(defaultFsKey, "myfs://host:123");
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, true);
config.set(defaultFsKey, "myfs://host:456");
verifyPaths(fs, new String[]{ "myfs://" }, -1, false);
FileSystem getVerifiedFS(String authority, String canonical) throws Exception {
return getVerifiedFS(authority, canonical, new Configuration());
// create a fs from the authority, then check its uri against the given uri
// and the canonical. then try to fetch paths using the canonical
FileSystem getVerifiedFS(String authority, String canonical, Configuration conf)
throws Exception {
URI uri = URI.create(authority);
URI canonicalUri = URI.create(canonical);
FileSystem fs = new DummyFileSystem(uri, conf);
assertEquals(uri, fs.getUri());
assertEquals(canonicalUri, fs.getCanonicalUri());
verifyCheckPath(fs, "/file", true);
return fs;
void verifyPaths(FileSystem fs, String[] uris, int port, boolean shouldPass) {
for (String uri : uris) {
if (port != -1) uri += ":"+port;
verifyCheckPath(fs, uri+"/file", shouldPass);
void verifyCheckPath(FileSystem fs, String path, boolean shouldPass) {
Path rawPath = new Path(path);
Path fqPath = null;
Exception e = null;
try {
fqPath = fs.makeQualified(rawPath);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
e = iae;
if (shouldPass) {
assertEquals(null, e);
String pathAuthority = rawPath.toUri().getAuthority();
if (pathAuthority == null) {
pathAuthority = fs.getUri().getAuthority();
assertEquals(pathAuthority, fqPath.toUri().getAuthority());
} else {
assertNotNull("did not fail", e);
assertEquals("Wrong FS: "+rawPath+", expected: "+fs.getUri(),
static class DummyFileSystem extends FileSystem {
URI uri;
static int defaultPort = 123;
DummyFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
this.uri = uri;
public URI getUri() {
return uri;
protected int getDefaultPort() {
return defaultPort;
public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission,
boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize,
Progressable progress) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize,
Progressable progress) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public void setWorkingDirectory(Path new_dir) {
public Path getWorkingDirectory() {
return new Path("/");
public boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");
public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("not supposed to be here");