blob: d7540a3fe4f9be0524382e5f909948f905ab08bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* These .proto interfaces are private and unstable.
* Please see
* for what changes are allowed for a *unstable* .proto interface.
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "StorageContainerLocationProtocolProtos";
option java_generic_services = true;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package hadoop.hdds;
import "hdfs.proto";
import "hdds.proto";
* Request send to SCM asking where the container should be created.
message ContainerRequestProto {
required string containerName = 1;
// Ozone only support replciation of either 1 or 3.
required ReplicationFactor replicationFactor = 2;
required ReplicationType replicationType = 3;
required string owner = 4;
* Reply from SCM indicating that the container.
message ContainerResponseProto {
enum Error {
success = 1;
errorContainerAlreadyExists = 2;
errorContainerMissing = 3;
required Error errorCode = 1;
required Pipeline pipeline = 2;
optional string errorMessage = 3;
message GetContainerRequestProto {
required string containerName = 1;
message GetContainerResponseProto {
required Pipeline pipeline = 1;
message SCMListContainerRequestProto {
required uint32 count = 1;
optional string startName = 2;
optional string prefixName = 3;
message SCMListContainerResponseProto {
repeated SCMContainerInfo containers = 1;
message SCMDeleteContainerRequestProto {
required string containerName = 1;
message SCMDeleteContainerResponseProto {
// Empty response
message ObjectStageChangeRequestProto {
enum Type {
container = 1;
pipeline = 2;
// delete/copy operation may be added later
enum Op {
create = 1;
close = 2;
enum Stage {
begin = 1;
complete = 2;
required string name = 1;
required Type type = 2;
required Op op= 3;
required Stage stage = 4;
message ObjectStageChangeResponseProto {
// Empty response
NodeQueryRequest sends a request to SCM asking to send a list of nodes that
match the NodeState that we are requesting.
message NodeQueryRequestProto {
// Repeated, So we can specify more than one status type.
// These NodeState types are additive for now, in the sense that
// if you specify HEALTHY and FREE_NODE members --
// Then you get all healthy node which are not raft members.
// if you specify all healthy and dead nodes, you will get nothing
// back. Server is not going to dictate what combinations make sense,
// it is entirely up to the caller.
// TODO: Support operators like OR and NOT. Currently it is always an
// implied AND.
repeated NodeState query = 1;
required QueryScope scope = 2;
optional string poolName = 3; // if scope is pool, then pool name is needed.
message NodeQueryResponseProto {
required NodePool datanodes = 1;
Request to create a replication pipeline.
message PipelineRequestProto {
required ReplicationType replicationType = 1;
required ReplicationFactor replicationFactor = 2;
// if datanodes are specified then pipelines are created using those
// datanodes.
optional NodePool nodePool = 3;
optional string pipelineID = 4;
message PipelineResponseProto {
enum Error {
success = 1;
errorPipelineAlreadyExists = 2;
required Error errorCode = 1;
optional Pipeline pipeline = 2;
optional string errorMessage = 3;
* Protocol used from an HDFS node to StorageContainerManager. See the request
* and response messages for details of the RPC calls.
service StorageContainerLocationProtocolService {
* Creates a container entry in SCM.
rpc allocateContainer(ContainerRequestProto) returns (ContainerResponseProto);
* Returns the pipeline for a given container.
rpc getContainer(GetContainerRequestProto) returns (GetContainerResponseProto);
rpc listContainer(SCMListContainerRequestProto) returns (SCMListContainerResponseProto);
* Deletes a container in SCM.
rpc deleteContainer(SCMDeleteContainerRequestProto) returns (SCMDeleteContainerResponseProto);
* Returns a set of Nodes that meet a criteria.
rpc queryNode(NodeQueryRequestProto) returns (NodeQueryResponseProto);
* Notify from client when begin or finish container or pipeline operations on datanodes.
rpc notifyObjectStageChange(ObjectStageChangeRequestProto) returns (ObjectStageChangeResponseProto);
* Apis that Manage Pipelines.
* Pipelines are abstractions offered by SCM and Datanode that allows users
* to create a replication pipeline.
* These following APIs allow command line programs like SCM CLI to list
* and manage pipelines.
* Creates a replication pipeline.
rpc allocatePipeline(PipelineRequestProto)
returns (PipelineResponseProto);
* Returns information about SCM.
rpc getScmInfo(GetScmInfoRequestProto)
returns (GetScmInfoRespsonseProto);