blob: 33d120735e1e3fe724e62875759e133a6819acc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* These .proto interfaces are public and stable.
* Please see
* for what changes are allowed for a *stable* .proto interface.
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "YarnServiceProtos";
option java_generic_services = true;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package hadoop.yarn;
import "Security.proto";
import "yarn_protos.proto";
/////// AM_RM_Protocol ///////////////////////////////
message RegisterApplicationMasterRequestProto {
optional string host = 1;
optional int32 rpc_port = 2;
optional string tracking_url = 3;
message RegisterApplicationMasterResponseProto {
optional ResourceProto maximumCapability = 1;
optional bytes client_to_am_token_master_key = 2;
repeated ApplicationACLMapProto application_ACLs = 3;
repeated ContainerProto containers_from_previous_attempts = 4;
optional string queue = 5;
repeated NMTokenProto nm_tokens_from_previous_attempts = 6;
repeated SchedulerResourceTypes scheduler_resource_types = 7;
message FinishApplicationMasterRequestProto {
optional string diagnostics = 1;
optional string tracking_url = 2;
optional FinalApplicationStatusProto final_application_status = 3;
message FinishApplicationMasterResponseProto {
optional bool isUnregistered = 1 [default = false];
message AllocateRequestProto {
repeated ResourceRequestProto ask = 1;
repeated ContainerIdProto release = 2;
optional ResourceBlacklistRequestProto blacklist_request = 3;
optional int32 response_id = 4;
optional float progress = 5;
repeated ContainerResourceIncreaseRequestProto increase_request = 6;
message NMTokenProto {
optional NodeIdProto nodeId = 1;
optional hadoop.common.TokenProto token = 2;
message AllocateResponseProto {
optional AMCommandProto a_m_command = 1;
optional int32 response_id = 2;
repeated ContainerProto allocated_containers = 3;
repeated ContainerStatusProto completed_container_statuses = 4;
optional ResourceProto limit = 5;
repeated NodeReportProto updated_nodes = 6;
optional int32 num_cluster_nodes = 7;
optional PreemptionMessageProto preempt = 8;
repeated NMTokenProto nm_tokens = 9;
repeated ContainerResourceIncreaseProto increased_containers = 10;
repeated ContainerResourceDecreaseProto decreased_containers = 11;
optional hadoop.common.TokenProto am_rm_token = 12;
enum SchedulerResourceTypes {
CPU = 1;
/////// client_RM_Protocol ///////////////////////////
message GetNewApplicationRequestProto {
message GetNewApplicationResponseProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
optional ResourceProto maximumCapability = 2;
message GetApplicationReportRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
message GetApplicationReportResponseProto {
optional ApplicationReportProto application_report = 1;
message SubmitApplicationRequestProto {
optional ApplicationSubmissionContextProto application_submission_context= 1;
message SubmitApplicationResponseProto {
message KillApplicationRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
message KillApplicationResponseProto {
optional bool is_kill_completed = 1 [default = false];
message GetClusterMetricsRequestProto {
message GetClusterMetricsResponseProto {
optional YarnClusterMetricsProto cluster_metrics = 1;
message MoveApplicationAcrossQueuesRequestProto {
required ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
required string target_queue = 2;
message MoveApplicationAcrossQueuesResponseProto {
enum ApplicationsRequestScopeProto {
ALL = 0;
OWN = 2;
message GetApplicationsRequestProto {
repeated string application_types = 1;
repeated YarnApplicationStateProto application_states = 2;
repeated string users = 3;
repeated string queues = 4;
optional int64 limit = 5;
optional int64 start_begin = 6;
optional int64 start_end = 7;
optional int64 finish_begin = 8;
optional int64 finish_end = 9;
repeated string applicationTags = 10;
optional ApplicationsRequestScopeProto scope = 11 [default = ALL];
message GetApplicationsResponseProto {
repeated ApplicationReportProto applications = 1;
message GetClusterNodesRequestProto {
repeated NodeStateProto nodeStates = 1;
message GetClusterNodesResponseProto {
repeated NodeReportProto nodeReports = 1;
message GetQueueInfoRequestProto {
optional string queueName = 1;
optional bool includeApplications = 2;
optional bool includeChildQueues = 3;
optional bool recursive = 4;
message GetQueueInfoResponseProto {
optional QueueInfoProto queueInfo = 1;
message GetQueueUserAclsInfoRequestProto {
message GetQueueUserAclsInfoResponseProto {
repeated QueueUserACLInfoProto queueUserAcls = 1;
message GetNodesToLabelsRequestProto {
message GetNodesToLabelsResponseProto {
repeated NodeIdToLabelsProto nodeToLabels = 1;
message GetLabelsToNodesRequestProto {
repeated string nodeLabels = 1;
message GetLabelsToNodesResponseProto {
repeated LabelsToNodeIdsProto labelsToNodes = 1;
message GetClusterNodeLabelsRequestProto {
message GetClusterNodeLabelsResponseProto {
repeated string nodeLabels = 1;
/////// client_NM_Protocol ///////////////////////////
message StartContainerRequestProto {
optional ContainerLaunchContextProto container_launch_context = 1;
optional hadoop.common.TokenProto container_token = 2;
message StartContainerResponseProto {
repeated StringBytesMapProto services_meta_data = 1;
message StopContainerRequestProto {
optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
message StopContainerResponseProto {
message GetContainerStatusRequestProto {
optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
message GetContainerStatusResponseProto {
optional ContainerStatusProto status = 1;
//// bulk API records
message StartContainersRequestProto {
repeated StartContainerRequestProto start_container_request = 1;
message ContainerExceptionMapProto {
optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
optional SerializedExceptionProto exception = 2;
message StartContainersResponseProto {
repeated StringBytesMapProto services_meta_data = 1;
repeated ContainerIdProto succeeded_requests = 2;
repeated ContainerExceptionMapProto failed_requests = 3;
message StopContainersRequestProto {
repeated ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
message StopContainersResponseProto {
repeated ContainerIdProto succeeded_requests = 1;
repeated ContainerExceptionMapProto failed_requests = 2;
message GetContainerStatusesRequestProto {
repeated ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
message GetContainerStatusesResponseProto {
repeated ContainerStatusProto status = 1;
repeated ContainerExceptionMapProto failed_requests = 2;
/////// Application_History_Protocol /////////////////
message GetApplicationAttemptReportRequestProto {
optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 1;
message GetApplicationAttemptReportResponseProto {
optional ApplicationAttemptReportProto application_attempt_report = 1;
message GetApplicationAttemptsRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1;
message GetApplicationAttemptsResponseProto {
repeated ApplicationAttemptReportProto application_attempts = 1;
message GetContainerReportRequestProto {
optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1;
message GetContainerReportResponseProto {
optional ContainerReportProto container_report = 1;
message GetContainersRequestProto {
optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 1;
message GetContainersResponseProto {
repeated ContainerReportProto containers = 1;
/////// client_SCM_Protocol //////////////////////////
message UseSharedCacheResourceRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto applicationId = 1;
optional string resourceKey = 2;
message UseSharedCacheResourceResponseProto {
optional string path = 1;
message ReleaseSharedCacheResourceRequestProto {
optional ApplicationIdProto applicationId = 1;
optional string resourceKey = 2;
message ReleaseSharedCacheResourceResponseProto {
// reservation_protocol
message ReservationSubmissionRequestProto {
optional string queue = 1;
optional ReservationDefinitionProto reservation_definition = 2;
message ReservationSubmissionResponseProto {
optional ReservationIdProto reservation_id = 1;
message ReservationUpdateRequestProto {
optional ReservationDefinitionProto reservation_definition = 1;
optional ReservationIdProto reservation_id = 2;
message ReservationUpdateResponseProto {
message ReservationDeleteRequestProto {
optional ReservationIdProto reservation_id = 1;
message ReservationDeleteResponseProto {
/////// SCM_Admin_Protocol //////////////////////////
message RunSharedCacheCleanerTaskRequestProto {
message RunSharedCacheCleanerTaskResponseProto {
optional bool accepted = 1;