blob: 5c6abd372c081c549b41257d0831f7ef55c58303 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
// HACK ALERT!!! This "should" have have two subclasses, which might be called
// LoggedMapTaskAttempt and LoggedReduceTaskAttempt, but
// the Jackson implementation of JSON doesn't handle a
// superclass-valued field.
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JhCounter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JhCounterGroup;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JhCounters;
* A {@link LoggedTaskAttempt} represents an attempt to run an hadoop task in a
* hadoop job. Note that a task can have several attempts.
* All of the public methods are simply accessors for the instance variables we
* want to write out in the JSON files.
public class LoggedTaskAttempt implements DeepCompare {
TaskAttemptID attemptID;
Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values result;
long startTime = -1L;
long finishTime = -1L;
NodeName hostName;
long hdfsBytesRead = -1L;
long hdfsBytesWritten = -1L;
long fileBytesRead = -1L;
long fileBytesWritten = -1L;
long mapInputRecords = -1L;
long mapInputBytes = -1L;
long mapOutputBytes = -1L;
long mapOutputRecords = -1L;
long combineInputRecords = -1L;
long reduceInputGroups = -1L;
long reduceInputRecords = -1L;
long reduceShuffleBytes = -1L;
long reduceOutputRecords = -1L;
long spilledRecords = -1L;
long shuffleFinished = -1L;
long sortFinished = -1L;
LoggedLocation location;
// Initialize to default object for backward compatibility
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics = new ResourceUsageMetrics();
List<Integer> clockSplits = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> cpuUsages = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> vMemKbytes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> physMemKbytes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
LoggedTaskAttempt() {
// carries the kinds of splits vectors a LoggedTaskAttempt holds.
// Each enumeral has the following methods:
// get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt)
// returns a List<Integer> with the corresponding value field
// set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue)
// sets the value
// There is also a pair of methods get(List<List<Integer>>) and
// set(List<List<Integer>>, List<Integer>) which correspondingly
// delivers or sets the appropriate element of the
// List<List<Integer>> .
// This makes it easier to add another kind in the future.
public enum SplitVectorKind {
public List<Integer> get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt) {
return attempt.getClockSplits();
public void set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue) {
public List<Integer> get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt) {
return attempt.getCpuUsages();
public void set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue) {
public List<Integer> get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt) {
return attempt.getVMemKbytes();
public void set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue) {
public List<Integer> get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt) {
return attempt.getPhysMemKbytes();
public void set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue) {
static private final List<List<Integer>> NULL_SPLITS_VECTOR
= new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
static {
for (SplitVectorKind kind : SplitVectorKind.values() ) {
NULL_SPLITS_VECTOR.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
abstract public List<Integer> get(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt);
abstract public void set(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt, List<Integer> newValue);
public List<Integer> get(List<List<Integer>> listSplits) {
return listSplits.get(this.ordinal());
public void set(List<List<Integer>> listSplits, List<Integer> newValue) {
listSplits.set(this.ordinal(), newValue);
static public List<List<Integer>> getNullSplitsVector() {
* @return a list of all splits vectors, ordered in enumeral order
* within {@link SplitVectorKind} . Do NOT use hard-coded
* indices within the return for this with a hard-coded
* index to get individual values; use
* {@code SplitVectorKind.get(LoggedTaskAttempt)} instead.
public List<List<Integer>> allSplitVectors() {
List<List<Integer>> result
= new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(SplitVectorKind.values().length);
for (SplitVectorKind kind : SplitVectorKind.values() ) {
return result;
static private Set<String> alreadySeenAnySetterAttributes =
new TreeSet<String>();
// for input parameter ignored.
public void setUnknownAttribute(String attributeName, Object ignored) {
if (!alreadySeenAnySetterAttributes.contains(attributeName)) {
System.err.println("In LoggedJob, we saw the unknown attribute "
+ attributeName + ".");
public List<Integer> getClockSplits() {
return clockSplits;
void setClockSplits(List<Integer> clockSplits) {
this.clockSplits = clockSplits;
void arraySetClockSplits(int[] clockSplits) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < clockSplits.length; ++i) {
this.clockSplits = result;
public List<Integer> getCpuUsages() {
return cpuUsages;
void setCpuUsages(List<Integer> cpuUsages) {
this.cpuUsages = cpuUsages;
void arraySetCpuUsages(int[] cpuUsages) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < cpuUsages.length; ++i) {
this.cpuUsages = result;
public List<Integer> getVMemKbytes() {
return vMemKbytes;
void setVMemKbytes(List<Integer> vMemKbytes) {
this.vMemKbytes = vMemKbytes;
void arraySetVMemKbytes(int[] vMemKbytes) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < vMemKbytes.length; ++i) {
this.vMemKbytes = result;
public List<Integer> getPhysMemKbytes() {
return physMemKbytes;
void setPhysMemKbytes(List<Integer> physMemKbytes) {
this.physMemKbytes = physMemKbytes;
void arraySetPhysMemKbytes(int[] physMemKbytes) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < physMemKbytes.length; ++i) {
this.physMemKbytes = result;
void adjustTimes(long adjustment) {
startTime += adjustment;
finishTime += adjustment;
// For reduce attempts, adjust the different phases' finish times also
if (sortFinished >= 0) {
shuffleFinished += adjustment;
sortFinished += adjustment;
public long getShuffleFinished() {
return shuffleFinished;
void setShuffleFinished(long shuffleFinished) {
this.shuffleFinished = shuffleFinished;
public long getSortFinished() {
return sortFinished;
void setSortFinished(long sortFinished) {
this.sortFinished = sortFinished;
public TaskAttemptID getAttemptID() {
return attemptID;
void setAttemptID(String attemptID) {
this.attemptID = TaskAttemptID.forName(attemptID);
public Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values getResult() {
return result;
void setResult(Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values result) {
this.result = result;
public long getStartTime() {
return startTime;
void setStartTime(long startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
public long getFinishTime() {
return finishTime;
void setFinishTime(long finishTime) {
this.finishTime = finishTime;
public NodeName getHostName() {
return hostName;
// This is needed for JSON deserialization
void setHostName(String hostName) {
this.hostName = hostName == null ? null : new NodeName(hostName);
// In job-history, hostName is saved in the format rackName/NodeName
//TODO this is a hack! The '/' handling needs fixing.
void setHostName(String hostName, String rackName) {
if (hostName == null || hostName.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid entry! Missing hostname");
} else if (rackName == null || rackName.length() == 0) {
} else {
// make sure that the rackname is prefixed with a '/'
if (!rackName.startsWith("/")) {
rackName = "/" + rackName;
// make sure that the hostname is prefixed with a '/'
if (!hostName.startsWith("/")) {
hostName = "/" + hostName;
setHostName(rackName.intern() + hostName.intern());
public long getHdfsBytesRead() {
return hdfsBytesRead;
void setHdfsBytesRead(long hdfsBytesRead) {
this.hdfsBytesRead = hdfsBytesRead;
public long getHdfsBytesWritten() {
return hdfsBytesWritten;
void setHdfsBytesWritten(long hdfsBytesWritten) {
this.hdfsBytesWritten = hdfsBytesWritten;
public long getFileBytesRead() {
return fileBytesRead;
void setFileBytesRead(long fileBytesRead) {
this.fileBytesRead = fileBytesRead;
public long getFileBytesWritten() {
return fileBytesWritten;
void setFileBytesWritten(long fileBytesWritten) {
this.fileBytesWritten = fileBytesWritten;
public long getMapInputRecords() {
return mapInputRecords;
void setMapInputRecords(long mapInputRecords) {
this.mapInputRecords = mapInputRecords;
public long getMapOutputBytes() {
return mapOutputBytes;
void setMapOutputBytes(long mapOutputBytes) {
this.mapOutputBytes = mapOutputBytes;
public long getMapOutputRecords() {
return mapOutputRecords;
void setMapOutputRecords(long mapOutputRecords) {
this.mapOutputRecords = mapOutputRecords;
public long getCombineInputRecords() {
return combineInputRecords;
void setCombineInputRecords(long combineInputRecords) {
this.combineInputRecords = combineInputRecords;
public long getReduceInputGroups() {
return reduceInputGroups;
void setReduceInputGroups(long reduceInputGroups) {
this.reduceInputGroups = reduceInputGroups;
public long getReduceInputRecords() {
return reduceInputRecords;
void setReduceInputRecords(long reduceInputRecords) {
this.reduceInputRecords = reduceInputRecords;
public long getReduceShuffleBytes() {
return reduceShuffleBytes;
void setReduceShuffleBytes(long reduceShuffleBytes) {
this.reduceShuffleBytes = reduceShuffleBytes;
public long getReduceOutputRecords() {
return reduceOutputRecords;
void setReduceOutputRecords(long reduceOutputRecords) {
this.reduceOutputRecords = reduceOutputRecords;
public long getSpilledRecords() {
return spilledRecords;
void setSpilledRecords(long spilledRecords) {
this.spilledRecords = spilledRecords;
public LoggedLocation getLocation() {
return location;
void setLocation(LoggedLocation location) {
this.location = location;
public long getMapInputBytes() {
return mapInputBytes;
void setMapInputBytes(long mapInputBytes) {
this.mapInputBytes = mapInputBytes;
// incorporate event counters
public void incorporateCounters(JhCounters counters) {
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.hdfsBytesRead = val;
}, counters, "HDFS_BYTES_READ");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.hdfsBytesWritten = val;
}, counters, "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.fileBytesRead = val;
}, counters, "FILE_BYTES_READ");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.fileBytesWritten = val;
}, counters, "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.mapInputBytes = val;
}, counters, "MAP_INPUT_BYTES");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.mapInputRecords = val;
}, counters, "MAP_INPUT_RECORDS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.mapOutputBytes = val;
}, counters, "MAP_OUTPUT_BYTES");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.mapOutputRecords = val;
}, counters, "MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.combineInputRecords = val;
}, counters, "COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.reduceInputGroups = val;
}, counters, "REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.reduceInputRecords = val;
}, counters, "REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.reduceShuffleBytes = val;
}, counters, "REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.reduceOutputRecords = val;
}, counters, "REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS");
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
attempt.spilledRecords = val;
}, counters, "SPILLED_RECORDS");
// incorporate CPU usage
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
}, counters, "CPU_MILLISECONDS");
// incorporate virtual memory usage
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
}, counters, "VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES");
// incorporate physical memory usage
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
}, counters, "PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES");
// incorporate heap usage
incorporateCounter(new SetField(this) {
void set(long val) {
}, counters, "COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES");
// Get the resource usage metrics
public ResourceUsageMetrics getResourceUsageMetrics() {
return metrics;
// Set the resource usage metrics
void setResourceUsageMetrics(ResourceUsageMetrics metrics) {
this.metrics = metrics;
private static String canonicalizeCounterName(String nonCanonicalName) {
String result = StringUtils.toLowerCase(nonCanonicalName);
result = result.replace(' ', '|');
result = result.replace('-', '|');
result = result.replace('_', '|');
result = result.replace('.', '|');
return result;
private abstract class SetField {
LoggedTaskAttempt attempt;
SetField(LoggedTaskAttempt attempt) {
this.attempt = attempt;
abstract void set(long value);
private static void incorporateCounter(SetField thunk, JhCounters counters,
String counterName) {
counterName = canonicalizeCounterName(counterName);
for (JhCounterGroup group : counters.groups) {
for (JhCounter counter : group.counts) {
if (counterName
.equals(canonicalizeCounterName( {
private void compare1(String c1, String c2, TreePath loc, String eltname)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 == null && c2 == null) {
if (c1 == null || c2 == null || !c1.equals(c2)) {
throw new DeepInequalityException(eltname + " miscompared", new TreePath(
loc, eltname));
private void compare1(NodeName c1, NodeName c2, TreePath loc, String eltname)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 == null && c2 == null) {
if (c1 == null || c2 == null) {
throw new DeepInequalityException(eltname + " miscompared", new TreePath(
loc, eltname));
compare1(c1.getValue(), c2.getValue(), new TreePath(loc, eltname), "value");
private void compare1(long c1, long c2, TreePath loc, String eltname)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 != c2) {
throw new DeepInequalityException(eltname + " miscompared", new TreePath(
loc, eltname));
private void compare1(Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values c1,
Pre21JobHistoryConstants.Values c2, TreePath loc, String eltname)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 != c2) {
throw new DeepInequalityException(eltname + " miscompared", new TreePath(
loc, eltname));
private void compare1(LoggedLocation c1, LoggedLocation c2, TreePath loc,
String eltname) throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 == null && c2 == null) {
TreePath recurse = new TreePath(loc, eltname);
if (c1 == null || c2 == null) {
throw new DeepInequalityException(eltname + " miscompared", recurse);
c1.deepCompare(c2, recurse);
private void compare1(List<Integer> c1, List<Integer> c2, TreePath loc,
String eltname)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (c1 == null && c2 == null) {
if (c1 == null || c2 == null || c1.size() != c2.size()) {
throw new DeepInequalityException
(eltname + " miscompared", new TreePath(loc, eltname));
for (int i = 0; i < c1.size(); ++i) {
if (!c1.get(i).equals(c2.get(i))) {
throw new DeepInequalityException("" + c1.get(i) + " != " + c2.get(i),
new TreePath(loc, eltname, i));
public void deepCompare(DeepCompare comparand, TreePath loc)
throws DeepInequalityException {
if (!(comparand instanceof LoggedTaskAttempt)) {
throw new DeepInequalityException("comparand has wrong type", loc);
LoggedTaskAttempt other = (LoggedTaskAttempt) comparand;
compare1(attemptID.toString(), other.attemptID.toString(), loc, "attemptID");
compare1(result, other.result, loc, "result");
compare1(startTime, other.startTime, loc, "startTime");
compare1(finishTime, other.finishTime, loc, "finishTime");
compare1(hostName, other.hostName, loc, "hostName");
compare1(hdfsBytesRead, other.hdfsBytesRead, loc, "hdfsBytesRead");
compare1(hdfsBytesWritten, other.hdfsBytesWritten, loc, "hdfsBytesWritten");
compare1(fileBytesRead, other.fileBytesRead, loc, "fileBytesRead");
compare1(fileBytesWritten, other.fileBytesWritten, loc, "fileBytesWritten");
compare1(mapInputBytes, other.mapInputBytes, loc, "mapInputBytes");
compare1(mapInputRecords, other.mapInputRecords, loc, "mapInputRecords");
compare1(mapOutputBytes, other.mapOutputBytes, loc, "mapOutputBytes");
compare1(mapOutputRecords, other.mapOutputRecords, loc, "mapOutputRecords");
compare1(combineInputRecords, other.combineInputRecords, loc,
compare1(reduceInputGroups, other.reduceInputGroups, loc,
compare1(reduceInputRecords, other.reduceInputRecords, loc,
compare1(reduceShuffleBytes, other.reduceShuffleBytes, loc,
compare1(reduceOutputRecords, other.reduceOutputRecords, loc,
compare1(spilledRecords, other.spilledRecords, loc, "spilledRecords");
compare1(shuffleFinished, other.shuffleFinished, loc, "shuffleFinished");
compare1(sortFinished, other.sortFinished, loc, "sortFinished");
compare1(location, other.location, loc, "location");
compare1(clockSplits, other.clockSplits, loc, "clockSplits");
compare1(cpuUsages, other.cpuUsages, loc, "cpuUsages");
compare1(vMemKbytes, other.vMemKbytes, loc, "vMemKbytes");
compare1(physMemKbytes, other.physMemKbytes, loc, "physMemKbytes");