blob: 9d75a48791da0418af861e96e303d6f7432b5b18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "hdfspp/log.h"
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
namespace hdfs {
* Logging mechanism to provide lightweight logging to stderr as well as
* as a callback mechanism to allow C clients and larger third party libs
* to be used to handle logging. When adding a new log message to the
* library use the macros defined below (LOG_TRACE..LOG_ERROR) rather than
* using the LogMessage and LogManager objects directly.
enum LogLevel {
kTrace = 0,
kDebug = 1,
kInfo = 2,
kWarning = 3,
kError = 4,
enum LogSourceComponent {
kUnknown = 1 << 0,
kRPC = 1 << 1,
kBlockReader = 1 << 2,
kFileHandle = 1 << 3,
kFileSystem = 1 << 4,
kAsyncRuntime = 1 << 5,
#define LOG_TRACE(C, MSG) do { \
if(LogManager::ShouldLog(kTrace,C)) { \
LogMessage(kTrace, __FILE__, __LINE__, C) MSG; \
}} while (0);
#define LOG_DEBUG(C, MSG) do { \
if(LogManager::ShouldLog(kDebug,C)) { \
LogMessage(kDebug, __FILE__, __LINE__, C) MSG; \
}} while (0);
#define LOG_INFO(C, MSG) do { \
if(LogManager::ShouldLog(kInfo,C)) { \
LogMessage(kInfo, __FILE__, __LINE__, C) MSG; \
}} while (0);
#define LOG_WARN(C, MSG) do { \
if(LogManager::ShouldLog(kWarning,C)) { \
LogMessage(kWarning, __FILE__, __LINE__, C) MSG; \
}} while (0);
#define LOG_ERROR(C, MSG) do { \
if(LogManager::ShouldLog(kError,C)) { \
LogMessage(kError, __FILE__, __LINE__, C) MSG; \
}} while (0);
class LogMessage;
class LoggerInterface {
LoggerInterface() {};
virtual ~LoggerInterface() {};
* User defined handling messages, common case would be printing somewhere.
virtual void Write(const LogMessage& msg) = 0;
* StderrLogger unsuprisingly dumps messages to stderr.
* This is the default logger if nothing else is explicitly set.
class StderrLogger : public LoggerInterface {
StderrLogger() : show_timestamp_(true), show_level_(true),
show_thread_(true), show_component_(true),
show_file_(true) {}
void Write(const LogMessage& msg);
void set_show_timestamp(bool show);
void set_show_level(bool show);
void set_show_thread(bool show);
void set_show_component(bool show);
bool show_timestamp_;
bool show_level_;
bool show_thread_;
bool show_component_;
bool show_file_;
* LogManager provides a thread safe static interface to the underlying
* logger implementation.
class LogManager {
friend class LogMessage;
// allow easy inlining
static bool ShouldLog(LogLevel level, LogSourceComponent source) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> impl_lock(impl_lock_);
if(level < level_threshold_)
return false;
if(!(source & component_mask_))
return false;
return true;
static void Write(const LogMessage & msg);
static void EnableLogForComponent(LogSourceComponent c);
static void DisableLogForComponent(LogSourceComponent c);
static void SetLogLevel(LogLevel level);
static void SetLoggerImplementation(std::unique_ptr<LoggerInterface> impl);
// don't create instances of this
// synchronize all unsafe plugin calls
static std::mutex impl_lock_;
static std::unique_ptr<LoggerInterface> logger_impl_;
// component and level masking
static uint32_t component_mask_;
static uint32_t level_threshold_;
* LogMessage contains message text, along with other metadata about the message.
* Note: For performance reasons a set of macros (see top of file) is used to
* create these inside of an if block. Do not instantiate these directly, doing
* so will cause the message to be uncontitionally logged. This minor inconvinience
* gives us a ~20% performance increase in the (common) case where few messages
* are worth logging; std::stringstream is expensive to construct.
class LogMessage {
friend class LogManager;
LogMessage(const LogLevel &l, const char *file, int line,
LogSourceComponent component = kUnknown) :
level_(l), component_(component), origin_file_(file), origin_line_(line){}
const char *level_string() const;
const char *component_string() const;
LogLevel level() const {return level_; }
LogSourceComponent component() const {return component_; }
int file_line() const {return origin_line_; }
const char * file_name() const {return origin_file_; }
//print as-is, indicates when a nullptr was passed in
LogMessage& operator<<(const char *);
LogMessage& operator<<(const std::string*);
LogMessage& operator<<(const std::string&);
//convert to a string "true"/"false"
LogMessage& operator<<(bool);
//integral types
LogMessage& operator<<(int32_t);
LogMessage& operator<<(uint32_t);
LogMessage& operator<<(int64_t);
LogMessage& operator<<(uint64_t);
//print address as hex
LogMessage& operator<<(void *);
//asio types
LogMessage& operator<<(const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& endpoint);
//thread and mutex types
LogMessage& operator<<(const std::thread::id& tid);
std::string MsgString() const;
LogLevel level_;
LogSourceComponent component_;
const char *origin_file_;
const int origin_line_;
std::stringstream msg_buffer_;