blob: 6f1d29e483d14b017892a2efcbd68b370b5e5f49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.dfs;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ContentSummary;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.dfs.BlocksMap.BlockInfo;
* We keep an in-memory representation of the file/block hierarchy.
* This is a base INode class containing common fields for file and
* directory inodes.
abstract class INode implements Comparable<byte[]> {
protected byte[] name;
protected INodeDirectory parent;
protected long modificationTime;
//Only updated by updatePermissionStatus(...).
//Other codes should not modify it.
private long permission;
private static enum PermissionStatusFormat {
MODE(0, 16),
final int OFFSET;
final int LENGTH; //bit length
final long MASK;
PermissionStatusFormat(int offset, int length) {
OFFSET = offset;
LENGTH = length;
MASK = ((-1L) >>> (64 - LENGTH)) << OFFSET;
long retrieve(long record) {
return (record & MASK) >>> OFFSET;
long combine(long bits, long record) {
return (record & ~MASK) | (bits << OFFSET);
protected INode() {
name = null;
parent = null;
modificationTime = 0;
INode(PermissionStatus permissions, long mTime) { = null;
this.parent = null;
this.modificationTime = mTime;
protected INode(String name, PermissionStatus permissions) {
this(permissions, 0L);
/** copy constructor
* @param other Other node to be copied
INode(INode other) {
this.parent = other.getParent();
* Check whether this is the root inode.
boolean isRoot() {
return name.length == 0;
/** Set the {@link PermissionStatus} */
protected void setPermissionStatus(PermissionStatus ps) {
/** Get the {@link PermissionStatus} */
protected PermissionStatus getPermissionStatus() {
return new PermissionStatus(getUserName(),getGroupName(),getFsPermission());
private synchronized void updatePermissionStatus(
PermissionStatusFormat f, long n) {
permission = f.combine(n, permission);
/** Get user name */
protected String getUserName() {
int n = (int)PermissionStatusFormat.USER.retrieve(permission);
return SerialNumberManager.INSTANCE.getUser(n);
/** Set user */
protected void setUser(String user) {
int n = SerialNumberManager.INSTANCE.getUserSerialNumber(user);
updatePermissionStatus(PermissionStatusFormat.USER, n);
/** Get group name */
protected String getGroupName() {
int n = (int)PermissionStatusFormat.GROUP.retrieve(permission);
return SerialNumberManager.INSTANCE.getGroup(n);
/** Set group */
protected void setGroup(String group) {
int n = SerialNumberManager.INSTANCE.getGroupSerialNumber(group);
updatePermissionStatus(PermissionStatusFormat.GROUP, n);
/** Get the {@link FsPermission} */
protected FsPermission getFsPermission() {
return new FsPermission(
protected short getFsPermissionShort() {
return (short)PermissionStatusFormat.MODE.retrieve(permission);
/** Set the {@link FsPermission} of this {@link INode} */
protected void setPermission(FsPermission permission) {
updatePermissionStatus(PermissionStatusFormat.MODE, permission.toShort());
* Check whether it's a directory
abstract boolean isDirectory();
* Collect all the blocks in all children of this INode.
* Count and return the number of files in the sub tree.
* Also clears references since this INode is deleted.
abstract int collectSubtreeBlocksAndClear(List<Block> v);
/** Compute {@link ContentSummary}. */
final ContentSummary computeContentSummary() {
long[] a = computeContentSummary(new long[]{0,0,0});
return new ContentSummary(a[0], a[1], a[2], getQuota());
* @return an array of three longs.
* 0: length, 1: file count, 2: directory count
abstract long[] computeContentSummary(long[] summary);
* Get the quota set for this inode
* @return the quota if it is set; -1 otherwise
long getQuota() {
return -1;
* Get the total number of names in the tree
* rooted at this inode including the root
* @return The total number of names in this tree
long numItemsInTree() {
return 1;
* Get local file name
* @return local file name
String getLocalName() {
return bytes2String(name);
* Get local file name
* @return local file name
byte[] getLocalNameBytes() {
return name;
* Set local file name
void setLocalName(String name) { = string2Bytes(name);
* Set local file name
void setLocalName(byte[] name) { = name;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
return "\"" + getLocalName() + "\":" + getPermissionStatus();
* Get parent directory
* @return parent INode
INodeDirectory getParent() {
return this.parent;
* Get last modification time of inode.
* @return access time
long getModificationTime() {
return this.modificationTime;
* Set last modification time of inode.
void setModificationTime(long modtime) {
assert isDirectory();
if (this.modificationTime <= modtime) {
this.modificationTime = modtime;
* Is this inode being constructed?
boolean isUnderConstruction() {
return false;
* Breaks file path into components.
* @param path
* @return array of byte arrays each of which represents
* a single path component.
static byte[][] getPathComponents(String path) {
return getPathComponents(getPathNames(path));
/** Convert strings to byte arrays for path components. */
static byte[][] getPathComponents(String[] strings) {
if (strings.length == 0) {
return new byte[][]{null};
byte[][] bytes = new byte[strings.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++)
bytes[i] = string2Bytes(strings[i]);
return bytes;
* Breaks file path into names.
* @param path
* @return array of names
static String[] getPathNames(String path) {
if (path == null || !path.startsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
return null;
return path.split(Path.SEPARATOR);
boolean removeNode() {
if (parent == null) {
return false;
} else {
parent = null;
return true;
// Comparable interface
public int compareTo(byte[] o) {
return compareBytes(name, o);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof INode)) {
return false;
return Arrays.equals(, ((INode)o).name);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(;
// static methods
* Compare two byte arrays.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer
* as defined by {@link #compareTo(byte[])}.
static int compareBytes(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) {
if (a1==a2)
return 0;
int len1 = (a1==null ? 0 : a1.length);
int len2 = (a2==null ? 0 : a2.length);
int n = Math.min(len1, len2);
byte b1, b2;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
b1 = a1[i];
b2 = a2[i];
if (b1 != b2)
return b1 - b2;
return len1 - len2;
* Converts a byte array to a string using UTF8 encoding.
static String bytes2String(byte[] bytes) {
try {
return new String(bytes, "UTF8");
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
assert false : "UTF8 encoding is not supported ";
return null;
* Converts a string to a byte array using UTF8 encoding.
static byte[] string2Bytes(String str) {
try {
return str.getBytes("UTF8");
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
assert false : "UTF8 encoding is not supported ";
return null;
* Directory INode class.
class INodeDirectory extends INode {
protected static final int DEFAULT_FILES_PER_DIRECTORY = 5;
final static String ROOT_NAME = "";
private List<INode> children;
INodeDirectory(String name, PermissionStatus permissions) {
super(name, permissions);
this.children = null;
INodeDirectory(PermissionStatus permissions, long mTime) {
super(permissions, mTime);
this.children = null;
/** constructor */
INodeDirectory(byte[] localName, PermissionStatus permissions, long mTime) {
this(permissions, mTime); = localName;
/** copy constructor
* @param other
INodeDirectory(INodeDirectory other) {
this.children = other.getChildren();
* Check whether it's a directory
boolean isDirectory() {
return true;
INode removeChild(INode node) {
assert children != null;
int low = Collections.binarySearch(children,;
if (low >= 0) {
return children.remove(low);
} else {
return null;
/** Replace a child that has the same name as newChild by newChild.
* @param newChild Child node to be added
void replaceChild(INode newChild) {
if ( children == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The directory is empty");
int low = Collections.binarySearch(children,;
if (low>=0) { // an old child exists so replace by the newChild
children.set(low, newChild);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No child exists to be replaced");
INode getChild(String name) {
return getChildINode(string2Bytes(name));
private INode getChildINode(byte[] name) {
if (children == null) {
return null;
int low = Collections.binarySearch(children, name);
if (low >= 0) {
return children.get(low);
return null;
private INode getNode(byte[][] components) {
INode[] inode = new INode[1];
getExistingPathINodes(components, inode);
return inode[0];
* This is the external interface
INode getNode(String path) {
return getNode(getPathComponents(path));
* Retrieve existing INodes from a path. If existing is big enough to store
* all path components (existing and non-existing), then existing INodes
* will be stored starting from the root INode into existing[0]; if
* existing is not big enough to store all path components, then only the
* last existing and non existing INodes will be stored so that
* existing[existing.length-1] refers to the target INode.
* <p>
* Example: <br>
* Given the path /c1/c2/c3 where only /c1/c2 exists, resulting in the
* following path components: ["","c1","c2","c3"],
* <p>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2"], [?])</code> should fill the
* array with [c2] <br>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2","c3"], [?])</code> should fill the
* array with [null]
* <p>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2"], [?,?])</code> should fill the
* array with [c1,c2] <br>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2","c3"], [?,?])</code> should fill
* the array with [c2,null]
* <p>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2"], [?,?,?,?])</code> should fill
* the array with [rootINode,c1,c2,null], <br>
* <code>getExistingPathINodes(["","c1","c2","c3"], [?,?,?,?])</code> should
* fill the array with [rootINode,c1,c2,null]
* @param components array of path component name
* @param existing INode array to fill with existing INodes
* @return number of existing INodes in the path
int getExistingPathINodes(byte[][] components, INode[] existing) {
assert compareBytes(, components[0]) == 0 :
"Incorrect name " + getLocalName() + " expected " + components[0];
INode curNode = this;
int count = 0;
int index = existing.length - components.length;
if (index > 0)
index = 0;
while ((count < components.length) && (curNode != null)) {
if (index >= 0)
existing[index] = curNode;
if (!curNode.isDirectory() || (count == components.length - 1))
break; // no more child, stop here
INodeDirectory parentDir = (INodeDirectory)curNode;
curNode = parentDir.getChildINode(components[count + 1]);
count += 1;
index += 1;
return count;
* Retrieve the existing INodes along the given path. The first INode
* always exist and is this INode.
* @param path the path to explore
* @return INodes array containing the existing INodes in the order they
* appear when following the path from the root INode to the
* deepest INodes. The array size will be the number of expected
* components in the path, and non existing components will be
* filled with null
INode[] getExistingPathINodes(String path) {
byte[][] components = getPathComponents(path);
INode[] inodes = new INode[components.length];
this.getExistingPathINodes(components, inodes);
return inodes;
* Add a child inode to the directory.
* @param node INode to insert
* @param inheritPermission inherit permission from parent?
* @return null if the child with this name already exists;
* inserted INode, otherwise
<T extends INode> T addChild(final T node, boolean inheritPermission) {
if (inheritPermission) {
FsPermission p = getFsPermission();
//make sure the permission has wx for the user
if (!p.getUserAction().implies(FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE)) {
p = new FsPermission(p.getUserAction().or(FsAction.WRITE_EXECUTE),
p.getGroupAction(), p.getOtherAction());
if (children == null) {
children = new ArrayList<INode>(DEFAULT_FILES_PER_DIRECTORY);
int low = Collections.binarySearch(children,;
if(low >= 0)
return null;
node.parent = this;
children.add(-low - 1, node);
// update modification time of the parent directory
if (node.getGroupName() == null) {
return node;
* Equivalent to addNode(path, newNode, false).
* @see #addNode(String, INode, boolean)
<T extends INode> T addNode(String path, T newNode) throws FileNotFoundException {
return addNode(path, newNode, false);
* Add new INode to the file tree.
* Find the parent and insert
* @param path file path
* @param newNode INode to be added
* @param inheritPermission If true, copy the parent's permission to newNode.
* @return null if the node already exists; inserted INode, otherwise
* @throws FileNotFoundException if parent does not exist or
* is not a directory.
<T extends INode> T addNode(String path, T newNode, boolean inheritPermission
) throws FileNotFoundException {
if(addToParent(path, newNode, null, inheritPermission) == null)
return null;
return newNode;
* Add new inode to the parent if specified.
* Optimized version of addNode() if parent is not null.
* @return parent INode if new inode is inserted
* or null if it already exists.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if parent does not exist or
* is not a directory.
<T extends INode> INodeDirectory addToParent(
String path,
T newNode,
INodeDirectory parent,
boolean inheritPermission
) throws FileNotFoundException {
byte[][] pathComponents = getPathComponents(path);
assert pathComponents != null : "Incorrect path " + path;
int pathLen = pathComponents.length;
if (pathLen < 2) // add root
return null;
if(parent == null) {
// Gets the parent INode
INode[] inodes = new INode[2];
getExistingPathINodes(pathComponents, inodes);
INode inode = inodes[0];
if (inode == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Parent path does not exist: "+path);
if (!inode.isDirectory()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Parent path is not a directory: "+path);
parent = (INodeDirectory)inode;
// insert into the parent children list = pathComponents[pathLen-1];
if(parent.addChild(newNode, inheritPermission) == null)
return null;
return parent;
long numItemsInTree() {
long total = 1L;
if (children == null) {
return total;
for (INode child : children) {
total += child.numItemsInTree();
return total;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
long[] computeContentSummary(long[] summary) {
if (children != null) {
for (INode child : children) {
return summary;
List<INode> getChildren() {
return children==null ? new ArrayList<INode>() : children;
List<INode> getChildrenRaw() {
return children;
int collectSubtreeBlocksAndClear(List<Block> v) {
int total = 1;
if (children == null) {
return total;
for (INode child : children) {
total += child.collectSubtreeBlocksAndClear(v);
parent = null;
children = null;
return total;
* Directory INode class that has a quota restriction
class INodeDirectoryWithQuota extends INodeDirectory {
private long quota;
private long count;
/** Convert an existing directory inode to one with the given quota
* @param quota Quota to be assigned to this inode
* @param other The other inode from which all other properties are copied
INodeDirectoryWithQuota(long quota, INodeDirectory other)
throws QuotaExceededException {
this.count = other.numItemsInTree();
/** constructor with no quota verification */
PermissionStatus permissions, long modificationTime, long quota)
super(permissions, modificationTime);
this.quota = quota;
/** constructor with no quota verification */
INodeDirectoryWithQuota(String name, PermissionStatus permissions, long quota)
super(name, permissions);
this.quota = quota;
/** Get this directory's quota
* @return this directory's quota
long getQuota() {
return quota;
/** Set this directory's quota
* @param quota Quota to be set
* @throws QuotaExceededException if the given quota is less than
* the size of the tree
void setQuota(long quota) throws QuotaExceededException {
verifyQuota(quota, this.count);
this.quota = quota;
/** Get the number of names in the subtree rooted at this directory
* @return the size of the subtree rooted at this directory
long numItemsInTree() {
return count;
/** Update the size of the tree
* @param delta the change of the tree size
* @throws QuotaExceededException if the changed size is greater
* than the quota
void updateNumItemsInTree(long delta) throws QuotaExceededException {
long newCount = this.count + delta;
if (delta>0) {
verifyQuota(this.quota, newCount);
this.count = newCount;
/** Set the size of the tree rooted at this directory
* @param count size of the directory to be set
* @throws QuotaExceededException if the given count is greater than quota
void setCount(long count) throws QuotaExceededException {
verifyQuota(this.quota, count);
this.count = count;
/** Verify if the count satisfies the quota restriction
* @throws QuotaExceededException if the given quota is less than the count
private static void verifyQuota(long quota, long count)
throws QuotaExceededException {
if (quota < count) {
throw new QuotaExceededException(quota, count);
class INodeFile extends INode {
static final FsPermission UMASK = FsPermission.createImmutable((short)0111);
protected BlockInfo blocks[] = null;
protected short blockReplication;
protected long preferredBlockSize;
INodeFile(PermissionStatus permissions,
int nrBlocks, short replication, long modificationTime,
long preferredBlockSize) {
this(permissions, new BlockInfo[nrBlocks], replication,
modificationTime, preferredBlockSize);
protected INodeFile() {
blocks = null;
blockReplication = 0;
preferredBlockSize = 0;
protected INodeFile(PermissionStatus permissions, BlockInfo[] blklist,
short replication, long modificationTime,
long preferredBlockSize) {
super(permissions, modificationTime);
this.blockReplication = replication;
this.preferredBlockSize = preferredBlockSize;
blocks = blklist;
* Set the {@link FsPermission} of this {@link INodeFile}.
* Since this is a file,
* the {@link FsAction#EXECUTE} action, if any, is ignored.
protected void setPermission(FsPermission permission) {
boolean isDirectory() {
return false;
* Get block replication for the file
* @return block replication
short getReplication() {
return this.blockReplication;
void setReplication(short replication) {
this.blockReplication = replication;
* Get file blocks
* @return file blocks
BlockInfo[] getBlocks() {
return this.blocks;
* add a block to the block list
void addBlock(BlockInfo newblock) {
if (this.blocks == null) {
this.blocks = new BlockInfo[1];
this.blocks[0] = newblock;
} else {
int size = this.blocks.length;
BlockInfo[] newlist = new BlockInfo[size + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
newlist[i] = this.blocks[i];
newlist[size] = newblock;
this.blocks = newlist;
* Set file block
void setBlock(int idx, BlockInfo blk) {
this.blocks[idx] = blk;
int collectSubtreeBlocksAndClear(List<Block> v) {
parent = null;
for (Block blk : blocks) {
blocks = null;
return 1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
long[] computeContentSummary(long[] summary) {
long bytes = 0;
for(Block blk : blocks) {
bytes += blk.getNumBytes();
summary[0] += bytes;
return summary;
* Get the preferred block size of the file.
* @return the number of bytes
long getPreferredBlockSize() {
return preferredBlockSize;
* Return the penultimate allocated block for this file.
Block getPenultimateBlock() {
if (blocks == null || blocks.length <= 1) {
return null;
return blocks[blocks.length - 2];
INodeFileUnderConstruction toINodeFileUnderConstruction(
String clientName, String clientMachine, DatanodeDescriptor clientNode
) throws IOException {
if (isUnderConstruction()) {
return (INodeFileUnderConstruction)this;
return new INodeFileUnderConstruction(name,
blockReplication, modificationTime, preferredBlockSize,
blocks, getPermissionStatus(),
clientName, clientMachine, clientNode);
class INodeFileUnderConstruction extends INodeFile {
StringBytesWritable clientName = null; // lease holder
StringBytesWritable clientMachine = null;
DatanodeDescriptor clientNode = null; // if client is a cluster node too.
private int primaryNodeIndex = -1; //the node working on lease recovery
private DatanodeDescriptor[] targets = null; //locations for last block
private long lastRecoveryTime = 0;
INodeFileUnderConstruction() {}
INodeFileUnderConstruction(PermissionStatus permissions,
short replication,
long preferredBlockSize,
long modTime,
String clientName,
String clientMachine,
DatanodeDescriptor clientNode)
throws IOException {
super(permissions.applyUMask(UMASK), 0, replication, modTime,
this.clientName = new StringBytesWritable(clientName);
this.clientMachine = new StringBytesWritable(clientMachine);
this.clientNode = clientNode;
INodeFileUnderConstruction(byte[] name,
short blockReplication,
long modificationTime,
long preferredBlockSize,
BlockInfo[] blocks,
PermissionStatus perm,
String clientName,
String clientMachine,
DatanodeDescriptor clientNode)
throws IOException {
super(perm, blocks, blockReplication, modificationTime,
this.clientName = new StringBytesWritable(clientName);
this.clientMachine = new StringBytesWritable(clientMachine);
this.clientNode = clientNode;
String getClientName() throws IOException {
return clientName.getString();
String getClientMachine() throws IOException {
return clientMachine.getString();
DatanodeDescriptor getClientNode() {
return clientNode;
* Is this inode being constructed?
boolean isUnderConstruction() {
return true;
DatanodeDescriptor[] getTargets() {
return targets;
void setTargets(DatanodeDescriptor[] targets) {
this.targets = targets;
this.primaryNodeIndex = -1;
// converts a INodeFileUnderConstruction into a INodeFile
INodeFile convertToInodeFile() {
INodeFile obj = new INodeFile(getPermissionStatus(),
return obj;
* remove a block from the block list. This block should be
* the last one on the list.
void removeBlock(Block oldblock) throws IOException {
if (blocks == null) {
throw new IOException("Trying to delete non-existant block " + oldblock);
int size_1 = blocks.length - 1;
if (!blocks[size_1].equals(oldblock)) {
throw new IOException("Trying to delete non-last block " + oldblock);
//copy to a new list
BlockInfo[] newlist = new BlockInfo[size_1];
System.arraycopy(blocks, 0, newlist, 0, size_1);
blocks = newlist;
// Remove the block locations for the last block.
targets = null;
synchronized void setLastBlock(BlockInfo newblock, DatanodeDescriptor[] newtargets
) throws IOException {
if (blocks == null) {
throw new IOException("Trying to update non-existant block (newblock="
+ newblock + ")");
blocks[blocks.length - 1] = newblock;
lastRecoveryTime = 0;
* Initialize lease recovery for this object
void assignPrimaryDatanode() {
//assign the first alive datanode as the primary datanode
if (targets.length == 0) {
+ " INodeFileUnderConstruction.initLeaseRecovery:"
+ " No blocks found, lease removed.");
int previous = primaryNodeIndex;
//find an alive datanode beginning from previous
for(int i = 1; i <= targets.length; i++) {
int j = (previous + i)%targets.length;
if (targets[j].isAlive) {
DatanodeDescriptor primary = targets[primaryNodeIndex = j];
primary.addBlockToBeRecovered(blocks[blocks.length - 1], targets);"BLOCK* " + blocks[blocks.length - 1]
+ " recovery started, primary=" + primary);
* Update lastRecoveryTime if expired.
* @return true if lastRecoveryTimeis updated.
synchronized boolean setLastRecoveryTime(long now) {
boolean expired = now - lastRecoveryTime > NameNode.LEASE_RECOVER_PERIOD;
if (expired) {
lastRecoveryTime = now;
return expired;