blob: 6efe0b6f5e7e67ad061839332da235007b884593 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.mapred;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import static org.apache.hadoop.mapred.QueueManagerTestUtils.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counters;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobACL;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MRConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.jobtracker.JTConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistory;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobSubmittedEvent;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser.JobInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo;
* testJobHistoryFile
* Run a job that will be succeeded and validate its history file format and
* content.
* testJobHistoryJobStatus
* Run jobs that will be (1) succeeded (2) failed (3) killed.
* Validate job status read from history file in each case.
public class TestJobHistory extends TestCase {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestJobHistory.class);
private static String TEST_ROOT_DIR = new File(System.getProperty(
"", "/tmp")).toURI().toString().replace(' ', '+');
private static final String LOG_DIR = System.getProperty("hadoop.log.dir");
private static final String LOCAL_LOG_DIR_URI = new File(LOG_DIR).toURI()
.toString().replace(' ', '+') + "/history";
private static final String DIGITS = "[0-9]+";
// hostname like /default-rack/ OR
private static final Pattern hostNamePattern = Pattern.compile(
private static final String IP_ADDR =
private static final Pattern trackerNamePattern = Pattern.compile(
"tracker_" + hostNamePattern + ":([\\w\\-\\.]+)/" +
IP_ADDR + ":" + DIGITS);
private static final Pattern splitsPattern = Pattern.compile(
hostNamePattern + "(," + hostNamePattern + ")*");
private static Map<String, List<String>> taskIDsToAttemptIDs =
new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
//Each Task End seen from history file is added here
private static List<String> taskEnds = new ArrayList<String>();
// Validate Format of Job Level Keys, Values read from history file
private static void validateJobLevelKeyValuesFormat(JobInfo jobInfo,
String status) {
long submitTime = jobInfo.getSubmitTime();
long launchTime = jobInfo.getLaunchTime();
long finishTime = jobInfo.getFinishTime();
assertTrue("Invalid submit time", submitTime > 0);
assertTrue("SubmitTime > LaunchTime", submitTime <= launchTime);
assertTrue("LaunchTime > FinishTime", launchTime <= finishTime);
String stat = jobInfo.getJobStatus();
assertTrue("Unexpected JOB_STATUS \"" + stat + "\" is seen in" +
" history file", (status.equals(stat)));
String priority = jobInfo.getPriority();
assertTrue("Unknown priority for the job in history file",
(priority.equals("HIGH") ||
priority.equals("LOW") || priority.equals("NORMAL") ||
priority.equals("VERY_HIGH") || priority.equals("VERY_LOW")));
// Validate Format of Task Level Keys, Values read from history file
private static void validateTaskLevelKeyValuesFormat(JobInfo job,
boolean splitsCanBeEmpty) {
Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> tasks = job.getAllTasks();
// validate info of each task
for (TaskInfo task : tasks.values()) {
TaskID tid = task.getTaskId();
long startTime = task.getStartTime();
assertTrue("Invalid Start time", startTime > 0);
long finishTime = task.getFinishTime();
assertTrue("Task FINISH_TIME is < START_TIME in history file",
startTime < finishTime);
// Make sure that the Task type exists and it is valid
TaskType type = task.getTaskType();
assertTrue("Unknown Task type \"" + type + "\" is seen in " +
"history file for task " + tid,
(type.equals(TaskType.MAP) ||
type.equals(TaskType.REDUCE) ||
type.equals(TaskType.JOB_CLEANUP) ||
if (type.equals(TaskType.MAP)) {
String splits = task.getSplitLocations();
//order in the condition OR check is important here
if (!splitsCanBeEmpty || splits.length() != 0) {
Matcher m = splitsPattern.matcher(splits);
assertTrue("Unexpected format of SPLITS \"" + splits + "\" is seen" +
" in history file for task " + tid, m.matches());
// Validate task status
String status = task.getTaskStatus();
assertTrue("Unexpected TASK_STATUS \"" + status + "\" is seen in" +
" history file for task " + tid, (status.equals("SUCCEEDED") ||
status.equals("FAILED") || status.equals("KILLED")));
// Validate foramt of Task Attempt Level Keys, Values read from history file
private static void validateTaskAttemptLevelKeyValuesFormat(JobInfo job) {
Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> tasks = job.getAllTasks();
// For each task
for (TaskInfo task : tasks.values()) {
// validate info of each attempt
for (TaskAttemptInfo attempt : task.getAllTaskAttempts().values()) {
TaskAttemptID id = attempt.getAttemptId();
long startTime = attempt.getStartTime();
assertTrue("Invalid Start time", startTime > 0);
long finishTime = attempt.getFinishTime();
assertTrue("Task FINISH_TIME is < START_TIME in history file",
startTime < finishTime);
// Make sure that the Task type exists and it is valid
TaskType type = attempt.getTaskType();
assertTrue("Unknown Task type \"" + type + "\" is seen in " +
"history file for task attempt " + id,
(type.equals(TaskType.MAP) || type.equals(TaskType.REDUCE) ||
type.equals(TaskType.JOB_CLEANUP) ||
// Validate task status
String status = attempt.getTaskStatus();
assertTrue("Unexpected TASK_STATUS \"" + status + "\" is seen in" +
" history file for task attempt " + id,
(status.equals(TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED.toString()) ||
status.equals(TaskStatus.State.FAILED.toString()) ||
// Successful Reduce Task Attempts should have valid SHUFFLE_FINISHED
// time and SORT_FINISHED time
if (type.equals(TaskType.REDUCE) &&
status.equals(TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED.toString())) {
long shuffleFinishTime = attempt.getShuffleFinishTime();
assertTrue(startTime < shuffleFinishTime);
long sortFinishTime = attempt.getSortFinishTime();
assertTrue(shuffleFinishTime < sortFinishTime);
else if (type.equals(TaskType.MAP) &&
status.equals(TaskStatus.State.SUCCEEDED.toString())) {
// Successful MAP Task Attempts should have valid MAP_FINISHED time
long mapFinishTime = attempt.getMapFinishTime();
assertTrue(startTime < mapFinishTime);
// check if hostname is valid
String hostname = attempt.getHostname();
Matcher m = hostNamePattern.matcher(hostname);
assertTrue("Unexpected Host name of task attempt " + id, m.matches());
// check if trackername is valid
String trackerName = attempt.getTrackerName();
m = trackerNamePattern.matcher(trackerName);
assertTrue("Unexpected tracker name of task attempt " + id,
if (!status.equals("KILLED")) {
// check if http port is valid
int httpPort = attempt.getHttpPort();
assertTrue(httpPort > 0);
// check if counters are parsable
Counters counters = attempt.getCounters();
* Returns the conf file name in the same
* @param path path of the jobhistory file
* @param running whether the job is running or completed
private static Path getPathForConf(Path path, Path dir) {
String parts[] = path.getName().split("_");
//TODO this is a hack :(
// jobtracker-hostname_jobtracker-identifier_
String id = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[2];
return new Path(dir, id + "_conf.xml");
* Validates the format of contents of history file
* (1) history file exists and in correct location
* (2) Verify if the history file is parsable
* (3) Validate the contents of history file
* (a) Format of all TIMEs are checked against a regex
* (b) validate legality/format of job level key, values
* (c) validate legality/format of task level key, values
* (d) validate legality/format of attempt level key, values
* (e) check if all the TaskAttempts, Tasks started are finished.
* Check finish of each TaskAttemptID against its start to make sure
* that all TaskAttempts, Tasks started are indeed finished and the
* history log lines are in the proper order.
* We want to catch ordering of history lines like
* Task START
* Attempt START
* Attempt FINISH
* (speculative execution is turned off for this).
* @param id job id
* @param conf job conf
public static void validateJobHistoryFileFormat(JobHistory jobHistory,
JobID id, JobConf conf,
String status, boolean splitsCanBeEmpty) throws IOException {
// Get the history file name
Path dir = jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation();
String logFileName = getDoneFile(jobHistory, conf, id, dir);
// Framework history log file location
Path logFile = new Path(dir, logFileName);
FileSystem fileSys = logFile.getFileSystem(conf);
// Check if the history file exists
assertTrue("History file does not exist", fileSys.exists(logFile));
JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fileSys,
JobHistoryParser.JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parse();
// validate format of job level key, values
validateJobLevelKeyValuesFormat(jobInfo, status);
// validate format of task level key, values
validateTaskLevelKeyValuesFormat(jobInfo, splitsCanBeEmpty);
// validate format of attempt level key, values
// check if all the TaskAttempts, Tasks started are finished for
// successful jobs
if (status.equals("SUCCEEDED")) {
// Make sure that the lists in taskIDsToAttemptIDs are empty.
for(Iterator<String> it =
taskIDsToAttemptIDs.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
String taskid =;
assertTrue("There are some Tasks which are not finished in history " +
"file.", taskEnds.contains(taskid));
List<String> attemptIDs = taskIDsToAttemptIDs.get(taskid);
if(attemptIDs != null) {
assertTrue("Unexpected. TaskID " + taskid + " has task attempt(s)" +
" that are not finished.", (attemptIDs.size() == 1));
// Validate Job Level Keys, Values read from history file by
// comparing them with the actual values from JT.
private static void validateJobLevelKeyValues(MiniMRCluster mr,
RunningJob job, JobInfo jobInfo, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
JobInProgress jip = jt.getJob(job.getID());
assertTrue("SUBMIT_TIME of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value", jip.getStartTime() ==
assertTrue("LAUNCH_TIME of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value", jip.getLaunchTime() ==
assertTrue("FINISH_TIME of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value", jip.getFinishTime() ==
assertTrue("Job Status of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value",
assertTrue("Job Priority of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value", jip.getPriority().toString().equals(
assertTrue("Job Name of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value",
String user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
assertTrue("User Name of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value",
// Validate job counters
Counters c = new Counters(jip.getCounters());
Counters jiCounters = jobInfo.getTotalCounters();
assertTrue("Counters of job obtained from history file did not " +
"match the expected value",
// Validate number of total maps, total reduces, finished maps,
// finished reduces, failed maps, failed recudes
assertTrue("Unexpected number of total maps in history file",
jobInfo.getTotalMaps() == jip.desiredMaps());
assertTrue("Unexpected number of total reduces in history file",
jobInfo.getTotalReduces() == jip.desiredReduces());
assertTrue("Unexpected number of finished maps in history file",
jobInfo.getFinishedMaps() == jip.finishedMaps());
assertTrue("Unexpected number of finished reduces in history file",
jobInfo.getFinishedReduces() == jip.finishedReduces());
assertTrue("Unexpected number of failed maps in history file",
jobInfo.getFailedMaps() == jip.failedMapTasks);
assertTrue("Unexpected number of failed reduces in history file",
jobInfo.getFailedReduces() == jip.failedReduceTasks);
// Validate Task Level Keys, Values read from history file by
// comparing them with the actual values from JT.
private static void validateTaskLevelKeyValues(MiniMRCluster mr,
RunningJob job, JobInfo jobInfo) throws IOException {
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
JobInProgress jip = jt.getJob(job.getID());
// Get the 1st map, 1st reduce, cleanup & setup taskIDs and
// validate their history info
TaskID mapTaskId = new TaskID(job.getID(), TaskType.MAP, 0);
TaskID reduceTaskId = new TaskID(job.getID(), TaskType.REDUCE, 0);
TaskInProgress cleanups[] = jip.cleanup;
TaskID cleanupTaskId;
if (cleanups[0].isComplete()) {
cleanupTaskId = cleanups[0].getTIPId();
else {
cleanupTaskId = cleanups[1].getTIPId();
TaskInProgress setups[] = jip.setup;
TaskID setupTaskId;
if (setups[0].isComplete()) {
setupTaskId = setups[0].getTIPId();
else {
setupTaskId = setups[1].getTIPId();
Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> tasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks();
// validate info of the 4 tasks(cleanup, setup, 1st map, 1st reduce)
for (TaskInfo task : tasks.values()) {
TaskID tid = task.getTaskId();
if (tid.equals(mapTaskId) ||
tid.equals(reduceTaskId) ||
tid.equals(cleanupTaskId) ||
tid.equals(setupTaskId)) {
TaskInProgress tip = jip.getTaskInProgress
assertTrue("START_TIME of Task " + tid + " obtained from history " +
"file did not match the expected value",
tip.getExecStartTime() ==
assertTrue("FINISH_TIME of Task " + tid + " obtained from history " +
"file did not match the expected value",
tip.getExecFinishTime() ==
if (tid == mapTaskId) {//check splits only for map task
assertTrue("Splits of Task " + tid + " obtained from history file " +
" did not match the expected value",
TaskAttemptID attemptId = tip.getSuccessfulTaskid();
TaskStatus ts = tip.getTaskStatus(
// Validate task counters
Counters c = new Counters(ts.getCounters());
assertTrue("Counters of Task " + tid + " obtained from history file " +
" did not match the expected value",
// Validate Task Attempt Level Keys, Values read from history file by
// comparing them with the actual values from JT.
private static void validateTaskAttemptLevelKeyValues(MiniMRCluster mr,
RunningJob job, JobInfo jobInfo) throws IOException {
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
JobInProgress jip = jt.getJob(job.getID());
Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> tasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks();
// For each task
for (TaskInfo task : tasks.values()) {
// validate info of each attempt
for (TaskAttemptInfo attempt : task.getAllTaskAttempts().values()) {
TaskAttemptID attemptId = attempt.getAttemptId();
TaskID tid = attemptId.getTaskID();
TaskInProgress tip = jip.getTaskInProgress
TaskStatus ts = tip.getTaskStatus(
// Validate task attempt start time
assertTrue("START_TIME of Task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from " +
"history file did not match the expected value",
ts.getStartTime() == attempt.getStartTime());
// Validate task attempt finish time
assertTrue("FINISH_TIME of Task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from " +
"history file " + ts.getFinishTime() +
" did not match the expected value, " +
ts.getFinishTime() == attempt.getFinishTime());
TaskTrackerStatus ttStatus =
if (ttStatus != null) {
assertTrue("http port of task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from " +
"history file did not match the expected value",
ttStatus.getHttpPort() ==
if (attempt.getTaskStatus().equals("SUCCEEDED")) {
Node node = jt.getNode(ttStatus.getHost());
String ttHostname = node.getName();
// check if hostname is valid
assertTrue("Host name : " + attempt.getHostname() + " of task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from" +
" history file did not match the expected value " + ttHostname,
if (attempt.getTaskStatus().equals("SUCCEEDED")) {
// Validate SHUFFLE_FINISHED time and SORT_FINISHED time of
// Reduce Task Attempts
if (attempt.getTaskType().equals("REDUCE")) {
assertTrue("SHUFFLE_FINISHED time of task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from history file did not match the expected" +
" value", ts.getShuffleFinishTime() ==
assertTrue("SORT_FINISHED time of task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from history file did not match the expected" +
" value", ts.getSortFinishTime() ==
//Validate task counters
Counters c = new Counters(ts.getCounters());
assertTrue("Counters of Task Attempt " + attemptId + " obtained from " +
"history file did not match the expected value",
// check if tracker name is valid
assertTrue("Tracker name of task attempt " + attemptId +
" obtained from " +
"history file did not match the expected value",
* Checks if the history file content is as expected comparing with the
* actual values obtained from JT.
* Job Level, Task Level and Task Attempt Level Keys, Values are validated.
* @param job RunningJob object of the job whose history is to be validated
* @param conf job conf
public static void validateJobHistoryFileContent(MiniMRCluster mr,
RunningJob job, JobConf conf) throws IOException {
JobID id = job.getID();
JobHistory jobHistory =
Path doneDir = jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation();
// Get the history file name
String logFileName = getDoneFile(jobHistory, conf, id, doneDir);
// Framework history log file location
Path logFile = new Path(doneDir, logFileName);
FileSystem fileSys = logFile.getFileSystem(conf);
// Check if the history file exists
assertTrue("History file does not exist", fileSys.exists(logFile));
JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fileSys,
JobHistoryParser.JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parse();
// Now the history file contents are available in jobInfo. Let us compare
// them with the actual values from JT.
validateJobLevelKeyValues(mr, job, jobInfo, conf);
validateTaskLevelKeyValues(mr, job, jobInfo);
validateTaskAttemptLevelKeyValues(mr, job, jobInfo);
// Also JobACLs should be correct
if (mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker()
.areACLsEnabled()) {
AccessControlList acl = new AccessControlList(
conf.get(JobACL.VIEW_JOB.getAclName(), " "));
assertTrue("VIEW_JOB ACL is not properly logged to history file.",
acl = new AccessControlList(
conf.get(JobACL.MODIFY_JOB.getAclName(), " "));
assertTrue("MODIFY_JOB ACL is not properly logged to history file.",
// Validate the job queue name
* Tests the case where the log directory is on local disk, the done folder is on HDFS,
* and the default FS is local.
public void testDoneFolderOnHDFS() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
runDoneFolderTest("history_done", LOCAL_LOG_DIR_URI);
* Tests the case where the log directory and done folder is on local disk
* and the default FS is local.
public void testDoneFolderNotOnDefaultFileSystem() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
runDoneFolderTest(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/history_done", LOCAL_LOG_DIR_URI);
* Tests the case where the log directory is on HDFS and done folder is on local disk
* and the default FS is local.
public void testHistoryFolderOnHDFS() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String logDir = "hdfs://localhost:%d/history";
runDoneFolderTest(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/done", logDir);
private void runDoneFolderTest(String doneFolder, String historyFolder) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
MiniMRCluster mr = null;
MiniDFSCluster dfsCluster = null;
try {
JobConf conf = new JobConf();
// keep for less time
conf.setLong("mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.check", 1000);
conf.setLong("mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.interval", 1000);
//set the done folder location
dfsCluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 2, true, null);
String logDir = String.format(historyFolder, dfsCluster.getNameNodePort());
//set the history folder location
conf.set(JTConfig.JT_JOBHISTORY_LOCATION, logDir);
Path logDirPath = new Path(logDir);
FileSystem logDirFs = logDirPath.getFileSystem(conf);
//there may be some stale files, clean them
if (logDirFs.exists(logDirPath)) {
boolean deleted = logDirFs.delete(logDirPath, true); + " deleted " + deleted);
assertEquals("No of file in logDir not correct", 0,
logDirFs.create(new Path(logDirPath, "f1"));
logDirFs.create(new Path(logDirPath, "f2"));
assertEquals("No of file in logDir not correct", 2,
mr = new MiniMRCluster(2, dfsCluster.getFileSystem().getUri().toString(),
3, null, null, conf);
assertEquals("Files in logDir did not move to DONE folder",
0, logDirFs.listStatus(logDirPath).length);
JobHistory jobHistory =
Path doneDir = jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation();
assertEquals("Files in DONE dir not correct",
2, doneDir.getFileSystem(conf).listStatus(doneDir).length);
// run the TCs
conf = mr.createJobConf();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
// clean up
fs.delete(new Path("succeed"), true);
Path inDir = new Path("succeed/input");
Path outDir = new Path("succeed/output");
//Disable speculative execution
// Make sure that the job is not removed from memory until we do finish
// the validation of history file content
conf.setInt("mapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum", 10);
// Run a job that will be succeeded and validate its history file
RunningJob job = UtilsForTests.runJobSucceed(conf, inDir, outDir);
assertEquals("History DONE folder not correct",
new Path(doneFolder).getName(), doneDir.getName());
JobID id = job.getID();
String logFileName = getDoneFile(jobHistory, conf, id, doneDir);
// Framework history log file location
Path logFile = new Path(doneDir, logFileName);
FileSystem fileSys = logFile.getFileSystem(conf);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(conf);
assertEquals("Client returned wrong history url", logFile.toString(),
// Check if the history file exists
assertTrue("History file does not exist", fileSys.exists(logFile));
// check if the corresponding conf file exists
Path confFile = getPathForConf(logFile, doneDir);
assertTrue("Config for completed jobs doesnt exist",
// check if the file exists in a done folder
assertTrue("Completed job config doesnt exist in the done folder",
// check if the file exists in a done folder
assertTrue("Completed jobs doesnt exist in the done folder",
// check if the job file is removed from the history location
Path runningJobsHistoryFolder = logFile.getParent().getParent();
Path runningJobHistoryFilename =
new Path(runningJobsHistoryFolder, logFile.getName());
Path runningJobConfFilename =
new Path(runningJobsHistoryFolder, confFile.getName());
assertFalse("History file not deleted from the running folder",
assertFalse("Config for completed jobs not deleted from running folder",
job.getID(), conf, "SUCCEEDED", false);
validateJobHistoryFileContent(mr, job, conf);
// get the job conf filename
} finally {
if (mr != null) {
if (dfsCluster != null) {
/** Run a job that will be succeeded and validate its history file format
* and its content.
public void testJobHistoryFile() throws Exception {
MiniMRCluster mr = null;
try {
JobConf conf = new JobConf();
// keep for less time
conf.setLong("mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.check", 1000);
conf.setLong("mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.interval", 1000);
//set the done folder location
String doneFolder = TEST_ROOT_DIR + "history_done";
// Enable ACLs so that they are logged to history
conf.setBoolean(MRConfig.MR_ACLS_ENABLED, true);
mr = new MiniMRCluster(2, "file:///", 3, null, null, conf);
// run the TCs
conf = mr.createJobConf();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
// clean up
fs.delete(new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeed"), true);
Path inDir = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeed/input");
Path outDir = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeed/output");
//Disable speculative execution
// set the job acls
conf.set(JobACL.VIEW_JOB.getAclName(), "user1,user2 group1,group2");
conf.set(JobACL.MODIFY_JOB.getAclName(), "user3,user4 group3,group4");
// Make sure that the job is not removed from memory until we do finish
// the validation of history file content
conf.setInt("mapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum", 10);
// Run a job that will be succeeded and validate its history file
RunningJob job = UtilsForTests.runJobSucceed(conf, inDir, outDir);
JobHistory jobHistory =
Path doneDir = jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation();
assertEquals("History DONE folder not correct",
doneFolder, doneDir.toString());
JobID id = job.getID();
String logFileName = getDoneFile(jobHistory, conf, id, doneDir);
// Framework history log file location
Path logFile = new Path(doneDir, logFileName);
FileSystem fileSys = logFile.getFileSystem(conf);
// Check if the history file exists
assertTrue("History file does not exist", fileSys.exists(logFile));
// check if the corresponding conf file exists
Path confFile = getPathForConf(logFile, doneDir);
assertTrue("Config for completed jobs doesnt exist",
// check if the conf file exists in a done folder
assertTrue("Completed job config doesnt exist in the done folder",
// check if the file exists in a done folder
assertTrue("Completed jobs doesnt exist in the done folder",
// check if the job file is removed from the history location
Path runningJobsHistoryFolder = logFile.getParent().getParent();
Path runningJobHistoryFilename =
new Path(runningJobsHistoryFolder, logFile.getName());
Path runningJobConfFilename =
new Path(runningJobsHistoryFolder, confFile.getName());
assertFalse("History file not deleted from the running folder",
assertFalse("Config for completed jobs not deleted from running folder",
validateJobHistoryFileFormat(jobHistory, job.getID(), conf,
"SUCCEEDED", false);
validateJobHistoryFileContent(mr, job, conf);
// get the job conf filename
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
String name = jt.getLocalJobFilePath(job.getID());
File file = new File(name);
// check if the file get deleted
while (file.exists()) {"Waiting for " + file + " to be deleted");
} finally {
if (mr != null) {
//Returns the file in the done folder
//Waits for sometime to get the file moved to done
private static String getDoneFile(JobHistory jobHistory,
JobConf conf, JobID id,
Path doneDir) throws IOException {
String name = null;
String user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
for (int i = 0; name == null && i < 20; i++) {
Path path = JobHistory.getJobHistoryFile(
jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation(), id, user);
if (path.getFileSystem(conf).exists(path)) {
name = path.toString();
assertNotNull("Job history file not created", name);
return name;
private void cleanupLocalFiles(MiniMRCluster mr)
throws IOException {
Configuration conf = mr.createJobConf();
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
Path sysDir = new Path(jt.getSystemDir());
FileSystem fs = sysDir.getFileSystem(conf);
fs.delete(sysDir, true);
Path jobHistoryDir =
fs = jobHistoryDir.getFileSystem(conf);
fs.delete(jobHistoryDir, true);
* Checks if the history file has expected job status
* @param id job id
* @param conf job conf
private static void validateJobHistoryJobStatus(JobHistory jobHistory,
JobID id, JobConf conf, String status) throws IOException {
// Get the history file name
Path doneDir = jobHistory.getCompletedJobHistoryLocation();
String logFileName = getDoneFile(jobHistory, conf, id, doneDir);
// Framework history log file location
Path logFile = new Path(doneDir, logFileName);
FileSystem fileSys = logFile.getFileSystem(conf);
// Check if the history file exists
assertTrue("History file does not exist", fileSys.exists(logFile));
// check history file permission
assertTrue("History file permissions does not match",
new FsPermission(JobHistory.HISTORY_FILE_PERMISSION)));
JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(fileSys,
JobHistoryParser.JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parse();
assertTrue("Job Status read from job history file is not the expected" +
" status", status.equals(jobInfo.getJobStatus()));
// run jobs that will be (1) succeeded (2) failed (3) killed
// and validate job status read from history file in each case
public void testJobHistoryJobStatus() throws IOException {
MiniMRCluster mr = null;
try {
mr = new MiniMRCluster(2, "file:///", 3);
// run the TCs
JobConf conf = mr.createJobConf();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
// clean up
fs.delete(new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeedfailkilljob"), true);
Path inDir = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeedfailkilljob/input");
Path outDir = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/succeedfailkilljob/output");
// Run a job that will be succeeded and validate its job status
// existing in history file
RunningJob job = UtilsForTests.runJobSucceed(conf, inDir, outDir);
JobHistory jobHistory =
validateJobHistoryJobStatus(jobHistory, job.getID(), conf,
// Run a job that will be failed and validate its job status
// existing in history file
job = UtilsForTests.runJobFail(conf, inDir, outDir);
validateJobHistoryJobStatus(jobHistory, job.getID(), conf,
// Run a job that will be killed and validate its job status
// existing in history file
job = UtilsForTests.runJobKill(conf, inDir, outDir);
validateJobHistoryJobStatus(jobHistory, job.getID(), conf,
} finally {
if (mr != null) {
public void testHistoryInitWithCorruptFiles() throws IOException {
MiniMRCluster mr = null;
try {
JobConf conf = new JobConf();
Path historyDir = new Path(System.getProperty("", "."),
FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
//there may be some stale files, clean them
if (localFs.exists(historyDir)) {
boolean deleted = localFs.delete(historyDir, true); + " deleted " + deleted);
// Start the cluster, create a history file
mr = new MiniMRCluster(0, "file:///", 3, null, null, conf);
JobTracker jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
JobHistory jh = jt.getJobHistory();
final JobID jobId = JobID.forName("job_200809171136_0001");
jh.setupEventWriter(jobId, conf);
Map<JobACL, AccessControlList> jobACLs =
new HashMap<JobACL, AccessControlList>();
JobSubmittedEvent jse =
new JobSubmittedEvent(jobId, "job", "user", 12345, "path", jobACLs,
jh.logEvent(jse, jobId);
// Corrupt the history file. User RawLocalFileSystem so that we
// do keep the original CRC file intact.
String historyFileName = jobId.toString() + "_" + "user";
Path historyFilePath = new Path (historyDir.toString(), historyFileName);
RawLocalFileSystem fs = (RawLocalFileSystem)
FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(historyFilePath, true);
byte[] corruptData = new byte[32];
new Random().nextBytes(corruptData);
out.write (corruptData, 0, 32);
// Stop and start the tracker. The tracker should come up nicely
jt = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker();
assertNotNull("JobTracker did not come up", jt );
jh = jt.getJobHistory();
assertNotNull("JobHistory did not get initialized correctly", jh);
// Only the done folder should remain in the history directory
assertEquals("Files in logDir did not move to DONE folder",
1, historyDir.getFileSystem(conf).listStatus(historyDir).length);
} finally {
if (mr != null) {