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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.examples.pi.math;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.hadoop.examples.pi.Util.Timer;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestModular{
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
static final int DIV_VALID_BIT = 32;
static final long DIV_LIMIT = 1L << DIV_VALID_BIT;
// return r/n for n > r > 0
static long div(long sum, long r, long n) {
long q = 0;
int i = DIV_VALID_BIT - 1;
for(r <<= 1; r < n; r <<= 1) i--;
//System.out.printf(" r=%d, n=%d, q=%d\n", r, n, q);
for(; i >= 0 ;) {
r -= n;
q |= (1L << i);
if (r <= 0) break;
for(; r < n; r <<= 1) i--;
//System.out.printf(" r=%d, n=%d, q=%d\n", r, n, q);
sum += q;
return sum < DIV_LIMIT? sum: sum - DIV_LIMIT;
public void testDiv() {
for(long n = 2; n < 100; n++)
for(long r = 1; r < n; r++) {
final long a = div(0, r, n);
final long b = (long)((r*1.0/n) * (1L << DIV_VALID_BIT));
final String s = String.format("r=%d, n=%d, a=%X, b=%X", r, n, a, b);
Assert.assertEquals(s, b, a);
static long[][][] generateRN(int nsize, int rsize) {
final long[][][] rn = new long[nsize][][];
for(int i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
rn[i] = new long[rsize + 1][];
long n = RANDOM.nextLong() & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
if (n <= 1) n = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL - n;
rn[i][0] = new long[]{n};
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for(int j = 1; j < rn[i].length; j++) {
long r = RANDOM.nextLong();
if (r < 0) r = -r;
if (r >= n) r %= n;
final BigInteger R = BigInteger.valueOf(r);
rn[i][j] = new long[]{r, R.multiply(R).mod(N).longValue()};
return rn;
static long square_slow(long z, final long n) {
long r = 0;
for(long s = z; z > 0; z >>= 1) {
if ((((int)z) & 1) == 1) {
r += s;
if (r >= n) r -= n;
s <<= 1;
if (s >= n) s -= n;
return r;
//0 <= r < n < max/2
static long square(long r, final long n, long r2p64) {
if (r <= Modular.MAX_SQRT_LONG) {
r *= r;
if (r >= n) r %= n;
} else {
final int HALF = (63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(n)) >> 1;
final int FULL = HALF << 1;
final long ONES = (1 << HALF) - 1;
final long high = r >>> HALF;
final long low = r &= ONES;
r *= r;
if (r >= n) r %= n;
if (high != 0) {
long s = high * high;
if (s >= n) s %= n;
for(int i = 0; i < FULL; i++)
if ((s <<= 1) >= n) s -= n;
if (low == 0)
r = s;
else {
long t = high * low;
if (t >= n) t %= n;
for(int i = -1; i < HALF; i++)
if ((t <<= 1) >= n) t -= n;
r += s;
if (r >= n) r -= n;
r += t;
if (r >= n) r -= n;
return r;
static void squareBenchmarks() {
final Timer t = new Timer(false);
t.tick("squareBenchmarks(), MAX_SQRT=" + Modular.MAX_SQRT_LONG);
final long[][][] rn = generateRN(1000, 1000);
for(int i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
final long n = rn[i][0][0];
for(int j = 1; j < rn[i].length; j++) {
final long r = rn[i][j][0];
final long answer = rn[i][j][1];
final long s = square_slow(r, n);
if (s != answer) {
"r=" + r + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
for(int i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
final long n = rn[i][0][0];
long r2p64 = (0x4000000000000000L % n) << 1;
if (r2p64 >= n) r2p64 -= n;
for(int j = 1; j < rn[i].length; j++) {
final long r = rn[i][j][0];
final long answer = rn[i][j][1];
final long s = square(r, n, r2p64);
if (s != answer) {
"r=" + r + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
for(int i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
final long n = rn[i][0][0];
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for(int j = 1; j < rn[i].length; j++) {
final long r = rn[i][j][0];
final long answer = rn[i][j][1];
final BigInteger R = BigInteger.valueOf(r);
final long s = R.multiply(R).mod(N).longValue();
if (s != answer) {
"r=" + r + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
for(int i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
final long n = rn[i][0][0];
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for(int j = 1; j < rn[i].length; j++) {
final long r = rn[i][j][0];
final long answer = rn[i][j][1];
final BigInteger R = BigInteger.valueOf(r);
final long s = R.modPow(TWO, N).longValue();
if (s != answer) {
"r=" + r + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
t.tick("R.modPow(TWO, N)");
static long[][][] generateEN(int nsize, int esize) {
final long[][][] en = new long[nsize][][];
for(int i = 0; i < en.length; i++) {
en[i] = new long[esize + 1][];
long n = (RANDOM.nextLong() & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 1L;
if (n == 1) n = 3;
en[i][0] = new long[]{n};
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for(int j = 1; j < en[i].length; j++) {
long e = RANDOM.nextLong();
if (e < 0) e = -e;
final BigInteger E = BigInteger.valueOf(e);
en[i][j] = new long[]{e, TWO.modPow(E, N).longValue()};
return en;
/** Compute $2^e \mod n$ for e > 0, n > 2 */
static long modBigInteger(final long e, final long n) {
long mask = (e & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) == 0 ? 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL
: 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L;
mask &= (e & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000L & mask) == 0 ? 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFL
: 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000L;
mask &= (e & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00L & mask) == 0 ? 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFL
: 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00L;
mask &= (e & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0L & mask) == 0 ? 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL
: 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0L;
mask &= (e & 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCL & mask) == 0 ? 0x3333333333333333L
mask &= (e & 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL & mask) == 0 ? 0x5555555555555555L
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
long r = 2;
for (mask >>= 1; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
if (r <= Modular.MAX_SQRT_LONG) {
r *= r;
if (r >= n) r %= n;
} else {
final BigInteger R = BigInteger.valueOf(r);
r = R.multiply(R).mod(N).longValue();
if ((e & mask) != 0) {
r <<= 1;
if (r >= n) r -= n;
return r;
static class Montgomery2 extends Montgomery {
/** Compute 2^y mod N for N odd. */
long mod2(final long y) {
long r0 = R - N;
long r1 = r0 << 1;
if (r1 >= N) r1 -= N;
for(long mask = Long.highestOneBit(y); mask > 0; mask >>>= 1) {
if ((mask & y) == 0) {
r1 = product.m(r0, r1);
r0 = product.m(r0, r0);
} else {
r0 = product.m(r0, r1);
r1 = product.m(r1, r1);
return product.m(r0, 1);
static void modBenchmarks() {
final Timer t = new Timer(false);
final long[][][] en = generateEN(10000, 10);
for(int i = 0; i < en.length; i++) {
final long n = en[i][0][0];
for(int j = 1; j < en[i].length; j++) {
final long e = en[i][j][0];
final long answer = en[i][j][1];
final long s = Modular.mod(e, n);
if (s != answer) {
"e=" + e + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
final Montgomery2 m2 = new Montgomery2();
for(int i = 0; i < en.length; i++) {
final long n = en[i][0][0];
for(int j = 1; j < en[i].length; j++) {
final long e = en[i][j][0];
final long answer = en[i][j][1];
final long s = m2.mod(e);
if (s != answer) {
"e=" + e + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
for(int i = 0; i < en.length; i++) {
final long n = en[i][0][0];
for(int j = 1; j < en[i].length; j++) {
final long e = en[i][j][0];
final long answer = en[i][j][1];
final long s = m2.mod2(e);
if (s != answer) {
"e=" + e + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
for(int i = 0; i < en.length; i++) {
final long n = en[i][0][0];
final BigInteger N = BigInteger.valueOf(n);
for(int j = 1; j < en[i].length; j++) {
final long e = en[i][j][0];
final long answer = en[i][j][1];
final long s = TWO.modPow(BigInteger.valueOf(e), N).longValue();
if (s != answer) {
"e=" + e + ", n=" + n + ", answer=" + answer + " but s=" + s,
answer, s);
t.tick("BigInteger.modPow(e, n)");
public static void main(String[] args) {