blob: df0f734d080166d1a4ee71b52e7facc9c8cdb446 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ipc;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.ConnectionId;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.ProtobufRpcEngineProtos.RequestHeaderProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.TraceScope;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.Tracer;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.concurrent.AsyncGet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* RPC Engine for for protobuf based RPCs.
* This engine uses Protobuf 2.5.0. Recommended to upgrade to Protobuf 3.x
* from hadoop-thirdparty and use ProtobufRpcEngine2.
public class ProtobufRpcEngine implements RpcEngine {
public static final Logger LOG =
private static final ThreadLocal<AsyncGet<Message, Exception>>
ASYNC_RETURN_MESSAGE = new ThreadLocal<>();
static { // Register the rpcRequest deserializer for ProtobufRpcEngine
//These will be used in server side, which is always ProtobufRpcEngine2
private static final ClientCache CLIENTS = new ClientCache();
public static AsyncGet<Message, Exception> getAsyncReturnMessage() {
public <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion,
ConnectionId connId, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory,
AlignmentContext alignmentContext) throws IOException {
final Invoker invoker = new Invoker(protocol, connId, conf, factory, alignmentContext);
return new ProtocolProxy<T>(protocol, (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
protocol.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {protocol}, invoker), false);
public <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion,
InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf,
SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException {
return getProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory,
rpcTimeout, null);
public <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion,
InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf,
SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout, RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy
) throws IOException {
return getProxy(protocol, clientVersion, addr, ticket, conf, factory,
rpcTimeout, connectionRetryPolicy, null, null);
public <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProxy(Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion,
InetSocketAddress addr, UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf,
SocketFactory factory, int rpcTimeout, RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy,
AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth, AlignmentContext alignmentContext)
throws IOException {
final Invoker invoker = new Invoker(protocol, addr, ticket, conf, factory,
rpcTimeout, connectionRetryPolicy, fallbackToSimpleAuth,
return new ProtocolProxy<T>(protocol, (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
protocol.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{protocol}, invoker), false);
public ProtocolProxy<ProtocolMetaInfoPB> getProtocolMetaInfoProxy(
ConnectionId connId, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory)
throws IOException {
Class<ProtocolMetaInfoPB> protocol = ProtocolMetaInfoPB.class;
return new ProtocolProxy<ProtocolMetaInfoPB>(protocol,
(ProtocolMetaInfoPB) Proxy.newProxyInstance(protocol.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] { protocol }, new Invoker(protocol, connId, conf,
factory, null)), false);
protected static class Invoker implements RpcInvocationHandler {
private final Map<String, Message> returnTypes =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Message>();
private boolean isClosed = false;
private final Client.ConnectionId remoteId;
private final Client client;
private final long clientProtocolVersion;
private final String protocolName;
private AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth;
private AlignmentContext alignmentContext;
protected Invoker(Class<?> protocol, InetSocketAddress addr,
UserGroupInformation ticket, Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory,
int rpcTimeout, RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy,
AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth, AlignmentContext alignmentContext)
throws IOException {
this(protocol, Client.ConnectionId.getConnectionId(
addr, protocol, ticket, rpcTimeout, connectionRetryPolicy, conf),
conf, factory, alignmentContext);
this.fallbackToSimpleAuth = fallbackToSimpleAuth;
* This constructor takes a connectionId, instead of creating a new one.
* @param protocol input protocol.
* @param connId input connId.
* @param conf input Configuration.
* @param factory input factory.
* @param alignmentContext Alignment context
protected Invoker(Class<?> protocol, Client.ConnectionId connId,
Configuration conf, SocketFactory factory, AlignmentContext alignmentContext) {
this.remoteId = connId;
this.client = CLIENTS.getClient(conf, factory, RpcWritable.Buffer.class);
this.protocolName = RPC.getProtocolName(protocol);
this.clientProtocolVersion = RPC
this.alignmentContext = alignmentContext;
private RequestHeaderProto constructRpcRequestHeader(Method method) {
RequestHeaderProto.Builder builder = RequestHeaderProto
// For protobuf, {@code protocol} used when creating client side proxy is
// the interface extending BlockingInterface, which has the annotations
// such as ProtocolName etc.
// Using Method.getDeclaringClass(), as in WritableEngine to get at
// the protocol interface will return BlockingInterface, from where
// the annotation ProtocolName and Version cannot be
// obtained.
// Hence we simply use the protocol class used to create the proxy.
// For PB this may limit the use of mixins on client side.
* This is the client side invoker of RPC method. It only throws
* ServiceException, since the invocation proxy expects only
* ServiceException to be thrown by the method in case protobuf service.
* ServiceException has the following causes:
* <ol>
* <li>Exceptions encountered on the client side in this method are
* set as cause in ServiceException as is.</li>
* <li>Exceptions from the server are wrapped in RemoteException and are
* set as cause in ServiceException</li>
* </ol>
* Note that the client calling protobuf RPC methods, must handle
* ServiceException by getting the cause from the ServiceException. If the
* cause is RemoteException, then unwrap it to get the exception thrown by
* the server.
public Message invoke(Object proxy, final Method method, Object[] args)
throws ServiceException {
long startTime = 0;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
startTime =;
if (args.length != 2) { // RpcController + Message
throw new ServiceException(
"Too many or few parameters for request. Method: ["
+ method.getName() + "]" + ", Expected: 2, Actual: "
+ args.length);
if (args[1] == null) {
throw new ServiceException("null param while calling Method: ["
+ method.getName() + "]");
// if Tracing is on then start a new span for this rpc.
// guard it in the if statement to make sure there isn't
// any extra string manipulation.
Tracer tracer = Tracer.curThreadTracer();
TraceScope traceScope = null;
if (tracer != null) {
traceScope = tracer.newScope(RpcClientUtil.methodToTraceString(method));
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace(Thread.currentThread().getId() + ": Call -> " +
remoteId + ": " + method.getName() +
" {" + TextFormat.shortDebugString((Message) args[1]) + "}");
final Message theRequest = (Message) args[1];
final RpcWritable.Buffer val;
try {
val = (RpcWritable.Buffer),
constructRpcRequest(method, theRequest), remoteId,
fallbackToSimpleAuth, alignmentContext);
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace(Thread.currentThread().getId() + ": Exception <- " +
remoteId + ": " + method.getName() +
" {" + e + "}");
if (traceScope != null) {
traceScope.addTimelineAnnotation("Call got exception: " +
throw new ServiceException(e);
} finally {
if (traceScope != null) traceScope.close();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
long callTime = - startTime;
LOG.debug("Call: " + method.getName() + " took " + callTime + "ms");
if (Client.isAsynchronousMode()) {
final AsyncGet<RpcWritable.Buffer, IOException> arr
= Client.getAsyncRpcResponse();
final AsyncGet<Message, Exception> asyncGet
= new AsyncGet<Message, Exception>() {
public Message get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception {
return getReturnMessage(method, arr.get(timeout, unit));
public boolean isDone() {
return arr.isDone();
return null;
} else {
return getReturnMessage(method, val);
protected Writable constructRpcRequest(Method method, Message theRequest) {
RequestHeaderProto rpcRequestHeader = constructRpcRequestHeader(method);
return new RpcProtobufRequest(rpcRequestHeader, theRequest);
private Message getReturnMessage(final Method method,
final RpcWritable.Buffer buf) throws ServiceException {
Message prototype = null;
try {
prototype = getReturnProtoType(method);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
Message returnMessage;
try {
returnMessage = buf.getValue(prototype.getDefaultInstanceForType());
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace(Thread.currentThread().getId() + ": Response <- " +
remoteId + ": " + method.getName() +
" {" + TextFormat.shortDebugString(returnMessage) + "}");
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
return returnMessage;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (!isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
private Message getReturnProtoType(Method method) throws Exception {
if (returnTypes.containsKey(method.getName())) {
return returnTypes.get(method.getName());
Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType();
Method newInstMethod = returnType.getMethod("getDefaultInstance");
Message prototype = (Message) newInstMethod.invoke(null, (Object[]) null);
returnTypes.put(method.getName(), prototype);
return prototype;
@Override //RpcInvocationHandler
public ConnectionId getConnectionId() {
return remoteId;
protected long getClientProtocolVersion() {
return clientProtocolVersion;
protected String getProtocolName() {
return protocolName;
static Client getClient(Configuration conf) {
return CLIENTS.getClient(conf, SocketFactory.getDefault(),
public RPC.Server getServer(Class<?> protocol, Object protocolImpl,
String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, int numReaders,
int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose, Configuration conf,
SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager,
String portRangeConfig, AlignmentContext alignmentContext)
throws IOException {
return new Server(protocol, protocolImpl, conf, bindAddress, port,
numHandlers, numReaders, queueSizePerHandler, verbose, secretManager,
portRangeConfig, alignmentContext);
* Server implementation is always ProtobufRpcEngine2 based implementation,
* supports backward compatibility for protobuf 2.5 based implementations,
* which uses non-shaded protobuf classes.
public static class Server extends ProtobufRpcEngine2.Server {
static final ThreadLocal<ProtobufRpcEngineCallback> currentCallback =
new ThreadLocal<>();
static class ProtobufRpcEngineCallbackImpl
implements ProtobufRpcEngineCallback {
private final RPC.Server server;
private final Call call;
private final String methodName;
private final long setupTime;
public ProtobufRpcEngineCallbackImpl() {
this.server = CURRENT_CALL_INFO.get().getServer(); = Server.getCurCall().get();
this.methodName = CURRENT_CALL_INFO.get().getMethodName();
this.setupTime =;
public void setResponse(Message message) {
long processingTime = - setupTime;
server.updateDeferredMetrics(methodName, processingTime);
public void error(Throwable t) {
long processingTime = - setupTime;
String detailedMetricsName = t.getClass().getSimpleName();
server.updateDeferredMetrics(detailedMetricsName, processingTime);
public static ProtobufRpcEngineCallback registerForDeferredResponse() {
ProtobufRpcEngineCallback callback = new ProtobufRpcEngineCallbackImpl();
return callback;
* Construct an RPC server.
* @param protocolClass the class of protocol
* @param protocolImpl the protocolImpl whose methods will be called
* @param conf the configuration to use
* @param bindAddress the address to bind on to listen for connection
* @param port the port to listen for connections on
* @param numHandlers the number of method handler threads to run
* @param verbose whether each call should be logged
* @param portRangeConfig A config parameter that can be used to restrict
* the range of ports used when port is 0 (an ephemeral port)
* @param alignmentContext provides server state info on client responses
* @param secretManager input secretManager.
* @param queueSizePerHandler input queueSizePerHandler.
* @param numReaders input numReaders.
* @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
public Server(Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl,
Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers,
int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, boolean verbose,
SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager,
String portRangeConfig, AlignmentContext alignmentContext)
throws IOException {
super(protocolClass, protocolImpl, conf, bindAddress, port, numHandlers,
numReaders, queueSizePerHandler, verbose, secretManager,
portRangeConfig, alignmentContext);
* This implementation is same as
* ProtobufRpcEngine2.Server.ProtobufInvoker#call(..)
* except this implementation uses non-shaded protobuf classes from legacy
* protobuf version (default 2.5.0).
static RpcWritable processCall(RPC.Server server,
String connectionProtocolName, RpcWritable.Buffer request,
String methodName, ProtoClassProtoImpl protocolImpl) throws Exception {
BlockingService service = (BlockingService) protocolImpl.protocolImpl;
MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = service.getDescriptorForType()
if (methodDescriptor == null) {
String msg = "Unknown method " + methodName + " called on "
+ connectionProtocolName + " protocol.";
throw new RpcNoSuchMethodException(msg);
Message prototype = service.getRequestPrototype(methodDescriptor);
Message param = request.getValue(prototype);
Message result;
Call currentCall = Server.getCurCall().get();
try {
CURRENT_CALL_INFO.set(new CallInfo(server, methodName));
result = service.callBlockingMethod(methodDescriptor, null, param);
// Check if this needs to be a deferred response,
// by checking the ThreadLocal callback being set
if (currentCallback.get() != null) {
return null;
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Exception exception = (Exception) e.getCause();
throw (Exception) e.getCause();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return RpcWritable.wrap(result);
// htrace in the ipc layer creates the span name based on toString()
// which uses the rpc header. in the normal case we want to defer decoding
// the rpc header until needed by the rpc engine.
static class RpcProtobufRequest extends RpcWritable.Buffer {
private volatile RequestHeaderProto requestHeader;
private Message payload;
public RpcProtobufRequest() {
RpcProtobufRequest(RequestHeaderProto header, Message payload) {
this.requestHeader = header;
this.payload = payload;
RequestHeaderProto getRequestHeader() throws IOException {
if (getByteBuffer() != null && requestHeader == null) {
requestHeader = getValue(RequestHeaderProto.getDefaultInstance());
return requestHeader;
public void writeTo(ResponseBuffer out) throws IOException {
if (payload != null) {
// this is used by htrace to name the span.
public String toString() {
try {
RequestHeaderProto header = getRequestHeader();
return header.getDeclaringClassProtocolName() + "." +
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);