blob: d14dd88087f1e9271d130f19991f02833467dda6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSTestUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirectory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeDirectoryWithQuota;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeFile;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.Quota;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.DirectoryDiffList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.ReadOnlyList;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
* Tests snapshot deletion.
public class TestSnapshotDeletion {
protected static final long seed = 0;
protected static final short REPLICATION = 3;
protected static final short REPLICATION_1 = 2;
protected static final long BLOCKSIZE = 1024;
private final Path dir = new Path("/TestSnapshot");
private final Path sub = new Path(dir, "sub1");
private final Path subsub = new Path(sub, "subsub1");
protected Configuration conf;
protected MiniDFSCluster cluster;
protected FSNamesystem fsn;
protected FSDirectory fsdir;
protected BlockManager blockmanager;
protected DistributedFileSystem hdfs;
public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
conf = new Configuration();
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(REPLICATION)
fsn = cluster.getNamesystem();
fsdir = fsn.getFSDirectory();
blockmanager = fsn.getBlockManager();
hdfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (cluster != null) {
* Deleting snapshottable directory with snapshots must fail.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteDirectoryWithSnapshot() throws Exception {
Path file0 = new Path(sub, "file0");
Path file1 = new Path(sub, "file1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// Allow snapshot for sub1, and create snapshot for it
hdfs.createSnapshot(sub, "s1");
// Deleting a snapshottable dir with snapshots should fail
String error = "The direcotry " + sub.toString()
+ " cannot be deleted since " + sub.toString()
+ " is snapshottable and already has snapshots";
hdfs.delete(sub, true);
* Deleting directory with snapshottable descendant with snapshots must fail.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteDirectoryWithSnapshot2() throws Exception {
Path file0 = new Path(sub, "file0");
Path file1 = new Path(sub, "file1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
Path subfile1 = new Path(subsub, "file0");
Path subfile2 = new Path(subsub, "file1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subfile1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subfile2, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// Allow snapshot for subsub1, and create snapshot for it
hdfs.createSnapshot(subsub, "s1");
// Deleting dir while its descedant subsub1 having snapshots should fail
String error = subsub.toString()
+ " is snapshottable and already has snapshots";
hdfs.delete(dir, true);
private void checkQuotaUsageComputation(final Path dirPath,
final long expectedNs, final long expectedDs) throws IOException {
INode node = fsdir.getINode(dirPath.toString());
assertTrue(node.isDirectory() && node.isQuotaSet());
INodeDirectoryWithQuota dirNode = (INodeDirectoryWithQuota) node;
assertEquals(dirNode.dumpTreeRecursively().toString(), expectedNs,
assertEquals(dirNode.dumpTreeRecursively().toString(), expectedDs,
Quota.Counts counts = Quota.Counts.newInstance();
dirNode.computeQuotaUsage(counts, false);
assertEquals(dirNode.dumpTreeRecursively().toString(), expectedNs,
assertEquals(dirNode.dumpTreeRecursively().toString(), expectedDs,
* Test deleting a directory which is a descendant of a snapshottable
* directory. In the test we need to cover the following cases:
* <pre>
* 1. Delete current INodeFile/INodeDirectory without taking any snapshot.
* 2. Delete current INodeFile/INodeDirectory while snapshots have been taken
* on ancestor(s).
* 3. Delete current INodeFileWithSnapshot.
* 4. Delete current INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.
* </pre>
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteCurrentFileDirectory() throws Exception {
// create a folder which will be deleted before taking snapshots
Path deleteDir = new Path(subsub, "deleteDir");
Path deleteFile = new Path(deleteDir, "deleteFile");
// create a directory that we will not change during the whole process.
Path noChangeDirParent = new Path(sub, "noChangeDirParent");
Path noChangeDir = new Path(noChangeDirParent, "noChangeDir");
// create a file that we will not change in the future
Path noChangeFile = new Path(noChangeDir, "noChangeFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, deleteFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, noChangeFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// we will change this file's metadata in the future
Path metaChangeFile1 = new Path(subsub, "metaChangeFile1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, metaChangeFile1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// another file, created under noChangeDir, whose metadata will be changed
Path metaChangeFile2 = new Path(noChangeDir, "metaChangeFile2");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, metaChangeFile2, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// Case 1: delete deleteDir before taking snapshots
hdfs.delete(deleteDir, true);
// create snapshot s0
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s0");
// after creating snapshot s0, create a directory tempdir under dir and then
// delete dir immediately
Path tempDir = new Path(dir, "tempdir");
Path tempFile = new Path(tempDir, "tempfile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, tempFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
final INodeFile temp = TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(
tempFile.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
BlockInfo[] blocks = temp.getBlocks();
hdfs.delete(tempDir, true);
// check dir's quota usage
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 9L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 3);
// check blocks of tempFile
for (BlockInfo b : blocks) {
// make a change: create a new file under subsub
Path newFileAfterS0 = new Path(subsub, "newFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFileAfterS0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// further change: change the replicator factor of metaChangeFile
hdfs.setReplication(metaChangeFile1, REPLICATION_1);
hdfs.setReplication(metaChangeFile2, REPLICATION_1);
// create snapshot s1
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s1");
// check dir's quota usage
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 14L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);
// get two snapshots for later use
Snapshot snapshot0 = ((INodeDirectorySnapshottable) fsdir.getINode(dir
Snapshot snapshot1 = ((INodeDirectorySnapshottable) fsdir.getINode(dir
// Case 2 + Case 3: delete noChangeDirParent, noChangeFile, and
// metaChangeFile2. Note that when we directly delete a directory, the
// directory will be converted to an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot. To make
// sure the deletion goes through an INodeDirectory, we delete the parent
// of noChangeDir
hdfs.delete(noChangeDirParent, true);
// while deletion, we add a diff for metaChangeFile2 as its snapshot copy
// for s1, we also add diffs for both sub and noChangeDirParent
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 17L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);
// check the snapshot copy of noChangeDir
Path snapshotNoChangeDir = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s1",
sub.getName() + "/" + noChangeDirParent.getName() + "/"
+ noChangeDir.getName());
INodeDirectory snapshotNode =
(INodeDirectory) fsdir.getINode(snapshotNoChangeDir.toString());
// should still be an INodeDirectory
assertEquals(INodeDirectory.class, snapshotNode.getClass());
ReadOnlyList<INode> children = snapshotNode.getChildrenList(null);
// check 2 children: noChangeFile and metaChangeFile2
assertEquals(2, children.size());
INode noChangeFileSCopy = children.get(1);
assertEquals(noChangeFile.getName(), noChangeFileSCopy.getLocalName());
assertEquals(INodeFile.class, noChangeFileSCopy.getClass());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(new Path(snapshotNoChangeDir,
noChangeFileSCopy.getLocalName()).toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
INodeFileWithSnapshot metaChangeFile2SCopy =
(INodeFileWithSnapshot) children.get(0);
assertEquals(metaChangeFile2.getName(), metaChangeFile2SCopy.getLocalName());
assertEquals(INodeFileWithSnapshot.class, metaChangeFile2SCopy.getClass());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(new Path(snapshotNoChangeDir,
metaChangeFile2SCopy.getLocalName()).toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
// check the replication factor of metaChangeFile2SCopy
// Case 4: delete directory sub
// before deleting sub, we first create a new file under sub
Path newFile = new Path(sub, "newFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
final INodeFile newFileNode = TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(
newFile.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
blocks = newFileNode.getBlocks();
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 18L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 5);
hdfs.delete(sub, true);
// while deletion, we add diff for subsub and metaChangeFile1, and remove
// newFile
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 19L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);
for (BlockInfo b : blocks) {
// make sure the whole subtree of sub is stored correctly in snapshot
Path snapshotSub = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s1",
INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot snapshotNode4Sub =
(INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot) fsdir.getINode(snapshotSub.toString());
assertEquals(INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot.class, snapshotNode4Sub.getClass());
// the snapshot copy of sub has only one child subsub.
// newFile should have been destroyed
assertEquals(1, snapshotNode4Sub.getChildrenList(null).size());
// but should have two children, subsub and noChangeDir, when s1 was taken
assertEquals(2, snapshotNode4Sub.getChildrenList(snapshot1).size());
// check the snapshot copy of subsub, which is contained in the subtree of
// sub's snapshot copy
INode snapshotNode4Subsub = snapshotNode4Sub.getChildrenList(null).get(0);
assertTrue(snapshotNode4Sub == snapshotNode4Subsub.getParent());
// check the children of subsub
INodeDirectory snapshotSubsubDir = (INodeDirectory) snapshotNode4Subsub;
children = snapshotSubsubDir.getChildrenList(null);
assertEquals(2, children.size());
assertEquals(children.get(0).getLocalName(), metaChangeFile1.getName());
assertEquals(children.get(1).getLocalName(), newFileAfterS0.getName());
// only one child before snapshot s0
children = snapshotSubsubDir.getChildrenList(snapshot0);
assertEquals(1, children.size());
INode child = children.get(0);
assertEquals(child.getLocalName(), metaChangeFile1.getName());
// check snapshot copy of metaChangeFile1
assertEquals(INodeFileWithSnapshot.class, child.getClass());
INodeFileWithSnapshot metaChangeFile1SCopy = (INodeFileWithSnapshot) child;
* Test deleting the earliest (first) snapshot. In this simplest scenario, the
* snapshots are taken on the same directory, and we do not need to combine
* snapshot diffs.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteEarliestSnapshot1() throws Exception {
// create files under sub
Path file0 = new Path(sub, "file0");
Path file1 = new Path(sub, "file1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
String snapshotName = "s1";
try {
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, snapshotName);
fail("SnapshotException expected: " + sub.toString()
+ " is not snapshottable yet");
} catch (Exception e) {
"Directory is not a snapshottable directory: " + sub, e);
// make sub snapshottable
try {
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, snapshotName);
fail("SnapshotException expected: snapshot " + snapshotName
+ " does not exist for " + sub.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("Cannot delete snapshot "
+ snapshotName + " from path " + sub.toString()
+ ": the snapshot does not exist.", e);
// create snapshot s1 for sub
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sub, snapshotName);
// check quota usage computation
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 4, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 2);
// delete s1
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, snapshotName);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 3, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 2);
// now we can create a snapshot with the same name
hdfs.createSnapshot(sub, snapshotName);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 4, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 2);
// create a new file under sub
Path newFile = new Path(sub, "newFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// create another snapshot s2
String snapshotName2 = "s2";
hdfs.createSnapshot(sub, snapshotName2);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 6, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 3);
// Get the filestatus of sub under snapshot s2
Path ss = SnapshotTestHelper
.getSnapshotPath(sub, snapshotName2, "newFile");
FileStatus statusBeforeDeletion = hdfs.getFileStatus(ss);
// delete s1
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, snapshotName);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 5, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 3);
FileStatus statusAfterDeletion = hdfs.getFileStatus(ss);
System.out.println("Before deletion: " + statusBeforeDeletion.toString()
+ "\n" + "After deletion: " + statusAfterDeletion.toString());
* Test deleting the earliest (first) snapshot. In this more complicated
* scenario, the snapshots are taken across directories.
* <pre>
* The test covers the following scenarios:
* 1. delete the first diff in the diff list of a directory
* 2. delete the first diff in the diff list of a file
* </pre>
* Also, the recursive cleanTree process should cover both INodeFile and
* INodeDirectory.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteEarliestSnapshot2() throws Exception {
Path noChangeDir = new Path(sub, "noChangeDir");
Path noChangeFile = new Path(noChangeDir, "noChangeFile");
Path metaChangeFile = new Path(noChangeDir, "metaChangeFile");
Path metaChangeDir = new Path(noChangeDir, "metaChangeDir");
Path toDeleteFile = new Path(metaChangeDir, "toDeleteFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, noChangeFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, metaChangeFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, toDeleteFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
final INodeFile toDeleteFileNode = TestSnapshotBlocksMap
.assertBlockCollection(toDeleteFile.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
BlockInfo[] blocks = toDeleteFileNode.getBlocks();
// create snapshot s0 on dir
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s0");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 8, 3 * BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION);
// delete /TestSnapshot/sub/noChangeDir/metaChangeDir/toDeleteFile
hdfs.delete(toDeleteFile, true);
// the deletion adds diff of toDeleteFile and metaChangeDir
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 10, 3 * BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION);
// change metadata of /TestSnapshot/sub/noChangeDir/metaChangeDir and
// /TestSnapshot/sub/noChangeDir/metaChangeFile
hdfs.setReplication(metaChangeFile, REPLICATION_1);
hdfs.setOwner(metaChangeDir, "unknown", "unknown");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 11, 3 * BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION);
// create snapshot s1 on dir
hdfs.createSnapshot(dir, "s1");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 12, 3 * BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION);
// delete snapshot s0
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(dir, "s0");
// namespace: remove toDeleteFile and its diff, metaChangeFile's diff,
// metaChangeDir's diff, dir's diff. diskspace: remove toDeleteFile, and
// metaChangeFile's replication factor decreases
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 7, 2 * BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION - BLOCKSIZE);
for (BlockInfo b : blocks) {
// check 1. there is no snapshot s0
final INodeDirectorySnapshottable dirNode =
(INodeDirectorySnapshottable) fsdir.getINode(dir.toString());
Snapshot snapshot0 = dirNode.getSnapshot(DFSUtil.string2Bytes("s0"));
DirectoryDiffList diffList = dirNode.getDiffs();
assertEquals(1, diffList.asList().size());
assertEquals("s1", diffList.getLast().snapshot.getRoot().getLocalName());
diffList = ((INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot) fsdir.getINode(
assertEquals(0, diffList.asList().size());
// check 2. noChangeDir and noChangeFile are still there
final INodeDirectory noChangeDirNode =
(INodeDirectory) fsdir.getINode(noChangeDir.toString());
assertEquals(INodeDirectory.class, noChangeDirNode.getClass());
final INodeFile noChangeFileNode =
(INodeFile) fsdir.getINode(noChangeFile.toString());
assertEquals(INodeFile.class, noChangeFileNode.getClass());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(noChangeFile.toString(), 1,
fsdir, blockmanager);
// check 3: current metadata of metaChangeFile and metaChangeDir
FileStatus status = hdfs.getFileStatus(metaChangeDir);
assertEquals("unknown", status.getOwner());
assertEquals("unknown", status.getGroup());
status = hdfs.getFileStatus(metaChangeFile);
assertEquals(REPLICATION_1, status.getReplication());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(metaChangeFile.toString(), 1,
fsdir, blockmanager);
// check 4: no snapshot copy for toDeleteFile
try {
status = hdfs.getFileStatus(toDeleteFile);
fail("should throw FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("File does not exist: "
+ toDeleteFile.toString(), e);
final Path toDeleteFileInSnapshot = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir,
"s0", toDeleteFile.toString().substring(dir.toString().length()));
try {
status = hdfs.getFileStatus(toDeleteFileInSnapshot);
fail("should throw FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("File does not exist: "
+ toDeleteFileInSnapshot.toString(), e);
* Test deleting snapshots in a more complicated scenario: need to combine
* snapshot diffs, but no need to handle diffs distributed in a dir tree
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testCombineSnapshotDiff1() throws Exception {
testCombineSnapshotDiffImpl(sub, "", 1);
* Test deleting snapshots in more complicated scenarios (snapshot diffs are
* distributed in the directory sub-tree)
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testCombineSnapshotDiff2() throws Exception {
testCombineSnapshotDiffImpl(sub, "subsub1/subsubsub1/", 3);
* When combine two snapshots, make sure files/directories created after the
* prior snapshot get destroyed.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testCombineSnapshotDiff3() throws Exception {
// create initial dir and subdir
Path dir = new Path("/dir");
Path subDir1 = new Path(dir, "subdir1");
Path subDir2 = new Path(dir, "subdir2");
Path subsubDir = new Path(subDir1, "subsubdir");
// take snapshots on subdir and dir
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s1");
// create new dir under initial dir
Path newDir = new Path(subsubDir, "newdir");
Path newFile = new Path(newDir, "newfile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
Path newFile2 = new Path(subDir2, "newfile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFile2, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// create another snapshot
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 11, BLOCKSIZE * 2 * REPLICATION);
// delete subsubdir and subDir2
hdfs.delete(subsubDir, true);
hdfs.delete(subDir2, true);
// add diff of s2 to subDir1, subsubDir, and subDir2
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 14, BLOCKSIZE * 2 * REPLICATION);
// delete snapshot s2
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(dir, "s2");
// delete s2 diff in dir, subDir2, and subsubDir. Delete newFile, newDir,
// and newFile2. Rename s2 diff to s1 for subDir1
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 8, 0);
// Check rename of snapshot diff in subDir1
Path subdir1_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s1",
Path subdir1_s2 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s2",
* Test snapshot deletion
* @param snapshotRoot The dir where the snapshots are created
* @param modDirStr The snapshotRoot itself or one of its sub-directory,
* where the modifications happen. It is represented as a relative
* path to the snapshotRoot.
private void testCombineSnapshotDiffImpl(Path snapshotRoot, String modDirStr,
int dirNodeNum) throws Exception {
Path modDir = modDirStr.isEmpty() ? snapshotRoot : new Path(snapshotRoot,
final int delta = modDirStr.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1;
Path file10 = new Path(modDir, "file10");
Path file11 = new Path(modDir, "file11");
Path file12 = new Path(modDir, "file12");
Path file13 = new Path(modDir, "file13");
Path file14 = new Path(modDir, "file14");
Path file15 = new Path(modDir, "file15");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file10, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION_1, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file11, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION_1, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file12, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION_1, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file13, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION_1, seed);
// create snapshot s1 for snapshotRoot
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, snapshotRoot, "s1");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 5, 8 * BLOCKSIZE);
// delete file11
hdfs.delete(file11, true);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 6 + delta,
// modify file12
hdfs.setReplication(file12, REPLICATION);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 7 + delta,
// modify file13
hdfs.setReplication(file13, REPLICATION);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 8 + delta,
// create file14
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file14, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 9 + delta,
// create file15
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file15, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 10 + delta,
// create snapshot s2 for snapshotRoot
hdfs.createSnapshot(snapshotRoot, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 11 + delta,
// create file11 again: (0, d) + (c, 0)
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file11, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 12 + delta * 2,
// delete file12
hdfs.delete(file12, true);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 13 + delta * 2,
// modify file13
hdfs.setReplication(file13, (short) (REPLICATION - 2));
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 14 + delta * 2,
// delete file14: (c, 0) + (0, d)
hdfs.delete(file14, true);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 15 + delta * 2,
// modify file15
hdfs.setReplication(file15, REPLICATION_1);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 16 + delta * 2,
// create snapshot s3 for snapshotRoot
hdfs.createSnapshot(snapshotRoot, "s3");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 17 + delta * 2,
// modify file10, to check if the posterior diff was set correctly
hdfs.setReplication(file10, REPLICATION);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 18 + delta * 2,
Path file10_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file10");
Path file11_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file11");
Path file12_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file12");
Path file13_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file13");
Path file14_s2 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s2",
modDirStr + "file14");
Path file15_s2 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s2",
modDirStr + "file15");
FileStatus statusBeforeDeletion10 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file10_s1);
FileStatus statusBeforeDeletion11 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file11_s1);
FileStatus statusBeforeDeletion12 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file12_s1);
FileStatus statusBeforeDeletion13 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file13_s1);
INodeFile file14Node = TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(
file14_s2.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
BlockInfo[] blocks_14 = file14Node.getBlocks();
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file15_s2.toString(), 1, fsdir,
// delete s2, in which process we need to combine the diff in s2 to s1
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(snapshotRoot, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(snapshotRoot, dirNodeNum + 12 + delta,
// check the correctness of s1
FileStatus statusAfterDeletion10 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file10_s1);
FileStatus statusAfterDeletion11 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file11_s1);
FileStatus statusAfterDeletion12 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file12_s1);
FileStatus statusAfterDeletion13 = hdfs.getFileStatus(file13_s1);
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file10_s1.toString(), 1, fsdir,
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file11_s1.toString(), 1, fsdir,
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file12_s1.toString(), 1, fsdir,
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file13_s1.toString(), 1, fsdir,
// make sure file14 and file15 are not included in s1
Path file14_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file14");
Path file15_s1 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(snapshotRoot, "s1",
modDirStr + "file15");
for (BlockInfo b : blocks_14) {
INodeFile nodeFile13 = (INodeFile) fsdir.getINode(file13.toString());
assertEquals(REPLICATION_1, nodeFile13.getBlockReplication());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(file13.toString(), 1, fsdir,
INodeFile nodeFile12 = (INodeFile) fsdir.getINode(file12_s1.toString());
assertEquals(REPLICATION_1, nodeFile12.getBlockReplication());
/** Test deleting snapshots with modification on the metadata of directory */
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testDeleteSnapshotWithDirModification() throws Exception {
Path file = new Path(sub, "file");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, file, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
hdfs.setOwner(sub, "user1", "group1");
// create snapshot s1 for sub1, and change the metadata of sub1
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sub, "s1");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 3, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
hdfs.setOwner(sub, "user2", "group2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 3, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
// create snapshot s2 for sub1, but do not modify sub1 afterwards
hdfs.createSnapshot(sub, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 4, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
// create snapshot s3 for sub1, and change the metadata of sub1
hdfs.createSnapshot(sub, "s3");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 5, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
hdfs.setOwner(sub, "user3", "group3");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 5, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
// delete snapshot s3
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, "s3");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 4, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
// check sub1's metadata in snapshot s2
FileStatus statusOfS2 = hdfs.getFileStatus(new Path(sub,
HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR + "/s2"));
assertEquals("user2", statusOfS2.getOwner());
assertEquals("group2", statusOfS2.getGroup());
// delete snapshot s2
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 3, BLOCKSIZE * 3);
// check sub1's metadata in snapshot s1
FileStatus statusOfS1 = hdfs.getFileStatus(new Path(sub,
HdfsConstants.DOT_SNAPSHOT_DIR + "/s1"));
assertEquals("user1", statusOfS1.getOwner());
assertEquals("group1", statusOfS1.getGroup());
* A test covering the case where the snapshot diff to be deleted is renamed
* to its previous snapshot.
@Test (timeout=300000)
public void testRenameSnapshotDiff() throws Exception {
final Path subFile0 = new Path(sub, "file0");
final Path subsubFile0 = new Path(subsub, "file0");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subFile0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subsubFile0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
hdfs.setOwner(subsub, "owner", "group");
// create snapshot s0 on sub
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sub, "s0");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 5, BLOCKSIZE * 6);
// make some changes on both sub and subsub
final Path subFile1 = new Path(sub, "file1");
final Path subsubFile1 = new Path(subsub, "file1");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subFile1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION_1, seed);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, subsubFile1, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 8, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
// create snapshot s1 on sub
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sub, "s1");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 9, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
// create snapshot s2 on dir
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 11, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 9, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
// make changes on subsub and subsubFile1
hdfs.setOwner(subsub, "unknown", "unknown");
hdfs.setReplication(subsubFile1, REPLICATION_1);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 13, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 11, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
// make changes on sub
hdfs.delete(subFile1, true);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(new Path("/"), 16, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 15, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 13, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
Path subsubSnapshotCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s2",
sub.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR + subsub.getName());
Path subsubFile1SCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s2",
sub.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR + subsub.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR
+ subsubFile1.getName());
Path subFile1SCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s2",
sub.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR + subFile1.getName());
FileStatus subsubStatus = hdfs.getFileStatus(subsubSnapshotCopy);
assertEquals("owner", subsubStatus.getOwner());
assertEquals("group", subsubStatus.getGroup());
FileStatus subsubFile1Status = hdfs.getFileStatus(subsubFile1SCopy);
assertEquals(REPLICATION, subsubFile1Status.getReplication());
FileStatus subFile1Status = hdfs.getFileStatus(subFile1SCopy);
assertEquals(REPLICATION_1, subFile1Status.getReplication());
// delete snapshot s2
hdfs.deleteSnapshot(dir, "s2");
checkQuotaUsageComputation(new Path("/"), 14, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 13, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
checkQuotaUsageComputation(sub, 12, BLOCKSIZE * 11);
// no snapshot copy for s2
try {
fail("should throw FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("File does not exist: "
+ subsubSnapshotCopy.toString(), e);
try {
fail("should throw FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("File does not exist: "
+ subsubFile1SCopy.toString(), e);
try {
fail("should throw FileNotFoundException");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("File does not exist: "
+ subFile1SCopy.toString(), e);
// the snapshot copy of s2 should now be renamed to s1 under sub
subsubSnapshotCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(sub, "s1",
subsubFile1SCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(sub, "s1",
subsub.getName() + Path.SEPARATOR + subsubFile1.getName());
subFile1SCopy = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(sub, "s1",
subsubStatus = hdfs.getFileStatus(subsubSnapshotCopy);
assertEquals("owner", subsubStatus.getOwner());
assertEquals("group", subsubStatus.getGroup());
subsubFile1Status = hdfs.getFileStatus(subsubFile1SCopy);
assertEquals(REPLICATION, subsubFile1Status.getReplication());
// also subFile1's snapshot copy should have been moved to diff of s1 as
// combination
subFile1Status = hdfs.getFileStatus(subFile1SCopy);
assertEquals(REPLICATION_1, subFile1Status.getReplication());