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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# This is an example shell profile. It does not do anything other than
# show an example of what the general structure and API of the pluggable
# shell profile code looks like.
# First, register the profile:
# hadoop_add_profile example
# This profile name determines what the name of the functions will
# be. The general pattern is _(profilename)_hadoop_(capability). There
# are currently four capabilities:
# * init
# * classpath
# * nativelib
# * finalize
# None of these functions are required. Examples of all four follow...
# The _hadoop_init function is called near the very beginning of the
# execution cycle. System and site-level shell env vars have been set,
# command line processing finished, etc. Note that the user's .hadooprc
# has not yet been processed. This is to allow them to override anything
# that may be set here or potentially a dependency!
# function _example_hadoop_init
# {
# # This example expects a home. So set a default if not set.
# EXAMPLE_HOME="${EXAMPLE_HOME:-/usr/example}"
# }
# The _hadoop_classpath function is called when the shell code is
# establishing the classpath. This function should use the
# shell hadoop_add_classpath function rather than directly
# manipulating the CLASSPATH variable. This ensures that the
# CLASSPATH does not have duplicates and provides basic
# sanity checks
# function _example_hadoop_classpath
# {
# # jars that should be near the front
# hadoop_add_classpath "${EXAMPLE_HOME}/share/pre-jars/*" before
# # jars that should be near the back
# hadoop_add_classpath "${EXAMPLE_HOME}/share/post-jars/*" after
# }
# The _hadoop_nativelib function is called when the shell code is
# buliding the locations for linkable shared libraries. Depending
# upon needs, there are shell function calls that are useful
# to use here:
# hadoop_add_javalibpath will push the path onto the command line
# and into the java.library.path system property. In the majority
# of cases, this should be sufficient, especially if the shared
# library has been linked correctly with $ORIGIN.
# hadoop_add_ldlibpath will push the path into the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# env var. This should be unnecessary for most code.
# function _example_hadoop_nativelib
# {
# # our library is standalone, so just need the basic path
# # added. Using after so we are later in the link list
# hadoop_add_javalibpath "${EXAMPLE_HOME}/lib" after
# }
# The _hadoop_finalize function is called to finish up whatever
# extra work needs to be done prior to exec'ing java or some other
# binary. This is where command line properties should get added
# and any last minute work. This is called prior to Hadoop common
# which means that one can override any parameters that Hadoop
# would normally put here... so be careful!
# Useful functions here include hadoop_add_param and for
# Windows compabitility, hadoop_translate_cygwin_path.
# function _example_hadoop_finalize
# {
# # we need a property for our feature
# hadoop_add_param HADOOP_OPTS Dexample.feature "-Dexample.feature=awesome"
# }