blob: 6a2e5ab24909c386bba21de5337dabd22a1c4393 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<%@ page
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%! private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute("job.tracker");
String trackerName =
private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat =
new SimpleDateFormat("d/MM HH:mm:ss");
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<% // assuming search is already quoted %>
function showUserHistory(search)
var url
if (search == null || "".equals(search)) {
} else {
url="jobhistory.jsp?pageno=1&search=" + search;
window.location.href = url;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/hadoop.css">
<title><%= trackerName %> Hadoop Map/Reduce History Viewer</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/hadoop.css">
<h1> <a href="jobtracker.jsp"><%= trackerName %></a> Hadoop Map/Reduce
<a href="jobhistory.jsp">History Viewer</a></h1>
//{{ // this is here to make indentation work, and must be commented out
final String search = (request.getParameter("search") == null)
? ""
: request.getParameter("search");
String soughtDate = "";
String soughtJobName = "";
String soughtJobid = "";
// soughtUser : jobid ; jobname ! date
String splitDate[] = search.split("!");
final String DATE_PATTERN = "([0-1]?[0-9])/([0-3]?[0-9])/((?:2[0-9])?[0-9][0-9])";
if (splitDate.length >= 2) {
soughtDate = splitDate[1];
String[] splitJobName = splitDate[0].split(";");
if (splitJobName.length >= 2) {
soughtJobName = splitJobName[1];
String[] splitJobid = splitJobName[0].split(":");
if (splitJobid.length >= 2) {
soughtJobid = splitJobid[1];
final String soughtUser = (splitJobid.length >= 1)
? splitJobid[0].toLowerCase()
: "";
if (soughtDate.length() != 0) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(DATE_PATTERN);
Matcher m = p.matcher(soughtDate);
if (!m.matches()) {
soughtDate = "";
JobHistory jobHistory = (JobHistory) application.getAttribute("jobHistoryHistory");
String soughtDates[] = new String[1];
soughtDates[0] = soughtDate;
JobHistoryRecordRetriever retriever
= jobHistory.getMatchingJobs
(soughtUser, soughtJobName, soughtDates, soughtJobid);
JobHistoryJobRecord[] records
= new JobHistoryJobRecord[retriever.numberMatches()];
int recordsIndex = 0;
while (retriever.hasNext()) {
records[recordsIndex++] =;
out.println("<!-- user : " + soughtUser + ", jobid : " + soughtJobid + "-->");
if (records.length == 0) {
out.println("No files found!");
return ;
// get the pageno
int pageno = request.getParameter("pageno") == null
? 1
: Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageno"));
// get the total number of files to display
int size = 100;
// if show-all is requested or jobfiles < size(100)
if (pageno == -1 || size > records.length) {
size = records.length;
if (pageno == -1) { // special case 'show all'
pageno = 1;
int maxPageNo = (records.length + size - 1) / size;
// check and fix pageno
if (pageno < 1 || pageno > maxPageNo) {
out.println("Invalid page index");
return ;
int length = size ; // determine the length of job history files to be displayed
if (pageno == maxPageNo) {
// find the number of files to be shown on the last page
int startOnLast = ((pageno - 1) * size) + 1;
length = records.length - startOnLast + 1;
// Display the search box
out.println("<form name=search><b> Filter ([username][:jobid][;jobname-key][!MM/DD/YYYY]) </b>"); // heading
out.println("<input type=text name=search size=\"20\" value=\"" + search + "\">"); // search box
out.println("<input type=submit value=\"Filter!\" onClick=\"showUserHistory(document.getElementById('search').value)\"></form>");
out.println("<span class=\"small\">Example: <b>smith</b> will display jobs submitted by user 'smith'. </span>");
out.println("<span class=\"small\">Job Ids need to be prefixed with a colon(:) For example, <b>:job_200908311030_0001</b> will display the job with that id. You may search for parts of job names. Job name search keys need to be prefixed by a semicolon (;). A filter <b>;budget</b> will find jobs named \"budget calculation\" or \"fussbudget job\". You may restrict results to jobs that finished on a specific day. Date criteria are <b>MM/DD/YYYYY</b> and are prefixed with an exclamation point (!). You may specify multiple criteria. We only display jobs that satisfy all criteria.</span>"); // example
//Show the status
int start = (pageno - 1) * size + 1;
out.println("<!-- pageno : " + pageno + ", size : " + size + ", length : " + length + ", start : " + start + ", maxpg : " + maxPageNo + "-->");
out.println("<font size=5><b>Available Jobs in History </b></font>");
// display the number of jobs, start index, end index
out.println("(<i> <span class=\"small\">Displaying <b>" + length + "</b> jobs from <b>" + start + "</b> to <b>" + (start + length - 1) + "</b> out of <b>" + records.length + "</b> jobs");
if (!"".equals(soughtUser)) {
out.println(" for user <b>" + soughtUser + "</b>"); // show the user if present
if (!"".equals(soughtJobid)) {
out.println(" for jobid <b>" + soughtJobid + "</b> in it "); // show the jobid keyword if present
if (!"".equals(soughtDate)) {
out.println(" for date <b>" + soughtDate + "</b>"); // show the jobid keyword if present
// show the 'show-all' link
out.println(" [<span class=\"small\"><a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=-1&search=" + search + "\">show all</a></span>]");
// show the 'first-page' link
if (pageno > 1) {
out.println(" [<span class=\"small\"><a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=1&search=" + search + "\">first page</a></span>]");
} else {
out.println("[<span class=\"small\">first page]</span>");
// show the 'last-page' link
if (pageno < maxPageNo) {
out.println(" [<span class=\"small\"><a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=" + maxPageNo + "&search=" + search + "\">last page</a></span>]");
} else {
out.println("<span class=\"small\">[last page]</span>");
// REVERSE sort the files on creation time.
Arrays.sort(records, new Comparator<JobHistoryJobRecord>() {
public int compare(JobHistoryJobRecord rec1, JobHistoryJobRecord rec2) {
String id1 = rec1.getJobIDString(true);
String id2 = rec2.getJobIDString(true);
String[] idsplit1 = id1.split("_");
String[] idsplit2 = id2.split("_");
// compare job tracker start time
Long jtTime2 = Long.parseLong(idsplit2[1]);
// comparison sense is reversed
int res = jtTime2.compareTo(Long.parseLong(idsplit1[1]));
if (res == 0) {
// comparison sense is reversed
Long sn2 = Long.parseLong(idsplit2[2]);
res = sn2.compareTo(Long.parseLong(idsplit1[2]));
return res;
// print the navigation info (top)
printNavigation(pageno, size, maxPageNo, search, out);
out.print("<table align=center border=2 cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\">");
out.print( "<td>Job submit time</td>");
out.print("<td>Job Id</td>");
out.print("<td>User</td>") ;
out.print("<td>Job Name</td>") ;
Set<String> displayedJobs = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = start - 1; i < start + length - 1; ++i) {
JobHistoryJobRecord record = records[i];
String jobId = record.getJobIDString();
String userName = record.getUserName();
long submitTime = record.getSubmitTime();
String jobName = record.getJobName();
Path logPath = record.getPath();
// Check if the job is already displayed. There can be multiple job
// history files for jobs that have restarted
if (displayedJobs.contains(jobId)) {
} else {
printJob(submitTime, jobId, userName, logPath, jobName, out) ;
} // end while trackers
// show the navigation info (bottom)
printNavigation(pageno, size, maxPageNo, search, out);
private void printJob(long timestamp, String jobId,
String user, Path logFile, String jobName, JspWriter out)
throws IOException {
out.print("<td>" + new Date(timestamp) + "</td>");
out.print("<td>" + "<a href=\"jobdetailshistory.jsp?logFile=" +
URLEncoder.encode(logFile.toString(), "UTF-8") +
"\">" + jobId + "</a></td>");
out.print("<td>" + user + "</td>");
out.print("<td>" + jobName + "</td>");
// I tolerate this code because I expect a low number of
// occurrences in a relatively short string
private static String replaceStringInstances
(String replacee, String old, String replacement) {
int index = replacee.indexOf(old);
while (index > 0) {
replacee = (replacee.substring(0, index)
+ replacement
+ replaceStringInstances
(replacee.substring(index + old.length()),
old, replacement));
index = replacee.indexOf(old);
return replacee;
private void printNavigation(int pageno, int size, int max, String search,
JspWriter out) throws IOException {
int numIndexToShow = 5; // num indexes to show on either side
//TODO check this on boundary cases
out.print("<center> <");
// show previous link
if (pageno > 1) {
out.println("<a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=" + (pageno - 1) +
"&search=" + search + "\">Previous</a>");
// display the numbered index 1 2 3 4
int firstPage = pageno - numIndexToShow;
if (firstPage < 1) {
firstPage = 1; // boundary condition
int lastPage = pageno + numIndexToShow;
if (lastPage > max) {
lastPage = max; // boundary condition
// debug
out.println("<!--DEBUG : firstPage : " + firstPage + ", lastPage : " + lastPage + " -->");
for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; ++i) {
if (i != pageno) {// needs hyperlink
out.println(" <a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=" + i + "&search=" +
search + "\">" + i + "</a> ");
} else { // current page
// show the next link
if (pageno < max) {
out.println("<a href=\"jobhistory.jsp?pageno=" + (pageno + 1) + "&search=" + search + "\">Next</a>");