blob: b6d0a4919be61ab0627de1e5a443335b60fcbdbe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract.ContractTestUtils.*;
* Test creating files, overwrite options &c
public abstract class AbstractContractRenameTest extends
AbstractFSContractTestBase {
public void testRenameNewFileSameDir() throws Throwable {
describe("rename a file into a new file in the same directory");
Path renameSrc = path("rename_src");
Path renameTarget = path("rename_dest");
byte[] data = dataset(256, 'a', 'z');
writeDataset(getFileSystem(), renameSrc,
data, data.length, 1024 * 1024, false);
boolean rename = rename(renameSrc, renameTarget);
assertTrue("rename("+renameSrc+", "+ renameTarget+") returned false",
renameTarget.getParent(), renameTarget);
verifyFileContents(getFileSystem(), renameTarget, data);
public void testRenameNonexistentFile() throws Throwable {
describe("rename a file into a new file in the same directory");
Path missing = path("testRenameNonexistentFileSrc");
Path target = path("testRenameNonexistentFileDest");
boolean renameReturnsFalseOnFailure =
try {
boolean renamed = rename(missing, target);
//expected an exception
if (!renameReturnsFalseOnFailure) {
String destDirLS = generateAndLogErrorListing(missing, target);
fail("expected rename(" + missing + ", " + target + " ) to fail," +
" got a result of " + renamed
+ " and a destination directory of " + destDirLS);
} else {
// at least one FS only returns false here, if that is the case
// warn but continue
getLog().warn("Rename returned {} renaming a nonexistent file", renamed);
assertFalse("Renaming a missing file returned true", renamed);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
if (renameReturnsFalseOnFailure) {
"Renaming a missing file unexpectedly threw an exception", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
handleRelaxedException("rename nonexistent file",
assertPathDoesNotExist("rename nonexistent file created a destination file", target);
* Rename test -handles filesystems that will overwrite the destination
* as well as those that do not (i.e. HDFS).
* @throws Throwable
public void testRenameFileOverExistingFile() throws Throwable {
describe("Verify renaming a file onto an existing file matches expectations");
Path srcFile = path("source-256.txt");
byte[] srcData = dataset(256, 'a', 'z');
writeDataset(getFileSystem(), srcFile, srcData, srcData.length, 1024, false);
Path destFile = path("dest-512.txt");
byte[] destData = dataset(512, 'A', 'Z');
writeDataset(getFileSystem(), destFile, destData, destData.length, 1024, false);
boolean renameOverwritesDest = isSupported(RENAME_OVERWRITES_DEST);
boolean renameReturnsFalseOnRenameDestExists =
boolean destUnchanged = true;
try {
boolean renamed = rename(srcFile, destFile);
if (renameOverwritesDest) {
// the filesystem supports rename(file, file2) by overwriting file2
assertTrue("Rename returned false", renamed);
destUnchanged = false;
} else {
// rename is rejected by returning 'false' or throwing an exception
if (renamed && !renameReturnsFalseOnRenameDestExists) {
//expected an exception
String destDirLS = generateAndLogErrorListing(srcFile, destFile);
getLog().error("dest dir {}", destDirLS);
fail("expected rename(" + srcFile + ", " + destFile + " ) to fail," +
" but got success and destination of " + destDirLS);
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
// verify that the destination file is as expected based on the expected
// outcome
verifyFileContents(getFileSystem(), destFile,
destUnchanged? destData: srcData);
public void testRenameDirIntoExistingDir() throws Throwable {
describe("Verify renaming a dir into an existing dir puts it underneath"
+" and leaves existing files alone");
FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
String sourceSubdir = "source";
Path srcDir = path(sourceSubdir);
Path srcFilePath = new Path(srcDir, "source-256.txt");
byte[] srcDataset = dataset(256, 'a', 'z');
writeDataset(fs, srcFilePath, srcDataset, srcDataset.length, 1024, false);
Path destDir = path("dest");
Path destFilePath = new Path(destDir, "dest-512.txt");
byte[] destDateset = dataset(512, 'A', 'Z');
writeDataset(fs, destFilePath, destDateset, destDateset.length, 1024, false);
boolean rename = rename(srcDir, destDir);
Path renamedSrc = new Path(destDir, sourceSubdir);
verifyFileContents(fs, destFilePath, destDateset);
assertTrue("rename returned false though the contents were copied", rename);
public void testRenameFileNonexistentDir() throws Throwable {
describe("rename a file into a new file in the same directory");
Path renameSrc = path("testRenameSrc");
Path renameTarget = path("subdir/testRenameTarget");
byte[] data = dataset(256, 'a', 'z');
writeDataset(getFileSystem(), renameSrc, data, data.length, 1024 * 1024,
boolean renameCreatesDestDirs = isSupported(RENAME_CREATES_DEST_DIRS);
try {
boolean rename = rename(renameSrc, renameTarget);
if (renameCreatesDestDirs) {
verifyFileContents(getFileSystem(), renameTarget, data);
} else {
verifyFileContents(getFileSystem(), renameSrc, data);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// allowed unless that rename flag is set
public void testRenameWithNonEmptySubDir() throws Throwable {
final Path renameTestDir = path("testRenameWithNonEmptySubDir");
final Path srcDir = new Path(renameTestDir, "src1");
final Path srcSubDir = new Path(srcDir, "sub");
final Path finalDir = new Path(renameTestDir, "dest");
FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
boolean renameRemoveEmptyDest = isSupported(RENAME_REMOVE_DEST_IF_EMPTY_DIR);
rm(fs, renameTestDir, true, false);
writeTextFile(fs, new Path(srcDir, "source.txt"),
"this is the file in src dir", false);
writeTextFile(fs, new Path(srcSubDir, "subfile.txt"),
"this is the file in src/sub dir", false);
assertPathExists("not created in src dir",
new Path(srcDir, "source.txt"));
assertPathExists("not created in src/sub dir",
new Path(srcSubDir, "subfile.txt"));
fs.rename(srcDir, finalDir);
// Accept both POSIX rename behavior and CLI rename behavior
if (renameRemoveEmptyDest) {
// POSIX rename behavior
assertPathExists("not renamed into dest dir",
new Path(finalDir, "source.txt"));
assertPathExists("not renamed into dest/sub dir",
new Path(finalDir, "sub/subfile.txt"));
} else {
// CLI rename behavior
assertPathExists("not renamed into dest dir",
new Path(finalDir, "src1/source.txt"));
assertPathExists("not renamed into dest/sub dir",
new Path(finalDir, "src1/sub/subfile.txt"));
assertPathDoesNotExist("not deleted",
new Path(srcDir, "source.txt"));
* Test that after renaming, the nested subdirectory is moved along with all
* its ancestors.
public void testRenamePopulatesDirectoryAncestors() throws IOException {
final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
final Path src = path("testRenamePopulatesDirectoryAncestors/source");
final String nestedDir = "/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4";
fs.mkdirs(path(src + nestedDir));
Path dst = path("testRenamePopulatesDirectoryAncestorsNew");
fs.rename(src, dst);
validateAncestorsMoved(src, dst, nestedDir);
* Test that after renaming, the nested file is moved along with all its
* ancestors. It is similar to {@link #testRenamePopulatesDirectoryAncestors}.
public void testRenamePopulatesFileAncestors() throws IOException {
final FileSystem fs = getFileSystem();
final Path src = path("testRenamePopulatesFileAncestors/source");
final String nestedFile = "/dir1/dir2/dir3/file4";
byte[] srcDataset = dataset(256, 'a', 'z');
writeDataset(fs, path(src + nestedFile), srcDataset, srcDataset.length,
1024, false);
Path dst = path("testRenamePopulatesFileAncestorsNew");
fs.rename(src, dst);
validateAncestorsMoved(src, dst, nestedFile);
* Validate that the nested path and its ancestors should have been moved.
* @param src the source root to move
* @param dst the destination root to move
* @param nestedPath the nested path to move
private void validateAncestorsMoved(Path src, Path dst, String nestedPath)
throws IOException {
assertPathDoesNotExist("src path should not exist", path(src + nestedPath));
assertPathExists("dst path should exist", path(dst + nestedPath));
Path path = new Path(nestedPath).getParent();
while (path != null && !path.isRoot()) {
final Path parentSrc = path(src + path.toString());
assertPathDoesNotExist(parentSrc + " is not deleted", parentSrc);
final Path parentDst = path(dst + path.toString());
assertPathExists(parentDst + " should exist after rename", parentDst);
path = path.getParent();