blob: c58e731b82b219e33698fd738f05ed478fb5ee3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.test.GenericTestUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* This test class checks basic operations with {@link HarFileSystem} including
* various initialization cases, getters, and modification methods.
* NB: to run this test from an IDE make sure the folder
* "hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/main/resources/" is added as a
* source path. This will allow the system to pick up the "core-default.xml" and
* "META-INF/services/..." resources from the class-path in the runtime.
public class TestHarFileSystemBasics {
private static final String ROOT_PATH =
private static final Path rootPath;
static {
String root = new Path(new File(ROOT_PATH).getAbsolutePath(), "localfs")
// Strip drive specifier on Windows, which would make the HAR URI invalid and
// cause tests to fail.
if (Shell.WINDOWS) {
root = root.substring(root.indexOf(':') + 1);
rootPath = new Path(root);
// NB: .har suffix is necessary
private static final Path harPath = new Path(rootPath, "path1/path2/my.har");
private FileSystem localFileSystem;
private HarFileSystem harFileSystem;
private Configuration conf;
* creates and returns fully initialized HarFileSystem
private HarFileSystem createHarFileSystem(final Configuration conf)
throws Exception {
localFileSystem = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
localFileSystem.initialize(new URI("file:///"), conf);
final Path indexPath = new Path(harPath, "_index");
final Path masterIndexPath = new Path(harPath, "_masterindex");
writeVersionToMasterIndexImpl(HarFileSystem.VERSION, masterIndexPath);
final HarFileSystem harFileSystem = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
harFileSystem.initialize(uri, conf);
return harFileSystem;
private HarFileSystem createHarFileSystem(final Configuration conf, Path aHarPath)
throws Exception {
final Path indexPath = new Path(aHarPath, "_index");
final Path masterIndexPath = new Path(aHarPath, "_masterindex");
writeVersionToMasterIndexImpl(HarFileSystem.VERSION, masterIndexPath);
final HarFileSystem harFileSystem = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + aHarPath.toString());
harFileSystem.initialize(uri, conf);
return harFileSystem;
private void writeVersionToMasterIndexImpl(int version, Path masterIndexPath) throws IOException {
// write Har version into the master index:
final FSDataOutputStream fsdos = localFileSystem.create(masterIndexPath);
try {
String versionString = version + "\n";
} finally {
public void before() throws Exception {
final File rootDirIoFile = new File(rootPath.toUri().getPath());
if (!rootDirIoFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create temp directory ["
+ rootDirIoFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
// create Har to test:
conf = new Configuration();
harFileSystem = createHarFileSystem(conf);
public void after() throws Exception {
// close Har FS:
final FileSystem harFS = harFileSystem;
if (harFS != null) {
harFileSystem = null;
// cleanup: delete all the temporary files:
final File rootDirIoFile = new File(rootPath.toUri().getPath());
if (rootDirIoFile.exists()) {
if (rootDirIoFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to delete temp directory ["
+ rootDirIoFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
// ======== Positive tests:
public void testPositiveHarFileSystemBasics() throws Exception {
// check Har version:
assertEquals(HarFileSystem.VERSION, harFileSystem.getHarVersion());
// check Har URI:
final URI harUri = harFileSystem.getUri();
assertEquals(harPath.toUri().getPath(), harUri.getPath());
assertEquals("har", harUri.getScheme());
// check Har home path:
final Path homePath = harFileSystem.getHomeDirectory();
assertEquals(harPath.toUri().getPath(), homePath.toUri().getPath());
// check working directory:
final Path workDirPath0 = harFileSystem.getWorkingDirectory();
assertEquals(homePath, workDirPath0);
// check that its impossible to reset the working directory
// (#setWorkingDirectory should have no effect):
harFileSystem.setWorkingDirectory(new Path("/foo/bar"));
assertEquals(workDirPath0, harFileSystem.getWorkingDirectory());
public void testPositiveNewHarFsOnTheSameUnderlyingFs() throws Exception {
// Init 2nd har file system on the same underlying FS, so the
// metadata gets reused:
final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
// the metadata should be reused from cache:
assertTrue(hfs.getMetadata() == harFileSystem.getMetadata());
public void testPositiveLruMetadataCacheFs() throws Exception {
// Init 2nd har file system on the same underlying FS, so the
// metadata gets reused:
HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
// the metadata should be reused from cache:
assertTrue(hfs.getMetadata() == harFileSystem.getMetadata());
// Create more hars, until the cache is full + 1; the last creation should evict the first entry from the cache
for (int i = 0; i <= hfs.METADATA_CACHE_ENTRIES_DEFAULT; i++) {
Path p = new Path(rootPath, "path1/path2/my" + i +".har");
createHarFileSystem(conf, p);
// The first entry should not be in the cache anymore:
hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
assertTrue(hfs.getMetadata() != harFileSystem.getMetadata());
public void testPositiveInitWithoutUnderlyingFS() throws Exception {
// Init HarFS with no constructor arg, so that the underlying FS object
// is created on demand or got from cache in #initialize() method.
final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem();
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
public void testPositiveListFilesNotEndInColon() throws Exception {
// re-initialize the har file system with host name
// make sure the qualified path name does not append ":" at the end of host name
final URI uri = new URI("har://file-localhost" + harPath.toString());
harFileSystem.initialize(uri, conf);
Path p1 = new Path("har://file-localhost" + harPath.toString());
Path p2 = harFileSystem.makeQualified(p1);
public void testListLocatedStatus() throws Exception {
String testHarPath = this.getClass().getResource("/test.har").getPath();
URI uri = new URI("har://" + testHarPath);
HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());
// test.har has the following contents:
// dir1/1.txt
// dir1/2.txt
Set<String> expectedFileNames = new HashSet<String>();
// List contents of dir, and ensure we find all expected files
Path path = new Path("dir1");
RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fileList = hfs.listLocatedStatus(path);
while (fileList.hasNext()) {
String fileName =;
assertTrue(fileName + " not in expected files list", expectedFileNames.contains(fileName));
assertEquals("Didn't find all of the expected file names: " + expectedFileNames,
0, expectedFileNames.size());
public void testMakeQualifiedPath() throws Exception {
// Construct a valid har file system path with authority that
// contains userinfo and port. The userinfo and port are useless
// in local fs uri. They are only used to verify har file system
// can correctly preserve the information for the underlying file system.
String harPathWithUserinfo = "har://file-user:passwd@localhost:80"
+ harPath.toUri().getPath().toString();
Path path = new Path(harPathWithUserinfo);
Path qualifiedPath = path.getFileSystem(conf).makeQualified(path);
"The qualified path (%s) did not match the expected path (%s).",
qualifiedPath.toString(), harPathWithUserinfo),
// ========== Negative:
public void testNegativeInitWithoutIndex() throws Exception {
// delete the index file:
final Path indexPath = new Path(harPath, "_index");
localFileSystem.delete(indexPath, false);
// now init the HarFs:
final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
try {
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());"Exception expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
public void testNegativeGetHarVersionOnNotInitializedFS() throws Exception {
final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
try {
int version = hfs.getHarVersion();"Exception expected, but got a Har version " + version + ".");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
public void testNegativeInitWithAnUnsupportedVersion() throws Exception {
// NB: should wait at least 1 second to ensure the timestamp of the master
// index will change upon the writing, because Linux seems to update the
// file modification
// time with 1 second accuracy:
// write an unsupported version:
writeVersionToMasterIndexImpl(7777, new Path(harPath, "_masterindex"));
// init the Har:
final HarFileSystem hfs = new HarFileSystem(localFileSystem);
// the metadata should *not* be reused from cache:
assertFalse(hfs.getMetadata() == harFileSystem.getMetadata());
final URI uri = new URI("har://" + harPath.toString());
try {
hfs.initialize(uri, new Configuration());"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
public void testNegativeHarFsModifications() throws Exception {
// all the modification methods of HarFS must lead to IOE.
final Path fooPath = new Path(rootPath, "foo/bar");
try {
harFileSystem.create(fooPath, new FsPermission("+rwx"), true, 1024,
(short) 88, 1024, null);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.setReplication(fooPath, (short) 55);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.delete(fooPath, true);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.mkdirs(fooPath, new FsPermission("+rwx"));"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
final Path indexPath = new Path(harPath, "_index");
try {
harFileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(false, indexPath, fooPath);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.startLocalOutput(fooPath, indexPath);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.completeLocalOutput(fooPath, indexPath);"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.setOwner(fooPath, "user", "group");"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
try {
harFileSystem.setPermission(fooPath, new FsPermission("+x"));"IOException expected.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ok, expected.
public void testHarFsWithoutAuthority() throws Exception {
final URI uri = harFileSystem.getUri();
Assert.assertNull("har uri authority not null: " + uri, uri.getAuthority());
FileContext.getFileContext(uri, conf);