blob: 09a2d8bb50f7cbcfe9cd9341415f3ce806601ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.HardLink;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LayoutVersion;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.NodeType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.StorageInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.NamespaceInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Manages storage for the set of BlockPoolSlices which share a particular
* block pool id, on this DataNode.
* This class supports the following functionality:
* <ol>
* <li> Formatting a new block pool storage</li>
* <li> Recovering a storage state to a consistent state (if possible></li>
* <li> Taking a snapshot of the block pool during upgrade</li>
* <li> Rolling back a block pool to a previous snapshot</li>
* <li> Finalizing block storage by deletion of a snapshot</li>
* </ul>
* @see Storage
public class BlockPoolSliceStorage extends Storage {
static final String TRASH_ROOT_DIR = "trash";
* A marker file that is created on each root directory if a rolling upgrade
* is in progress. The NN does not inform the DN when a rolling upgrade is
* finalized. All the DN can infer is whether or not a rolling upgrade is
* currently in progress. When the rolling upgrade is not in progress:
* 1. If the marker file is present, then a rolling upgrade just completed.
* If a 'previous' directory exists, it can be deleted now.
* 2. If the marker file is absent, then a regular upgrade may be in
* progress. Do not delete the 'previous' directory.
static final String ROLLING_UPGRADE_MARKER_FILE = "RollingUpgradeInProgress";
private static final String BLOCK_POOL_ID_PATTERN_BASE =
Pattern.quote(File.separator) +
"BP-\\d+-\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}-\\d+" +
private static final Pattern BLOCK_POOL_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
"^(.*)(" + BLOCK_POOL_ID_PATTERN_BASE + ")(.*)$");
private static final Pattern BLOCK_POOL_CURRENT_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
"^(.*)(" + BLOCK_POOL_ID_PATTERN_BASE + ")(" + STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT + ")(.*)$");
private static final Pattern BLOCK_POOL_TRASH_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
"^(.*)(" + BLOCK_POOL_ID_PATTERN_BASE + ")(" + TRASH_ROOT_DIR + ")(.*)$");
private String blockpoolID = ""; // id of the blockpool
public BlockPoolSliceStorage(StorageInfo storageInfo, String bpid) {
blockpoolID = bpid;
* These maps are used as an optimization to avoid one filesystem operation
* per storage on each heartbeat response.
private static Set<String> storagesWithRollingUpgradeMarker;
private static Set<String> storagesWithoutRollingUpgradeMarker;
BlockPoolSliceStorage(int namespaceID, String bpID, long cTime,
String clusterId) {
this.namespaceID = namespaceID;
this.blockpoolID = bpID;
this.cTime = cTime;
this.clusterID = clusterId;
storagesWithRollingUpgradeMarker = Collections.newSetFromMap(
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());
storagesWithoutRollingUpgradeMarker = Collections.newSetFromMap(
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());
private BlockPoolSliceStorage() {
storagesWithRollingUpgradeMarker = Collections.newSetFromMap(
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());
storagesWithoutRollingUpgradeMarker = Collections.newSetFromMap(
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());
// Expose visibility for VolumeBuilder#commit().
public void addStorageDir(StorageDirectory sd) {
* Load one storage directory. Recover from previous transitions if required.
* @param datanode datanode instance
* @param nsInfo namespace information
* @param dataDir the root path of the storage directory
* @param startOpt startup option
* @return the StorageDirectory successfully loaded.
* @throws IOException
private StorageDirectory loadStorageDirectory(DataNode datanode,
NamespaceInfo nsInfo, File dataDir, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException {
StorageDirectory sd = new StorageDirectory(dataDir, null, true);
try {
StorageState curState = sd.analyzeStorage(startOpt, this);
// sd is locked but not opened
switch (curState) {
case NORMAL:
case NON_EXISTENT:"Block pool storage directory " + dataDir + " does not exist");
throw new IOException("Storage directory " + dataDir
+ " does not exist");
case NOT_FORMATTED: // format"Block pool storage directory " + dataDir
+ " is not formatted for " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID());"Formatting ...");
format(sd, nsInfo);
default: // recovery part is common
// 2. Do transitions
// Each storage directory is treated individually.
// During startup some of them can upgrade or roll back
// while others could be up-to-date for the regular startup.
doTransition(datanode, sd, nsInfo, startOpt);
if (getCTime() != nsInfo.getCTime()) {
throw new IOException(
"Data-node and name-node CTimes must be the same.");
// 3. Update successfully loaded storage.
return sd;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
* Analyze and load storage directories. Recover from previous transitions if
* required.
* The block pool storages are either all analyzed or none of them is loaded.
* Therefore, a failure on loading any block pool storage results a faulty
* data volume.
* @param datanode Datanode to which this storage belongs to
* @param nsInfo namespace information
* @param dataDirs storage directories of block pool
* @param startOpt startup option
* @return an array of loaded block pool directories.
* @throws IOException on error
List<StorageDirectory> loadBpStorageDirectories(
DataNode datanode, NamespaceInfo nsInfo,
Collection<File> dataDirs, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException {
List<StorageDirectory> succeedDirs = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
for (File dataDir : dataDirs) {
if (containsStorageDir(dataDir)) {
throw new IOException(
"BlockPoolSliceStorage.recoverTransitionRead: " +
"attempt to load an used block storage: " + dataDir);
StorageDirectory sd =
loadStorageDirectory(datanode, nsInfo, dataDir, startOpt);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to analyze storage directories for block pool "
+ nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(), e);
throw e;
return succeedDirs;
* Analyze storage directories. Recover from previous transitions if required.
* The block pool storages are either all analyzed or none of them is loaded.
* Therefore, a failure on loading any block pool storage results a faulty
* data volume.
* @param datanode Datanode to which this storage belongs to
* @param nsInfo namespace information
* @param dataDirs storage directories of block pool
* @param startOpt startup option
* @throws IOException on error
void recoverTransitionRead(DataNode datanode, NamespaceInfo nsInfo,
Collection<File> dataDirs, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException {"Analyzing storage directories for bpid " + nsInfo.getBlockPoolID());
for (StorageDirectory sd : loadBpStorageDirectories(
datanode, nsInfo, dataDirs, startOpt)) {
* Format a block pool slice storage.
* @param dnCurDir DataStorage current directory
* @param nsInfo the name space info
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
void format(File dnCurDir, NamespaceInfo nsInfo) throws IOException {
File curBpDir = getBpRoot(nsInfo.getBlockPoolID(), dnCurDir);
StorageDirectory bpSdir = new StorageDirectory(curBpDir);
format(bpSdir, nsInfo);
* Format a block pool slice storage.
* @param bpSdir the block pool storage
* @param nsInfo the name space info
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private void format(StorageDirectory bpSdir, NamespaceInfo nsInfo) throws IOException {"Formatting block pool " + blockpoolID + " directory "
+ bpSdir.getCurrentDir());
bpSdir.clearDirectory(); // create directory
this.layoutVersion = HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION;
this.cTime = nsInfo.getCTime();
this.namespaceID = nsInfo.getNamespaceID();
this.blockpoolID = nsInfo.getBlockPoolID();
* Remove block pool level storage directory.
* @param absPathToRemove the absolute path of the root for the block pool
* level storage to remove.
void remove(File absPathToRemove) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(absPathToRemove.isAbsolute());"Removing block level storage: " + absPathToRemove);
for (Iterator<StorageDirectory> it = this.storageDirs.iterator();
it.hasNext(); ) {
StorageDirectory sd =;
if (sd.getRoot().getAbsoluteFile().equals(absPathToRemove)) {
* Set layoutVersion, namespaceID and blockpoolID into block pool storage
* VERSION file
protected void setPropertiesFromFields(Properties props, StorageDirectory sd)
throws IOException {
props.setProperty("layoutVersion", String.valueOf(layoutVersion));
props.setProperty("namespaceID", String.valueOf(namespaceID));
props.setProperty("blockpoolID", blockpoolID);
props.setProperty("cTime", String.valueOf(cTime));
/** Validate and set block pool ID */
private void setBlockPoolID(File storage, String bpid)
throws InconsistentFSStateException {
if (bpid == null || bpid.equals("")) {
throw new InconsistentFSStateException(storage, "file "
+ STORAGE_FILE_VERSION + " is invalid.");
if (!blockpoolID.equals("") && !blockpoolID.equals(bpid)) {
throw new InconsistentFSStateException(storage,
"Unexpected blockpoolID " + bpid + ". Expected " + blockpoolID);
blockpoolID = bpid;
protected void setFieldsFromProperties(Properties props, StorageDirectory sd)
throws IOException {
setLayoutVersion(props, sd);
setNamespaceID(props, sd);
setcTime(props, sd);
String sbpid = props.getProperty("blockpoolID");
setBlockPoolID(sd.getRoot(), sbpid);
* Analyze whether a transition of the BP state is required and
* perform it if necessary.
* <br>
* Rollback if previousLV >= LAYOUT_VERSION && prevCTime <= namenode.cTime.
* Upgrade if this.LV > LAYOUT_VERSION || this.cTime < namenode.cTime Regular
* startup if this.LV = LAYOUT_VERSION && this.cTime = namenode.cTime
* @param sd storage directory <SD>/current/<bpid>
* @param nsInfo namespace info
* @param startOpt startup option
* @throws IOException
private void doTransition(DataNode datanode, StorageDirectory sd,
NamespaceInfo nsInfo, StartupOption startOpt) throws IOException {
if (startOpt == StartupOption.ROLLBACK && sd.getPreviousDir().exists()) {
sd.getPreviousDir() + " and " + getTrashRootDir(sd) + " should not " +
" both be present.");
doRollback(sd, nsInfo); // rollback if applicable
} else if (startOpt == StartupOption.ROLLBACK &&
!sd.getPreviousDir().exists()) {
// Restore all the files in the trash. The restored files are retained
// during rolling upgrade rollback. They are deleted during rolling
// upgrade downgrade.
int restored = restoreBlockFilesFromTrash(getTrashRootDir(sd));"Restored " + restored + " block files from trash.");
assert this.layoutVersion >= HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
: "Future version is not allowed";
if (getNamespaceID() != nsInfo.getNamespaceID()) {
throw new IOException("Incompatible namespaceIDs in "
+ sd.getRoot().getCanonicalPath() + ": namenode namespaceID = "
+ nsInfo.getNamespaceID() + "; datanode namespaceID = "
+ getNamespaceID());
if (!blockpoolID.equals(nsInfo.getBlockPoolID())) {
throw new IOException("Incompatible blockpoolIDs in "
+ sd.getRoot().getCanonicalPath() + ": namenode blockpoolID = "
+ nsInfo.getBlockPoolID() + "; datanode blockpoolID = "
+ blockpoolID);
if (this.layoutVersion == HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
&& this.cTime == nsInfo.getCTime()) {
return; // regular startup
if (this.layoutVersion > HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION) {
int restored = restoreBlockFilesFromTrash(getTrashRootDir(sd));"Restored " + restored + " block files from trash " +
"before the layout upgrade. These blocks will be moved to " +
"the previous directory during the upgrade");
if (this.layoutVersion > HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
|| this.cTime < nsInfo.getCTime()) {
doUpgrade(datanode, sd, nsInfo); // upgrade
// layoutVersion == LAYOUT_VERSION && this.cTime > nsInfo.cTime
// must shutdown
throw new IOException("Datanode state: LV = " + this.getLayoutVersion()
+ " CTime = " + this.getCTime()
+ " is newer than the namespace state: LV = "
+ nsInfo.getLayoutVersion() + " CTime = " + nsInfo.getCTime());
* Upgrade to any release after 0.22 (0.22 included) release e.g. 0.22 => 0.23
* Upgrade procedure is as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>If <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous exists then delete it</li>
* <li>Rename <SD>/current/<bpid>/current to
* <SD>/current/bpid/current/previous.tmp</li>
* <li>Create new <SD>current/<bpid>/current directory</li>
* <ol>
* <li>Hard links for block files are created from previous.tmp to current</li>
* <li>Save new version file in current directory</li>
* </ol>
* <li>Rename previous.tmp to previous</li> </ol>
* @param bpSd storage directory <SD>/current/<bpid>
* @param nsInfo Namespace Info from the namenode
* @throws IOException on error
void doUpgrade(DataNode datanode, StorageDirectory bpSd, NamespaceInfo nsInfo)
throws IOException {
// Upgrading is applicable only to release with federation or after
if (!DataNodeLayoutVersion.supports(
LayoutVersion.Feature.FEDERATION, layoutVersion)) {
}"Upgrading block pool storage directory " + bpSd.getRoot()
+ ".\n old LV = " + this.getLayoutVersion() + "; old CTime = "
+ this.getCTime() + ".\n new LV = " + HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION
+ "; new CTime = " + nsInfo.getCTime());
// get <SD>/previous directory
String dnRoot = getDataNodeStorageRoot(bpSd.getRoot().getCanonicalPath());
StorageDirectory dnSdStorage = new StorageDirectory(new File(dnRoot));
File dnPrevDir = dnSdStorage.getPreviousDir();
// If <SD>/previous directory exists delete it
if (dnPrevDir.exists()) {
File bpCurDir = bpSd.getCurrentDir();
File bpPrevDir = bpSd.getPreviousDir();
assert bpCurDir.exists() : "BP level current directory must exist.";
cleanupDetachDir(new File(bpCurDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_DETACHED));
// 1. Delete <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous dir before upgrading
if (bpPrevDir.exists()) {
File bpTmpDir = bpSd.getPreviousTmp();
assert !bpTmpDir.exists() : "previous.tmp directory must not exist.";
// 2. Rename <SD>/current/<bpid>/current to
// <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous.tmp
rename(bpCurDir, bpTmpDir);
// 3. Create new <SD>/current with block files hardlinks and VERSION
linkAllBlocks(datanode, bpTmpDir, bpCurDir);
this.layoutVersion = HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION;
assert this.namespaceID == nsInfo.getNamespaceID()
: "Data-node and name-node layout versions must be the same.";
this.cTime = nsInfo.getCTime();
// 4.rename <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous.tmp to
// <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous
rename(bpTmpDir, bpPrevDir);"Upgrade of block pool " + blockpoolID + " at " + bpSd.getRoot()
+ " is complete");
* Cleanup the detachDir.
* If the directory is not empty report an error; Otherwise remove the
* directory.
* @param detachDir detach directory
* @throws IOException if the directory is not empty or it can not be removed
private void cleanupDetachDir(File detachDir) throws IOException {
if (!DataNodeLayoutVersion.supports(
LayoutVersion.Feature.APPEND_RBW_DIR, layoutVersion)
&& detachDir.exists() && detachDir.isDirectory()) {
if (FileUtil.list(detachDir).length != 0) {
throw new IOException("Detached directory " + detachDir
+ " is not empty. Please manually move each file under this "
+ "directory to the finalized directory if the finalized "
+ "directory tree does not have the file.");
} else if (!detachDir.delete()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot remove directory " + detachDir);
* Restore all files from the trash directory to their corresponding
* locations under current/
private int restoreBlockFilesFromTrash(File trashRoot)
throws IOException {
int filesRestored = 0;
File[] children = trashRoot.exists() ? trashRoot.listFiles() : null;
if (children == null) {
return 0;
File restoreDirectory = null;
for (File child : children) {
if (child.isDirectory()) {
// Recurse to process subdirectories.
filesRestored += restoreBlockFilesFromTrash(child);
if (restoreDirectory == null) {
restoreDirectory = new File(getRestoreDirectory(child));
if (!restoreDirectory.exists() && !restoreDirectory.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create directory " + restoreDirectory);
final File newChild = new File(restoreDirectory, child.getName());
if (newChild.exists() && newChild.length() >= child.length()) {
// Failsafe - we should not hit this case but let's make sure
// we never overwrite a newer version of a block file with an
// older version."Not overwriting " + newChild + " with smaller file from " +
"trash directory. This message can be safely ignored.");
} else if (!child.renameTo(newChild)) {
throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + child + " to " + newChild);
} else {
return filesRestored;
* Roll back to old snapshot at the block pool level
* If previous directory exists:
* <ol>
* <li>Rename <SD>/current/<bpid>/current to removed.tmp</li>
* <li>Rename * <SD>/current/<bpid>/previous to current</li>
* <li>Remove removed.tmp</li>
* </ol>
* Do nothing if previous directory does not exist.
* @param bpSd Block pool storage directory at <SD>/current/<bpid>
void doRollback(StorageDirectory bpSd, NamespaceInfo nsInfo)
throws IOException {
File prevDir = bpSd.getPreviousDir();
// regular startup if previous dir does not exist
if (!prevDir.exists())
// read attributes out of the VERSION file of previous directory
BlockPoolSliceStorage prevInfo = new BlockPoolSliceStorage();
// We allow rollback to a state, which is either consistent with
// the namespace state or can be further upgraded to it.
// In another word, we can only roll back when ( storedLV >= software LV)
// && ( DN.previousCTime <= NN.ctime)
if (!(prevInfo.getLayoutVersion() >= HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION &&
prevInfo.getCTime() <= nsInfo.getCTime())) { // cannot rollback
throw new InconsistentFSStateException(bpSd.getRoot(),
"Cannot rollback to a newer state.\nDatanode previous state: LV = "
+ prevInfo.getLayoutVersion() + " CTime = " + prevInfo.getCTime()
+ " is newer than the namespace state: LV = "
+ HdfsServerConstants.DATANODE_LAYOUT_VERSION + " CTime = " + nsInfo.getCTime());
}"Rolling back storage directory " + bpSd.getRoot()
+ ".\n target LV = " + nsInfo.getLayoutVersion()
+ "; target CTime = " + nsInfo.getCTime());
File tmpDir = bpSd.getRemovedTmp();
assert !tmpDir.exists() : "removed.tmp directory must not exist.";
// 1. rename current to tmp
File curDir = bpSd.getCurrentDir();
assert curDir.exists() : "Current directory must exist.";
rename(curDir, tmpDir);
// 2. rename previous to current
rename(prevDir, curDir);
// 3. delete removed.tmp dir
deleteDir(tmpDir);"Rollback of " + bpSd.getRoot() + " is complete");
* Finalize the block pool storage by deleting <BP>/previous directory
* that holds the snapshot.
void doFinalize(File dnCurDir) throws IOException {
File bpRoot = getBpRoot(blockpoolID, dnCurDir);
StorageDirectory bpSd = new StorageDirectory(bpRoot);
// block pool level previous directory
File prevDir = bpSd.getPreviousDir();
if (!prevDir.exists()) {
return; // already finalized
final String dataDirPath = bpSd.getRoot().getCanonicalPath();"Finalizing upgrade for storage directory " + dataDirPath
+ ".\n cur LV = " + this.getLayoutVersion() + "; cur CTime = "
+ this.getCTime());
assert bpSd.getCurrentDir().exists() : "Current directory must exist.";
// rename previous to finalized.tmp
final File tmpDir = bpSd.getFinalizedTmp();
rename(prevDir, tmpDir);
// delete finalized.tmp dir in a separate thread
new Daemon(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Finalize upgrade for " + dataDirPath + " failed.", ex);
}"Finalize upgrade for " + dataDirPath + " is complete.");
public String toString() {
return "Finalize " + dataDirPath;
* Hardlink all finalized and RBW blocks in fromDir to toDir
* @param fromDir directory where the snapshot is stored
* @param toDir the current data directory
* @throws IOException if error occurs during hardlink
private void linkAllBlocks(DataNode datanode, File fromDir, File toDir)
throws IOException {
// do the link
int diskLayoutVersion = this.getLayoutVersion();
// hardlink finalized blocks in tmpDir
HardLink hardLink = new HardLink();
DataStorage.linkBlocks(datanode, new File(fromDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_FINALIZED),
new File(toDir,DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_FINALIZED), diskLayoutVersion, hardLink);
DataStorage.linkBlocks(datanode, new File(fromDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_RBW),
new File(toDir, DataStorage.STORAGE_DIR_RBW), diskLayoutVersion, hardLink); );
* gets the data node storage directory based on block pool storage
private static String getDataNodeStorageRoot(String bpRoot) {
Matcher matcher = BLOCK_POOL_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(bpRoot);
if (matcher.matches()) {
// return the data node root directory
return bpRoot;
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + ";bpid=" + blockpoolID;
* Get a block pool storage root based on data node storage root
* @param bpID block pool ID
* @param dnCurDir data node storage root directory
* @return root directory for block pool storage
public static File getBpRoot(String bpID, File dnCurDir) {
return new File(dnCurDir, bpID);
public boolean isPreUpgradableLayout(StorageDirectory sd) throws IOException {
return false;
private File getTrashRootDir(StorageDirectory sd) {
return new File(sd.getRoot(), TRASH_ROOT_DIR);
* Determine whether we can use trash for the given blockFile. Trash
* is disallowed if a 'previous' directory exists for the
* storage directory containing the block.
public boolean isTrashAllowed(File blockFile) {
Matcher matcher = BLOCK_POOL_CURRENT_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(blockFile.getParent());
String previousDir = matcher.replaceFirst("$1$2" + STORAGE_DIR_PREVIOUS);
return !(new File(previousDir)).exists();
* Get a target subdirectory under trash/ for a given block file that is being
* deleted.
* The subdirectory structure under trash/ mirrors that under current/ to keep
* implicit memory of where the files are to be restored (if necessary).
* @return the trash directory for a given block file that is being deleted.
public String getTrashDirectory(File blockFile) {
if (isTrashAllowed(blockFile)) {
Matcher matcher = BLOCK_POOL_CURRENT_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(blockFile.getParent());
String trashDirectory = matcher.replaceFirst("$1$2" + TRASH_ROOT_DIR + "$4");
return trashDirectory;
return null;
* Get a target subdirectory under current/ for a given block file that is being
* restored from trash.
* The subdirectory structure under trash/ mirrors that under current/ to keep
* implicit memory of where the files are to be restored.
* @return the target directory to restore a previously deleted block file.
String getRestoreDirectory(File blockFile) {
Matcher matcher = BLOCK_POOL_TRASH_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(blockFile.getParent());
String restoreDirectory = matcher.replaceFirst("$1$2" + STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT + "$4");"Restoring " + blockFile + " to " + restoreDirectory);
return restoreDirectory;
* Delete all files and directories in the trash directories.
public void clearTrash() {
for (StorageDirectory sd : storageDirs) {
File trashRoot = getTrashRootDir(sd);
Preconditions.checkState(!(trashRoot.exists() && sd.getPreviousDir().exists()));
FileUtil.fullyDelete(trashRoot);"Cleared trash for storage directory " + sd);
/** trash is enabled if at least one storage directory contains trash root */
public boolean trashEnabled() {
for (StorageDirectory sd : storageDirs) {
if (getTrashRootDir(sd).exists()) {
return true;
return false;
* Create a rolling upgrade marker file for each BP storage root, if it
* does not exist already.
public void setRollingUpgradeMarkers(List<StorageDirectory> dnStorageDirs)
throws IOException {
for (StorageDirectory sd : dnStorageDirs) {
File bpRoot = getBpRoot(blockpoolID, sd.getCurrentDir());
File markerFile = new File(bpRoot, ROLLING_UPGRADE_MARKER_FILE);
if (!storagesWithRollingUpgradeMarker.contains(bpRoot.toString())) {
if (!markerFile.exists() && markerFile.createNewFile()) {"Created " + markerFile);
} else { + " already exists.");
* Check whether the rolling upgrade marker file exists for each BP storage
* root. If it does exist, then the marker file is cleared and more
* importantly the layout upgrade is finalized.
public void clearRollingUpgradeMarkers(List<StorageDirectory> dnStorageDirs)
throws IOException {
for (StorageDirectory sd : dnStorageDirs) {
File bpRoot = getBpRoot(blockpoolID, sd.getCurrentDir());
File markerFile = new File(bpRoot, ROLLING_UPGRADE_MARKER_FILE);
if (!storagesWithoutRollingUpgradeMarker.contains(bpRoot.toString())) {
if (markerFile.exists()) {"Deleting " + markerFile);
if (!markerFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Failed to delete " + markerFile);