blob: 9874be3229e34651a3f5914335b8d82c9f46313f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.StatusReporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptID;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.server.tasktracker.TTConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.MapContextImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.util.ResourceCalculatorPlugin;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.DummyResourceCalculatorPlugin;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.LoadJob.ResourceUsageMatcherRunner;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.emulators.resourceusage.CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.emulators.resourceusage.ResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.emulators.resourceusage.ResourceUsageMatcher;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix.emulators.resourceusage.CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin.DefaultCpuUsageEmulator;
* Test Gridmix's resource emulator framework and supported plugins.
public class TestResourceUsageEmulators {
* A {@link ResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin} implementation for testing purpose.
* It essentially creates a file named 'test' in the test directory.
static class TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin
implements ResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin {
static final Path rootTempDir =
new Path(System.getProperty("", "/tmp"));
static final Path tempDir =
new Path(rootTempDir, "TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin");
static final String DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER = "test";
private Path touchPath = null;
private FileSystem fs = null;
public void emulate() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// add some time between 2 calls to emulate()
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // sleep for 1s
} catch (Exception e){}
try {
fs.delete(touchPath, false); // delete the touch file
//TODO Search for a better touch utility
fs.create(touchPath).close(); // recreate it
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected String getIdentifier() {
private static Path getFilePath(String id) {
return new Path(tempDir, id);
private static Path getInitFilePath(String id) {
return new Path(tempDir, id + ".init");
public void initialize(Configuration conf, ResourceUsageMetrics metrics,
ResourceCalculatorPlugin monitor, Progressive progress) {
// add some time between 2 calls to initialize()
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // sleep for 1s
} catch (Exception e){}
try {
fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
Path initPath = getInitFilePath(getIdentifier());
fs.delete(initPath, false); // delete the old file
fs.create(initPath).close(); // create a new one
touchPath = getFilePath(getIdentifier());
fs.delete(touchPath, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (fs != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe){}
// test if the emulation framework successfully loaded this plugin
static long testInitialization(String id, Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
Path testPath = getInitFilePath(id);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
return fs.exists(testPath)
? fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getModificationTime()
: 0;
// test if the emulation framework successfully loaded this plugin
static long testEmulation(String id, Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
Path testPath = getFilePath(id);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
return fs.exists(testPath)
? fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getModificationTime()
: 0;
public float getProgress() {
try {
return fs.exists(touchPath) ? 1.0f : 0f;
} catch (IOException ioe) {}
return 0f;
* Test implementation of {@link ResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin} which creates
* a file named 'others' in the test directory.
static class TestOthers extends TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin {
static final String ID = "others";
protected String getIdentifier() {
return ID;
* Test implementation of {@link ResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin} which creates
* a file named 'cpu' in the test directory.
static class TestCpu extends TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin {
static final String ID = "cpu";
protected String getIdentifier() {
return ID;
* Test {@link ResourceUsageMatcher}.
public void testResourceUsageMatcher() throws Exception {
ResourceUsageMatcher matcher = new ResourceUsageMatcher();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
matcher.configure(conf, null, null, null);
String id = TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER;
long result =
TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testInitialization(id, conf);
assertTrue("Resource usage matcher failed to initialize the configured"
+ " plugin", result > currentTime);
result = TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testEmulation(id, conf);
assertTrue("Resource usage matcher failed to load and emulate the"
+ " configured plugin", result > currentTime);
// test plugin order to first emulate cpu and then others
TestCpu.class.getName() + "," + TestOthers.class.getName());
matcher.configure(conf, null, null, null);
// test the initialization order
long time1 =
TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testInitialization(TestCpu.ID, conf);
long time2 =
assertTrue("Resource usage matcher failed to initialize the configured"
+ " plugins in order", time1 < time2);
// Note that the cpu usage emulator plugin is configured 1st and then the
// others plugin.
time1 =
TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testInitialization(TestCpu.ID, conf);
time2 =
assertTrue("Resource usage matcher failed to load the configured plugins",
time1 < time2);
* Fakes the cumulative usage using {@link FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore}.
static class FakeResourceUsageMonitor extends DummyResourceCalculatorPlugin {
private FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore core;
public FakeResourceUsageMonitor(FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore core) {
this.core = core;
* A dummy CPU usage monitor. Every call to
* {@link ResourceCalculatorPlugin#getCumulativeCpuTime()} will return the
* value of {@link FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore#getNumCalls()}.
public long getCumulativeCpuTime() {
return core.getCpuUsage();
* Returns a {@link ProcResourceValues} with cumulative cpu usage
* computed using {@link #getCumulativeCpuTime()}.
public ProcResourceValues getProcResourceValues() {
long usageValue = getCumulativeCpuTime();
return new ProcResourceValues(usageValue, -1, -1);
* A dummy {@link Progressive} implementation that allows users to set the
* progress for testing. The {@link Progressive#getProgress()} call will
* return the last progress value set using
* {@link FakeProgressive#setProgress(float)}.
static class FakeProgressive implements Progressive {
private float progress = 0F;
public float getProgress() {
return progress;
void setProgress(float progress) {
this.progress = progress;
* A dummy reporter for {@link LoadJob.ResourceUsageMatcherRunner}.
private static class DummyReporter extends StatusReporter {
private Progressive progress;
DummyReporter(Progressive progress) {
this.progress = progress;
public org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter getCounter(Enum<?> name) {
return null;
public org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter getCounter(String group,
String name) {
return null;
public void progress() {
public float getProgress() {
return progress.getProgress();
public void setStatus(String status) {
// Extends ResourceUsageMatcherRunner for testing.
private static class FakeResourceUsageMatcherRunner
extends ResourceUsageMatcherRunner {
FakeResourceUsageMatcherRunner(TaskInputOutputContext context,
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics) {
super(context, metrics);
// test ResourceUsageMatcherRunner
void test() throws Exception {
* Test {@link LoadJob.ResourceUsageMatcherRunner}.
public void testResourceUsageMatcherRunner() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FakeProgressive progress = new FakeProgressive();
// set the resource calculator plugin
// set the resources
// set the resource implementation class
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// initialize the matcher class
TaskAttemptID id = new TaskAttemptID("test", 1, TaskType.MAP, 1, 1);
StatusReporter reporter = new DummyReporter(progress);
TaskInputOutputContext context =
new MapContextImpl(conf, id, null, null, null, reporter, null);
FakeResourceUsageMatcherRunner matcher =
new FakeResourceUsageMatcherRunner(context, null);
// check if the matcher initialized the plugin
String identifier = TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER;
long initTime =
TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testInitialization(identifier, conf);
assertTrue("ResourceUsageMatcherRunner failed to initialize the"
+ " configured plugin", initTime > currentTime);
// check the progress
assertEquals("Progress mismatch in ResourceUsageMatcherRunner",
0, progress.getProgress(), 0D);
// call match() and check progress
currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long emulateTime =
TestResourceUsageEmulatorPlugin.testEmulation(identifier, conf);
assertTrue("ProgressBasedResourceUsageMatcher failed to load and emulate"
+ " the configured plugin", emulateTime > currentTime);
* Test {@link CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin}'s core CPU usage emulation
* engine.
public void testCpuUsageEmulator() throws IOException {
// test CpuUsageEmulator calibration with fake resource calculator plugin
long target = 100000L; // 100 secs
int unitUsage = 50;
FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore fakeCpuEmulator = new FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore();
FakeResourceUsageMonitor fakeMonitor =
new FakeResourceUsageMonitor(fakeCpuEmulator);
// calibrate for 100ms
fakeCpuEmulator.calibrate(fakeMonitor, target);
// by default, CpuUsageEmulator.calibrate() will consume 100ms of CPU usage
assertEquals("Fake calibration failed",
100, fakeMonitor.getCumulativeCpuTime());
assertEquals("Fake calibration failed",
100, fakeCpuEmulator.getCpuUsage());
// by default, CpuUsageEmulator.performUnitComputation() will be called
// twice
assertEquals("Fake calibration failed",
2, fakeCpuEmulator.getNumCalls());
* This is a dummy class that fakes CPU usage.
private static class FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore
extends DefaultCpuUsageEmulator {
private int numCalls = 0;
private int unitUsage = 1;
private int cpuUsage = 0;
protected void performUnitComputation() {
cpuUsage += unitUsage;
int getNumCalls() {
return numCalls;
int getCpuUsage() {
return cpuUsage;
void reset() {
numCalls = 0;
cpuUsage = 0;
void setUnitUsage(int unitUsage) {
this.unitUsage = unitUsage;
// Creates a ResourceUsageMetrics object from the target usage
static ResourceUsageMetrics createMetrics(long target) {
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics = new ResourceUsageMetrics();
return metrics;
* Test {@link CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin}.
public void testCumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
long targetCpuUsage = 1000L;
int unitCpuUsage = 50;
// fake progress indicator
FakeProgressive fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive();
// fake cpu usage generator
FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore fakeCore = new FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore();
// a cumulative cpu usage emulator with fake core
CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin cpuPlugin =
new CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin(fakeCore);
// test with invalid or missing resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics invalidUsage = createMetrics(0);
cpuPlugin.initialize(conf, invalidUsage, null, null);
// test if disabled cpu emulation plugin's emulate() call is a no-operation
// this will test if the emulation plugin is disabled or not
int numCallsPre = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long cpuUsagePre = fakeCore.getCpuUsage();
int numCallsPost = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long cpuUsagePost = fakeCore.getCpuUsage();
// test if no calls are made cpu usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation plugin works!",
numCallsPre, numCallsPost);
// test if no calls are made cpu usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation plugin works!",
cpuUsagePre, cpuUsagePost);
// test with get progress
float progress = cpuPlugin.getProgress();
assertEquals("Invalid progress of disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation "
+ "plugin!", 1.0f, progress, 0f);
// test with valid resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics = createMetrics(targetCpuUsage);
// fake monitor
ResourceCalculatorPlugin monitor = new FakeResourceUsageMonitor(fakeCore);
// test with default emulation interval
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, cpuPlugin,
targetCpuUsage, targetCpuUsage / unitCpuUsage);
// test with custom value for emulation interval of 20%
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, cpuPlugin,
targetCpuUsage, targetCpuUsage / unitCpuUsage);
// test if emulation interval boundary is respected (unit usage = 1)
// test the case where the current progress is less than threshold
fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive(); // initialize
cpuPlugin.initialize(conf, metrics, monitor, fakeProgress);
// take a snapshot after the initialization
long initCpuUsage = monitor.getCumulativeCpuTime();
long initNumCalls = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
// test with 0 progress
testEmulationBoundary(0F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, initCpuUsage,
initNumCalls, "[no-op, 0 progress]");
// test with 24% progress
testEmulationBoundary(0.24F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin,
initCpuUsage, initNumCalls, "[no-op, 24% progress]");
// test with 25% progress
// target = 1000ms, target emulation at 25% = 250ms,
// weighed target = 1000 * 0.25^4 (we are using progress^4 as the weight)
// ~ 4
// but current usage = init-usage = 100, hence expected = 100
testEmulationBoundary(0.25F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin,
initCpuUsage, initNumCalls, "[op, 25% progress]");
// test with 80% progress
// target = 1000ms, target emulation at 80% = 800ms,
// weighed target = 1000 * 0.25^4 (we are using progress^4 as the weight)
// ~ 410
// current-usage = init-usage = 100, hence expected-usage = 410
testEmulationBoundary(0.80F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, 410, 410,
"[op, 80% progress]");
// now test if the final call with 100% progress ramps up the CPU usage
testEmulationBoundary(1F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, targetCpuUsage,
targetCpuUsage, "[op, 100% progress]");
// test if emulation interval boundary is respected (unit usage = 50)
// test the case where the current progress is less than threshold
fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive(); // initialize
cpuPlugin.initialize(conf, metrics, monitor, fakeProgress);
// take a snapshot after the initialization
initCpuUsage = monitor.getCumulativeCpuTime();
initNumCalls = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
// test with 0 progress
testEmulationBoundary(0F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, initCpuUsage,
initNumCalls, "[no-op, 0 progress]");
// test with 39% progress
testEmulationBoundary(0.39F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin,
initCpuUsage, initNumCalls, "[no-op, 39% progress]");
// test with 40% progress
// target = 1000ms, target emulation at 40% = 4000ms,
// weighed target = 1000 * 0.40^4 (we are using progress^4 as the weight)
// ~ 26
// current-usage = init-usage = 100, hence expected-usage = 100
testEmulationBoundary(0.40F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin,
initCpuUsage, initNumCalls, "[op, 40% progress]");
// test with 90% progress
// target = 1000ms, target emulation at 90% = 900ms,
// weighed target = 1000 * 0.90^4 (we are using progress^4 as the weight)
// ~ 657
// current-usage = init-usage = 100, hence expected-usage = 657 but
// the fake-core increases in steps of 50, hence final target = 700
testEmulationBoundary(0.90F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, 700,
700 / unitCpuUsage, "[op, 90% progress]");
// now test if the final call with 100% progress ramps up the CPU usage
testEmulationBoundary(1F, fakeCore, fakeProgress, cpuPlugin, targetCpuUsage,
targetCpuUsage / unitCpuUsage, "[op, 100% progress]");
// test whether the CPU usage emulator achieves the desired target using
// desired calls to the underling core engine.
private static void testEmulationAccuracy(Configuration conf,
FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore fakeCore,
ResourceCalculatorPlugin monitor,
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics,
CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin cpuPlugin,
long expectedTotalCpuUsage, long expectedTotalNumCalls)
throws Exception {
FakeProgressive fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive();
cpuPlugin.initialize(conf, metrics, monitor, fakeProgress);
int numLoops = 0;
while (fakeProgress.getProgress() < 1) {
float progress = (float)numLoops / 100;
// test if the resource plugin shows the expected invocations
assertEquals("Cumulative cpu usage emulator plugin failed (num calls)!",
expectedTotalNumCalls, fakeCore.getNumCalls(), 0L);
// test if the resource plugin shows the expected usage
assertEquals("Cumulative cpu usage emulator plugin failed (total usage)!",
expectedTotalCpuUsage, fakeCore.getCpuUsage(), 0L);
// tests if the CPU usage emulation plugin emulates only at the expected
// progress gaps
private static void testEmulationBoundary(float progress,
FakeCpuUsageEmulatorCore fakeCore, FakeProgressive fakeProgress,
CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin cpuPlugin, long expectedTotalCpuUsage,
long expectedTotalNumCalls, String info) throws Exception {
assertEquals("Emulation interval test for cpu usage failed " + info + "!",
expectedTotalCpuUsage, fakeCore.getCpuUsage(), 0L);
assertEquals("Emulation interval test for num calls failed " + info + "!",
expectedTotalNumCalls, fakeCore.getNumCalls(), 0L);