blob: 611e0b08773b8a5305bdf40089f9bfae240900ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.orm;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.SqoopOptions;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.manager.ConnManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.manager.SqlManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.lib.BigDecimalSerializer;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.lib.JdbcWritableBridge;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.lib.FieldFormatter;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.lib.RecordParser;
import org.apache.hadoop.sqoop.lib.SqoopRecord;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* Creates an ORM class to represent a table from a database
public class ClassWriter {
public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ClassWriter.class.getName());
// The following are keywords and cannot be used for class, method, or field
// names.
public static final HashSet<String> JAVA_RESERVED_WORDS;
static {
JAVA_RESERVED_WORDS = new HashSet<String>();
* This version number is injected into all generated Java classes to denote
* which version of the ClassWriter's output format was used to generate the
* class.
* If the way that we generate classes, bump this number.
public static final int CLASS_WRITER_VERSION = 2;
private SqoopOptions options;
private ConnManager connManager;
private String tableName;
private CompilationManager compileManager;
* Creates a new ClassWriter to generate an ORM class for a table.
* @param opts program-wide options
* @param connMgr the connection manager used to describe the table.
* @param table the name of the table to read.
public ClassWriter(final SqoopOptions opts, final ConnManager connMgr,
final String table, final CompilationManager compMgr) {
this.options = opts;
this.connManager = connMgr;
this.tableName = table;
this.compileManager = compMgr;
* Given some character that can't be in an identifier,
* try to map it to a string that can.
* @param c a character that can't be in a Java identifier
* @return a string of characters that can, or null if there's
* no good translation.
static String getIdentifierStrForChar(char c) {
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
return "" + c;
} else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
// Eliminate whitespace.
return null;
} else {
// All other characters map to underscore.
return "_";
* @param word a word to test.
* @return true if 'word' is reserved the in Java language.
private static boolean isReservedWord(String word) {
return JAVA_RESERVED_WORDS.contains(word);
* Coerce a candidate name for an identifier into one which will
* definitely compile.
* Ensures that the returned identifier matches [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*
* and is not a reserved word.
* @param candidate A string we want to use as an identifier
* @return A string naming an identifier which compiles and is
* similar to the candidate.
public static String toIdentifier(String candidate) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (char c : candidate.toCharArray()) {
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) && first) {
// Ok for this to be the first character of the identifier.
first = false;
} else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && !first) {
// Ok for this character to be in the output identifier.
} else {
// We have a character in the original that can't be
// part of this identifier we're building.
// If it's just not allowed to be the first char, add a leading '_'.
// If we have a reasonable translation (e.g., '-' -> '_'), do that.
// Otherwise, drop it.
if (first && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)
&& !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) {
first = false;
} else {
// Try to map this to a different character or string.
// If we can't just give up.
String translated = getIdentifierStrForChar(c);
if (null != translated) {
first = false;
String output = sb.toString();
if (isReservedWord(output)) {
// e.g., 'class' -> '_class';
return "_" + output;
return output;
* @param javaType
* @return the name of the method of JdbcWritableBridge to read an entry with a given java type.
private String dbGetterForType(String javaType) {
// All Class-based types (e.g., java.math.BigDecimal) are handled with
// "readBar" where is the canonical class name.
// Turn the javaType string into the getter type string.
String [] parts = javaType.split("\\.");
if (parts.length == 0) {
LOG.error("No ResultSet method for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
String lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];
try {
String getter = "read" + Character.toUpperCase(lastPart.charAt(0)) + lastPart.substring(1);
return getter;
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oob) {
// lastPart.*() doesn't work on empty strings.
LOG.error("Could not infer JdbcWritableBridge getter for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
* @param javaType
* @return the name of the method of JdbcWritableBridge to write an entry with a given java type.
private String dbSetterForType(String javaType) {
// TODO(aaron): Lots of unit tests needed here.
// See dbGetterForType() for the logic used here; it's basically the same.
String [] parts = javaType.split("\\.");
if (parts.length == 0) {
LOG.error("No PreparedStatement Set method for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
String lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];
try {
String setter = "write" + Character.toUpperCase(lastPart.charAt(0)) + lastPart.substring(1);
return setter;
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException oob) {
// lastPart.*() doesn't work on empty strings.
LOG.error("Could not infer PreparedStatement setter for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
private String stringifierForType(String javaType, String colName) {
if (javaType.equals("String")) {
return colName;
} else {
// this is an object type -- just call its toString() in a null-safe way.
return "\"\" + " + colName;
* @param javaType the type to read
* @param inputObj the name of the DataInput to read from
* @param colName the column name to read
* @return the line of code involving a DataInput object to read an entry with a given java type.
private String rpcGetterForType(String javaType, String inputObj, String colName) {
if (javaType.equals("Integer")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Integer.valueOf(" + inputObj + ".readInt());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Long")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Long.valueOf(" + inputObj + ".readLong());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Float")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Float.valueOf(" + inputObj + ".readFloat());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Double")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Double.valueOf(" + inputObj + ".readDouble());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Boolean")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Boolean.valueOf(" + inputObj + ".readBoolean());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("String")) {
return " this." + colName + " = Text.readString(" + inputObj + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Date")) {
return " this." + colName + " = new Date(" + inputObj + ".readLong());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Time")) {
return " this." + colName + " = new Time(" + inputObj + ".readLong());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) {
return " this." + colName + " = new Timestamp(" + inputObj + ".readLong());\n"
+ " this." + colName + ".setNanos(" + inputObj + ".readInt());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) {
return " this." + colName + " = " + BigDecimalSerializer.class.getCanonicalName()
+ ".readFields(" + inputObj + ");\n";
} else {
LOG.error("No ResultSet method for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
* Deserialize a possibly-null value from the DataInput stream
* @param javaType name of the type to deserialize if it's not null.
* @param inputObj name of the DataInput to read from
* @param colName the column name to read.
* @return
private String rpcGetterForMaybeNull(String javaType, String inputObj, String colName) {
return " if (" + inputObj + ".readBoolean()) { \n"
+ " this." + colName + " = null;\n"
+ " } else {\n"
+ rpcGetterForType(javaType, inputObj, colName)
+ " }\n";
* @param javaType the type to write
* @param inputObj the name of the DataOutput to write to
* @param colName the column name to write
* @return the line of code involving a DataOutput object to write an entry with
* a given java type.
private String rpcSetterForType(String javaType, String outputObj, String colName) {
if (javaType.equals("Integer")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeInt(this." + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Long")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeLong(this." + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Boolean")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeBoolean(this." + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Float")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeFloat(this." + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("Double")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeDouble(this." + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("String")) {
return " Text.writeString(" + outputObj + ", " + colName + ");\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Date")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeLong(this." + colName + ".getTime());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Time")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeLong(this." + colName + ".getTime());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) {
return " " + outputObj + ".writeLong(this." + colName + ".getTime());\n"
+ " " + outputObj + ".writeInt(this." + colName + ".getNanos());\n";
} else if (javaType.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) {
return " " + BigDecimalSerializer.class.getCanonicalName()
+ ".write(this." + colName + ", " + outputObj + ");\n";
} else {
LOG.error("No ResultSet method for Java type " + javaType);
return null;
* Serialize a possibly-null value to the DataOutput stream. First a boolean
* isNull is written, followed by the contents itself (if not null).
* @param javaType name of the type to deserialize if it's not null.
* @param inputObj name of the DataInput to read from
* @param colName the column name to read.
* @return
private String rpcSetterForMaybeNull(String javaType, String outputObj, String colName) {
return " if (null == this." + colName + ") { \n"
+ " " + outputObj + ".writeBoolean(true);\n"
+ " } else {\n"
+ " " + outputObj + ".writeBoolean(false);\n"
+ rpcSetterForType(javaType, outputObj, colName)
+ " }\n";
* Generate a member field and getter method for each column
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateFields(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("Cannot resolve SQL type " + sqlType);
sb.append(" private " + javaType + " " + col + ";\n");
sb.append(" public " + javaType + " get_" + col + "() {\n");
sb.append(" return " + col + ";\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
* Generate the readFields() method used by the database
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateDbRead(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" public void readFields(ResultSet __dbResults) throws SQLException {\n");
int fieldNum = 0;
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("No Java type for SQL type " + sqlType);
String getterMethod = dbGetterForType(javaType);
if (null == getterMethod) {
LOG.error("No db getter method for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" this." + col + " = JdbcWritableBridge." + getterMethod
+ "(" + fieldNum + ", __dbResults);\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
* Generate the write() method used by the database
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateDbWrite(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" public void write(PreparedStatement __dbStmt) throws SQLException {\n");
int fieldNum = 0;
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("No Java type for SQL type " + sqlType);
String setterMethod = dbSetterForType(javaType);
if (null == setterMethod) {
LOG.error("No db setter method for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" JdbcWritableBridge." + setterMethod + "(" + col + ", "
+ fieldNum + ", " + sqlType + ", __dbStmt);\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
* Generate the readFields() method used by the Hadoop RPC system
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateHadoopRead(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" public void readFields(DataInput __dataIn) throws IOException {\n");
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("No Java type for SQL type " + sqlType);
String getterMethod = rpcGetterForMaybeNull(javaType, "__dataIn", col);
if (null == getterMethod) {
LOG.error("No RPC getter method for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" }\n");
* Generate the toString() method
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateToString(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
// Embed the delimiters into the class, as characters...
sb.append(" private static final char __OUTPUT_FIELD_DELIM_CHAR = " +
+ (int)options.getOutputFieldDelim() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final char __OUTPUT_RECORD_DELIM_CHAR = "
+ (int)options.getOutputRecordDelim() + ";\n");
// as strings...
sb.append(" private static final String __OUTPUT_FIELD_DELIM = \"\" + (char) "
+ (int) options.getOutputFieldDelim() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final String __OUTPUT_RECORD_DELIM = \"\" + (char) "
+ (int) options.getOutputRecordDelim() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final String __OUTPUT_ENCLOSED_BY = \"\" + (char) "
+ (int) options.getOutputEnclosedBy() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final String __OUTPUT_ESCAPED_BY = \"\" + (char) "
+ (int) options.getOutputEscapedBy() + ";\n");
// and some more options.
sb.append(" private static final boolean __OUTPUT_ENCLOSE_REQUIRED = "
+ options.isOutputEncloseRequired() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final char [] __OUTPUT_DELIMITER_LIST = { "
// The actual toString() method itself follows.
sb.append(" public String toString() {\n");
sb.append(" StringBuilder __sb = new StringBuilder();\n");
boolean first = true;
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("No Java type for SQL type " + sqlType);
if (!first) {
// print inter-field tokens.
sb.append(" __sb.append(__OUTPUT_FIELD_DELIM);\n");
first = false;
String stringExpr = stringifierForType(javaType, col);
if (null == stringExpr) {
LOG.error("No toString method for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" __sb.append(FieldFormatter.escapeAndEnclose(" + stringExpr
sb.append(" __sb.append(__OUTPUT_RECORD_DELIM);\n");
sb.append(" return __sb.toString();\n");
sb.append(" }\n");
* Helper method for generateParser(). Writes out the parse() method for one particular
* type we support as an input string-ish type.
private void generateParseMethod(String typ, StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" public void parse(" + typ + " __record) throws RecordParser.ParseError {\n");
sb.append(" if (null == this.__parser) {\n");
sb.append(" this.__parser = new RecordParser(__INPUT_FIELD_DELIM_CHAR, ");
sb.append(" }\n");
sb.append(" List<String> __fields = this.__parser.parseRecord(__record);\n");
sb.append(" __loadFromFields(__fields);\n");
sb.append(" }\n\n");
* Helper method for parseColumn(). Interpret the string 'null' as a null
* for a particular column.
private void parseNullVal(String colName, StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" if (__cur_str.equals(\"null\")) { this.");
sb.append(" = null; } else {\n");
* Helper method for generateParser(). Generates the code that loads one field of
* a specified name and type from the next element of the field strings list.
private void parseColumn(String colName, int colType, StringBuilder sb) {
// assume that we have __it and __cur_str vars, based on __loadFromFields() code.
sb.append(" __cur_str =;\n");
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(colType);
parseNullVal(colName, sb);
if (javaType.equals("String")) {
// TODO(aaron): Distinguish between 'null' and null. Currently they both set the
// actual object to null.
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = __cur_str;\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("Integer")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = Integer.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("Long")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = Long.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("Float")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = Float.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("Double")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = Double.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("Boolean")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = Boolean.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Date")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = java.sql.Date.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Time")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = java.sql.Time.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(__cur_str);\n");
} else if (javaType.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) {
sb.append(" this." + colName + " = new java.math.BigDecimal(__cur_str);\n");
} else {
LOG.error("No parser available for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" }\n\n"); // the closing '{' based on code in parseNullVal();
* Generate the parse() method
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateParser(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
// Embed into the class the delimiter characters to use when parsing input records.
// Note that these can differ from the delims to use as output via toString(), if
// the user wants to use this class to convert one format to another.
sb.append(" private static final char __INPUT_FIELD_DELIM_CHAR = " +
+ (int)options.getInputFieldDelim() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final char __INPUT_RECORD_DELIM_CHAR = "
+ (int)options.getInputRecordDelim() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final char __INPUT_ENCLOSED_BY_CHAR = "
+ (int)options.getInputEnclosedBy() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final char __INPUT_ESCAPED_BY_CHAR = "
+ (int)options.getInputEscapedBy() + ";\n");
sb.append(" private static final boolean __INPUT_ENCLOSE_REQUIRED = "
+ options.isInputEncloseRequired() + ";\n");
// The parser object which will do the heavy lifting for field splitting.
sb.append(" private RecordParser __parser;\n");
// Generate wrapper methods which will invoke the parser.
generateParseMethod("Text", sb);
generateParseMethod("CharSequence", sb);
generateParseMethod("byte []", sb);
generateParseMethod("char []", sb);
generateParseMethod("ByteBuffer", sb);
generateParseMethod("CharBuffer", sb);
// The wrapper methods call __loadFromFields() to actually interpret the raw
// field data as string, int, boolean, etc. The generation of this method is
// type-dependent for the fields.
sb.append(" private void __loadFromFields(List<String> fields) {\n");
sb.append(" Iterator<String> __it = fields.listIterator();\n");
sb.append(" String __cur_str;\n");
for (String colName : colNames) {
int colType = columnTypes.get(colName);
parseColumn(colName, colType, sb);
sb.append(" }\n\n");
* Generate the write() method used by the Hadoop RPC system
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @param sb - StringBuilder to append code to
private void generateHadoopWrite(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes, String [] colNames,
StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(" public void write(DataOutput __dataOut) throws IOException {\n");
for (String col : colNames) {
int sqlType = columnTypes.get(col);
String javaType = connManager.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (null == javaType) {
LOG.error("No Java type for SQL type " + sqlType);
String setterMethod = rpcSetterForMaybeNull(javaType, "__dataOut", col);
if (null == setterMethod) {
LOG.error("No RPC setter method for Java type " + javaType);
sb.append(" }\n");
* Generate the ORM code for the class.
public void generate() throws IOException {
Map<String, Integer> columnTypes = connManager.getColumnTypes(tableName);
String [] colNames = options.getColumns();
if (null == colNames) {
colNames = connManager.getColumnNames(tableName);
// Translate all the column names into names that are safe to
// use as identifiers.
String [] cleanedColNames = new String[colNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) {
String col = colNames[i];
String identifier = toIdentifier(col);
cleanedColNames[i] = identifier;
// make sure the col->type mapping holds for the
// new identifier name, too.
columnTypes.put(identifier, columnTypes.get(col));
// Generate the Java code
StringBuilder sb = generateClassForColumns(columnTypes, cleanedColNames);
// Write this out to a file.
String codeOutDir = options.getCodeOutputDir();
// Get the class name to generate, which includes package components
String className = new TableClassName(options).getClassForTable(tableName);
// convert the '.' characters to '/' characters
String sourceFilename = className.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".java";
String filename = codeOutDir + sourceFilename;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Writing source file: " + filename);
LOG.debug("Table name: " + tableName);
StringBuilder sbColTypes = new StringBuilder();
for (String col : colNames) {
Integer colType = columnTypes.get(col);
sbColTypes.append(col + ":" + colType + ", ");
String colTypeStr = sbColTypes.toString();
LOG.debug("Columns: " + colTypeStr);
LOG.debug("sourceFilename is " + sourceFilename);
// Create any missing parent directories.
File file = new File(filename);
String dirname = file.getParent();
if (null != dirname) {
boolean mkdirSuccess = new File(dirname).mkdirs();
if (!mkdirSuccess) {
LOG.debug("Could not create directory tree for " + dirname);
OutputStream ostream = null;
Writer writer = null;
try {
ostream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(ostream);
} finally {
if (null != writer) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ignored because we're closing.
if (null != ostream) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// ignored because we're closing.
* Generate the ORM code for a table object containing the named columns
* @param columnTypes - mapping from column names to sql types
* @param colNames - ordered list of column names for table.
* @return - A StringBuilder that contains the text of the class code.
public StringBuilder generateClassForColumns(Map<String, Integer> columnTypes,
String [] colNames) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("// ORM class for " + tableName + "\n");
sb.append("// WARNING: This class is AUTO-GENERATED. Modify at your own risk.\n");
TableClassName tableNameInfo = new TableClassName(options);
String packageName = tableNameInfo.getPackageForTable();
if (null != packageName) {
sb.append("package ");
sb.append("import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.db.DBWritable;\n");
sb.append("import " + JdbcWritableBridge.class.getCanonicalName() + ";\n");
sb.append("import " + FieldFormatter.class.getCanonicalName() + ";\n");
sb.append("import " + RecordParser.class.getCanonicalName() + ";\n");
sb.append("import " + SqoopRecord.class.getCanonicalName() + ";\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.PreparedStatement;\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.ResultSet;\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.SQLException;\n");
sb.append("import java.nio.ByteBuffer;\n");
sb.append("import java.nio.CharBuffer;\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.Date;\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.Time;\n");
sb.append("import java.sql.Timestamp;\n");
sb.append("import java.util.Iterator;\n");
sb.append("import java.util.List;\n");
String className = tableNameInfo.getShortClassForTable(tableName);
sb.append("public class " + className + " implements DBWritable, SqoopRecord, Writable {\n");
sb.append(" public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION = " + CLASS_WRITER_VERSION + ";\n");
generateFields(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateDbRead(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateDbWrite(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateHadoopRead(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateHadoopWrite(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateToString(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
generateParser(columnTypes, colNames, sb);
// TODO(aaron): Generate hashCode(), compareTo(), equals() so it can be a WritableComparable
return sb;