blob: ebbf773b1333b3643f2de31245aa73e208ad88f5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="testConf.xsl"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Normal mode is test. To run just the commands and dump the output
to the log, set it to nocompare -->
<!-- Comparator types:
<description>Test basic usage</description>
<expected-output>Usage: bin/hdfs crypto [COMMAND]</expected-output>
<description>Test create ez, dir doesn't exist</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /test</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /test -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<expected-output>cannot find /test</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of create ez on an existing ez</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /foo -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /foo -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo</command>
<expected-output>Directory /foo is already in an encryption zone</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of Create EZ operation in an existing EZ.</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -keyName myKey -path /foo</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo/bar</command>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -keyName myKey -path /foo/bar</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo/bar</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo</command>
<expected-output>Directory /foo/bar is already in an encryption zone. (/foo)</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of creating an EZ using a non-empty directory.</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz /foo/bar</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -keyName myKey -path /foo</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rm /foo/bar</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo</command>
<expected-output>Attempt to create an encryption zone for a non-empty directory.</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of creating an EZ passing a key that doesn't exist.</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /foo -keyName doesntexist</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo</command>
<expected-output>Key doesntexist doesn't exist.</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of creating an EZ no path is specified.</description>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -keyName blahKey</crypto-admin-command>
<expected-output>You must specify a path</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of creating an EZ no key is specified.</description>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /foo</crypto-admin-command>
<expected-output>You must specify a key name</expected-output>
<description>Test success of creating an encryption zone a few levels down.</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo/bar</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /foo/bar/baz</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /foo/bar/baz -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo/bar/baz</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo/bar</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /foo/</command>
<expected-output>Added encryption zone /foo/bar/baz</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of renaming file cross EZ's</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /dst</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /src -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /dst -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src/subdir</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mv /src/subdir /dst</command>-
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src/subdir</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /dst</command>
<expected-output>/src/subdir can't be moved from encryption zone /src to encryption zone /dst.</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of renaming a non-EZ file into an EZ</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /dst</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /dst -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mv /src /dst</command>-
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /dst</command>
<expected-output>/src can't be moved into an encryption zone</expected-output>
<description>Test failure of renaming a non-EZ file from an EZ</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /dst</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -ls /</command>-
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /src -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mv /src /dst</command>-
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /dst</command>
<expected-output>/src can't be moved from an encryption zone</expected-output>
<description>Test success of renaming file intra-EZ</description>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src</command>
<crypto-admin-command>-createZone -path /src -keyName myKey</crypto-admin-command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src/subdir1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mkdir /src/subdir2</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -mv /src/subdir1 /src/subdir2</command>-
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src/subdir2/subdir1</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src/subdir2</command>
<command>-fs NAMENODE -rmdir /src</command>