blob: 260d8add2875d11db05561a88ecf1e2f38d86e51 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: default
permalink: /release/release-notes-:title
{% assign latest = site.releases | where: 'released', 'true' | sort: 'date' | last %}
<div class="legacy-release-note">
<p><strong>The release below is from prior to Guacamole's acceptance into
the Apache Incubator.</strong> It is not an Apache Software Foundation
release, and is licensed under the <a
href="">MIT license</a>. The latest
release of Apache Guacamole is <a href="{{ latest.url }}">{{
latest.title }}</a>.</p>
<div id="links">
<!-- Compatible extensions -->
{% include legacy-download-list.html
title="Compatible extensions"
entries=page.extensions %}
<!-- Binary .war -->
{% include legacy-download-list.html
title="Web application (.war)"
entries=page.binary-war %}
<!-- Source archives -->
{% include legacy-download-list.html
entries=page.source-archives %}
<!-- Documentation -->
{% include link-list.html
title="Release documentation"
entries=page.documentation %}
<h1>Guacamole {{ page.title }}</h1>
{{ content }}