blob: 263b616a42fb8976890acbd7113788b845f8f8cb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Parse .keymap files, producing corresponding .c files that can be included
# into the RDP plugin source.
# We need at least Perl 5.8 for Unicode's sake
use 5.008;
sub keymap_symbol {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
return 'guac_rdp_keymap_' . $name;
# _generated_keymaps.c
my @keymaps = ();
open OUTPUT, ">", "_generated_keymaps.c";
print OUTPUT
'#include "config.h"' . "\n"
. '#include "rdp_keymap.h"' . "\n"
. '#include <freerdp/input.h>' . "\n"
. "\n"
. '#include <freerdp/locale/keyboard.h>' . "\n"
. '#else' . "\n"
. '#include <freerdp/kbd/layouts.h>' . "\n"
. '#endif' . "\n"
. "\n"
. '#include <stddef.h>' . "\n"
. "\n";
for my $filename (@ARGV) {
my $content = "";
my $parent = "";
my $layout_name = "";
my $freerdp = "";
# Parse file
open INPUT, '<', "$filename";
binmode INPUT, ":encoding(utf8)";
while (<INPUT>) {
# Comments
if (m/^\s*#/) {}
# Name
elsif ((my $name) = m/^\s*name\s+"(.*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$/) {
$layout_name = $name;
# Parent map
elsif ((my $name) = m/^\s*parent\s+"(.*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$/) {
$parent = keymap_symbol($name);
# FreeRDP equiv
elsif ((my $name) = m/^\s*freerdp\s+"(.*)"\s*(?:#.*)?$/) {
$freerdp = $name;
# Map
elsif ((my $range, my $onto) =
m/^\s*map\s+([^~]*)\s+~\s+(".*"|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*(?:#.*)?$/) {
my @keysyms = ();
my @scancodes = ();
my $ext_flags = 0;
my $set_shift = 0;
my $set_altgr = 0;
my $set_num = 0;
my $clear_shift = 0;
my $clear_altgr = 0;
my $clear_num = 0;
# Parse ranges and options
foreach $_ (split(/\s+/, $range)) {
# Set option/modifier
if ((my $opt) = m/^\+([a-z]+)$/) {
if ($opt eq "shift") { $set_shift = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "altgr") { $set_altgr = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "num") { $set_num = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "ext") { $ext_flags = 1; }
else {
die "$filename: $.: ERROR: "
. "Invalid set option\n";
# Clear option/modifier
elsif ((my $opt) = m/^-([a-z]+)$/) {
if ($opt eq "shift") { $clear_shift = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "altgr") { $clear_altgr = 1; }
elsif ($opt eq "num") { $clear_num = 1; }
else {
die "$filename: $.: ERROR: "
. "Invalid clear option\n";
# Single scancode
elsif ((my $scancode) = m/^(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/) {
$scancodes[++$#scancodes] = hex($scancode);
# Range of scancodes
elsif ((my $start, my $end) =
m/^(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\.\.(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/) {
for (my $i=hex($start); $i<=hex($end); $i++) {
$scancodes[++$#scancodes] = $i;
# Invalid token
else {
die "$filename: $.: ERROR: "
. "Invalid token\n";
# Parse onto
if ($onto =~ m/^0x/) {
$keysyms[0] = hex($onto);
else {
foreach my $char (split('',
substr($onto, 1, length($onto)-2))) {
my $codepoint = ord($char);
if ($codepoint >= 0x0100) {
$keysyms[++$#keysyms] = 0x01000000 | $codepoint;
else {
$keysyms[++$#keysyms] = $codepoint;
# Check mapping
if ($#keysyms != $#scancodes) {
die "$filename: $.: ERROR: "
. "Keysym and scancode range lengths differ\n";
# Write keysym/scancode pairs
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#keysyms; $i++) {
$content .= " {"
. " .keysym = " . $keysyms[$i] . ","
. " .scancode = " . $scancodes[$i];
# Set requirements
if ($set_shift && !$set_altgr) {
$content .= ", .set_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_SHIFT";
elsif (!$set_shift && $set_altgr) {
$content .= ", .set_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_ALTGR";
elsif ($set_shift && $set_altgr) {
$content .= ", .set_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_SHIFT_ALTGR";
# Clear requirements
if ($clear_shift && !$clear_altgr) {
$content .= ", .clear_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_ALL_SHIFT";
elsif (!$clear_shift && $clear_altgr) {
$content .= ", .clear_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_ALTGR";
elsif ($clear_shift && $clear_altgr) {
$content .= ", .clear_keysyms = GUAC_KEYSYMS_ALL_SHIFT_ALTGR";
# Set locks
if ($set_num) {
$content .= ", .set_locks = KBD_SYNC_NUM_LOCK";
# Clear locks
if ($clear_num) {
$content .= ", .clear_locks = KBD_SYNC_NUM_LOCK";
# Flags
if ($ext_flags) {
$content .= ", .flags = KBD_FLAGS_EXTENDED";
$content .= " },\n";
# Invalid token
elsif (m/\S/) {
die "$filename: $.: ERROR: "
. "Invalid token\n";
close INPUT;
# Header
my $sym = keymap_symbol($layout_name);
print OUTPUT
. '/* Autogenerated from ' . $filename . ' */' . "\n"
. 'static guac_rdp_keysym_desc __' . $sym . '[] = {' . "\n"
. $content
. ' {0}' . "\n"
. '};' . "\n";
# Desc header
print OUTPUT "\n"
. 'static const guac_rdp_keymap ' . $sym . ' = { ' . "\n";
# Layout name
print OUTPUT " .name = \"$layout_name\",\n";
# Parent layout (if any)
if ($parent) {
print OUTPUT " .parent = &$parent,\n";
# FreeRDP layout (if any)
if ($freerdp) {
print OUTPUT " .freerdp_keyboard_layout = $freerdp,\n";
# Desc footer
print OUTPUT
' .mapping = __' . $sym . "\n"
. '};' . "\n";
$keymaps[++$#keymaps] = $sym;
print STDERR "Added: $layout_name\n";
print OUTPUT "\n"
. 'const guac_rdp_keymap* GUAC_KEYMAPS[] = {' . "\n";
foreach my $keymap (@keymaps) {
print OUTPUT " &$keymap,\n";
print OUTPUT
' NULL' . "\n"
. '};' . "\n";
close OUTPUT;