GUACAMOLE-249: Use ReadColor() / WriteColor() around FreeRDPConvertColor().

The latter expects color input to be in an intermediate representation
resulting from using ReadColor(), and produces color output which cannot
be used until converted back with WriteColor().
diff --git a/src/protocols/rdp/color.c b/src/protocols/rdp/color.c
index cfe8d34..9befcfb 100644
--- a/src/protocols/rdp/color.c
+++ b/src/protocols/rdp/color.c
@@ -45,11 +45,23 @@
 UINT32 guac_rdp_convert_color(rdpContext* context, UINT32 color) {
     int depth = guac_rdp_get_depth(context->instance);
+    int src_format = gdi_get_pixel_format(depth);
+    int dst_format = guac_rdp_get_native_pixel_format(TRUE);
     rdpGdi* gdi = context->gdi;
-    /* Convert given color to ARGB32 */
-    return FreeRDPConvertColor(color, gdi_get_pixel_format(depth),
-            guac_rdp_get_native_pixel_format(TRUE), &gdi->palette);
+    /* Convert provided color into the intermediate representation expected by
+     * FreeRDPConvertColor() */
+    UINT32 intermed = ReadColor((BYTE*) &color, src_format);
+    /* Convert color from RDP source format to the native format used by Cairo,
+     * still maintaining intermediate representation */
+    intermed = FreeRDPConvertColor(intermed, src_format, dst_format,
+            &gdi->palette);
+    /* Convert color from intermediate representation to the actual desired
+     * format */
+    WriteColor((BYTE*) &color, dst_format, intermed);
+    return color;